350 research outputs found

    Análisis de la Actividad de Información Cientí­fica Tecnológica en la Empresa Pesquera de Camagí¼ey (PESCACAM)

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    Las   organizaciones se   caracterizan   por   realizar su   gestión a   través   de   actividades   que   conducen   al   cumplimiento   de sus objetivos y la Actividad de Información es una de ellas ya que la información constituye un recurso imprescindible para   tomar     decisiones   correctas   y   así­   obtener   las   metas   propuestas   por   la institución; pues se considera que el desarrollo económico depende cada vez más de ella debido al avance acelerado de las Tecnologí­as de la Información y de las Comunicaciones. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de la Actividad de Información Cientí­fica Tecnológica en el Centro de Gestión de Información Cientí­fica Tecnológica de la Empresa Pesquera de Camagí¼ey (PESCACAM). Para ello se utilizó como técnicas de diagnóstico la encuesta y la entrevista y se tuvieron en cuenta criterios como productos y servicios de información cientí­fica y gestión de información cientí­fica y tecnológica, y dentro de ellos se evalúan variables como la existencia de un grupo de gestores de información, infraestructura para brindar los servicios de información en el centro, desarrollo de potencialidades cientí­ficas, estrategias para implementar productos de información en el centro. Este estudio dio como resultados determinas fortalezas como la existencia de un grupo de gestores de información y el mantenimiento de alianzas estratégicas con entidades externas como el CIGET, además de   poseer una infraestructura adecuada para prestar los servicios que brinda. También se obtuvieron debilidades como es la falta de capacitación del personal de la empresa en cuanto al uso de   tecnologí­as y el manejo de información y no cuentan con una norma para el almacenamiento de la información cientí­fica tecnológica

    East Bay Coalition for the Homeless: Branding Study and Marketing Strategy

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    There are a number of potential positioning strategies. The two which make the most sense for the EBCH are to “position the EBCH away from others in the category” and to “position the EBCH as unique.” These strategies have the advantage of setting the EBCH apart from the other organizations that address homelessness. Occupying its own “position” in the minds of potential and current donors is not only an effective communications/marketing strategy but also a less costly one because it avoids head-to-head competition and comparisons

    Afirmação da mulher na medicina durante o século XV e XVI: um processo religioso e inquisitorial

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    Durante os séculos XV e XVI, num momento de repressão e perseguição religiosa e inquisitorial, as mulheres atuaram como cuidadoras informais com práticas empíricas. Os objetivos deste artigo consiste em destacar o processo de profissionalização dos cuidados da mulher ao longo deste período e conhecer o papel da igreja e dos homens na crítica aos cuidados femininos, assim como apresentar figuras femininas espanholas que se destacaram na medicina neste período. Material e método: O trabalho consiste numa revisão da narrativa realizada a partir de fontes secundárias, relacionadas com o objeto em estudo, bem como uma análise das mesmas desde a história social, tendo em conta as características da época em estudo. Resultados: Durante os séculos XV y XVI, a igreja, junto com a classe médica, conduziu a uma repressão dos cuidados femininos que influenciou a sua aceitação. Assim, os cuidados femininos geraram discordância e conflitos entre a igreja e a sociedade e o cuidar informal da mulher começava a inserir-se na classe médica profissionalizada. Conclusões: As descobertas obtidas neste estudo destacam a aceitação das práticas empíricas femininas, em contraste com os conhecimentos teóricos dos médicos e, posteriormente, a inclusão da mulher nos cuidados profissionais.Durante los siglos XV y XVI, en un momento de represión y persecución religiosa e inquisitorial, las mujeres actuaron como cuidadoras informales con prácticas empíricas. El objetivo del estudio es destacar el proceso de profesionalización de cuidados de la mujer durante dicho periodo; conocer el papel de la iglesia, de los hombres en la crítica hacía las mujeres; presentar figuras femeninas españolas destaca das en la medicina durante este período. Material y método: El trabajo es una revisión narrativa de las fuentes secundarias relacionadas con el objeto de estudio, así como un análisis de las mismas desde la historia social, teniendo en cuenta las características de la época de estudio. Resultados: Durante los siglos XV y XVI, la iglesia, junto con la clase médica, condujo una represión hacía el cuidado femenino que influyó en su aceptación. Así mismo, el cuidado femenino generó desacuerdos y conflictos entre iglesia y sociedad, los cuidados de las mujeres informales, empezaron a formar parte de la clase médica profesionalizada. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos obtenidos refieren como a pesar del predominio del conocimiento teórico médico, las prácticas empíricas de las mujeres consiguieron ser aceptadas en determinadas condiciones y esto constituyó, con posterioridad, el reconocimiento profesional del cuidado.During the fifteenth and sixteenth century, at a time of repression and religious and inquisitorial persecution, women have acted as informal caregivers with empirical practices. The objectives of this article is to emphasize the process of professionalization of women’s care over that period and to know the role of the church and men in critical care to women, as well as presenting Spanish female figures who have excelled in medicine during this period. Methods: The task is a narrative review of secondary sources related with the object of study, as well as an analysis of the same sources from the social history, keeping in mind the characteristics of the era of study. Results: During the centuries XV and XVI, the church, along with the medical class, led to a suppression of feminine care that influenced their acceptance. Thus, feminine care generated disagreement and conflict between the church and society and the informal women’s care began to be part of the professionalized medical profession. Conclusions: The findings from this study highlight the acceptance of female empirical practices, in contrast to the theoretical knowledge of medical and subsequently the inclusion of women in professional care

