269 research outputs found

    Editorial: Sound, Music, and Movement in Parkinson’s Disease

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    International audienceAs a final collection, this special issue allows us to disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge on the functional deterioration of motor control and present novel behavioral interventions that aim to alleviate symptoms in PD. In particular, we are interested in forms of movement therapy that are sustainable, focused on improving quality of life in the long term and feasible even where resources are scarce. Our parallel aim was to push the Frontiers of our understanding to see how sensory information can afford and shape movement facilitation in PD and how our knowledge can feed into the design of tailored rehabilitation programs. This is why experts from the fields of auditory stimulation, neuroimaging, motor control, and dance therapy were invited to engage in a dialog on the current and future management of PD, suggesting possible new routes for therapy while outlining the limitations of our current scientific understanding. The end result of this international effort is presented in this e-book

    Shoaling promotes place over response learning but does not facilitate individual learning of that strategy in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Abstract Background Flexible spatial memory, such as “place” learning, is an important adaptation to assist successful foraging and to avoid predation and is thought to be more adaptive than response learning which requires a consistent start point. Place learning has been found in many taxonomic groups, including a number of species of fish. Surprisingly, a recent study has shown that zebrafish (Danio rerio), a common species used in cognitive research, demonstrated no significant preference for the adoption of either a place or a response strategy during a plus maze task. That being said, a growing body of research has been looking at how group living influences navigational decisions in animals. This study aims to see how zebrafish, a shoaling species, differ in their ability to perform a maze task when learning in a shoal and as an individual. Results Results suggest that shoals of zebrafish are able to learn to perform the spatial memory task in a significantly shorter time than individual fish and appear to show place learning when tested from a novel start point. Interestingly, zebrafish who were trained first in a shoal but were then tested as individuals, did not show the same level of consistency in their choice of navigation strategy. Conclusions These findings suggest that shoaling influences navigation behaviour, resulting in faster group learning and convergence on one spatial memory strategy, but does not facilitate the transfer of the strategy learned to individuals within the shoal

    Bending It Like Beckham: How to Visually Fool the Goalkeeper

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    As bending free-kicks becomes the norm in modern day soccer, implications for goalkeepers have largely been ignored. Although it has been reported that poor sensitivity to visual acceleration makes it harder for expert goalkeepers to perceptually judge where the curved free-kicks will cross the goal line, it is unknown how this affects the goalkeeper's actual movements.Here, an in-depth analysis of goalkeepers' hand movements in immersive, interactive virtual reality shows that they do not fully account for spin-induced lateral ball acceleration. Hand movements were found to be biased in the direction of initial ball heading, and for curved free-kicks this resulted in biases in a direction opposite to those necessary to save the free-kick. These movement errors result in less time to cover a now greater distance to stop the ball entering the goal. These and other details of the interceptive behaviour are explained using a simple mathematical model which shows how the goalkeeper controls his movements online with respect to the ball's current heading direction. Furthermore our results and model suggest how visual landmarks, such as the goalposts in this instance, may constrain the extent of the movement biases.While it has previously been shown that humans can internalize the effects of gravitational acceleration, these results show that it is much more difficult for goalkeepers to account for spin-induced visual acceleration, which varies from situation to situation. The limited sensitivity of the human visual system for detecting acceleration, suggests that curved free-kicks are an important goal-scoring opportunity in the game of soccer

    Detecting Deception in Movement: The Case of the Side-Step in Rugby

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    Although coordinated patterns of body movement can be used to communicate action intention, they can also be used to deceive. Often known as deceptive movements, these unpredictable patterns of body movement can give a competitive advantage to an attacker when trying to outwit a defender. In this particular study, we immersed novice and expert rugby players in an interactive virtual rugby environment to understand how the dynamics of deceptive body movement influence a defending player’s decisions about how and when to act. When asked to judge final running direction, expert players who were found to tune into prospective tau-based information specified in the dynamics of ‘honest’ movement signals (Centre of Mass), performed significantly better than novices who tuned into the dynamics of ‘deceptive’ movement signals (upper trunk yaw and out-foot placement) (p<.001). These findings were further corroborated in a second experiment where players were able to move as if to intercept or ‘tackle’ the virtual attacker. An analysis of action responses showed that experts waited significantly longer before initiating movement (p<.001). By waiting longer and picking up more information that would inform about future running direction these experts made significantly fewer errors (p<.05). In this paper we not only present a mathematical model that describes how deception in body-based movement is detected, but we also show how perceptual expertise is manifested in action expertise. We conclude that being able to tune into the ‘honest’ information specifying true running action intention gives a strong competitive advantage

