36 research outputs found
O objetivo foi verificar a percepção de docentes de Enfermagem sobre sua responsabilidade na prática pedagógica em HIV/Aids e se valorizam a construção do conhecimento sobre a temática do HIV/Aids centrado nos parâmetros voltados à cidadania. Estudo qualitativo, cujo referencial teórico foi o Pensamento Complexo de Morin. Participaram sete docentes de cinco instituições de ensino superior de São Paulo, no perído de janeiro a julho de 2010. Os dados foram coletados através do Grupo Focal e trabalhados por meio de Análise de Conteúdo. As categorias resultantes foram: A importância da reflexão e da criticidade do professor no ensino do HIV/Aids; O exercício da cidadania por meio do ensino de HIV/Aids e A compreensão do humano no ensino a partir da vivência com o indivíduo com HIV/Aids. O estudo mostra que o papel do professor no ensino do HIV/Aids é essencial para um posicionamento ético e cidadão do futuro enfermeiro
Objetivo: comparar o efeito da aplicação de duas tecnologias educacionais sobre a vacinação contra o papilomavírus humano em adolescentes. Método: estudo analítico que comparou duas tecnologias educacionais aplicadas em oito escolas públicas no período de maio a novembro de 2015. Participaram da pesquisa, adolescentes de a 13 anos. Foi aplicado um questionário antes e após a aplicação das Tecnologias Educacionais para avaliação do conhecimento entre grupos (Intervenção e Controle). Os dados foram processados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, o efeito foi medido pelos testes t de Student e qui-quadrado. Fixou-se o nível de significância menor ou igual a 0,05. Resultados: a Tecnologia Educacional de Enfermagem (p=0,001) teve maior benefício no nível de conhecimento quando comparada à Tecnologia Educacional do Ministério da Saúde (p=0,388). Conclusão: a influência positiva da tecnologia educacional de enfermagem sobre a vacinação contra o papilomavírus humano em adolescentes foi evidenciada, e tecnologias dinâmicas tiveram maior efeito na produção do conhecimento
The difficulties of social adaptation of patients with HIV/AIDS
Estudo quantitativo de caráter descritivo, realizado na Unidade de Referência em Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, com objetivos de verificar os preconceitos que ainda existem em relação aos pacientes portadores do HIV ou com AIDS, bem como os motivos pelos quais existem; e de investigar as dificuldades de adaptação no convívio social de pacientes com AIDS. A amostra foi composta por 20 pacientes portadores de HIV/AIDS atendidos na Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis, que participaram da coleta de dados respondendo um questionário. A maior parte (11; 55%) dos entrevistados relatou repercussões em suas vidas após a descoberta da soropositividade, comumente no convívio social (amigos, família e serviços de saúde). Constatou-se que a falta de conhecimento sobre a doença é um fator determinante do preconceito. Neste estudo, pode-se constatar a existência de preconceito relacionado a pacientes soropositivos, mesmo após três décadas da primeira ocorrência de HIV/AIDS.Quantitative study of a descriptive nature undertaken at Unidade de Referência em Doenças Infecciosas Preveníveis da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC designed to evaluate the prejudices that still exist in relation to HIV or AIDS patients, as well as their reasons and to investigate the difficulties in social adaptation of those patients. The sample comprised 20 HIV/AIDS patients seen from the Reference Unit and for data collection used a questionnaire. Most (11, 55%) of respondents reported an impact on their lives after the discovery of HIV seropositivity, usually in social life (friends, family and health services). It was found that the lack of knowledge about the disease is a factor of prejudice. In this study we could confirm the existence of prejudice related to HIV-positive patients, even after three decades of the first occurrence of HIV/AIDS
Antimicrobial resistance of isolated Streptococcus pneumoniae in a hospital of the Brazilian public system
