130 research outputs found

    Leitura em voz alta, movimentos oculares e prosódia: integração de informação sintática e discursiva

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo relacionar dados de movimentos oculares e leitura em voz alta das propriedades sintáticas e discursivas de textos, a fim de compreender os processos cognitivos durante a leitura para a compreensão. Supondo que na leitura em voz alta há uma estreita interação entre a estrutura da sintaxe e a prosódia de fala, recolhemos dados de eyetracking e produção de fala de 17 oradores femininos do PE durante a leitura de dois textos. Os movimentos oculares e a leitura de fala produzidos simultaneamente foram analisados e os nossos resultados mostram que os olhos e a voz respondem tanto à complexidade do texto quanto aos loci seletivos sintáticos e discursivos, como pontos-chave da integração da informação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Searching for behavioral correlates of text complexity in reading

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    Research on reading attempts to encompass the connection between linguistic proprieties of the reading materials and the cognitive processes for written language processing. Following studies on reading comprehension and fluency using either silent or oral reading, we are now deepening the relation between behavioral outputs – eye movements and prosody - collected in a reading aloud task. We conducted an experiment where 17 adult native speakers of European Portuguese were instructed to read aloud two texts. We put the hypothesis that there will be a strong connection between text complexity, integrative processes and eyes and vocal behavior. To verify the effect of reading complexity, we prepared two passages representing two poles in a scale of complexity. The texts differ in theme and vocabulary, concerning topic familiarity and word frequency, being alike in syntactic and informational structures. Eye movements were registered with an SMI IVIEW X™ HI-SPEED system, and reading speech was recorded with a Logitech® Webcam Pro 9000. First fixation, first pass and total reading time (for eye movement’s analysis), and vowel stressed duration (VSD) and F0 (for prosody analysis) were taken from two critical loci: words in a syntactic boundary (right edge of the clause) and informational boundary (before a period). Results show significant wrap-up effects in information boundaries either in an increase of first pass and total reading times, as in VSD in the most complex text. We observed eye-voice span effects triggered by words of low frequency, longer size or more complex phonological structure in both texts.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Reading aloud: eye movements and prosody

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    This study aims to connect data from ocular movements and reading aloud speech to syntactic and discursive properties of texts, in order to understand integrative cognitive processes during reading for understanding and to identify prosodic and eye movements’ indicators of reading fluency. Assuming that in reading aloud there is a close interaction between syntax structure and speech prosody, we collected eye movements and reading speech data from 17 native EP speakers. Eye movements and reading speech produced simultaneously were analyzed and our results show that eyes and voice are both responsive to text complexity and to syntactic and discursive critical loci, as key points of information integration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prosodic and visual indicators for linguistic processing in reading aloud

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    In this study, we hypothesize that eye movements tracking simultaneous with reading aloud can reinforce evidences of behaviors markers of linguistic processing. In fact, reading aloud speech can reveal prosodic indicators of structure building, working as a window to access cognitive processes of information integration. Data from an experiment on reading aloud by 17 adult native speakers of European Portuguese was collected and analyzed. A passage with a technical issue was prepared at both lexical and syntactic levels. Eye movements were registered with an SMI IVIEW X HI-SPEED system, and speech recorded with a Logitech® Webcam Pro 9000. Critical areas for analysis were delimited considering intonational and structural properties. First fixation, first pass and total fixation time, for eye movement's analysis, and stressed vowel duration and F0, for prosodic analysis, were taken from the target word at the right edge of syntactic and prosodic selected unities. Results show that higher prosodic and syntactic boundaries - intonational phrases (IP) and complement phrases (CP) are marked by correlated behaviors from voice and eyes: F0 and total fixation time of target word. We can take these two variables as indicators of end-structure building of unities of high level and possibly of wrap-up effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Using eye-tracking to study anaphoric relations processing in European Portuguese

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    Journal of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and EmotionIn this study we evaluate processing costs of different types of anaphoric expressions during reading. We consider three types of anaphoric expressions in Subject sentential position: a null pronoun (pro), and two gaps produced by syntactic movement: a WHvariable and a NP copy. Given that coreferential pro exhibits more referential weight than wh- and NP-gaps, and grounded on theories of referential processing based on relations of hierarchy and accessibility of the antecedent, we raise the hypothesis that the more dependent on its antecedent the anaphoric null constituent is, and the more minimal is the distance in terms of hierarchical structure between the anaphoric null element and its antecedent, the lower are the cognitive costs in processing. To test our hypothesis, we registered the eye movements with R6-HS ASL system of 20 Portuguese adult native speakers. Text regions including the selected anaphoric expressions were delimited and tagged. We analyzed the reading time of each region taking into account the number and duration of eye fixations per region; we used the reading time by character in milliseconds in order to compare values between regions of different length. We found a significant advantage in the reading time of the gaps arising from movement over the reading time of pro