    (Dis‑)Harmony in movement: effects of musical dissonance on movement timing and form

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    While the origins of consonance and dissonance in terms of acoustics, psychoacoustics and physiology have been debated for centuries, their plausible effects on movement synchronization have largely been ignored. The present study aimed to address this by investigating whether, and if so how, consonant/dissonant pitch intervals affect the spatiotemporal properties of regular reciprocal aiming movements. We compared movements synchronized either to consonant or to dissonant sounds and showed that they were differentially influenced by the degree of consonance of the sound presented. Interestingly, the difference was present after the sound stimulus was removed. In this case, the performance measured after consonant sound exposure was found to be more stable and accurate, with a higher percentage of information/movement coupling (tau coupling) and a higher degree of movement circularity when compared to performance measured after the exposure to dissonant sounds. We infer that the neural resonance representing consonant tones leads to finer perception/action coupling which in turn may help explain the prevailing preference for these types of tones

    A role for Tbx5 in proepicardial cell migration during cardiogenesis

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    Transcriptional regulatory cascades during epicardial and coronary vascular development from proepicardial progenitor cells remain to be defined. We have used immunohistochemistry of human embryonic tissues to demonstrate that the TBX5 transcription factor is expressed not only in the myocardium, but also throughout the embryonic epicardium and coronary vasculature. TBX5 is not expressed in other human fetal vascular beds. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analyses of human embryonic tissues reveals that unlike their epicardial counterparts, delaminating epicardial-derived cells do not express TBX5 as they migrate through the subepicardium before undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal transformation required for coronary vasculogenesis. In the chick, Tbx5 is expressed in the embryonic proepicardial organ (PEO), which is composed of the epicardial and coronary vascular progenitor cells. Retrovirus-mediated overexpression of human TBX5 inhibits cell incorporation of infected proepicardial cells into the nascent chick epicardium and coronary vasculature. TBX5 overexpression as well as antisense-mediated knockdown of chick Tbx5 produce a cell-autonomous defect in the PEO that prevents proepicardial cell migration. Thus, both increasing and decreasing Tbx5 dosage impairs development of the proepicardium. Culture of explanted PEOs demonstrates that untreated chick proepicardial cells downregulate Tbx5 expression during cell migration. Therefore, we propose that Tbx5 participates in regulation of proepicardial cell migration, a critical event in the establishment of the epicardium and coronary vasculature

    Genotyping DNA pools on microarrays: Tackling the QTL problem of large samples and large numbers of SNPs

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    BACKGROUND: Quantitative trait locus (QTL) theory predicts that genetic influence on complex traits involves multiple genes of small effect size. To detect QTL associations of small effect size, large samples and systematic screens of thousands of DNA markers are required. An efficient solution is to genotype case and control DNA pools using SNP microarrays. We demonstrate that this is practical using DNA pools of 100 individuals. RESULTS: Using standard microarray protocols for the Affymetrix GeneChip(Âź )Mapping 10 K Array Xba 131, we show that relative allele signal (RAS) values provide a quantitative index of allele frequencies in pooled DNA that correlate 0.986 with allele frequencies for 104 SNPs that were genotyped individually for 100 individuals. The sensitivity of the assay was demonstrated empirically in a spiking experiment in which 15% and 20% of one individual's DNA was added to a DNA pool. CONCLUSION: We conclude that this approach, which we call SNP-MaP (SNP microarrays and pooling), is rapid, cost effective and promises to be a valuable initial screening method in the hunt for QTLs

    Finding a way: long-term care homes to support dementia

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    An ageing demographic has increased the number of people with dementia. Although dementia is commonly associated with memory loss, other early symptoms include difficulty with wayfinding. Dementia alters visuo-spatial perception and the processes used to interpret the physical environment. The role of the design of the physical environment for people with dementia has gained increased recognition. Despite this, design for dementia is often overlooked, focusing on issues relating to physical impairment. This paper presents the results of a PhD study and aims to examine the role of the design of the physical environment in supporting wayfinding for people with dementia living in long-term care settings in Northern Ireland. Mixed methods combined the observation of wayfinding walks and conversational style interviews to elicit perspectives and experiences of residents with dementia. The findings aim to promote well-being for those with dementia living in long-term care settings
