422 research outputs found

    Novel Approaches to Developing On-Farm Biomass Production Systems

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    Energy security and climate change are issues facing many countries today. Finding clean, renewable fuel sources has provided a challenge to look beyond the obvious and search for new ways to use old resources. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm season grass native to many parts of the United States. In 2007, the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Agriculture started a collaborative project with the UK Cooperative Extension, farmers in northern Kentucky, Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council and East Kentucky Power Cooperative to explore and demonstrate how switchgrass can be grown, harvested and utilized in an economical and environmentally friendly way (Greenwell 2012a,b). This pilot project was funded by the KY Agricultural Development Fund and successfully established 60 ha of switchgrass between 2007-2011 and produced \u3e 500 t of biomass that was combusted for electricity production. Switchgrass was chosen as the biomass crop of choice for this area for a variety of reasons. It can be grown on marginal soils that are not well suited to row crops. It produces high yields with relatively low inputs and can be harvested with equipment that is common on typical US farms. Because it is a native grass, there is little concern of it becoming invasive and it provides wildlife habitat for local animal species. Additionally, when harvested at a vegetative stage, it produces high quality forage

    Insulin, Hyperglycemia, and Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants

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    Objective This study aims to determine the association between hyperglycemia, insulin therapy, and severe retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants. Study Design In this retrospective database study, we included all ELBW infants who were 180 mg/dL. Covariates were GA, small for GA status, discharge year, sex, Apgar score at 5 minutes, mechanical ventilation, oxygen use, bacteremia, and postnatal steroid exposure. We defined severe ROP as ROP requiring bevacizumab, cryotherapy, laser therapy, or vitrectomy. Sensitivity analysis using BG > 150 mg/dL and > 200 mg/dL was performed. Results A total of 24,548 infants were included; 2,547 (10%) had severe ROP. Hyperglycemia alone was not associated with severe ROP (odds ratio [OR], 0.88; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66-1.17). Hyperglycemia and insulin use were not associated with severe ROP (OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 0.91-2.23). BG > 150 mg/dL and insulin use were associated with severe ROP (OR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.02-1.76). Conclusions Hyperglycemia alone was not associated with severe ROP in ELBW infants. However, we did observe a possible trend between the use of insulin and severe ROP.National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)U.S. governmentNational Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentNIHNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the NIHU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCempra PharmaceuticalsDuke Univ, Dept Pediat, Sch Med, Durham, NC 27706 USADuke Univ, Sch Med, Duke Clin Res Inst, Durham, NC USAKK Womens & Childrens Hosp, Childrens Intens Care Unit, Singapore, SingaporeUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Ecola Paulista Med, Div Neonatal Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv N Carolina, Dept Pediat, Chapel Hill, NC USAMEDNAX Inc, Pediat Med Grp, Jacksonville, FL USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Ecola Paulista Med, Div Neonatal Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilNIH: UL1TR001117U.S. government: HHSN267200700051CNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development: K23HD068497National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: HHSN275201000003INational Institute of Child Health and Human Development: 1R01-HD081044-01National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the NIH: UL1TR001117U.S. Food and Drug Administration: 1R18-FD005292-01Cempra Pharmaceuticals: HHS0100201300009CWeb of Scienc

    Renal cement embolism during percutaneous vertebroplasty

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    Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) is an effective treatment for lesions of the vertebral body that involves a percutaneous injection of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Although PVP is considered to be minimally invasive, complications can occur during the procedure. We encountered a renal embolism of PMMA in a 57-year-old man that occurred during PVP. This rare case of PMMA leakage occurred outside of the anterior cortical fracture site of the L1 vertebral body, and multiple tubular bone cements migrated to the course of the renal vessels via the valveless collateral venous network surrounding the L1 body. Although the authors could not explain the exact cause of the renal cement embolism, we believe that physicians should be aware of the fracture pattern, anatomy of the vertebral venous system, and careful fluoroscopic monitoring to minimize the risks during the PVP