    Effects of word length and word frequency among dyslexic, ADHD-I and typical readers

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    This study aimed to investigate the neuropsycholinguistic functioning of children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – inattentive subtype (ADHD-I) in a reading task. The psycholinguistic profile of both groups was assessed using a battery of neuropsychological and linguistic tests and compared to typical readers. Participants were submitted to a silent reading task with lexical manipulation of the text. Eye movements were recorded and compared aiming to find cognitive processes involved in reading that could help differentiate groups. The study examined whether word-frequency and word-length effects distinguish between groups. Participants included 19 typical readers, 21 children diagnosed with ADHD-I and 19 children with DD. All participants were attending 4th grade and had a mean age of 9.08 years. Children with DD and ADHD-I exhibited significant different cognitive and linguistic profiles on almost all measures evaluated when compared to typical readers. The effects of word length and word frequency interaction also differed significantly in the 3 experimental groups. The results support the multiple cognitive deficits theory. While the shared deficits support the evidence of a phonological disorder present in both conditions, the specific ones corroborate the hypothesis of an oculomotor dysfunction in DD and a visuo-spatial attention dysfunction in ADHD

    Integrating cognitive factors and eye movement data in reading predictive models for children with dyslexia and ADHD-I

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    This study reports on several specific neurocognitive processes and eye-tracking predictors of reading outcomes for a sample of children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – inattentive subtype (ADHD-I) compared to typical readers. Participants included 19 typical readers, 21 children diagnosed with ADHD-I and 19 children with DD. All participants were attending 4th grade and had a mean age of 9.08 years. The psycholinguistic profile of each group was assessed using a battery of neuropsychological and linguistic tests. Participants were submitted to a silent reading task with lexical manipulation of the text. Multinomial logistic regression was conducted to evaluate the predictive capability of developing dyslexia or ADHD-I based on the following measures: (a) a linguistic model that included measures of phonological awareness, rapid naming, and reading fluency and accuracy; (b) a cognitive neuropsychological model that included measures of memory, attention, visual processes, and cognitive or intellectual functioning, and (c) an additive model of lexical word properties with manipulation of word-frequency and word-length effects trough eye-tracking. The additive model in conjunction with the neuropsychological model classification improved the prediction of who develops dyslexia or ADHD-I having as baseline normal readers. Several of the neuropsychological and eye-tracking variables have power to predict the degree of reading outcomes in children with learning disabilities

