132 research outputs found


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    RESUMO - É de se esperar que o desenvolvimento e a demanda crescente da densidade populacional, busquem por espaços para moradia, instalação de empresas com atividades comerciais para a cidade, havendo o crescimento desordenado e em sua maioria impróprios na construção de edificações habitacionais, comerciais entre outros. O fato a ser observado é a ocupação do solo desordenadamente seguido do desmatamento em áreas não construídas e a verticalização acentuada gerando os impactos negativos relativos ao ambiente. O crescimento econômico de uma cidade pode repercutir os traços irreversíveis de desrespeito ao meio ambiente. O impacto gerado é sentido pela população, acarretando problemas como o aumento acentuado da temperatura, devido ao adensamento das áreas, impedindo a passagem do vento. O impacto ambiental no meio urbano tem sido estudado com mais frequência para verificar os processos ambientais e seus atributos físicos e populacionais. A cidade de Cuiabá é a capital do estado do Mato Grosso que ocupa cerca de 881.001 km2, situado na zona Intertropical, relativamente próximo ao Equador, sendo a principal característica das diferenças entre as estações e as altas temperaturas durante quase todo o ano. Cuiabá esta situada entre as coordenadas geográficas 15º10’ e 15’50’ de latitude sul e 50º50’e 50º10’ de longitude oeste, na região central do Brasil, na região descrita como “depressão cuiabana”. O trabalho deu-se inicio a partir da revisão bibliográfica. Foi realizado um estudo de caso relacionando a antiga situação do desmatamento na cidade de Cuiabá capital do estado de Mato Grosso com os dias atuais, demostrando a importância da conservação e aplicação de leis pertinentes. O município de Cuiabá apresenta uma área de 315.743,96 hectares. O desmatamento ocorre pela ação antrópica decorrente das transformações territoriais que implicam significativamente a redução da vegetação nativa e consequente perda da biodiversidade no município de Cuiabá, integrando intenso processo de urbanização e o crescimento da ocupação urbana. Os índices de desmate dentre os anos de 2006 a 2013, por exemplo, somam um total de 4.012,97 hectares desmatados. O desmatamento urbano é proveniente da ação antrópica e interfere claramente no meio ambiente como um todo, aumentando a temperatura onde foi desmatado, diminuindo a umidade do ar, no meio urbano aumentando as ilhas de calor, aumentando a impermeabilização do solo, entre outras várias situações negativas para o meio ambiente. Este estudo não pode ser tomado como definitivo, uma vez que uma nova amostragem pode maximizar o conhecimento em relação ao impacto gerado proveniente do desmatamento urbano tanto no município de Cuiabá, como em outras localidades.Palavras-chave: Desmate urbano; Meio Ambiente; Cuiabá


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      Esta pesquisa consta de um levantamento dos aspectos ecológicos de Zamia boliviana (Brongn.) A. DC. da família Cycadaceae, que atualmente merece atenção especial por ser considerada rara e vulnerável, em consequência de sua importância econômica e distribuição em áreas de cerrado com solo de calcário, onde a extração provoca a degradação. O trabalho foi realizado na fazenda Progresso, localizada a 50 km de Cáceres. A metodologia aplicada consiste na distribuição de quatro parcelas de 10m x 50m, num total de 4.000 m2, em áreas com fisionomias diferentes. Verificou-se um total de 177 indivíduos da espécie, 27% dos quais se apresentam com órgãos de reprodução e 14% com predação parcial ou total desses órgãos. A extração intensa tem reduzido gradativamente o potencial florístico e faunístico, fazendo-se necessários estudos das inter-relações das espécies existentes nas regiões de cerrado, bem como propostas e ações de recuperação e conservação

    Microcutting redox profile and anatomy in Eucalyptus spp. With distinct adventitious rooting competence