    Gene transfer into hepatocytes using asialoglycoprotein receptor mediated endocytosis of DNA complexed with an artificial tetra-antennary galactose ligand

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    We have constructed an artificial ligand for the hepatocyte-specific asialoglycoprotein receptor for the purpose of generating a synthetic delivery system for DNA. This ligand has a tetra-antennary structure, containing four terminal galactose residues on a branched carrier peptide. The carbohydrate residues of this glycopeptide were introduced by reductive coupling of lactose to the alpha- and epsilon-amino groups of the two N-terminal lysines on the carrier peptide. The C-terminus of the peptide, containing a cysteine separated from the branched N-terminus by a 10 amino acid spacer sequence, was used for conjugation to 3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionate-modified polylysine via disulfide bond formation. Complexes containing plasmid DNA bound to these galactose-polylysine conjugates have been used for asialoglycoprotein receptor-mediated transfer of a luciferase gene into human (HepG2) and murine (BNL CL.2) hepatocyte cell lines. Gene transfer was strongly promoted when amphipathic peptides with pH-controlled membrane-disruption activity, derived from the N-terminal sequence of influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2, were also present in these DNA complexes. Thus, we have essentially borrowed the small functional domains of two large proteins, asialoglycoprotein and hemagglutinin, and assembled them into a supramolecular complex to generate an efficient gene-transfer system

    The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf Demographics From 10-100 AU

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    We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES). This subsample includes six detected planets and three brown dwarfs; from these detections and our contrast curves we infer the underlying distributions of substellar companions with respect to their mass, semi-major axis, and host stellar mass. We uncover a strong correlation between planet occurrence rate and host star mass, with stars M >> 1.5 M⊙M_\odot more likely to host planets with masses between 2-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and semi-major axes of 3-100 au at 99.92% confidence. We fit a double power-law model in planet mass (m) and semi-major axis (a) for planet populations around high-mass stars (M >> 1.5M⊙_\odot) of the form d2Ndmda∝mαaÎČ\frac{d^2 N}{dm da} \propto m^\alpha a^\beta, finding α\alpha = -2.4 ±\pm 0.8 and ÎČ\beta = -2.0 ±\pm 0.5, and an integrated occurrence rate of 9−4+59^{+5}_{-4}% between 5-13 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. A significantly lower occurrence rate is obtained for brown dwarfs around all stars, with 0.8−0.5+0.8^{+0.8}_{-0.5}% of stars hosting a brown dwarf companion between 13-80 MJup_{\rm Jup} and 10-100 au. Brown dwarfs also appear to be distributed differently in mass and semi-major axis compared to giant planets; whereas giant planets follow a bottom-heavy mass distribution and favor smaller semi-major axes, brown dwarfs exhibit just the opposite behaviors. Comparing to studies of short-period giant planets from the RV method, our results are consistent with a peak in occurrence of giant planets between ~1-10 au. We discuss how these trends, including the preference of giant planets for high-mass host stars, point to formation of giant planets by core/pebble accretion, and formation of brown dwarfs by gravitational instability.Comment: 52 pages, 18 figures. AJ in pres

    Co-evolution of strain design methods based on flux balance and elementary mode analysis

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    More than a decade ago, the first genome-scale metabolic models for two of the most relevant microbes for biotechnology applications, Escherichia coli and Saccaromyces cerevisiae, were published. Shortly after followed the publication of OptKnock, the first strain design method using bilevel optimization to couple cellular growth with the production of a target product. This initiated the development of a family of strain design methods based on the concept of flux balance analysis. Another family of strain design methods, based on the concept of elementary mode analysis, has also been growing. Although the computation of elementary modes is hindered by computational complexity, recent breakthroughs have allowed applying elementary mode analysis at the genome scale. Here we review and compare strain design methods and look back at the last ten years of in silico strain design with constraint-based models. We highlight some features of the different approaches and discuss the utilization of these methods in successful in vivo metabolic engineering applications.Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation(NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028