    Otimização do sucesso escolar, no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, através da expressão plástica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação e Formação, especialização em Formação e Intervenção Educativa com Crianças e Jovens, 14 de março de 2019, Universidade dos Açores.O presente trabalho de investigação surgiu no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação e Formação, da Universidade dos Açores. A investigação intitulada “Otimização do Sucesso Escolar, no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, através da Expressão Plástica”, teve como intuito compreender a forma como os Professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB) otimizam a Expressão Plástica na sua prática letiva diária, bem como a sua perceção acerca da relação entre esta área de Expressão e o Sucesso Escolar, e de que forma fomentam e valorizam as Expressões Artísticas na promoção do Sucesso Escolar e ainda, quais as estratégias que utilizam neste domínio. Para a concretização desta investigação realizou-se um estudo essencialmente exploratório (descritivo), centrado numa metodologia mista (quantitativa e qualitativa), sendo a amostra composta por 71 professores do 1.º Ciclo de Ensino Básico da ilha de S. Miguel (Açores). O instrumento de recolha de dados utilizado foi o inquérito por questionário, de tipo misto, com perguntas fechadas e abertas, construído para o efeito desta investigação. Foram garantidos os procedimentos éticos de uma investigação com seres humanos. A análise e interpretação dos dados quantitativos foi feita através de uma base de dados, criada no Programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), versão 24.0., cujo tratamento estatístico foi efetuado em função dos nossos objetivos. Realizou-se uma análise descritiva e comparativa dos resultados expostos nas tabelas e gráficos, o que permitiu a obtenção de informações significativas para o estudo. Procedeu-se, igualmente, a uma análise de conteúdo para a compreensão dos dados qualitativos. De acordo com os dados reunidos pode-se concluir que os docentes exploram pedagogicamente e com frequência a área das Expressões, especialmente a Expressão Plástica nas suas práticas letivas diárias como apoio de outras áreas do programa, principalmente para reforçar conteúdos, de modo a que os alunos possam atingir melhor os objetivos curriculares. Conclui-se que os programas do 1.º Ciclo de Ensino Básico são percecionados pelos professores como demasiado extensos e a preocupação em cumprir as metas preconizadas para este ciclo de ensino constitui um constrangimento difícil de contornar. Pode-se também concluir que, segundo os professores, grande parte dos alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da amostra revela interesse e motivação pela área de Expressão Plástica. Finalmente, concluise que a Expressão Plástica é um meio pedagógico para melhorar os resultados escolares dos alunos do ciclo em referência, o qual deve ser mais otimizado no processo de ensino aprendizagem.RÉSUMÉ: Les travaux de recherche actuels ont été réalisés dans le cadre du Master en éducation et formation de l’Université des Açores. La recherche intitulée "Optimisation de la réussite scolaire au premier cycle de l'éducation de base par l'expression plastique", était destiné à comprendre comment les enseignants du 1er cycle de l'éducation de base (1er CEB) optimisent l'expression plastique dans leur pratique pédagogique quotidienne, ainsi que leur perception de la relation entre ce domaine d'expression et la réussite scolaire, et de la façon dont ils promeuvent et valorisent les expressions artistiques dans la promotion de la réussite scolaire et des stratégies qu'ils utilisent dans ce domaine. Afin de mener cette recherche à bien, une étude essentiellement exploratoire (descriptive), axée sur une méthodologie mixte (quantitative et qualitative), a été menée auprès de 71 enseignants du 1er cycle de l'éducation de base de l'île de S. Miguel (Açores). L'instrument de collecte de données utilisé était l'enquête par questionnaire de type mixte, avec des questions fermées et des questions ouvertes, construite aux fins de cette recherche. Les procédures éthiques d’une enquête sur des êtres humains ont été. L'analyse et l'interprétation des données quantitatives ont été effectuées à l'aide d'une base de données créée dans le SPSS (logiciel de statistiques pour les sciences sociales), version 24.0, dont le traitement statistique a été effectué en fonction de nos objectifs. Une analyse descriptive et comparative des résultats présentés dans les tableaux et graphiques a été réalisée, ce qui a permis d’obtenir des informations importantes pour l’étude. Une analyse de contenu a également été réalisée pour la compréhension des données qualitatives. D'après les données collectées, on peut en conclure que les enseignants explorent fréquemment et de manière pédagogique le domaine des expressions, en particulier l'expression plastique dans leurs pratiques pédagogiques quotidiennes, afin de soutenir d'autres domaines du programme, principalement pour renforcer le contenu, de sorte que étudiants pour mieux atteindre les objectifs du programme. Il est conclu que les enseignants considèrent que les programmes du premier cycle de l’éducation de base sont trop vastes et que le souci de réaliser les objectifs recommandés pour ce cycle d’enseignement est une contrainte difficile à surmonter. On peut également conclure que, selon les enseignants, la plupart des étudiants du premier cycle de l’éducation de base de l’échantillon manifestent un intérêt et une motivation pour le domaine de l’expression plastique. Enfin, il est conclu que l’expression plastique est un moyen pédagogique d’améliorer les résultats scolaires des élèves du cycle de référence, qui devrait être optimisé au cours du processus d’apprentissage

    Complexidade linguística e processamento referencial

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    Consciência linguística: aspetos sintáticos

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    O foco deste texto foi o conhecimento sintático, que subjaz à competência de escrita. Tendo em atenção estruturas sintáticas específicas, mostrou-se como as mesmas são progressivamente dominadas com o desenvolvimento e como são usadas na construção de textos de formatos variados. A componente sintática foi perspetivada pelo contributo particular que tem na produção escrita, devendo ser articulada com outros tipos de conhecimento linguístico, com estratégias discursivas e com conhecimentos não linguísticos relevantes para a comunicação escrita, abordados em outros capítulos deste livro.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio