72 research outputs found


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    Os sistemas de transporte podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento do país, pois impulsionam o crescimento do PIB. No Brasil o transporte hidroviário é pouco utilizado para a movimentação de produtos, no mercado interno, se destacando somente para escoamento de mercadorias para os mercados externos. A modalidade de transporte hidroviário é indicada para movimentação de cargas a granéis, além de possuir a capacidade de se movimentar grandes quantidades. O Brasil possui uma grande quantidade de portos e terminais, mais somente alguns são utilizados durante o ano, o porto de Presidente Epitácio já foi muito utilizado como rota de transporte de produtos agrícolas, no entanto, apresentou um declínio na sua utilização nos últimos anos, mesmo se mostrando uma ótima opção. A pesquisa teve como proposta analisar as vantagens da modalidade hidroviária, assim como a utilização do terminal portuário de Presidente Epitácio, identificando os gargalos que ocasionam o atual baixo fluxo de cargas. A análise de campo concluiu que a movimentação de carga é pequena, se comparada com sua capacidade de movimentação. Um dos motivos da sua baixa participação no transporte nacional ocorre pela preferência do modal rodoviário, e pelo fato da ferrovia estar paralisada, mais que provavelmente ainda 2009 será reativada

    Effect of Oral Administration of Selenium and Vitamin E on the Quality of Fresh, Refrigerated and Frozen Semen in French Bulldog Breed Dogs

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    Background: New methodologies have been developed seeking to maximize pregnancy rate in female dogs created in commercial kennels, and also in order to maintain the quality of canine semen after dilution, refrigeration or freezing. One of the main factors that generate damage to sperm is oxidative stress, to minimize sperm damage, selenium and antioxidants like vitamin E are administered, by oral administration, seeking to improve the quality of semen. The objective was to study the effect of vitamin E and selenium, by oral administration, in the quality of fresh, refrigerated and frozen semen in adult dogs French Bulldog breed.Materials, Methods & Results: Semen samples were collected from 5 adult dogs, French Bulldog breed, being 2 semen drawing before the daily oral supplementation with vitamin E and selenium (ESE®) and semen drawing at 20, 40 and 60 days after the beginning of oral supplement. The ejaculated samples were diluted in TRIS - fructose citric acid (3.28 g TRIS-hydroxy-methyl-amino-methane, 1.78 g of citric acid monohydrate and 1.25 g of D - fructose, dissolved in 100 mL of distilled water and added of 20% egg yolk and 6% of glycerol. The characteristics evaluated in fresh semen were: volume (mL), color, appearance, concentration (x106 / mL), sperm motility (%), sperm strength (1 to 5) and morphology (%). For refrigerated and frozen semen were analyzed: sperm motility (%), sperm strength (1-5) and morphology (%). Diluted semen samples were centrifuged at: 1500 g/10 min and “pellets” formed by sperm of each ejaculated, detached from the tube wall were diluted homogeneously in the diluent TRIS type up to the final volume of 1.5 mL. After that, packaged in 0.5 mL French straws, kept under refrigeration at 5ºC/4 h, placed in nitrogen vapor at -120ºC/15 min, and dipped in liquid nitrogen at -196ºC and then stored on identified rachis and stored in liquid nitrogen container until the time of thawing in  water bath at 37°C/30 s for semen microscopic analysis. Data from fresh, refrigerated and frozen semen were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and the average compared by 5% of Tukey test. Fresh semen sperm concentration differed (P < 0.05) between the samples, rising after 40 days after the beginning of oral supplementation with selenium and vitamin E. For the spermatic strength, better score (P < 0.05) was observed at collection 4, in 40 days after the beginning of oral supplementation to dogs. For fresh and refrigerated semen, the total defects, defects of head, acrosome and tail did not differ (P > 0.05) between the samples. Total sperm defects and minor head and tail defects did not differ (P > 0.05) between the samples in post-thawing. Regarding the acrosome defects after thawing, there was a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in samples performed 40 and 60 days after the beginning of oral supplementation with selenium and vitamin E.Discussion: Attention should be paid for what purpose the extenders within the refrigeration or freezing biotech will be used. The managed supplement, by oral administration, containing selenium and vitamin E, influenced beneficially raising the sperm concentration in fresh semen and decreasing the acrosome defects in frozen semen. Oral administration of supplementation with selenium and vitamin E is recommended for improving the quality of fresh and frozen semen in dogs