    Transmission characteristics of MERS and SARS in the healthcare setting: a comparative study

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    Background: The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus has caused recurrent outbreaks in the Arabian Peninsula since 2012. Although MERS has low overall human-to-human transmission potential, there is occasional amplification in the healthcare setting, a pattern reminiscent of the dynamics of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreaks in 2003. Here we provide a head-to-head comparison of exposure patterns and transmission dynamics of large hospital clusters of MERS and SARS, including the most recent South Korean outbreak of MERS in 2015. Methods: To assess the unexpected nature of the recent South Korean nosocomial outbreak of MERS and estimate the probability of future large hospital clusters, we compared exposure and transmission patterns for previously reported hospital clusters of MERS and SARS, based on individual-level data and transmission tree information. We carried out simulations of nosocomial outbreaks of MERS and SARS using branching process models rooted in transmission tree data, and inferred the probability and characteristics of large outbreaks. Results: A significant fraction of MERS cases were linked to the healthcare setting, ranging from 43.5 % for the nosocomial outbreak in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2014 to 100 % for both the outbreak in Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia, in 2013 and the outbreak in South Korea in 2015. Both MERS and SARS nosocomial outbreaks are characterized by early nosocomial super-spreading events, with the reproduction number dropping below 1 within three to five disease generations. There was a systematic difference in the exposure patterns of MERS and SARS: a majority of MERS cases occurred among patients who sought care in the same facilities as the index case, whereas there was a greater concentration of SARS cases among healthcare workers throughout the outbreak. Exposure patterns differed slightly by disease generation, however, especially for SARS. Moreover, the distributions of secondary cases per single primary case varied highly across individual hospital outbreaks (Kruskal–Wallis test; P \u3c 0.0001), with significantly higher transmission heterogeneity in the distribution of secondary cases for MERS than SARS. Simulations indicate a 2-fold higher probability of occurrence of large outbreaks (\u3e100 cases) for SARS than MERS (2 % versus 1 %); however, owing to higher transmission heterogeneity, the largest outbreaks of MERS are characterized by sharper incidence peaks. The probability of occurrence of MERS outbreaks larger than the South Korean cluster (n = 186) is of the order of 1 %. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the South Korean outbreak followed a similar progression to previously described hospital clusters involving coronaviruses, with early super-spreading events generating a disproportionately large number of secondary infections, and the transmission potential diminishing greatly in subsequent generations. Differences in relative exposure patterns and transmission heterogeneity of MERS and SARS could point to changes in hospital practices since 2003 or differences in transmission mechanisms of these coronaviruses

    Gemini Planet Imager Spectroscopy of the Dusty Substellar Companion HD 206893 B

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    We present new near-infrared Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) spectroscopy of HD 206893 B, a substellar companion orbiting within the debris disk of its F5V star. The J, H, K1, and K2 spectra from GPI demonstrate the extraordinarily red colors of the object, confirming it as the reddest substellar object observed to date. The significant flux increase throughout the infrared presents a challenging atmosphere to model with existing grids. Best-fit values vary from 1200 to 1800 K for effective temperature and from 3.0 to 5.0 for log(g), depending on which individual wavelength band is fit and which model suite is applied. The extreme redness of the companion can be partially reconciled by invoking a high-altitude layer of submicron dust particles, similar to dereddening approaches applied to the peculiar red field L dwarf population. However, reconciling the HD 206893 B spectra with even those of the reddest low-gravity L dwarf spectra still requires the contribution of additional atmospheric dust, potentially due to the debris disk environment in which the companion resides. Orbit fitting from 4 yr of astrometric monitoring is consistent with a ∌30 yr period, an orbital inclination of 147 , and a semimajor axis of 10 au, well within the estimated disk inner radius of ∌50 au. As one of a very few substellar companions imaged interior to a circumstellar disk, the properties of this system offer important dynamical constraints on companion-disk interaction and provide a benchmark for substellar and planetary atmospheric study
