342 research outputs found


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    The study aims to investigate the dynamics of online purchasing behavior through the analysis of a sample of students from Italy. The objective is twofold: firstly, to outline a descriptive picture of the type of relationship with the web and the use of the TAM model to highlight the propensity to use electronic commerce by the analyzed sample. An interesting evidence is the prevalence of using the Internet for social activities rather than for purchases. In fact, the propensity to purchase online is still very limited and mainly concerns cultural and tourist services rather than physical products. Mobile devices are the main devices for connecting students to the Web and, consequently, the most used for purchasing online

    Nuevo modelo para estudiar el equilibrio corporal

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    El equilibrio es una cuestión fundamental en áreas tales como la medicina, la fisioterapia o el entrenamiento deportivo. Investigadores del laboratorio “James Stirling” del INEF (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) en colaboración con el Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM) han desarrollado un modelo(1)(2) que, con pocos parámetros registrados, proporciona información importante acerca de las asimetrías y restricciones existentes en los patrones de movimiento del ser humano. Esta información es fundamental a la hora de, por ejemplo, establecer protocolos de corrección de desequilibrios posturales

    Effect of yeasts on the aroma profile of sauvignon blanc varietal wine

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    In this study effects of commercial yeast preparations on the aromatic profile of Sauvignon Blanc varietal wine were investigated. Grape juice was divided to 7 experimental variants and fermented spontaneously and using 6 commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In final wine samples, essential analytical parameters and selected aromatic compounds were analysed. The highest content of esters was found out in samples fermented by spontaneous micro-flora; in this case, concentrations of ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate and ethyl decanoate were 682 μg / L, 735 μg / L and 162 μg / L, respectively. The highest content of acetates was recorded in samples fermented by yeast Vulcaferm Sauvignon; concentrations of isoamyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate were 7.8 mg / L, 244 μg / L and 137 μg / L, respectively. Yeast strain suitable for cold fermentation (Oenoferm Fredo) produced high amounts of ethyl esters and acetates. As far as the sensory evaluation was concerned, the best rating got the sample fermented by these yeasts; it showed a high degree of smell and flavour cleanness as well as a very good overall harmony.O

    Desarrollo de un programa de intervención educativa en niños con TDAH en Educación Infantil para optimizar sus habilidades psicosociales

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    El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) está definido por el Manual de Diagnóstico, DSM-5, como un trastorno del neurodesarrollo diferenciado por un patrón persistente de inatención, desorganización e Hiperactividad Impulsividad, que se manifiestan en distintos contextos y comienza antes de los 12 años. Este trastorno es uno de los más frecuentes en la infancia y que perdura a lo largo de toda la vida. El diagnóstico no suele realizarse hasta los seis años, cuando el niño comienza la educación primaria, pero es cierto que la mayoría de los síntomas, difíciles de detectar, están presentes en edades más tempranas. El aumento de casos de hiperactividad en menores de seis años demuestra la necesidad de una intervención temprana que evite dificultades mayores a edades más avanzadas. Este trabajo pretende enseñar a los alumnos con dicho trastorno diversas técnicas que ayuden a mejorar sus propias conductas negativas tanto en el ámbito personal como en el académico. Además, se muestra un diseño de propuesta de intervención que se ajusta a las dificultades individuales de cada niño; va dirigida a alumnos de segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, en concreto, alumnos que muestran conductas inadecuadas que reflejan tener síntomas de TDAH.El Trastorn per Dèficit d´Atenció i Hiperactivitat (TDAH) està definit pel Manual de Diagnòstic, DSM-5, com un trastorn del neurodesenvolupament diferenciat per un patró persistent d´inatenció, desorganització i Hiperactivitat-Impulsivitat, que es manifesten en diferents contextos i comença abans dels 12 anys. Aquest trastorn és un dels més freqüents en la infància i que perdura al llarg de tota la vida. El diagnòstic no sol realitzar-se fins als sis anys, quan el xiquet comença l´Educació Primària, però és cert que la majoria dels símptomes, difícils de detectar, estan presents en edats més tempranes. L´augment de casos d´hiperactivitat en menors de sis anys demostra la necessitat d´una intervenció temprana que evite dificultats majors a edats més avançades. Aquest treball pretén ensenyar als alumnes amb aquest trastorn diverses tècniques que ajuden a millorar les seues conductes negatives tant en l´àmbit personal com en l´acadèmic. A més, es mostra un disseny de proposta d´intervenció que s´ajusta a les dificultats individuals de cada xiquet; va dirigida a alumnes de segon cicle d´Educació Infantil, en concret, alumnes que mostren conductes inadequades que reflecteixen tindre símptomes de TDAH.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined by the Diagnostic Manual, DSM-5, as a neurodevelopmental disorder differentiated by a persistent pattern of inattention, disorganization and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, which manifest themselves in different contexts and begin before 12 years. This diagnostic is one of the most frequent in childhood and lasts throughout life. The diagnosis is not usually made until the age of six, when the child begins primary education, but it´s true that most of the symptoms, which are difficult to detect, are present at earlier ages. The increase in cases of hyperactivity in children under six years of age demonstrates the need for early intervention to prevent greater difficulties at older ages. This work aims to teach students with this diagnostic various techniques that will help improve their own negative behaviors in both personally and academic settings. In addition, it shows a design of intervention proposal that fits the individual difficulties of each child; it´s aimed at students in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, specifically, students who show inappropiate behaviors that reflect having symptoms of ADHD.Educació