    Impactos e consequências no modo de vida da sociedade contemporânea com as novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação -

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    O estudo deste artigo aborda o processo de comunicação no ambiente virtual e a interatividade proporcionada por este, apresentando como o mesmo opera a gestão do conhecimento pautado pelas novas tecnologias de informação e ainda analisa algumas considerações a respeito de suas características, partindo do princípio de que as redes e comunidades virtuais são um importante meio de transmissão de informações. Visando investigar as mudanças e atitudes que se referem a relações sociais foi desenvolvido um questionários constituído de 34 perguntas para a coleta dos dados verificando situações de comunicação mediada por computador. Para o tratamento e análise dos dados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva no que refere as características pessoais e outra análise utilizada foi o agrupamento em árvores no tratamento das variáveis. O estudo indicou que esse meio tecnológico, se bem utilizado, pode tornar-se uma poderosa ferramenta de mediação e interação entre a transformação da informação e dos processos de integração social, entretanto o que foi constatado é muito diferente, principalmente entre os mais jovens este tipo de sites reduz significativamente o contato interpessoal

    The Organizational Culture and Local Culture in the Internationalization Process: An Analysis Through Fuzzy Logic

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    The internationalization process of production has marked the world scenarios since the last decades and has influenced the complex interrelationships between the local culture and organizational culture. The culture shock was a recurring phenomenon and made the internationalization started to absorb elements of local culture as determining factors in expansion strategies. The aim of this paper is to analyze the favorable conditions of the organizational culture to manage the local culture. This is a preliminary study that aimed to integrate qualitative and quantitative factors with a fuzzy logic system. To achieve this goal, three elements were analyzed and interrelated: values, organizational structure, and management practices of human resources. A fuzzy mathematical model that considers the different weights to the elements analyzed leading to the identification of the favorability of the organizational culture in managing the local culture was developed. Petrobras, a transnational corporation with unity in Bolivia, whose major shareholder is the Brazilian government, was studied to empirically identify how the elements interact and are incorporated into internationalization strategies

    Magnetically treated water for irrigation: effects on production and efficiency of water use in carrot (Daucus carota L.) crop

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 447-455).A cultura da cenoura vem aumentando sua representatividade na produção de hortaliças devido a seus benefícios para a saúde humana. Objetivou-se neste trabalho analisar a consequência de diferentes lâminas de irrigação utilizando água tratada magneticamente e potável para a cultura da cenoura. O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA-UNESP), Campus de Botucatu-SP (Brasil), entre os meses de setembro a dezembro de 2015. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial de 2×5 com 10 repetições. Assim, os tratamentos foram 2 tipos de água (água tratada magneticamente e potável), e 5 lâminas de reposição que corresponderam aos percentuais da evapotranspiração (25, 50, 75, 100 e 125% da Etc), utilizando a irrigação por gotejamento. Constatou-se que a irrigação com água tratada magneticamente proporcionou um incremento na massa de matéria fresca, sendo que a lâmina que obteve a maior produção foi a de 100 e 125% da Etc, assim verificando a possibilidade do aumento da produtividade da cenoura. Se constatou aumento significativo para a o número de folhas, comprimento de bulbo e diâmetro para a cultura da cenoura quando irrigada com água tratada magneticamente.Carrot cultivation has increased within vegetable production because of its benefits to human health. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different irrigation using magnetically treated water and potable water on a carrot crop. The experiment was conducted in the Department of Rural Engineering of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA-UNESP), Botucatu-SP Campus (Brazil), from September to December, 2015. A randomized complete block with a 2×5 factorial and 10 repetitions was adopted. Thus, the treatments included 2 types of water (potable and magnetically treated) and 5 spare blades that corresponded to the percentage of evapotranspiration (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125% ETc), with drip irrigation. The magnetically treated water irrigation yielded an increase in green root biomass, and the highest production was seen with 100 and 125% ETc, verifying the possibility of increased carrot productivity. There was a significant increase in the number of leaves, bulb length and diameter when the carrot crop was irrigated with magnetically treated water.Bibliografía: páginas 454-45


