26 research outputs found

    A História da Alimentação: balizas historiográficas

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    Os M. pretenderam traçar um quadro da História da Alimentação, não como um novo ramo epistemológico da disciplina, mas como um campo em desenvolvimento de práticas e atividades especializadas, incluindo pesquisa, formação, publicações, associações, encontros acadêmicos, etc. Um breve relato das condições em que tal campo se assentou faz-se preceder de um panorama dos estudos de alimentação e temas correia tos, em geral, segundo cinco abardagens Ia biológica, a econômica, a social, a cultural e a filosófica!, assim como da identificação das contribuições mais relevantes da Antropologia, Arqueologia, Sociologia e Geografia. A fim de comentar a multiforme e volumosa bibliografia histórica, foi ela organizada segundo critérios morfológicos. A seguir, alguns tópicos importantes mereceram tratamento à parte: a fome, o alimento e o domínio religioso, as descobertas européias e a difusão mundial de alimentos, gosto e gastronomia. O artigo se encerra com um rápido balanço crítico da historiografia brasileira sobre o tema

    Trends in body condition of smallmouth bass and northern pike (1982-2013) following multiple ecological perturbations in the St. Lawrence River

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    Body condition indices can be used to investigate fish response to biological or environmental change. We used quantile regression to analyze a 32-year weight-length dataset (1982-2013) for smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and northern pike (Esox lucius) from the St. Lawrence River to examine changes in condition (weight-at-length) during three ecologically distinct time periods. Condition of both species varied among time periods, with smallmouth bass experiencing greater proportional changes than northern pike. Smallmouth bass weight-at-length was greatest during 2005–2013 and lowest during 1982–1992. Northern pike weight-at-length was greatest during 2005–2013 for quantiles ≥0.5, similar between the 1982–1992 and 2005–2013 time periods for lower quantiles, and lowest during 1993–2004. The most likely weight-length model for smallmouth bass included terms for length, presence of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), presence of dreissenid mussels, and an interaction between length and dreissenid mussels (wi = 0.93). The most likely model for northern pike included terms for length, presence of round goby, presence of dreissenid mussels, water temperature, conspecific abundance, and sex (wi = 0.56). Invasive species and environmental change related to invasive species have altered the condition of smallmouth bass and northern pike in the St. Lawrence River.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Fluoxetine restores spatial learning but not accelerated forgetting in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Learning and memory dysfunction is the most common neuropsychological effect of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, and because the underlying neurobiology is poorly understood, there are no pharmacological strategies to help restore memory function in these patients. We have demonstrated impairments in the acquisition of an allocentric spatial task, in patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis. We also show that patients have accelerated forgetting of the learned spatial task and that this is associated with damage to the non-dominant hippocampal formation. We go on to show a very similar pattern of chronic allocentric learning and accelerated forgetting in a status epilepticus model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in rats, which is associated with reduced and abnormal hippocampal neurogenesis. Finally, we show that reversal of the neurogenic deficit using fluoxetine is associated with reversal of the learning deficit but not the accelerated forgetting, pointing to a possible dissociation in the underlying mechanisms, as well as a potential therapeutic strategy for improving hippocampal-dependent learning in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

    Validity of age estimates from muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) fin rays and associated effects on estimates of growth

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    Accurate age estimates are critical for understanding life histories of fishes and developing management strategies for fish populations. However, validation of age estimates requires known-age fish, which are often lacking. We used known-age (ages 1â 25) muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) to determine the precision and accuracy of age estimates from fin rays. We also determined if fin location (anal or pelvic), fin ray number, and preparation methods affected accuracy and precision. Lastly, we determined if von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from fin ray ages were similar to parameters estimated from known ages. Precision and accuracy of age estimates from anal and pelvic rays were similar and estimates were relatively precise (coefficient of variation = 8.5%) and accurate (mean absolute difference from known age = 0.85 y) for ages 4â 15, but ages were overestimated for younger fish and underestimated for older fish. Growth models based on estimated age were similar to models based on known age. Anal and pelvic rays offer a non-lethal alternative for age estimation of muskellunge ages 4â 15, and for producing reliable estimates of growth.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    FGF21 does not require adipocyte AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) or the phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) to mediate improvements in whole-body glucose homeostasis

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    Objective: Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) shows great potential for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes, as its long-acting analogue reduces body weight and improves lipid profiles of participants in clinical studies; however, the intracellular mechanisms mediating these effects are poorly understood. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an important energy sensor of the cell and a molecular target for anti-diabetic medications. This work examined the role of AMPK in mediating the glucose and lipid-lowering effects of FGF21. Methods: Inducible adipocyte AMPK β1β2 knockout mice (iβ1β2AKO) and littermate controls were fed a high fat diet (HFD) and treated with native FGF21 or saline for two weeks. Additionally, HFD-fed mice with knock-in mutations on the AMPK phosphorylation sites of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)1 and ACC2 (DKI mice) along with wild-type (WT) controls received long-acting FGF21 for two weeks. Results: Consistent with previous studies, FGF21 treatment significantly reduced body weight, adiposity, and liver lipids in HFD fed mice. To add, FGF21 improved circulating lipids, glycemic control, and insulin sensitivity. These effects were independent of adipocyte AMPK and were not associated with changes in browning of white (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT). Lastly, we assessed whether FGF21 exerted its effects through the AMPK/ACC axis, which is critical in the therapeutic benefits of the anti-diabetic medication metformin. ACC DKI mice had improved glucose and insulin tolerance and a reduction in body weight, body fat and hepatic steatosis similar to WT mice in response to FGF21 administration. Conclusions: These data illustrate that the metabolic improvements upon FGF21 administration are independent of adipocyte AMPK, and do not require the inhibitory action of AMPK on ACC. This is in contrast to the anti-diabetic medication metformin and suggests that the treatment of obesity and diabetes with the combination of FGF21 and AMPK activators merits consideration. Keywords: FGF21, AMPK, ACC, Adipocyte, Brown fat, Obesity, Diabete