    Survey of molecular methods for the typing of wine yeast strains

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    A survey of the genetic polymorphisms produced by distinct methods was performed in 23 commercial winery yeast strains. The microsatellite typing, using 6 different loci, an optimized interdelta sequence analysis and RFLP of mitochondrial DNA generated by the enzyme Hinf I had the same discriminatory power: among the 23 commercial yeast strains, 21 distinct patterns were obtained. Karyotype analysis originated 22 patterns, thereby allowing the discrimination of one of the three strains that were not distinguished by the other methods. Due to the equivalence of the results obtained in this survey, any of the methods can be applied at the industrial scale.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POCTI/BIO/38106/2001 (Eixo 2, Medida 2.3, QCAIII - FEDER).Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI) - grant nº 657 C2.Comunidade Europeia (UE) - contract number QLK4-CT-2001-51873

    Dissemination of wine-related yeasts by migratory birds.

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    The present work was undertaken to evaluate the con-tribution of migratory birds in the environmental dis-semination of yeasts. Four sites (Mazara del Vallo,Lampedusa, Ustica and Linosa), representing themain stop-over points in Sicily, were analysed duringspring and autumnal bird migration and 349 birds(belonging to 10 families) were ringed and analysedfor yeast presence. A total of 125 yeasts were isolated and identified by a multiple genotypic approach, con-sisting of restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) of 5.8S rRNA gene and 26S rRNA andsequencing of D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene,which resulted in the recognition of 18 species,including the technological relevantSaccharomycescerevisiaewhich were characterized at strain levelapplying three techniques (interdelta analysis, mini-satellite analysis based on the separate amplificationof three genes and microsatellite multiplex PCR ofpolymorphic microsatellite loci). The evaluation of thepersistence of livingS. cerevisiae in birds for about12 h from ingestion of inoculated feed allowed theconclusion that yeasts with technological potentialare disseminated during migration

    A large-scale genomic snapshot of Klebsiella spp. isolates in Northern Italy reveals limited transmission between clinical and non-clinical settings

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    Genomic analyses of Klebsiella isolates sampled from multiple human, animal and environmental sources in Northern Italy explore Klebsiella population diversity and show that transmission of multidrug-resistant clones between clinical and environmental settings is scarce.The Klebsiella group, found in humans, livestock, plants, soil, water and wild animals, is genetically and ecologically diverse. Many species are opportunistic pathogens and can harbour diverse classes of antimicrobial resistance genes. Healthcare-associated Klebsiella pneumoniae clones that are non-susceptible to carbapenems can spread rapidly, representing a high public health burden. Here we report an analysis of 3,482 genome sequences representing 15 Klebsiella species sampled over a 17-month period from a wide range of clinical, community, animal and environmental settings in and around the Italian city of Pavia. Northern Italy is a hotspot for hospital-acquired carbapenem non-susceptible Klebsiella and thus a pertinent setting to examine the overlap between isolates in clinical and non-clinical settings. We found no genotypic or phenotypic evidence for non-susceptibility to carbapenems outside the clinical environment. Although we noted occasional transmission between clinical and non-clinical settings, our data point to a limited role of animal and environmental reservoirs in the human acquisition of Klebsiella spp. We also provide a detailed genus-wide view of genomic diversity and population structure, including the identification of new groups.Peer reviewe

    Alternative sources of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine microalgae

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    The main source of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) in human nutrition is currently seafood, especially oily fish. Nonetheless, due to cultural or individual preferences, convenience, geographic location, or awareness of risks associated to fatty fish consumption, the intake of fatty fish is far from supplying the recommended dietary levels. The end result observed in most western countries is not only a low supply of n-3 LC-PUFA, but also an unbalance towards the intake of n-6 fatty acids, resulting mostly from the consumption of vegetable oils. Awareness of the benefits of LC-PUFA in human health has led to the use of fish oils as food supplements. However, there is a need to explore alternatives sources of LC-PUFA, especially those of microbial origin. Microalgae species with potential to accumulate lipids in high amounts and to present elevated levels of n-3 LC-PUFA are known in marine phytoplankton. This review focuses on sources of n-3 LC-PUFA, namely eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, in marine microalgae, as alternatives to fish oils. Based on current literature, examples of marketed products and potentially new species for commercial exploitation are presented.NPST Program of King Saud University [11-ENE1719-02]; SEABIOMED [PTDC/MAR/103957/2008]; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); Portuguese National Budgetinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phylogeographic Analysis of HIV-1 Subtype C Dissemination in Southern Brazil

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    The HIV-1 subtype C has spread efficiently in the southern states of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná). Phylogeographic studies indicate that the subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil was initiated by the introduction of a single founder virus population at some time point between 1960 and 1980, but little is known about the spatial dynamics of viral spread. A total of 135 Brazilian HIV-1 subtype C pol sequences collected from 1992 to 2009 at the three southern state capitals (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba) were analyzed. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods were used to explore the degree of phylogenetic mixing of subtype C sequences from different cities and to reconstruct the geographical pattern of viral spread in this country region. Phylogeographic analyses supported the monophyletic origin of the HIV-1 subtype C clade circulating in southern Brazil and placed the root of that clade in Curitiba (Paraná state). This analysis further suggested that Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state) is an important staging post in the subtype C dissemination displaying high viral migration rates from and to the other cities, while viral flux between Curitiba and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul state) is very low. We found a positive correlation (r2 = 0.64) between routine travel and viral migration rates among localities. Despite the intense viral movement, phylogenetic intermixing of subtype C sequences from different Brazilian cities is lower than expected by chance. Notably, a high proportion (67%) of subtype C sequences from Porto Alegre branched within a single local monophyletic sub-cluster. These results suggest that the HIV-1 subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil has been shaped by both frequent viral migration among states and in situ dissemination of local clades

    Increasing trends in primary NNRTI resistance among newly HIV-1-diagnosed individuals in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Objective: Our objective was to estimate primary resistance in an urban setting in a developing country characterized by high antiretroviral (ARV) coverage over the diagnosed population and also by an important proportion of undiagnosed individuals, in order to determine whether any change in primary resistance occurred in the past five years. Design: We carried out a multi-site resistance surveillance study according to WHO HIV resistance guidelines, using a weighted sampling technique based on annual HIV case reports per site. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 197 drug-naive HIV-1-infected individuals diagnosed between March 2010 and August 2011 at 20 HIV voluntary counselling and testing centres in Buenos Aires. Clinical records of enrolled patients at the time of diagnosis were compiled. Viral load and CD4 counts were performed on all samples. The pol gene was sequenced and the resistance profile determined. Phylogenetic analysis was performed by neighbour-joining (NJ) trees and bootscanning analysis. Results: We found that 12 (7.9%) of the 152 successfully sequenced samples harboured primary resistance mutations, of which K103N and G190A were the most prevalent. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) resistance mutations were largely the most prevalent (5.9%), accounting for 75% of all primary resistance and exhibiting a significant increase (p =0.0072) in prevalence during the past 10 years as compared to our previous study performed in 1997-2000 and in 2003-2005. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) and protease inhibitor primary resistance were low and similar to the one previously reported. Conclusions: Levels of primary NNRTI resistance in Buenos Aires appear to be increasing in the context of a sustained ARV coverage and a high proportion of undiagnosed HIV-positive individuals. © 2013 Rodriguez-Rodrigues N et al; licensee International AIDS Society.Fil: Rodriguez Rodrigues, Nahuel Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Adriana. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; ArgentinaFil: Bouzas, Maria Belen. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas F. J. Muñiz; ArgentinaFil: Zapiola, Ines. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas F. J. Muñiz; ArgentinaFil: Vila, Marcelo. Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Indyk, Debbie. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Estados UnidosFil: Bissio, Emiliano. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; ArgentinaFil: Salomon, Horacio Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Microbiología; ArgentinaFil: Dilernia, Dario Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; Argentin