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    A energia elétrica está presente nas atividades do ser humano e é sinônimo de industrialização, progresso e conforto. A corrente elétrica no corpo humano pode causar tetanização, parada respiratória, queimadura e fibrilação ventricular. No Brasil existem normas que tratam dos trabalhos relacionados à eletricidade, com recomendações para garantir a segurança dos trabalhadores. Apesar disso, dados do DATASUS mostram que o choque elétrico figura como importante causa de mortes evitáveis no país. Observa-se que é importante que os trabalhadores tenham o conhecimento necessário dos riscos decorrentes do emprego da energia elétrica e das principais medidas de prevenção de acidentes em instalações elétricas

    Fuzzy modeling of coffee productivity under different irrigation depths, water deficit and temperature

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    The coffee culture has great economic importance on the world stage, especially for Brazil. Considered one of the most traded commodities on the world's trading exchanges. Thus, the main objective of this study was to develop a system based on fuzzy rules to evaluate coffee productivity, using irrigation, soil water deficit and ambient temperature as the main production factors. The research was developed from searches of scientific data on the main variables for coffee production. The work was divided into two stages: the first in the scientific search for data collection and the second in the development of the fuzzy model. With this, it was parameterized that the input variables would be the temperature, the irrigation depth, and the water deficit of the soil and for the output variable the coffee productivity. Based on the model prediction, the fuzzy system showed which variable values are necessary for the best coffee productivity, by a set of rules involving the variation of water deficit (60%), temperature (30°C) and irrigation (300 mm), for a productivity of 24 sc ha-1. The performance of the fuzzy system was tested by comparing it with articles on the subject that relate coffee production with irrigation, water deficit and temperature of the environment and in almost all cases the model was efficient, reinforcing the assessment of the strength of the scheme, the analysis was extended to several scenarios relating the same three input variables

    Waste-to-energy technology for the brazilian context: a review article

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    Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some US cities, and have been growing in China. Currently, in Brazil, there are no WtE power plants in operation, but there are studies on the feasibility of this technology. The Systematic Bibliographic Review (SBR) presented in this mini-review article appears as a result of a process of prospecting documents in the following databases: Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus. The purpose was to map the articles of the last five years on the applications of WtE technologies in Brazil. From the selection of articles relevant to the research, these documents were registered and cataloged, as well as their qualitative and quantitative analyses. During the systematization process, it was possible to raise hypotheses about which professionals have been working the most on this topic, the journals in which these researches are being published and the keywords most addressed for these case studies. In addition, it was possible to identify the characteristics of the publications related to the theme, the central axes of analysis of the studies and the primary techniques studied for the Brazilian reality. It was also considered part of the results of the present work, the systematization of the main definitions of WtE, the presentation of the main WtE technologies operations, and the exposition of the benefits and impacts of each of these technologies

    Transversal Study Describing the Applicability of the Conicity Index in the Age Group of Children

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    O excesso de massa corporal predominantemente na região abdominal do corpo favorece o surgimento de várias doenças, dentre elas as dislipidemias e os distúrbios cardiovasculares. Nesse contexto, o índice de conicidade (IC) é uma alternativa viável para indicar obesidade abdominal. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o IC apresentam alguma correlação e se o IC das crianças pode ser inserido na faixa de corte, utilizando sua fórmula original. Tratou-se de uma metodologia quantitativa analítica e descritiva, com delineamento transversal. Crianças de ambos os sexos entre 9 e 11 anos de idade participaram deste estudo. A circunferência da cintura-CC (m), altura (m) e índice de massa corporal (kg) foram utilizados como variáveis ​​para o cálculo do IC e IMC. Após a coleta dessas variáveis, foi realizada a tabulação, e posteriormente, o software estatístico SAS® Studio foi utilizado para realizar as análises estatísticas. Sessenta e seis crianças (27 homens e 39 mulheres) foram avaliadas. Observou-se que os dados de IC e IMC não se correlacionam. No entanto, os valores obtidos pelo cálculo do intervalo de confiança de 95% da média das crianças estão contidos no intervalo 1,00 e 1,73


