192 research outputs found

    FORMAÇÃO PARTICIPADA DO MÉRITO PROCESSUAL E JURISDIÇÃO CONSTITUCIONAL: revisitação teórica das condições da ação sob a ótica da processualidade democrática.

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     RESUMOA dessacralização do instituto jurídico do mérito processual perpassa pela superação de concepções herméticas e dogmáticas. Para isso, torna-se necessário esclarecer que esse instituto relaciona-se, mas não fica adstrito, à matéria de mérito (questões controvertidas que integram a pretensão deduzida em juízo). A releitura crítica permite esclarecer que, sob o ponto de vista da hermenêutica constitucional no Estado Democrático de Direito, mérito processual é o Direito Fundamental assegurado a todos os jurisdicionados e interessados no provimento de ampla discurssividade das questões controvertidas que integram a pretensão inicialmente deduzida. A implementação dos princípios do contraditório, da ampla defesa e do devido processo legal são corolários necessários ao entendimento da legitimidade democrática dos provimentos jurisdicionais. Nesse ínterim, a jurisdição constitucional é o referencial teórico para repensar o mérito processual como esse Direito Fundamental assegurado a todos os jurisdicionados, não somente de discutir as questões controvertidas em juízo, mas, também, de obter um pronunciamento judicialmente fundamentado no direito. É nesse contexto que se torna relevante a abordagem teórico-pragmatica da relevância jurídica de as condições da ação passarem a integrar a matéria de mérito.

    The PEAC – psychsocial care for the hospitalized patient at the HUB : surgical and pediatric clinics

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    O Projeto de Extensão de Ação Contínua (PEAC) “Atendimento Psicossocial ao Paciente Internado no HUB: Clínicas Cirúrgica e Pediátrica” fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teórico-filosóficos da psicologia da saúde, área de conhecimento e intervenção que tem por finalidade a promoção e manutenção da saúde, bem como a prevenção e tratamento de doenças. O projeto foi implantado no segundo semestre de 2007, no Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), tendo por objetivo geral desenvolver atividades psicossociais de assistência, ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária voltadas à promoção da qualidade de vida de pacientes, acompanhantes e profissionais integrantes destas clínicas. Este artigo destaca os principais elementos do PEAC relacionados ao: (a) contexto de atuação – clínica cirúrgica e pediátrica; (b) histórico; (c) objetivos específicos; (d) atividades desenvolvidas de assistência, ensino e pesquisa; e (e) principais resultados alcançados até o momento. Desde sua implantação, o projeto tem cumprido seus objetivos e alcançado suas metas, apresentando crescimento significativo das atividades desenvolvidas e implicações sociais e científicas. Contudo, tanto a assistência quanto as atividades de pesquisa indicam a necessidade de avaliações e aperfeiçoamento contínuos. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe PEAC – Psychsocial Care for the Hospitalized Patient at the HUB: Surgical and Pediatric Clinics – is based upon the theorical and philosophical purposes of health psychology, an area of knowledge and intervention that aims at promo-ting and maintaining health, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases. The project was implemented in the second half of 2007, at the University Hospital of Brasília, aiming to develop general activities of psychosocial assistance, education, university research and extension focusing at the promotion of quality of life for patients, companions and professionals part of these clinics. This article highlights the main elements of the PEAC related to: (a) context of practice – surgical and pediatric clinics; (b) history; (c) specifics purposes; (d) actives referring to assistance, teaching and scientific research; and (e) main results achieved so far. Since its deployment, the project has met its purposes and achieved its goals, showing significant growth in the number of activities executed as well as their scientific and social implications. However, both care and the research activities indicate the need for evaluation and continuous

