709 research outputs found

    Electronic swallowing intervention package to support swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer: development and feasibility study

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    Background: Many patients undergoing treatment for head and neck cancer (HNC) experience significant swallowing difficulties, and there is some evidence that swallowing exercises may improve outcomes, including quality of life. This feasibility study developed an evidence-based, practical Swallowing Intervention Package (SiP) for patients undergoing chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) for HNC. As part of the study, an electronic version of SiP (e-SiP) was concurrently developed to support patients to self-manage during treatment. This paper reports on the e-SiP component of this work. Objective: To develop and conduct preliminary evaluation of an electronic support system (e-SiP) for patients undergoing CRT for head and neck cancer. Methods: The study involved health professionals and patients who were undergoing CRT for head and neck cancer. The scoping stage of e-SiP development involved investigated the potential usefulness of e-SiP, exploring how e-SiP would look and feel and what content would be appropriate to provide. Patient and carer focus groups and a health professionals’ consensus day were used as a means of data gathering around potential e-SiP content. A repeat focus group looked at an outline version of e-SIP and informed the next stage of its development around requirements for tool. This was followed by further development and a testing stage of e-SiP involved the coding of a prototype which was then evaluated using a series of steering group meetings, semi-structured interviews with both patients and health care professionals, and analysis of e-SiP log data. Results: Feedback from focus groups and health professional interviews was very positive and it was felt e-SiP use would support and encourage patients in conducting their swallowing exercises. However, of the ten patients offered e-SIP, only two opted to use it. For these patients, aspects of the e-SIP application were considered useful, in particular the ease of keeping a diary of exercises performed. Interviews with users and non-users suggested significant barriers to its use. Most significantly the lack of flexibility of platform on which e-SiP could be accessed appeared a dominant factor in deterring e-SiP use. Conclusions: Results suggest a need for further research to be conducted around the implementation of e-SiP. This involves evaluating how e-SiP can be better integrated into usual care, and through patient training and staff engagement, can be seen as a beneficial tool to help support patients in conducting swallowing exercises

    Cool gas accretion, thermal evaporation and quenching of star formation in elliptical galaxies

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    The most evident features of colour-magnitude diagrams of galaxies are the red sequence of quiescent galaxies, extending up to the brightest elliptical galaxies, and the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies, which is truncated at a luminosity L~L*. The truncation of the blue cloud indicates that in the most massive systems star formation must be quenched. For this to happen the virial-temperature galactic gas must be kept hot and any accreted cold gas must be heated. The elimination of accreted cold gas can be due to thermal evaporation by the hot interstellar medium, which in turn is prevented from cooling by feedback from active galactic nuclei.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of Symposium 6 of the JENAM 2008, Vienna

    Cold filaments in galaxy clusters: effects of heat conduction

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    We determine the critical size l_crit of a filament of cold (T~10^4 K) gas that is in radiative equilibrium with X-ray emitting gas at temperatures T_out~10^6 - 10^8 K. Filaments smaller than l_crit will be rapidly evaporated, while longer ones will induce the condensation of the ambient medium. At fixed pressure P, l_crit increases as T_out^(11/4), while at fixed T_out it scales as 1/P. It scales as f^(1/2), where f is the factor by which the magnetic field depresses the thermal conductivity below Spitzer's benchmark value. For plausible values of f, l_crit is similar to the lengths of observed filaments. In a cluster such as Perseus, the value of l_crit increases by over an order of magnitude between the centre and a radius of 100 kpc. If the spectrum of seed filament lengths l is strongly falling with l, as is natural, then these results explain why filaments are only seen within a few kiloparsecs of the centres of clusters, and are not seen in clusters that have no cooling flow. We calculate the differential emission measure as a function of temperature for the interface between filaments and ambient gas of various temperatures. We discuss the implications of our results for the origin of the galaxy luminosity function.Comment: 8 pages with 5 figures, MNRAS (submitted

    Distributive tactile sensing using fibre bragg grating sensors

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    Two distributive tactile sensing systems are presented, based on fibre Bragg grating sensors. The first is a one-dimensional metal strip with an array of 4 sensors, which is capable of detecting the magnitude and position of a contacting load. This system is compared experimentally with a similar system using resistive strain gauges. The second is a two-dimensional steel plate with 9 sensors which is able to distinguish the position and shape of a contacting load. This system is compared with a similar system using 16 infrared displacement sensors. Each system uses neural networks to process the sensor data to give information concerning the type of contact

    Colonial Privileges in a Settler Society: Disparities of Cultural Capital in a University Setting

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    Drawing on forty one-on-one interviews with third year students from The University of Auckland, this study contrasts the experiences of students from working- and upper-class backgrounds. In particular, the study demonstrates how working-class students, most of whom come from Indigenous Māori and Pacific ethnic backgrounds, are forced to navigate obstacles infused with interpersonal and institutional racism. These students also report a stigmatising awareness of their lack of privilege and sense of obligation to give back to their ethnic communities. In contrast students from upper-class backgrounds, though hard-working, discuss a litany of opportunities extending their academic and occupational privilege. These capital-building opportunities are tightly connected to consistent family support in the form of gifted money, flexible work options, and networks that enhance professional experience. Working with kaupapa Māori and Bourdeausian conceptual frameworks, the study highlights privileged students’ ability to access and extend their objectified cultural capital, as less economically privileged students work their way through colonial blockades and classed pitfalls. Given the clear disparities expressed by study participants, the research suggests universities radically reframe how resources are allocated to students from diverse backgrounds

    TORCH: A Cherenkov Based Time-of-Flight Detector

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    TORCH is a novel high-precision time-of-flight detector suitable for large area applications and covering the momentum range up to 10 GeV/c. The concept uses Cherenkov photons produced in a fused silica radiator which are propagated to focussing optics coupled to fast photodetectors. For this purpose, custom MCP-PMTs are being produced in collaboration with industrial partners. The development is divided into three phases. Phase 1 addresses the lifetime requirements for TORCH, Phase 2 will customize the MCP-PMT granularity and Phase 3 will deliver prototypes that meet the TORCH requirements. Phase 1 devices have been successfully delivered and initial tests show stable gain performance for integrated anode current >5 C/cm2 and a single photon time resolution of ≤ 30 ps. Initial simulations indicate the single photon timing resolution of the TORCH detector will be ∼70 ps

    An optical fiber Bragg grating tactile sensor

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    Tactile sensors are needed for many emerging robotic and telepresence applications such as keyhole surgery and robot operation in unstructured environments. We have proposed and demonstrated a tactile sensor consisting of a fibre Bragg grating embedded in a polymer "finger". When the sensor is placed in contact with a surface and translated tangentially across it measurements on the changes in the reflectivity spectrum of the grating provide a measurement of the spatial distribution of forces perpendicular to the surface and thus, through the elasticity of the polymer material, to the surface roughness. Using a sensor fabricated from a Poly Siloxane polymer (Methyl Vinyl Silicone rubber) spherical cap 50 mm in diameter, 6 mm deep with an embedded 10 mm long Bragg grating we have characterised the first and second moment of the grating spectral response when scanned across triangular and semicircular periodic structures both with a modulation depth of 1 mm and a period of 2 mm. The results clearly distinguish the periodicity of the surface structure and the differences between the two different surface profiles. For the triangular structure a central wavelength modulation of 4 pm is observed and includes a fourth harmonic component, the spectral width is modulated by 25 pm. Although crude in comparison to human senses these results clearly shown the potential of such a sensor for tactile imaging and we expect that with further development in optimising both the grating and polymer "finger" properties a much increased sensitivity and spatial resolution is achievable

    Mass-loaded spherical accretion flows

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    We have calculated the evolution of spherical accretion flows undergoing mass-loading from embedded clouds through either conduction or hydrodynamical ablation. We have observed the effect of varying the ratios of the mass-loading timescale and the cooling timescale to the ballistic crossing timescale through the mass-loading region. We have also varied the ratio of the potential energy of a particle injected into the flow near the outer region of mass-loading to the temperature at which a minimum occurs in the cooling curve. The two types of mass-loading produce qualitatively different types of behaviour in the accretion flow, since mass-loading through conduction requires the ambient gas to be hot, whereas mass ablation from clumps occurs throughout the flow. Higher ratios of injected to accreted mass typically occur with hydrodynamical ablation, in agreement with previous work on wind-blown bubbles and supernova remnants. We find that mass-loading damps the radiative overstability of such flows, in agreement with our earlier work. If the mass-loading is high enough it can stabilize the accretion shock at a constant radius, yielding an almost isothermal subsonic post-shock flow. Such solutions may be relevant to cooling flows onto massive galaxies. Mass-loading can also lead to the formation of isolated shells of high temperature material, separated by gas at cooler temperatures