91 research outputs found

    Formation and evolution of the two 4/3 resonant giants planets in HD 200946

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    It has been suggested that HD 200964 is the first exoplanetary system with two Jovian planets evolving in the 4/3 mean- motion resonance. Previous scenarios to simulate the formation of two giant planets in the stable 4/3 resonance configuration have failed. Moreover, the orbital parameters available in the literature point out an unstable configuration of the planetary pair. The purpose of this paper is i) to determine the orbits of the planets from the RV measurements and update the value of the stellar mass (1.57 M), ii) to analyse the stability of the planetary evolution in the vicinity and inside the 4/3 MMR, and iii) to elaborate a possible scenario for the formation of systems in the 4/3 MMR. The results of the formation simulations are able to very closely reproduce the 4/3 resonant dynamics of the best-fit config- uration obtained in this paper. Moreover, the confidence interval of the fit matches well with the very narrow stable region of the 4/3 mean-motion resonance. The formation process of the HD 200964 system is very sensitive to the planetary masses and protoplanetary disk parameters. Only a thin, flat disk allows the embryo-sized planets to reach the 4/3 resonant configuration. The stable evolution of the resonant planets is also sensitive to the mass of the central star, because of overlapping high-order resonances inside the 4/3 resonance. Regardless of the very narrow domain of stable motion, the confidence interval of our fit closely matches the stability area

    The Effect of Biphasic Refrigerant Flow on Refrigerator Noise

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    Nowadays, the sound level and the sound quality are two very important buying criteria for the final users of a household or light commercial appliance. In order to assure good noise levels, the choice of a compressor with low noise at a specific condition is not the only point necessary to care. It is important to evaluate the transient noise, specially the one that depends on the state and the phases of the refrigerant. The goal of this paper is to present two studies, the first one showing how a biphasic flow in the suction line, close to the compressor in a drinking fountain can create transient noise due to the excitation of compressor gas cavity. The second case concerns the flow noise generated by the refrigerant in the capillary tube. In both cases, thermocouples are placed in different parts of the unit in order to better understand the behavior of the refrigerant flow. Different refrigerant charges are tested, verifying the thermodynamic and acoustic behavior of the units. Some different control techniques are also tried, aiming to avoid undesired noise (for example, pure tone) and reducing the overall levels. Finally, a proposed refrigerant charge is set, assuring a good trade-off regarding noise and thermodynamic performance

    Anurans of the Estacao Ecologica de Santa Barbara, a remnant of open Cerrado formations in the state of Sao Paulo

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    Although São Paulo is the state with the most knowledge about anurans from Brazil, it still has important knowledge gaps about this group especially in the remnants of the Cerrado Biome. Only 0.5% of this biome is protected by conservation units in the state and remaining fragments suffer threats that include isolation, risk of fire and invasion by exotic plant species. The aim of this study was to obtain information on anurans species recorded at Estação Ecológica de Santa Bárbara, one of the few remnants in Middle Paranapanema river basin that has a predominance of open Cerrado formations. The inventory was conducted monthly from October/2008 to March/2009, totaling 30 sampling days. Surveys were conducted using pitfall traps with drift fences, incidental encounters and acoustic and visual searches. We recorded 33 anuran species, belonging to 14 genera and six families (Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Hylidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae e Microhylidae). Although species richness was not different between open and forest vegetation types, there was a greater abundance of anurans in the open formations, reflecting the largest association of individuals to water bodies present in open phytophysiognomies during the reproductive period. This research is an important contribution to expanding the knowledge about anurans species in the Cerrado, one of the priority global hotspots for biodiversity conservation.Although São Paulo is the state with the most knowledge about anurans from Brazil, it still has important knowledge gaps about this group especially in the remnants of the Cerrado Biome. Only 0.5% of this biome is protected by conservation units in the state and remaining fragments suffer threats that include isolation, risk of fire and invasion by exotic plant species. The aim of this study was to obtain information on anurans species recorded at Estação Ecológica de Santa Bárbara, one of the few remnants in Middle Paranapanema river basin that has a predominance of open Cerrado formations. The inventory was conducted monthly from October/2008 to March/2009, totaling 30 sampling days. Surveys were conducted using pitfall traps with drift fences, incidental encounters and acoustic and visual searches. We recorded 33 anuran species, belonging to 14 genera and six families (Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Hylidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae e Microhylidae). Although species richness was not different between open and forest vegetation types, there was a greater abundance of anurans in the open formations, reflecting the largest association of individuals to water bodies present in open phytophysiognomies during the reproductive period. This research is an important contribution to expanding the knowledge about anurans species in the Cerrado, one of the priority global hotspots for biodiversity conservation.23024