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    Evapotranspiration depends on the interaction between meteorological variables (solar radiation, air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed) and phytosanitary conditions of agricultural crops. It is complex to build reliable evapotranspiration measurements due to the high costs of implementing micrometeorological techniques, in addition to difficulties in the operation and maintenance of the necessary equipment. The purpose of this research was to model the reference evapotranspiration through machine learning techniques in climatic data from 30 automatic weather stations in the Planalto Ocidental Paulista, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in the period 2013-2017. A comparison of the statistical performance between the techniques used was carried out, where the best performance of the EToMLP4 model (rRMSE = 0.62%), followed by EToANFIS4 (rRMSE = 0.75%), EToSVM4 (rRMSE = 1.19%) and EToGRNN4 (rRMSE = 11.05 %). Performance measures of the validation base show that the proposed models are able to estimate the reference evapotranspiration, with emphasis on the MPL technique.La evapotranspiración depende de la interacción entre las variables meteorológicas (radiación solar, temperatura del aire, precipitación, humedad relativa y velocidad del viento) y las condiciones fitosanitarias de los cultivos agrícolas. Es complejo construir mediciones confiables de evapotranspiración debido a los altos costos de implementar técnicas micrometeorológicas, además de las dificultades en la operación y mantenimiento de los equipos necesarios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue modelar la evapotranspiración de referencia a través de técnicas de aprendizaje automático en datos climáticos de 30 estaciones meteorológicas automáticas en el Planalto Ocidental Paulista, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, en el período 2013-2017. Se realizó una comparación del rendimiento estadístico entre las técnicas utilizadas, donde el mejor rendimiento del modelo EToMLP4 (rRMSE = 0,62%), seguido de EToANFIS4 (rRMSE = 0,75%), EToSVM4 (rRMSE = 1,19%) y EToGRNN4 (rRMSE = 11,05 %). Las medidas de desempeño de la base de validación muestran que los modelos propuestos son capaces de estimar la evapotranspiración de referencia, con énfasis en la técnica MPL.A evapotranspiração depende da interação entre variáveis meteorológicas (radiação solar, temperatura do ar, precipitação, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do vento) e condições fitossanitárias das culturas agrícolas. É complexo construir medidas confiáveis de evapotranspiração devido aos elevados custos para implantação de técnicas micrometeorológicas, além de dificuldades na operação e manutenção dos equipamentos necessários. O propósito desta pesquisa foi modelar a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) por meio de técnicas de machine learning em dados climáticos de 30 estações meteorológicas automáticas do Planalto Ocidental Paulista, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 2013-2017. Uma comparação do desempenho estatístico entre as técnicas utilizadas foi realizada onde constatou-se melhor desempenho do modelo EToMLP4 (rRMSE = 0.62%), seguido por EToANFIS4 (rRMSE = 0.75%), EToSVM4 (rRMSE = 1.19%) e EToGRNN4 (rRMSE = 11.05%). Medidas de performance da base de validação evidenciam que os modelos propostos são aptos à estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência com destaque para a técnica MPL. Palavras-chave: evapotranspiração; modelagem matemática; aprendizagem de máquina.   Machine learning models applied in the estimation of reference evapotranspiration from the Western Plateau of Paulista   ABSTRACT: Evapotranspiration depends on the interaction between meteorological variables (solar radiation, air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed) and phytosanitary conditions of agricultural crops. It is complex to build reliable evapotranspiration measurements due to the high costs of implementing micrometeorological techniques, in addition to difficulties in the operation and maintenance of the necessary equipment. The purpose of this research was to model the reference evapotranspiration through machine learning techniques in climatic data from 30 automatic weather stations in the Planalto Ocidental Paulista, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in the period 2013-2017. A comparison of the statistical performance between the techniques used was carried out, where the best performance of the EToMLP4 model (rRMSE = 0.62%), followed by EToANFIS4 (rRMSE = 0.75%), EToSVM4 (rRMSE = 1.19%) and EToGRNN4 (rRMSE = 11.05 %). Performance measures of the validation base show that the proposed models are able to estimate the reference evapotranspiration, with emphasis on the MPL technique. Keywords: evapotranspiration; modeling; machine learning