417 research outputs found

    Towards a compact representation of temporal rasters

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    Big research efforts have been devoted to efficiently manage spatio-temporal data. However, most works focused on vectorial data, and much less, on raster data. This work presents a new representation for raster data that evolve along time named Temporal k^2 raster. It faces the two main issues that arise when dealing with spatio-temporal data: the space consumption and the query response times. It extends a compact data structure for raster data in order to manage time and thus, it is possible to query it directly in compressed form, instead of the classical approach that requires a complete decompression before any manipulation. In addition, in the same compressed space, the new data structure includes two indexes: a spatial index and an index on the values of the cells, thus becoming a self-index for raster data.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 690941. Published in SPIRE 201

    Exchanging uncertainty: interoperable geostatistics?

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    Traditionally, geostatistical algorithms are contained within specialist GIS and spatial statistics software. Such packages are often expensive, with relatively complex user interfaces and steep learning curves, and cannot be easily integrated into more complex process chains. In contrast, Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) promote interoperability and loose coupling within distributed systems, typically using XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and Web services. Web services provide a mechanism for a user to discover and consume a particular process, often as part of a larger process chain, with minimal knowledge of how it works. Wrapping current geostatistical algorithms with a Web service layer would thus increase their accessibility, but raises several complex issues. This paper discusses a solution to providing interoperable, automatic geostatistical processing through the use of Web services, developed in the INTAMAP project (INTeroperability and Automated MAPping). The project builds upon Open Geospatial Consortium standards for describing observations, typically used within sensor webs, and employs Geography Markup Language (GML) to describe the spatial aspect of the problem domain. Thus the interpolation service is extremely flexible, being able to support a range of observation types, and can cope with issues such as change of support and differing error characteristics of sensors (by utilising descriptions of the observation process provided by SensorML). XML is accepted as the de facto standard for describing Web services, due to its expressive capabilities which allow automatic discovery and consumption by ‘naive’ users. Any XML schema employed must therefore be capable of describing every aspect of a service and its processes. However, no schema currently exists that can define the complex uncertainties and modelling choices that are often present within geostatistical analysis. We show a solution to this problem, developing a family of XML schemata to enable the description of a full range of uncertainty types. These types will range from simple statistics, such as the kriging mean and variances, through to a range of probability distributions and non-parametric models, such as realisations from a conditional simulation. By employing these schemata within a Web Processing Service (WPS) we show a prototype moving towards a truly interoperable geostatistical software architecture

    The role of ICTs in everyday mobile lives

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    Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are permeating modern lifestyles, shaping and colouring the undertaking of activities and travel. This article reports on a qualitative diary and interview study that explored the ways in which ICTs are being used by students aged 18-28 and part-time working mums. Study participants were selected on the basis of being 'informal experts' - reflecting their affinity for engagement with ICTs. Through an exploration of the interview findings, it becomes clear that relatively new technological devices and applications have quickly become embedded into the participants' everyday travel and communications. Changes in social practice at the level of the individuals are not visibly dramatic, but at the same time, there is evidence of a cumulative influence of ICTs on their daily lives. Technologies are enabling the participants to better accommodate the uncertainties in activity and travel scheduling and yet also contributing to a 'fluidity' in time-space co-ordination of activities. They are also allowing the juggling of life roles in time and space leading to apparent fragmenting of activities. The article reflects upon the travel behaviour consequences of ICTs in their influence on everyday life. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    A framework for models of movement in geographic space

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    This article concerns the theoretical foundations of movement informatics. We discuss general frameworks in which models of spatial movement may be developed. In particular, the article considers the object–field and Lagrangian–Eulerian dichotomies, and the SNAP/SPAN ontologies of the dynamic world, and classifies the variety of informatic structures according to these frameworks. A major challenge is transitioning between paradigms. Usually data is captured with respect to one paradigm but can usefully be represented in another. We discuss this process in formal terms and then describe experiments that we performed to show feasibility. It emerges that observational granularity plays a crucial role in these transitions

    Modelling urban growth evolution and land-use changes using GIS based cellular automata and SLEUTH models: the case of Sana'a metropolitan city, Yemen.