    Quantitative evaluation of lateral forces on the patella: static and kinematic magnetic resonance imaging

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of combining static and kinematic magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of the femoropatellar joint. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty healthy volunteers (40 knees) and 23 patients (43 knees) were submitted to both static and kinematic magnetic resonance imaging on a 1.5 tesla whole-body magnetic resonance scanner. The knees were positioned at 30º flexion with the quadrature knee coil at the inner end of the examination table. The patellar translation was evaluated by measurements of bisect offset, lateral patellar displacement and patellar tilt angle. The nonparametric Wilcoxon test was utilized for statistical analysis of data resulting from the static and kinematic studies in both groups. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was utilized in the comparison between healthy volunteers and patients. RESULTS: Statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences (p < 0.05) between static and kinematic magnetic resonance imaging for the three parameters evaluated in both groups. Among the patients the differences between static and kinematic measurements were greater than those found in the volunteers, at 30&deg; and 20&deg; flexion, with bisect offset and lateral patellar displacement. CONCLUSION: Static and kinematic magnetic resonance imaging, when performed in association, demonstrated that the lateral forces being exerted on the patella are higher at a knee flexion at the range between 20&deg; and 30&deg;, particularly in individuals symptomatic for femoropatellar instability.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a validade da ressonância magnética cinemática combinada com a ressonância magnética estática no estudo da articulação femoropatelar. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas ressonância magnética estática e ressonância magnética cinemática em 20 voluntários assintomáticos (40 joelhos) e em 23 pacientes (43 joelhos), em aparelho de configuração fechada de 1,5 tesla de campo. Os indivíduos foram posicionados na extremidade da mesa, em 30&deg; de flexão. A translação patelar foi avaliada medindo-se o desvio da bissetriz, o deslocamento lateral da patela e o ângulo de inclinação da patela. Para a comparação entre os estudos estático e cinemático, foi utilizado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Para a comparação entre os voluntários e os pacientes, foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças significantes entre a ressonância magnética estática e a ressonância magnética cinemática (p < 0,05) nos três parâmetros utilizados. No grupo dos pacientes, as diferenças entre a ressonância magnética estática e a ressonância magnética cinemática foram maiores que nos voluntários a 20&deg; e a 30&deg; de flexão, com o desvio da bissetriz e com o deslocamento lateral da patela. CONCLUSÃO: A combinação da ressonância magnética estática e ressonância magnética cinemática evidenciou que a força resultante lateral é maior na faixa de 20&deg; e 30&deg; de flexão, especialmente nos indivíduos sintomáticos, para a instabilidade femoropatelar.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Diagnóstico por ImagemSociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e BioestatísticaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Diagnóstico por ImagemUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Medicina Preventiva e BioestatísticaSciEL


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    No planejamento tático florestal, as decisões relacionadas ao agendamento da colheita são altamente interligadas às decisões do planejamento de estradas. Porém, devido à complexidade de integrar problemas de colheita florestal e estradas em um mesmo modelo, a abordagem desse tipo de problema tem sido tradicionalmente realizada em duas etapas sequencialmente vinculadas. Por esse motivo, este estudo tem como objetivo comparar as consequências financeiras da não integração do planejamento das estradas em modelos de agendamento tático da colheita florestal através da aplicação da Programação Linear Inteira Mista (PLIM). O modelo PLIM foi implementado em uma floresta pertencente a uma indústria brasileira de base florestal. Com base em dados geoespaciais, foi aplicado o algoritmo de Dijkstra para gerar os caminhos mais curtos entre cada talhão florestal e o destino final (fábrica). No entanto, tendo em vista a seleção prioritária de determinados tipos de estradas, o algoritmo de Dijkstra foi adaptado para penalizar de maneira mais intensa os trechos de estrada com menor capacidade de tráfego de caminhões e maquinários, como por exemplo estradas estreitas e de terra. Os cenários testados resultaram em soluções inteira ótima em menos de um minuto de processamento computacional. Além disso, a aplicação de um modelo integrado de agendamento da colheita florestal com o planejamento das estradas elevou em 0,6% a receita líquida total do planejamento florestal tático, bem como reduziu em 21% a quantidade de estradas necessárias às operações de colheita da madeira