    Protocolo de tratamiento psicológico en salud orientado a los problemas

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    O desenvolvimento sistematizado da atuação do Psicólogo na área da saúde em hospitais organiza e potencializa uma visibilidade do papel deste psicólogo junto às equipes com quem atua. Este artigo objetiva apresentar um Protocolo de Atendimento Psicológico, elaborado metodologicamente em cinco etapas: (1) levantamento das demandas; (2) elaboração de instrumento de entrevista; (3) confecção de banco de dados; (4) estabelecimento da Rotina de Atuação; e (5) revisão periódica do protocolo. Como resultado, o protocolo estruturou-se em seis eixos: (a) identificação; (b) suporte social; (c) enfrentamento; (d) compreensão do quadro de saúde; (e) exame do estado mental; e (f) dor. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe development of systematic ways to practice the Psychological care in the area of health in hospitals, organizes and reinforces a visibility of the role this professional plays along with the staff who they work with. This paper aims to present a Psychological Care Protocol, methodically developed in five steps: (1) survey of demands; (2) elaboration of an interview instrument; (3) construction of the database; (4) routine practices establishment; and (5) periodical review of the protocol. As a result, the protocol is structured in six axes: (a) identification; (b) social support; (c) coping; (d) health status understanding; (e) mental state examination and; (f) pain. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl desarrollo de formas de acción sistemático del psicólogo en el área de la salud en los hospitales, que comprende un abanico de posibilidades, limita tecnicamente el papel de este profesional y refuerza la visibilidad positiva con los times que trabajam en las unidades. En esta perspectiva, este documento tiene como objetivo presentar el Protocolo de Atención Psicologica de Salud Orientado para el Problema del Servicio de Psicología de la Enfermería Quirúrgica del Hospital de la Universidad de Brasilia. El Protocolo metodológicamente se preparó en cinco pasos: (1) estudio de las demandas, (2) preparación de un instrumento entrevista, (3) construcción de la base de datos, (4) el establecimiento de prácticas de rutina, y (5) el examen periódico del Protocolo. Como resultado, el Protocolo estructurado en seis ejes: (a) identificación, (b) social, (c) coping, (d) la comprensión del marco de salud, (e) examen del estado mental, y (f) el dolor

    Quality of High-protein Diet Bar Plus Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Grain Evaluated Sensorially by Untrained Tasters

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    The objective of this study was to develop, analyze composition and evaluate the microbiological and sensory characteristics of high-protein diet bars (PB) with the addition of chia grain (Salvia hispanica L.), partially replacing isolated soy protein and concentrated whey protein, in proportions of 0, 10, 15 and 20%. The proximate composition was analyzed of PB, for microbiological quality of Bacillus cereus, Filamentous fungi and yeast count, total fecal coliforms, and Salmonella ssp. search. Sensory analysis was performed utilizing acceptance testing of characteristics on a nine-point hedonic scale for various attributes, including purchasing intention of the tested PB. Bars showed 20% moisture, 2.3% ash, 20-23% protein and 19% lipids. The effect of increasing of chia was to increase crude fiber content and decrease total carbohydrate and total energy value. All samples were within the microbiological food standards established by current legislation. All PB formulations obtained a good overall impression index and all characteristics were above mean grades, with the exception of taste (63%) in the PB containing 0% chia. Chia grain has a positive influence on sensory aspects and appears to be an alternative way to increase the nutritional quality of high-protein diet bars

    The protist Trichomonas vaginalis harbors multiple lineages of transcriptionally active Mutator-like elements

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For three decades the <it>Mutator </it>system was thought to be exclusive of plants, until the first homolog representatives were characterized in fungi and in early-diverging amoebas earlier in this decade.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we describe and characterize four families of <it>Mutator</it>-like elements in a new eukaryotic group, the Parabasalids. These <b><it>T</it></b><it>richomonas </it><b><it>v</it></b><it>aginalis </it><it><b>Mu</b>tator- <b>l</b>ike </it><it><b>e</b>lements</it>, or <it>TvMULEs</it>, are active in <it>T. vaginalis </it>and patchily distributed among 12 trichomonad species and isolates. Despite their relatively distinctive amino acid composition, the inclusion of the repeats <it>TvMULE1</it>, <it>TvMULE2</it>, <it>TvMULE3 </it>and <it>TvMULE4 </it>into the <it>Mutator </it>superfamily is justified by sequence, structural and phylogenetic analyses. In addition, we identified three new <it>TvMULE</it>-related sequences in the genome sequence of <it>Candida albicans</it>. While <it>TvMULE1 </it>is a member of the <it>MuDR </it>clade, predominantly from plants, the other three <it>TvMULEs</it>, together with the <it>C. albicans </it>elements, represent a new and quite distinct <it>Mutator </it>lineage, which we named <it>TvCaMULEs</it>. The finding of <it>TvMULE1 </it>sequence inserted into other putative repeat suggests the occurrence a novel TE family not yet described.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings expand the taxonomic distribution and the range of functional motif of <it>MULEs </it>among eukaryotes. The characterization of the dynamics of <it>TvMULEs </it>and other transposons in this organism is of particular interest because it is atypical for an asexual species to have such an extreme level of TE activity; this genetic landscape makes an interesting case study for causes and consequences of such activity. Finally, the extreme repetitiveness of the <it>T. vaginalis </it>genome and the remarkable degree of sequence identity within its repeat families highlights this species as an ideal system to characterize new transposable elements.</p