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    An effective and efficient planning of an urban growth and land use changes and its impact on the environment requires information about growth trends and patterns amongst other important information. Over the years, many urban growth models have been developed and used in the developed countries for forecasting growth patterns. In the developing countries however, there exist a very few studies showing the application of these models and their performances. In this study two models such as cellular automata (CA) and the SLEUTH models are applied in a geographical information system (GIS) to simulate and predict the urban growth and land use change for the City of Sana’a (Yemen) for the period 2004–2020. GIS based maps were generated for the urban growth pattern of the city which was further analyzed using geo-statistical techniques. During the models calibration process, a total of 35 years of time series dataset such as historical topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite imageries was used to identify the parameters that influenced the urban growth. The validation result showed an overall accuracy of 99.6 %; with the producer’s accuracy of 83.3 % and the user’s accuracy 83.6 %. The SLEUTH model used the best fit growth rule parameters during the calibration to forecasting future urban growth pattern and generated various probability maps in which the individual grid cells are urbanized assuming unique “urban growth signatures”. The models generated future urban growth pattern and land use changes from the period 2004–2020. Both models proved effective in forecasting growth pattern that will be useful in planning and decision making. In comparison, the CA model growth pattern showed high density development, in which growth edges were filled and clusters were merged together to form a compact built-up area wherein less agricultural lands were included. On the contrary, the SLEUTH model growth pattern showed more urban sprawl and low-density development that included substantial areas of agricultural lands

    Epilogue: the new frontiers of behavioral research on the interrelationships between ICT, activities, time use and mobility

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. This special issue is a product of the international symposium on “ICT, Activities, Time Use and Travel” that was hosted by Nanjing University from 16 to 18 July 2016. The symposium brought together leading scholars from all over the world to congregate with Chinese scholars and students and to share and discuss the research frontiers at this nexus. It was motivated by a recognition of the changing goals and scope of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) research in conjunction with the development of new ICTs and the emergence of new ICT-enabled behaviors. Consequently, the symposium and later this special issue have drawn together significant scholarly contributions that provide new behavioral insights as well as new theoretical and methodological advances. The symposium culminated in three roundtable panel discussions addressing the following cross-cutting themes: (1) time use while travelling (led by Glenn Lyons); (2) ICT and travel behavior (led by Pat Mokhtarian); and (3) Big Data, activities and urban space (led by Eran Ben-Elia). In this epilogue to the special issue we offer a distillation of these discussions

    Exploring the Role of Spatial Cognition in Predicting Urban Traffic Flow through Agent-based Modelling

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    Urban systems are highly complex and non-linear in nature, defined by the behaviours and interactions of many individuals. Building on a wealth of new data and advanced simulation methods, conventional research into urban systems seeks to embrace this complexity, measuring and modelling cities with increasingly greater detail and reliability. The practice of transportation modelling, despite recent developments, lags behind these advances. This paper addresses the implications resulting from variations in model design, with a focus on the behaviour and cognition of drivers, demonstrating how different models of choice and experience significantly influence the distribution of traffic. It is demonstrated how conventional models of urban traffic have not fully incorporated many of the important findings from the cognitive science domain, instead often describing actions in terms of individual optimisation. We introduce exploratory agent-based modelling that incorporates representations of behaviour from a more cognitively rich perspective. Specifically, through these simulations, we identify how spatial cognition in respect to route selection and the inclusion of heterogeneity in spatial knowledge significantly impact the spatial extent and volume of traffic flow within a real-world setting. These initial results indicate that individual-level models of spatial cognition can potentially play an important role in predicting urban traffic flow, and that greater heed should be paid to these approaches going forward. The findings from this work hold important lessons in the development of models of transport systems and hold potential implications for policy