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the predominant bacterial agent that affects the human population with pneumonia. This disease is an important cause of death in the elderly and the children under five years old. in this study, 29 strains of invasive S. pneumoniae were isolated from 29 patients of pneumonia, bacteremia and meningitis in the laboratory of the Municipal Hospital in Paulinia, Brazil, from May 2006 to October 2007. Patients' age ranged from 8 months old to 60 years old. These strains of S. pneumoniae were isolated from blood, pleural fluid and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients. After typing of encapsulated strains of S. pneumoniae through quellung reaction, their resistance to antimicrobial agents was gauged through Disc Diffusion Technique followed by determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Among the 29 strains analyzed, 23 were methicillin-sensitive and six were methicillin-resistant and penicillin intermediate resistant. No strain presented full resistance to penicillin. Serotyping was performed only in two samples, which belonged to serotype 18. Our data may alert ambulatory regarding the incidence of pneumococcal strains resistant to the most common drugs due to inappropriate use of antimicrobials and also collaborate to the elaboration of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines specific to each region.NEPASHosp Municipal Paulinia, Setor Microbiol, Paulinia, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Farm Bioquim, Diadema, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Morfol Fisiol, Lab Escrita Cientif, Santo Andre, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Fac Filosofia & Ciencias, Dept Fonoaudiol, Marilia, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Farm Bioquim, Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Tecnologia educacional para a prevenção de doenças em crianças pré-escolares e escolares
Objetivo: Relatar a experiência acerca da criação e aplicação de uma tecnologia educacional de enfermagem voltada para a lavagem das mãos como forma de prevenção de doenças entre pré-escolares e escolares. Método: Estudo descritivo do tipo relato de experiência, realizado por acadêmicos do curso de Enfermagem, durante o estágio supervisionado. Resultados: A experiência oportunizou o aprendizado sobre a elaboração de uma tecnologia educacional voltada para o público infantil utilizando ferramentas atrativas para a idade. A aplicação de uma atividade educativa planejada foi essencial ao processo de formação como enfermeiros, sendo essa experiência positiva, para auxiliar no planejamento de futuras intervenções educacionais, utilizando ferramentas educativas de acordo com o público-alvo. Conclusão: Essa experiência foi positiva, para auxiliar no planejamento de futuras intervenções educacionais, utilizando ferramentas educativas de acordo com o público-alvo
Workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiver-sity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS)
The workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiver-sity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS) considered three groups of surveys for which data are sub-mitted to the Database of Trawl Surveys (DATRAS): various Beam Trawl Surveys, the Northeast Atlantic International Bottom Trawl Survey (Northeast Atlantic IBTS), and the North Sea Inter-national Bottom Trawl Survey (North Sea IBTS).
All countries contributing to the above-mentioned surveys were represented by at least one par-ticipant during the workshop, apart from the Netherlands and Norway.
The main objectives of the workshop were to establish tow-by-tow swept-area estimates for time-series as far back in time as possible, compare different approaches for the estimates of missing observations, and harmonize the resulting dataseries for biodiversity assessments.
For all of the surveys considered, problems with data quality were detected. This included the Beam Trawl Surveys but was most pronounced for the North Sea IBTS. Outliers and potential erroneous data were listed for reporting back to the respective national institutes. In particular, missing observations or algorithms affected wing spread-based swept-area, which is needed in several applications.
This workshop compared the Marine Scotland Science-MSS/OSPAR approach, which includes a data quality check for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area, and the DATRAS approach, which depends solely on correctly reported data from the national institutes. Larger data gaps were identified, in particular for several years of the North Sea IBTS. For those surveys, it is proposed that the best possible way forward at this moment is to use estimates based on the MSS/OSPAR approach.
However, if dubious records (i.e. extreme outliers) were identified by the MSS/OSPAR and no other information was available, values (e.g. speed over ground or the depth at which a change from short to long sweeps should have happened) were taken from the manual. However, expe-rience has shown that the survey manuals are not followed in all instances, and so persistent country-specific and survey-specific deviations may occur.
The national institutes are encouraged to check, correct, and fill in missing survey data through re-submissions to DATRAS. It is recommended that DATRAS data quality control on data sub-mission is extended for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area (e.g. distance, depth, door spread, and wing spread) and that this is done in close cooperation between the ICES Data Centre and the respective ICES survey working groups, WGBEAM (Working Group on Beam Trawl Surveys) and IBTSWG (International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Second Workshop on Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) (WKCOLIAS2)
The Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias has become an increasingly important commercial species in the European Atlantic waters in the last 10–15 years, probably through an expansion process from NW African waters and due to market needs. However, at present there are no assessment or advice requirements. In the WK framework, available information of the species in the West Atlantic waters has been compiled in order to evaluate possible geographical differences and trends, and the feasibility to describe its population structure. Though the Atlantic chub mackerel is not routinely included among the target species in the acoustic surveys performed in the Atlantic Iberian waters and the Mediterranean Sea, a synoptic overview of the species is possible over all its West Atlantic distribution. Moreover, the data available have indicated latitudinal trends, mainly in the landings’ length composition, L50 and the spawning periods. Nevertheless, even if some degree of connectivity likely exists and migrations are occurring between adjacent areas, some subunits could be considered for management purposes. From the assessment models’ trials carried out, the results or reference points obtained for the European fisheries cannot be retained at present. Therefore, continuing collating information from fisheries and biological sampling of the species, obtaining reliable biomass estimations from scientific surveys and identifying management units seem the main priorities to address in future research work and in case of assessment requirements
Occupational Infection by the Hepatitis B Virus: Risk and Prevention Measures
AbstractIntroduction: infection by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the most serious problems of public health because of the great number of people infected by this etiological agent. Objectives: to check the knowledge presented by the nursing staff on the mode of transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the resulting damage to human health and to identify the knowledge of the nursing staff on prevention measures used to avoid occupational infection by this virus and, further, to investigate the immunization situation of the nursing staff against HBV. Methods: a quantitative study conducted in 2008. The sample consisted of 38 numbers of the nursing staff of a Teaching Public Hospital in ABC (São Paulo) a form being used to make the data collection. Results: sexual intercourse was reported by most (24.57 %) of the nursing staff as a mode of transmission of HBV. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) was mentioned by 41.54 % of these professionals as a way of avoiding HBV infection. Only 2.63% of participants reported not knowing if some colleague had already been the victim of an accident with drill cutting materials. All the participants in this study had previonsly been immunized against HBV. Conclusion: the professionals in this study are prepared for the use of standard precautions.Resumo Introdução: a infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B (VHB) é um dos problemas mais sérios de saúde pública, em virtude do número elevado de pessoas infectadas por este agente etiológico. Objetivos: verificar o conhecimento apresentado pela equipe de enfermagem sobre o modo de transmissão do vírus da hepatite B (VHB) e os decorrentes agravos à saúde humana; Identificar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre as medidas de prevenção utilizadas para evitar as infecções ocupacionais por este vírus e investigar a situação de imunização contra o VHB dos componentes da equipe de enfermagem. Método: estudo quantitativo realizado em 2008. A amostra foi composta por 38 componentes da equipe de enfermagem de um Hospital Público de Ensino do ABC paulista e, para a coleta de dados utilizou-se um formulário. Resultados: a transmissão sexual foi referida pela maior parte (24,57%) das respostas dos componentes da equipe de enfermagem, como modo de transmissão do VHB. O uso de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) foi citado por 41,54% destes profissionais como medida de prevenção para evitar a transmissão do VHB. Apenas 2,63% dos participantes referiram desconhecer algum caso de colega que já foi vítima de acidente com materiais perfuro cortantes. Todos os participantes deste estudo são imunizados contra o VHB. Conclusão: os profissionais deste estudo estão preparados quanto à utilização das precauções padrão
International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG). ICES Scientific Reports, 04:65
The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) coordinates fishery-independent bottom trawl surveys in the ICES area in the Northeast Atlantic and the North Sea. These long-term monitoring surveys provide data for stock assessments and facilitate examina-tion of changes in fish distribution and relative abundance. The group also promotes the stand-ardization of fishing gears and methods as well as survey coordination. This report summarizes the national contributions in 2021–2022 and plans for the 2022–2023 surveys coordinated by IBTSWG
Species richness in North Atlantic fish: Process concealed by pattern
International audiencePrevious analyses of marine fish species richness based on presence‐absence data have shown changes with latitude and average species size, but little is known about the underlying processes. To elucidate these processes we use metabolic, neutral and descriptive statistical models to analyse how richness responds to maximum species length, fish abundance, temperature, primary production, depth, latitude and longitude, while accounting for differences in species catchability, sampling effort and mesh size