330 research outputs found

    Ansiedade dos utentes face ao tratamento dentário: Uma scoping review

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    Objectives: Anxiety related to dental treatment is a common problem, so it is essential to identify its potential protective and enhancing factors and consequences. Anxiety is an emotion with negative impacts that may hinder the ability to make decisions and perform daily tasks. The objective is to map the scientific literature on anxiety about dental treatment in adults. Methods: This study used a scoping review registered in the Open Science Framework. The article writing was structured according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. Results: 465 articles were identified, of which 19 were included for analysis. In these, anxiety-enhancing factors, such as the use of turbinates on teeth and previous negative experiences, anxiety-protecting factors, such as regular visits to the dentist and the dentist being calm, showing empathy, and providing emotional support, and actual and/or potential consequences of anxiety, such as postponing or rescheduling appointments and poor oral health, were identified. Conclusions: The results of this study may contribute to assisting dentists in their clinical practice by anticipating anxiety situations, which may allow them to adopt preventive strategies by introducing previous assessment methodologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wh-relative clauses in English and their Spanish and German equivalents. A preliminary study

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2015-2016In this study I will investigate wh-relatives in English, Spanish and German, paying particular attention to the prepositional type, which has so far been relatively underexplored. Taking English wh-relatives as tertium comparationis (Kidd, 2011) and using a corpus-based methodology, this paper will describe whatever parallelisms and divergences emerge when comparing these constructions with their equivalents in Spanish (Bosque et al., 1999: 395-522; Mackenzie and Martínez Caro, 2012) and German (Lehmann, 1984; Krenn & Volk, 1993). Part 1 presents an overview of wh-relative clauses in English, Spanish and German, offering a revision of the relevant theoretical notions. Part 2, on the other hand, offers an empirical analysis based on the tokens of wh-relative clauses found in my corpus. Chapter 3 provides a description of the corpus on which this investigation is based: the Simon Fraser University review corpus (SFURC

    Estratégias de gestão em momentos de crise económica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.[...]. O objectivo geral deste estudo foi o de procurar conhecer qual a percepção e as decisões de gestão tomadas por empresas nos Açores, no contexto económico actual. Para o efeito realizaram-se entrevistas em três empresas sediadas nos Açores, com o intuito de serem analisadas como caso de estudo à luz do tema "Estratégias de Gestão em Momentos de Crise Económica". Desta forma, pretendeu-se aferir o modo como as empresas açorianas reagem e se adaptam ao meio envolvente, num momento de crise económica. [...].[...]. The overall objective of this study was to know the perception and decisions taken by management of companies in the current economic context. The interviews were conducted in three companies based in the Azores, in order to analyze as a case study in light of the theme "Management strategies in times of Economic Crisis." Thus, we sought to assess how the Azorean companies react and adapt to the environment at a time of economic crisis. [...]

    Parameters of oxidative stress in saliva from patients with aggressive and chronic periodontitis

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    Objectives: Free radicals play an important role in the onset and progression of many diseases. The aim ofthis study was to investigate the contribution of oxidative stress in the pathology of aggressive (AgP) andchronic (CP) periodontitis and its relation with the clinical periodontal status.Methods: Eighty subjects were divided into two groups: 20 patients with AgP and 20 patients with CP withtheir 20 corresponding matched controls, based on clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing pocket depth(PPD), and bleeding on probing (BOP). Saliva reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, and nonenzymaticantioxidant defences were measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay, asthiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs) and total radical-trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP),respectively. Pearson?s correlation and multivariate analysis were used to determine the relationshipbetween ROS and TBARs and the clinical parameters.Results: ROS and TBARs were increased in AgP while TRAP was decreased, comparing with CP. In AgP, astrong and positive correlation was observed between ROS and TBARs and they were closely associatedwith CAL and PPD.Discussion: In AgP, but not in CP, oxidative stress is a high contributor to periodontal pathology and it isclosely associated with the clinical periodontal status.Fil: Acquier, Andrea Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: de Couto Pita, Alejandra Karina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Busch, Lucila. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Gabriel A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Biofísica; Argentin

    Consulting project for the lubricants export department of Galp Energia: global market assessment and redefinition of the internationalization strategy

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    The subsequent report is aimed at describing the group project conducted under the Management Consulting Field Labs initiative. It consisted of, as the name indicates, a consulting project completed by four NOVA SBE’s students for the Oil and Gas Company Galp energia (Galp)on its Lubricants Export Department(Export Department). The project’s main objective was to develop a global market assessment and redefine Galp’s Lubricants Export Department internalization strategy. In order to respond to the Company’s needs having in consideration the dimension of the scope, a high level approach was adopted. Furthermore, the close relationship with the client was critical in order to develop a project that matches the Export Department’s specific needs and therefore creating valuefor the client