    Artifacts in brain magnetic resonance imaging due to metallic dental objects

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    Objective: Artifacts caused by metallic objects, such as dental crowns, dental implants and metallic orthodontic appliances, are a common problem in head and neck MRI. The aim of this retrospective study was to identify the main metal dental objects that produce artifacts on brain MRIs.Study design: Imaged metallic artifacts and their sources were identifi ed. Artifact image plane was rated on a score of 0 or 1 (0 - distinguishable for diagnosis and 1 - not distinguishable for diagnosis).Results: Seventy-eight percent of the artifacts appearing in images were caused by orthodontic appliances, followed by dental titanium implants (18%) and metallic crowns (4%). Orthodontic appliances obtained the highest scores in all planes.Conclusions: We concluded that is diffi cult to avoid the effect of metallic artifacts in the maxillofacial regions on brain scan. Removing metallic parts of the orthodontic appliance should ensure diagnostically useful quality scans

    Brazilians perspective on cryptocurrencies

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    The advance in science and technology combined with the development of the Internet offers new options for the use of money. Economic agents are beginning to lose physical contact with money and carry out transactions through electronic channels. The debate on the subject is of international relevance and foresees the manifestation of the monetary authority, which shows the importance of the subject. This paper sought to present the theories of demand for cryptocurrencies, discuss the perspective of Brazilians in relation to digital assets, and show the role of cryptocurrencies in the current economy. This study aimed to identify how the growth in demand for cryptocurrencies can impact the financial system and the globalized economy. The methodology employed is bibliographical, documental, and field research on the monetary evolution and the perspective of Brazilians in relation to crypto assets. Based on the online questionnaire conducted with 170 respondents who answered about what they understand by digital assets, it was observed that most of them are not used to the theme in question, however, there is a great interest in learning. It is concluded that compared to sovereign currencies, cryptocurrency meets monetary demand in isolation, in each context and period


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    O presente artigo estuda a relação do espaço físico arquitetônico da sala de aula destinada ao ensino de francês do Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e a perspective Actionnelle do ensino de francês como língua estrangeira. Para tal análise uma atividade/experimento foi aplicada durante o processo de estágio supervisionado obrigatório da Licenciatura em Letras – Francês, dos acadêmicos Fabrício Leal Cogo e Walter Dias da Costa Filho, sob a orientação e a supervisão das profas. Dras. Clarissa Laus Pereira Oliveira e Narceli Piucco. A análise do espaço físico da sala de aula é feita a partir das diretrizes de um dos documentos do FUNDESCOLA – Espaços educativos. Ensino fundamental. Subsídios para elaboração de projetos e de adequações de edificações escolares – e as experiências que a perspective Actionnelle compreendem no ensino do francês como língua estrangeira

    PEAC ”“ Atendimento Psicossocial ao Paciente Internado no HUB: Clínicas Cirúrgica e Pediátrica

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    O Projeto de Extensão de Ação Contínua (PEAC) “Atendimento Psicossocial ao Paciente Internado no HUB: Clínicas Cirúrgica e Pediátrica” fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teórico-filosóficos da psicologia da saúde, área de conhecimento e intervenção que tem por fi nalidade a promoção e manutenção da saúde, bem como a prevenção e tratamento de doenças. O projeto foi implantado no segundo semestre de 2007, no Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), tendo por objetivo geral desenvolver atividades psicossociais de assistência, ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária voltadas à promoção da qualidade de vida de pacientes, acompanhantes e profissionais integrantes destas clínicas. Este artigo destaca os principais elementos do PEAC relacionados ao: (a) contexto de atuação ”“ clínica cirúrgica e pediátrica; (b) histórico; (c) objetivos específi cos; (d) atividades desenvolvidas de assistência, ensino e pesquisa; e (e) principais resultados alcançados até o momento. Desde sua implantação, o projeto tem cumprido seus objetivos e alcançado suas metas, apresentando crescimento signifi cativo das atividades desenvolvidas e implicações sociais e científi cas. Contudo, tanto a assistência quanto as atividades de pesquisa indicam a necessidade de avaliações e aperfeiçoamento contínuos. &nbsp

    Potential mammalian species for investigating the past connections between Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest

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    Much evidence suggests that Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest were connected through at least three dispersion routes in the past: the Eastern route, the central route, and the Western route. However, few studies have assessed the use of these routes based on multiple species. Here we present a compilation of mammal species that potentially have dispersed between the two forest regions and which may serve to investigate these connections. We evaluate the present-day geographic distributions of mammals occurring in both Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest and the likely connective routes between these forests. We classified the species per habitat occupancy (strict forest specialists, species that prefer forest habitat, or generalists) and compiled the genetic data available for each species. We found 127 mammalian species presently occurring in both Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest for which, substantial genetic data was available. Hence, highlighting their potential for phylogeographic studies investigating the past connections between the two forests. Differently from what was previously proposed, the present-day geographic distribution of mammal species found in both Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest points to more species in the eastern portion of the dry diagonal (and adjoining forested habitats). The Central route was associated with the second most species. Although it remains to be seen how this present-day geography reflects the paleo dispersal routes, our results show the potential of using mammal species to investigate and bring new insights about the past connections between Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest