1,264 research outputs found

    Are Voters Rationally Ignorant? An Empirical Study for Portuguese Local Elections

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    The application of the rational choice postulate to a political context invariably leads to the conclusion that most voters are ill informed when making the decision for whom to vote. In this paper, the authors do an empirical evaluation of the rational ignorance theory, based on the results of the 1997 Portuguese Local Elections. The results only partially sustain the hypothesis of rational ignorance, although it is also possible to identify several limitations that prevent the establishment of definite conclusions in this specific field.JEL Classification: H7 Key words: Voter’s Behaviour; Local Elections; Local Governments; Portugal.

    Edgeless and eccentric cities or new peripheries?

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    Changes in the organisation of social space, set in motion by the third industrial revolution, affected the spatial distribution of production and population, challenging established conceptions of centralities and urban networks at different scales. Temporal continuities and simultaneities are replacing spatial ones, as urban agglomerations expand in scattered ways. Material and immaterial economic flows are followed by economic and political spatial rearrangements. Eccentric centralities outside urban agglomerations emerge as a result of these spatial movements. The concept of centre-periphery used to be essential to distinguish differences, inequalities and asymmetries in social space, but contemporary urban and metropolitan sprawl defies previous centre-periphery correlations. Our goal is to discuss the changing notion of centralities within contemporary urbanisation. Hence following a theoretical approach on centralities, poles and positioning, the spatial context of the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region is explored as it is experiencing an increasing spatial dispersion of economic activities, population and political power against an historical backdrop of strong centre-periphery relationships. Finally as a closure after analysing the spatial outcome of the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region and its perspectives, some questions are enrolled to help to understand the challenges posed to metropolitan planning, in the context of economic articulation with the more general global process and socio-environmental and political requirements usually prevailing at the local/metropolitan level

    Assistive Technology for Elderly Care: An Overview

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    Global demographic changes have resulted in a growing technological demand to meet the arisen social needs. In particular, the increasingly ageing population requires assistive technologies to stay at home for longer independently while receiving continuous healthcare. In this sense, a wide academic and industrial research is taking place, introducing these technologies in hospitals and rehabilitation centres. This paper aims at providing an overview of research projects for elderly care and assistance, focusing on cognitive and robot assistants due to their popularity in the area. More precisely, physical and/or cognitive rehabilitation are presented. This paper also discusses their limitations and the open challenges to be tackled in order to be successfully integrated in our society

    Analysis of Computer Simulations for the Teaching of the Model of Evolution by Natural Selection

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    La teoría de la evolución resulta clave para abordar la enseñanza de los procesos biológicos y es el eje fundamental de toda la biología. Sin embargo, se registran dificultades para la comprensión de la evolución por selección natural tanto en estudiantes de escuela secundaria como de nivel universitario. Las simulaciones computacionales utilizadas como recursos didácticos pueden obstaculizar o favorecer la comprensión de la evolución en función de sus particularidades. En el presente trabajo se analizan los aspectos técnicos, conceptuales y didácticos de diez simulaciones computacionales del proceso de evolución biológica, con la finalidad de evaluar el potencial de estos recursos para la enseñanza del modelo de evolución biológica por selección natural. A partir de los resultados obtenidos encontramos simulaciones que podrían fortalecer las concepciones alternativas que tienen los estudiantes acerca de cómo funciona la evolución y otras que podrían mejorar la comprensión de los principios que estructuran la teoría de la evolución por selección natural.ngthen the alternative conceptions that the students have about how evolution works, whereas others could improve the understanding of the principles that structure the theory of evolution by natural selection.The theory of evolution is nowadays considered as the backbone of all biology, and is essential to approach the teaching of biological processes. However, there are difficulties in understanding evolution by natural selection in both secondary and university students. Employing computer simulations in teaching evolution are didactic resources that could hinder or promote understanding depending on their specific aspects. The technical, conceptual and didactic aspects of ten computer simulations of the process of biological evolution are analyzed in this work, in order to evaluate the potential that these resources have for the teaching of the model of biological evolution by natural selection. From the results, we find that there are simulations that could strengthen the alternative conceptions that the students have about how evolution works, whereas others could improve the understanding of the principles that structure the theory of evolution by natural selection