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    Adventitious root (AR) development takes place in an intricate cellular environment. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defenses, triggered by wounding in cuttings, can modulate this process. A comparative assessment of biochemical and anatomical parameters at critical rooting stages in hard- (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) and easy- (Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden) to-root species was carried out. Microcuttings from seedlings were inoculated in auxin-free AR induction medium and, after 96 h, transferred to AR formation medium for a period of 24 h. Samples were collected upon excision (Texc) and at the 5th day post excision (Tform). Delayed xylem development, with less lignification, was recorded in E. globulus, when compared to E. grandis, suggesting lower activity of the cambium layer, an important site for AR development. Superoxide was more densely present around the vascular cylinder at both sampled times, and in greater quantity in E. globulus than E. grandis, declining with time in the former. Hydrogen peroxide was localized primarily along cell walls, more intensely in the primary xylem and phloem, and increased significantly at Tform in E. globulus. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activities were generally higher in E. grandis and varied as a function of time in E. globulus. Soluble guaiacol peroxidase (GPRX) activity increased from Texc to Tform in both species, whereas cell wall-bound GPRX activity increased with time in E. grandis, surpassing E. globulus. Flavonoid content increased with time in E. grandis and was higher than E. globulus at Tform. Principal component analysis showed that species- and time-derived differences contributed to almost 80% of the variance. Overall, data indicate that E. grandis shows higher cambium activity and tighter modulation of redox conditions than E. globulus. These features may influence ROS-based signaling and phytohormone homeostasis of cuttings, thereby impacting on AR development. Besides being players in the realm of AR developmental differences, the specific features herein identified could become potential tools for early clone selection and AR modulation aiming at improved clonal propagation of this forest crop

    Ombudsman communication: a case of organizational practice

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    Este artículo plantea el tema “comunicación y defensoría del pueblo público” al presentar un estudio en curso que busca comprender cómo la Red de Defensoría del Pueblo de la Empresa Brasileña de Servicios Hospitalarios (EBSERH) desarrolla prácticas comunicativas desde la perspectiva de la tríada: registro de manifestación, encuesta de satisfacción y servicio de información ciudadana; y cómo estas prácticas pueden analizarse en el contexto de comunicación organizativa. La metodología es cualitativa, con datos provenientes de cuestionario, entrevistas y observación participante.This article questions the matter of communication and public ombudsman services by presenting an ongoing study that analyzes how the Ombudsman Network of the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (EBSERH) develops communicative practices from the perspective of the triad registration of manifestation, satisfaction survey and citizen information service and how such practices can be analyzed in the context of organizational communication. The methodology adopted is qualitative, with data from questionnaire, interviews and participant observation.Este artigo traz uma problematização acerca da temática “comunicação e ouvidoria pública” ao apresentar um estudo em andamento que busca compreender de que formas a rede de ouvidorias da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH) desenvolve práticas comunicativas sob a ótica da tríade: registro de manifestação, pesquisa de satisfação e serviço de informação ao cidadão; e como tais práticas podem ser analisadas no contexto da comunicação organizacional. A metodologia é qualitativa, com informações advindas de questionário, entrevistas e observação participante

    Ações preventivas para o controle da Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) no Vale do Ribeira, Paraná, Brasil

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    A Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) é caracterizada por feridas na pele em forma de “cratera de lua” com baixa mortalidade, mas alta morbidade. Embora exista diagnóstico e tratamento para a LTA, a doença requer que seja feito um trabalho educativo de prevenção, uma vez que o diagnóstico é muito invasivo e o tratamento muito agressivo. Considerando os elevados números de casos autóctones de LTA na região do Vale do Ribeira, o objetivo desse estudo foi realizar ações formativas e educativas nos municípios de Cerro Azul e de Itaperuçu nos anos de 2016 a 2019. Desse modo, para ambos os municípios, foram propostas atividades educativas considerando aspectos relacionados ao: a) agente etiológico, o protozoário; b) vetor, o inseto, c) ambiente; d) profilaxia; e) diagnóstico e; f) tratamento da LTA. Em Itaperuçu, os agentes de saúde receberam capacitação sobre a coleta e reconhecimento dos flebotomíneos, vetores de Leishmania spp. Ainda, em Itaperuçu e Cerro Azul, diversas atividades educativas como jogos, palestras, teatro foram realizados para estudantes e professores. A discussão e os esclarecimentos sobre essa endemia, envolvendo os órgãos de saúde e as escolas, auxiliam na implantação de políticas públicas e melhoria ao acesso para o diagnóstico, o tratamento e, sobretudo, na sua profilaxia para a comunidade. Esses fatores favorecem o sistema de vigilância da LTA, resultando em benefícios na saúde pública para a população dessa região

    Alternative inactivated poliovirus vaccines adjuvanted with quillaja brasiliensis or quil-a saponins are equally effective in inducing specific immune responses

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    Inactivated polio vaccines (IPV) have an important role at the final stages of poliomyelitis eradication programs, reducing the risks associated with the use of attenuated polio vaccine (OPV). An affordable option to enhance vaccine immunogenicity and reduce costs of IPV may be the use of an effective and renewable adjuvant. In the present study, the adjuvant activity of aqueous extract (AE) and saponin fraction QB-90 from Quillaja brasiliensis using poliovirus antigen as model were analyzed and compared to a preparation adjuvanted with Quil-A, a well-known saponin-based commercial adjuvant. Experimental vaccines were prepared with viral antigen plus saline (control), Quil-A (50 mg), AE (400 mg) or QB-90 (50 mg). Sera from inoculated mice were collected at days 0, 28, 42 and 56 post-inoculation of the first dose of vaccine. Serum levels of specific IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a were significantly enhanced by AE, QB-90 and Quil-A compared to control group on day 56. The magnitude of enhancement was statistically equivalent for QB-90 and Quil-A. The cellular response was evaluated through DTH and analysis of IFN-c and IL-2 mRNA levels using in vitro reestimulated splenocytes. Results indicated that AE and QB-90 were capable of stimulating the generation of Th1 cells against the administered antigen to the same extent as Quil-A. Mucosal immune response was enhanced by the vaccine adjuvanted with QB-90 as demonstrated by increases of specific IgA titers in bile, feces and vaginal washings, yielding comparable or higher titers than Quil-A. The results obtained indicate that saponins from Q. brasiliensis are potent adjuvants of specific cellular and humoral immune responses and represent a viable option to Quil-A

    Genome and Environment Based Prediction Models and Methods of Complex Traits Incorporating Genotype × Environment Interaction

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    Genomic-enabled prediction models are of paramount importance for the successful implementation of genomic selection (GS) based on breeding values. As opposed to animal breeding, plant breeding includes extensive multienvironment and multiyear field trial data. Hence, genomic-enabled prediction models should include genotype × environment (G × E) interaction, which most of the time increases the prediction performance when the response of lines are different from environment to environment. In this chapter, we describe a historical timeline since 2012 related to advances of the GS models that take into account G × E interaction. We describe theoretical and practical aspects of those GS models, including the gains in prediction performance when including G × E structures for both complex continuous and categorical scale traits. Then, we detailed and explained the main G × E genomic prediction models for complex traits measured in continuous and noncontinuous (categorical) scale. Related to G × E interaction models this review also examine the analyses of the information generated with high-throughput phenotype data (phenomic) and the joint analyses of multitrait and multienvironment field trial data that is also employed in the general assessment of multitrait G × E interaction. The inclusion of nongenomic data in increasing the accuracy and biological reliability of the G × E approach is also outlined. We show the recent advances in large-scale envirotyping (enviromics), and how the use of mechanistic computational modeling can derive the crop growth and development aspects useful for predicting phenotypes and explaining G × E

    Optimizing Genomic-Enabled Prediction in Small-Scale Maize Hybrid Breeding Programs: A Roadmap Review

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    The usefulness of genomic prediction (GP) for many animal and plant breeding programs has been highlighted for many studies in the last 20 years. In maize breeding programs, mostly dedicated to delivering more highly adapted and productive hybrids, this approach has been proved successful for both large- and small-scale breeding programs worldwide. Here, we present some of the strategies developed to improve the accuracy of GP in tropical maize, focusing on its use under low budget and small-scale conditions achieved for most of the hybrid breeding programs in developing countries. We highlight the most important outcomes obtained by the University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil) and how they can improve the accuracy of prediction in tropical maize hybrids. Our roadmap starts with the efforts for germplasm characterization, moving on to the practices for mating design, and the selection of the genotypes that are used to compose the training population in field phenotyping trials. Factors including population structure and the importance of non-additive effects (dominance and epistasis) controlling the desired trait are also outlined. Finally, we explain how the source of the molecular markers, environmental, and the modeling of genotype–environment interaction can affect the accuracy of GP. Results of 7 years of research in a public maize hybrid breeding program under tropical conditions are discussed, and with the great advances that have been made, we find that what is yet to come is exciting. The use of open-source software for the quality control of molecular markers, implementing GP, and envirotyping pipelines may reduce costs in an efficient computational manner. We conclude that exploring new models/tools using high-throughput phenotyping data along with large-scale envirotyping may bring more resolution and realism when predicting genotype performances. Despite the initial costs, mostly for genotyping, the GP platforms in combination with these other data sources can be a cost-effective approach for predicting the performance of maize hybrids for a large set of growing conditions

    Envirome-wide associations enhance multi-year genome-based prediction of historical wheat breeding data

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    Linking high-throughput environmental data (enviromics) to genomic prediction (GP) is a cost-effective strategy for increasing selection intensity under genotype-by-environment interactions (G × E). This study developed a data-driven approach based on Environment-Phenotype Associations (EPA) aimed at recycling important G × E information from historical breeding data. EPA was developed in two applications: (1) scanning a secondary source of genetic variation, weighted from the shared reaction-norms of past-evaluated genotypes; (2) pinpointing weights of the similarity among trial-sites (locations), given the historical impact of each envirotyping data variable for a given site. These results were then used as a dimensionality reduction strategy, integrating historical data to feed multi-environment GP models, which led to development of four new G × E kernels considering genomics, enviromics and EPA outcomes. The wheat trial data used included 36 locations, eight years and three target populations of environments (TPE) in India. Four prediction scenarios and six kernel-models within/across TPEs were tested. Our results suggest that the conventional GBLUP, without enviromic data or when omitting EPA, is inefficient in predicting the performance of wheat lines in future years. Nevertheless, when EPA was introduced as an intermediary learning step to reduce the dimensionality of the G × E kernels while connecting phenotypic and environmental-wide variation, a significant enhancement of G × E prediction accuracy was evident. EPA revealed that the effect of seasonality makes strategies such as “covariable selection” unfeasible because G × E is year-germplasm specific. We propose that the EPA effectively serves as a “reinforcement learner” algorithm capable of uncovering the effect of seasonality over the reaction-norms, with the benefits of better forecasting the similarities between past and future trialing sites. EPA combines the benefits of dimensionality reduction while reducing the uncertainty of genotype-by-year predictions and increasing the resolution of GP for the genotype-specific level

    Hydronephrosis in a Dog Related to Ovariosalpingohysterectomy

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    Background: Hydronephrosis is the dilation of the pelvis and renal calyxes due to post-renal obstruction. The obstruction is often associated with extraluminal masses, blood clots and ureter ligation in castration procedures. Ureter ligation is reported as a malpractice. The renal function is reestablished if ligation is rapidly undone, but not for obstructions longer than four weeks. Often, clinical signs are results from months to years after the castration, when nephrectomy is the best therapeutic option. This paper aims to report a case of asymptomatic unilateral hydronephrosis in a 10-year-old dog caused by chronic ureter occlusion with Nylon 3.0 suture during an elective procedure.Case: A 10-year-old female pinscher dog, spayed 3 years ago was admitted at the Surgery Department of the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí (HV-UFJ). The animal was taken for periodontal treatment. In the physical and laboratory examination (complete blood count, hepatic and renal biochemical tests) no significant and noteworthy alterations were found. Ultrasonographic examination showed no changes in the topography and echotexture of the left kidney, however the right kidney was not visualized, with an anechoic structure suggestive of advanced and severe hydronephrosis. Therefore, exploratory laparotomy was proposed to identify the observed structure, with the periodontal treatment considered for a later time. So, a retroumbilical incision was made, followed by linea alba and the removal of simple isolated suture remaining from previous surgical procedure. In the cavity, the viscera were isolated and the left kidney was identified, observing preserved anatomy. On the other hand, the right kidney had altered topography and morphology, being exposed after release of adhesions in adjacent structures. The right renal artery and vein were dissected and a double ligature was made. Then, the right ureter was dissected, observing marked dilatation in the proximal portion and the presence of local ligation with Nylon 3.0. Right ureterectomy and right nephrectomy were performed. After nephrectomy, the capsule was ruptured, observing dark fluid in it and absence of tissue compatible with renal parenchyma. The material was preserved in 10% formaldehyde and sent for histopathological examination. Histopathology revealed risk of rupture of the renal capsule due to the advance of renal degeneration and complete absence of parenchyma. However, contrary to the severity of the histopathological, surgical and ultrasonographic findings, the patient did not present clinical signs at the time of diagnosis.Discussion: In the intraoperative evaluation, the cause of the hydronephrosis was verified to be in fact the ligation of the ureter, which may have been accidental or due to the malpractice of the veterinarian surgeon. Other possible causes such as adhesions and granulomas were ruled out because the Nylon 3.0 suture was found in the proximal portion of the right ureter. It is believed that the patient may have presented clinical signs of hydronephrosis that may have been confused by the tutors as postoperative complications, changes that if identified and performed in time, could have avoided the occurrence or worsening of hydronephrosis and subsequent nephrectomy. Clinically, the bitch did not show clinical signs presented in the literature as consistent with hydronephrosis such as polyuria, polydipsia, abdominalgia, external fistula and anorexia. Therefore, it is believed that this case is one of the first reports of the occurrence of severe hydronephrosis without typical clinical manifestations of hydronephrosis. This fact raises a warning about the thorough monitoring in the postoperative period by owners and veterinarians, in addition to highlighting concerns regarding the occurrence of medical malpractice versus surgical accidents. Keywords: castration, malpractice, nephrectomy, nylon