    Rhinophyma: analysis of the shave excision technique

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    INTRODUCTION: The rhinophyma is an extremely stigmatizing condition for a patient. The first descriptions of this disease dates back to the time of Hippocrates, which was popular known as alcoholic nose or nasal elephantiasis is responsible for generating a huge deformity in the nose. This deformity derives from a process of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands in nasal skin associated with fibrosis and dilated local blood vessels and connective tissue. Surgery is considered the treatment of choice for aesthetic improvement of the injury. METHODS: This was a retrospective study based on analysis of results from 11 patients (10 men and 1 woman) who underwent treatment for rhinophyma between January 2010 to January 2016 at the Plastic Surgery Service of the Teaching Hospital of Federal University of Juiz de Fora and Clinical Plastic Center. RESULTS: Of 11 patients who underwent surgery, a 72-year-old man had basal expansive invasive carcinoma with positive surgical margins after pathological examination of the surgical specimen, however, the patient had pathological free margins after reoperation. Other 3 patients had hypercromy in the intervention region during the immediate postoperative. CONCLUSION: Despite technological advances, the removal of the injury with a cold scalpel technique and the use of postoperative dressings are highly efficient, when combined, provide excellent aesthetic results with low complication rates and high rates of patients' satisfaction, whom mostly had improvement in quality of life after the procedure

    Sistema de acciones “Mi familia y yo aportamos a la comunidad” en Remedios, Cuba

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    En el periodo 2018-2020 se coordina por el Centro Universitario Municipal (CUM) de Remedios el proyecto institucional Mi familia y yo aportamos a la comunidad, financiado por la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas y como continuidad del proyecto La educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible y su incorporación al proceso pedagógico de las escuelas villaclareñas (ciclo 2013-2015). El proyecto posee un carácter comunitario y delimita como objetivo movilizar a las familias para la ejecución de acciones sociales, productivas, de higienización, educativas, culturales, deportivas y recreativas para el bienestar de la comunidad que se evidencie en impactos en el desarrollo local, desde la perspectiva sociocultural. El trabajo es un estudio de caso, de naturaleza cualitativa con datos recolectados a través análisis documental del informe final del proyecto, que utilizó métodos científicos de nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico, para obtener un diagnóstico de potencialidades y deficiencias que condicionen el diseño del sistema de acciones que se implementa en los diferentes Consejos Populares del municipio de San Juan de Los Remedios, Cuba. Se constató que el sistema de acciones estimula la participación de organismos e instituciones que prestan servicios a la población siguiendo las determinaciones de la guía metodológica y científica del CUM, conformado por los subsistemas de diagnóstico, organización y planificación, diferenciación, evaluación. Se evidenció que su implementación promovió cambios en las formas de acción y en las condiciones de vida de los pobladores, por su contribución al fortalecimiento del trabajo comunitario relacionado con la educación en salud, ambiental y patrimonial. &nbsp; Palabras-clave: Trabajo Comunitario, Desarrollo Local, Educación Patrimonial, Educación Ambiental &nbsp; Abstract In the 2018-2020 period the institutional project My family and I contribute to the community is coordinated by the Municipal University Center (CUM) of Remedios, financed by the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas and as a continuity of the project Environmental education for sustainable development and its incorporation into the pedagogical process of Villa Clara schools (2013-2015 cycle). The project has a community character and defines the objective of mobilizing families for the execution of social, productive, sanitation, educational, cultural, sports and recreational actions for the well-being of the community that is evidenced in impacts on local development, from the sociocultural perspective. The work is a case study, qualitative in nature with data collected through documentary analysis of the final report of the project, which used scientific methods of theoretical, empirical and statistical level, to obtain a diagnosis of potentialities and deficiencies that condition the design of the system. of actions that are implemented in the different Popular Councils of the municipality of San Juan de Los Remedios, Cuba. It was found that the system of actions stimulates the participation of organizations and institutions that provide services to the population following the determinations of the CUM methodological and scientific guide, made up of the subsystems of diagnosis, organization and planning, differentiation, evaluation. It was evidenced that its implementation promoted changes in the forms of action and in the living conditions of the inhabitants, due to its contribution to the strengthening of community work related to health, environmental and heritage education. Key words: Community Work, Local Development, Heritage Education, Environmental Education &nbsp

    Strategic knowledge management: In search of a knowledge-based organizational model

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    This paper discusses the results and propositions of organizational knowledge management research conducted in the period 2001-2007. This longitudinal study had the unique goal of investigating and analyzing “Knowledge Management” (KM) processes effectively implemented in world class organizations. The main objective was to investigate and analyze the conceptions, motivations, practices, metrics and results of KM processes implemented in different industries. The first set of studies involved 20 world cases related in the literature and served as a basis for a theoretical framework entitled “KM Integrative Conceptual Mapping Proposition”. This theoretical proposal was then tested in a qualitative study in three large organizations in Brazil. The results of the qualitative study validated the mapping proposition and left questions for new research concerning the implementation of a knowledge-based organizational model strategy.Este artigo aborda os resultados e proposições da investigação da gestão do conhecimento organizacional conduzida no período de 2001-2007. Este estudo longitudinal teve como único objectivo o de investigar e analisar os processos de “Gestão do Conhecimento” (GC) eficazmente implementados no universo das organizações trabalham ou têm influência fora das fronteiras nacionais. O principal objectivo foi o de investigar e analisar concepções, motivações, práticas, métricas e resultados dos processos de GC existentes em diferentes indústrias. O primeiro conjunto de estudos envolveu 20 casos descritos na literatura e serviu de base para a abordagem teórica designada “Proposição do Mapa Conceptual Integrativo da GC”. Esta proposta teórica foi posteriormente testada através de um estudo qualitativo em três organizações de grande dimensão do Brasil. Os resultados do estudo qualitativo validaram a proposição do mapa e levantaram questões para nova investigação no âmbito da implementação de um modelo de estratégia organizacional baseado no conhecimento


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é modelar, através do código MCNPX e de dados experimentais, a resposta de um detector Flat Panel por conversão indireta. Para tal, aspectos como a curva de sensibilidade do Cintilador, o Ruido, bem como a calibração do valor dos pixels simulados por dados experimentais serão abordados. A comparação entre resultados experimentais e os simulados mostraram diferenças inferiores a 10%, mostrando que o sistema de detecção simulado consegue reproduzir valores de pixels próximos aos obtidos com sistema de detecção digital do tipo Flat Panel de 16 bits

    Surgical treatment of gynecomastia: a critical analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The gynecomastia is an increase in male breast and an important impact on quality of life. However, it is a condition likely to be modified. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the surgical treatment of gynecomastia pointing the major complications. METHODS: Two hundred and eighty-four patients underwent surgery to correct gynecomastia from January 1998 to September 2008, 94.37% of patients were grade I and II and 5.63%, grade III. RESULTS: 3.87% patients had seromas and 2.11%, hematoma (p<0.001). Patients grade I and II had keloids in incision of liposuction (0.74%) and patients grade III presented are olar enlargement. CONCLUSION: The techniques used for treatment of gynecomastia were considered safe and effective with low complication rate.INTRODUÇÃO: A ginecomastia é o aumento no tamanho da glândula mamária masculina, que pode ser fisiológico ou patológico, sendo condição passível de correção. OBJETIVO: Analisar o tratamento cirúrgico da ginecomastia, apontando suas principais complicações. MÉTODO: Duzentos e oitenta e quatro pacientes foram submetidos a cirurgia para correção da ginecomastia entre janeiro de 1998 e setembro de 2008, sendo 94,37% dos pacientes graus I e II e 5,63%, grau III. RESULTADOS: Em relação ao total de pacientes, 3,87% apresentaram seroma e 2,11%, hematoma (p<0,001). A análise dos pacientes graus I e II revela que 0,74% apresentaram cicatrizes hipertróficas nas incisões de lipoaspiração (p<0,001). Dentre os pacientes submetidos à técnica de Davidson, 18,75% apresentaram alargamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar (p=0,108) e foram submetidos a cirurgia para correção. CONCLUSÃO: As técnicas utilizadas para correção de ginecomastia se mostraram eficazes e seguras