    Informe breve: evaluación del lavado de manos en un equipo de salud

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    El lavado de manos previo y posterior a la atención de cada paciente es el mejor método para prevenir la transmisión de microorganismos de un paciente a otro y así disminuir la infección hospitalaria. Se evaluó el conocimiento de la norma de lavado de manos y se observó el cumplimiento de la misma al iniciar la investigación y luego de la intervención (concientización). La muestra estuvo integrada por el personal de salud de una sala del sector de Clínica II del Hospital de Niños de La Plata. Se realizó el cultivo de los pulpejos de los dedos sobre agar sangre antes y después de lavarse las manos a todo el personal que se prestó voluntariamente; con estos cultivos se realizaron talleres de mostración. El porcentaje de conocimiento de la norma fue alta, el cumplimiento del lavado de manos pasó de 38,7% a 61,3% luego de la intervención. La educación continua es la manera de mejorar el cumplimiento de la norma del lavado de manos y así contribuir a disminuir la infección hospitalaria.Appropiate hand hygiene before and alter attending patient is the leading measure to reduce cross-infection and nosocomial infections. We evaluated the knowledge of correct hand hygiene practice and observed the compliance at the begining of the investigation and after the educational program. Direct fringerprint samples in blood agar plates before and after washing hands were obtained. Whith this cultures we conducted a workshop. The percentage of knowing the norm was hight, the fulfillment was 38.7% before and 61.3% after the intervention. Continuos education is the best way to improve the compliance and to reduce nosocomial transmited infection

    BNCC e atuação docente: uma política em cena

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    This article comprises part of a master's research in development, which investigates the performance of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) in the schools of the Municipal Education Network of Mossoró/RN. It seeks to understand how this policy is interpreted and translated by teachers, questioning the possibility of homogenizing the curriculum, given the unpredictability of the “school floor”, considering that other meanings and demands are being reconfigured in the multiple scenarios. The research is characterized as qualitative and assumes the Policy Cycle articulated with the Theory of Action, for data analysis and interpretation. The initial results make it possible to infer that policies are interpreted in a unique way in different school institutions and that they result in new meanings in the context of practice, where other disputes for hegemony come into scene.O presente artigo compreende parte de uma pesquisa de mestrado em desenvolvimento, a qual investiga a atuação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) nas escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Mossoró/RN. Busca entender como essa política é interpretada e traduzida pelos docentes problematizando a possibilidade de homogeneização do currículo, dada a imprevisibilidade do “chão da escola”, considerando que outros sentidos e demandas vão sendo reconfiguradas nos múltiplos cenários. A pesquisa se caracteriza como de natureza qualitativa e assume o Ciclo de Políticas articulado a teoria da atuação, para análise e interpretação dos dados. Os resultados iniciais possibilitam inferir que as políticas são interpretadas de forma única em diferentes instituições escolares e, que resultam em novas significações no contexto da prática, onde outras disputas por hegemonia, entram em cena

    Mapeamento da Literatura dos Trabalhos Publicados nos Anais da ANPAD e no Web of Science sobre a Teoria do Foco Regulatório

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Diante da importância da Teoria do Foco Regulatório (TFR) para as pesquisas na área de Marketing este estudo traz como tema central a TFR que mostra diversos aspectos relevantes para serem abordados e discutidos. Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um mapeamento da literatura nacional que trata sobre a Teoria do Foco Regulatório. Como objetivos específicos pretendeu-se: identificar quantos e quais são os trabalhos, os objetivos principais de cada pesquisa, em qual contexto foram analisados e desenvolvidos, verificar os métodos de pesquisa utilizados e os principais resultados encontrados. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo desenvolvido por meio de um mapeamento da literatura mediante um mapeamento das pesquisas nacionais sobre o tema Foco Regulatório. O referencial teórico aborda a Teoria do Foco Regulatório, buscando compreender a teoria em diversos temas e alcançando autores com diferentes opiniões. Como principais resultados encontrou-se que existem poucos trabalhos brasileiros sobre a temática, sendo a maioria estudos experimentais e que demonstram diferenças significativas entre consumidores preventivos e promocionais

    Taller paralelo de regeneración urbana DUyOT-DUSP: Innovación docente e internacionalización de la enseñanza

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    Artículo escrito con Ester Higueras y Nagore Urrutia sobre el Taller paralelo de regeneración urbana organizado entre el Master del DUyOT (UPM) y el del DUSP (MIT