    A cidade e a musica do conservatorio nacional

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    Arquitetos, em colaboração com artistas plásticos, designers e especialistas de computação gráfica, têm concebido propostas em que sistemas de multimédia digitais interativos ocupam parte importante do espaço construído assumindo-se como elementos diferenciadores da vivência do espaço. Para a conceção e concretização destes projetos são necessárias novas competências e instrumentos de trabalho que requerem a adoção de estratégias de planeamento e produção específicas. O projeto desenvolvido ao longo da investigação aqui apresentada versa sobre a presença de elementos de comunicação visual em espaços urbanos e públicos, nomeadamente através de superfícies multimédia interativas. O estudo e a aplicação de uma superfície interativa aplica-se ao Conservatório Nacional de Música de Lisboa, cujo projeto de reabilitação e ampliação é desenvolvido na vertente prática deste trabalho de projeto. Estudaram-se abordagens e tecnologias utilizadas atualmente na conceção de superfícies interativas assim como se analisaram diferentes casos de implementação e aplicação em áreas de edifícios. A proposta apresentada propõe explorar as possibilidades de incorporar na arquitetura superfícies digitais capazes de criar uma nova dinâmica no espaço físico através da exposição de conteúdos visuais que interagem em tempo real a estímulos recebidos dos visitantes desse espaço. Dado tratar-se de um espaço dedicado à música, é o som emitido pelas pessoas e instrumentos que será o estímulo exterior que despoleta reações da superfície interativa. Para avaliar o carácter intuitivo e a pertinência da proposta, foram realizados testes de satisfação e usabilidade com os possíveis utilizadores: os alunos do Conservatório de Música de onde se concluiu que este apreciaram a proposta afirmando que é percetível os efeitos de som/imagem apresentados.Architects, in collaboration with artists, designers and computer graphics experts have designed proposals in which interactive digital multimedia systems occupy an important part of the built assuming as differentiating elements of living space. For the design and implementation of these projects requires new skills and tools that require the adoption of specific planning and production strategies. The project developed along the research presented here deals with the presence of visual communication elements in urban and public spaces, including through interactive multimedia surfaces. The study and application of an interactive surface applies to the National Conservatory of Music in Lisbon, whose project of rehabilitation and expansion is developed in the practical part of this project work. They studied approaches and technologies currently used in the design of interactive surfaces as well as analyzed different cases of implementation and enforcement in areas of buildings. The proposal is to explore the possibilities of incorporating the digital architecture surfaces able to create a new dynamic in physical space by exposing visual content that interact in real time to incoming stimuli of visitors to this space. As this is a space dedicated to music is the sound emitted by people and instruments that will be outside stimulus that triggers reactions of the interactive surface. To assess the intuitive nature and relevance of the proposal, satisfaction and usability tests were conducted with potential users: students of the Conservatory of Music where it was concluded that it appreciated the proposal stating that it is noticeable sound effects / image presente

    Ansiedade dos utentes face ao tratamento dentário: uma scoping review

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    A ansiedade é uma emoção que provoca impactos negativos que pode impedir a capacidade de tomar decisões e de dar resposta a algumas tarefas diárias. Perante a necessidade de sintetizar a evidência existente acerca da ansiedade relacionada com o tratamento dentário, o objetivo passou por mapear a literatura científica relativamente à ansiedade face ao tratamento dentário nos adultos com recurso a uma scoping review. Foram identificados 465 artigos, 19 considerados adequados. Fatores potenciadores de ansiedade, como a utilização de turbina nos dentes; fatores protetores da ansiedade como as visitas regulares ao médico dentista; e consequências reais e/ou potenciais da ansiedade, como adiar ou desmarcar as consultas, são alguns dos resultados identificados. Este estudo pode ser um contributo para auxiliar o médico dentista na sua prática clínica, através da antecipação de situações de ansiedade, o que permitirá que este adote estratégias preventivas com a introdução de metodologias de avaliação prévias.Anxiety is an emotion that causes negative impacts that may hinder the ability to make decisions and perform daily tasks. Given the need to synthesize the existing evidence on dental treatment-related anxiety, the objective was to map the scientific literature on dental treatment anxiety in adults using a scoping review. A total of 465 articles were identified, 19 were considered adequate. Anxiety-enhancing factors, such as the use of turbinates on teeth; anxiety-protecting factors, such as regular visits to the dentist; and actual and/or potential consequences of anxiety, such as postponing or cancelling appointments, are some of the results identified. This study may assist dentists in their clinical practice by anticipating anxiety situations, which will allow them to adopt preventive strategies by introducing previous assessment methodologies

    Basic Principles in Microvascular Anastomosis and Free Tissue Transfer

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    Free tissue transfer pursues the best functional and aesthetic results in reconstructive surgery. As these techniques completely maximise the donor tissues’ disposability, these treatments have become a first-line option in many situations. When the donor site is taken form the same patient, these surgeries are often referred to as autotransplants. Free tissue transfer sustains in microvascular anastomosis, which are defined by a vessel lumen diameter inferior to 3 mm. Particular attention to some details is important in these techniques, as, for example, to preclude any damage to the vessel walls or any leakage in the microvascular anastomosis. But the success of these techniques does not only depend on an adequate vascular suture, but also on a constellation of details that must be taken into account. These go from the availability of a trained team, to the ergonomics of the surgeon, through the scrupulous cleanliness of the surgical field