    Promoción de talentos deportivos y representación deportiva para impulsar la sostenibilidad de procesos de desarrollo comunitario en África del Este

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    Editorial en el que se describe un plan ético de promoción de talentos deportivos y representación deportiva para impulsar la sostenibilidad de procesos de desarrollo comunitario que se está intentando desarrollar en Etiopía

    Challenges For Tourism: A Changing Paradigm

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    The present environment is characterized for the uncertainty and crisis, and the existence of threats and dangers in the society and in the tourist sector for the survival of companies in the market. In addition, apart from changes in the economic situation, changes in demand occur in terms of new wants and needs, obliging suppliers to adapt to them in order to survive in times of a highly competitive environment and a difficult economic situation, when the key is not just attracting visitors, but also satisfying them in order to gain their loyalty. So the real threat is the lack of response to changing situations. The Spanish tourist sector is pressured by various threats such as the need to improve the competitiveness of destinations and products, make the industry more professional, encourage new forms of marketing and promotion, or change the sales model. Therefore, businesses must adapt to these changes and respond to them, strengthen the confidence of customers, who seek to obtain the optimum value for money. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the tourism activity in the town of Cuenca in the period 2005 to 2009, focusing the analysis on how supply changed to adapt to the requirements of demand. The aim being to evaluate their and correct errors, and design the actions of the future. That is to say, create an appropriate market strategy to promote the tourism product and ensure the idea of a consolidated tourist destination

    The Sense Of Service At Tourist Destinations

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    Companies, like human beings, also have five senses: marketing, sales team, service, contact centre and analytical; and doing without one of these would mean possessing a disability. Thus, a study of the satisfaction with a tourist destination is a highly relevant factor for tourist supervisors, since its results make it possible to find out about the right sales strategies and decisions that have to be adopted in order to improve the management and the competitiveness of the destinations. This study aims to check the level of dependency between two fundamental elements of the behaviour of tourism consumers, such as the reason why the trip was undertaken and the tourist’s objective satisfaction

    Estimulación sensorial en el segundo año de vida

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    [ES]La finalidad del presente trabajo es exponer la evolución madurativa del desarrollo de una niña en el segundo año de vida. Concretamente se ha centrado en tres dimensiones: motora, musical y manipulativa. Mi sobrina ha sido estimulada desde el momento en que nació́ y yo quería apreciar si era posible detectar las manifestaciones de dicha estimulación. El tipo de estudio se lleva a cabo con una metodología cualitativa por la gran riqueza de datos que aporta, los cuales se han obtenido a través de una triangulación metodológica, empleando tres técnicas totalmente diferentes pero complementarias: observación directa, análisis documental de videos; y entrevista con la enfermera pediátrica y con la profesora de música. Las conclusiones de esta indagación confirman que la estimulación precoz que recibió́ la niña, potenció su nivel de desarrollo en los tres ámbitos estudiados.[EN]The purpose of this project is to explain the maturational evolution of a girl development in the second year of life. Concretely it has centered in three dimensions: motor, musical and manipulative. My niece has been stimulated from the first moment she was born and I wanted to estimate if it was possible to detect the manifestations of said stimulation. The type of study is carried out with a qualitative methodology for the wealth of data it provides, which have been obtained through a triangulation of methodology employing three techniques completely different but complementary: direct observation, documentary video analysis; and interview with the pediatric nurse and the music teacher. The conclusions of this inquiry confirm that early stimulation that the girl received, enhanced its level of development in the three areas studied

    Prevalidation of body sway shooting test without the use of weapons

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio es realizar un estudio previo a la validación de un test de medición del equilibrio en tiro olímpico sin el uso de la pistola. Para ello, se han comparado los resultados del análisis del movimiento del centro de presiones (CP) de dos pruebas de equilibrio estático: en la primera prueba se usó una mancuerna para simular la acción de disparo, mientras que en la segunda se usó la pistola. Se encontró una fuerte correlación entre los dos test en todas las variables del CP y una correlación lineal inversa entre el peso corporal y los movimientos del CP. No se encontró relación alguna entre los movimientos del CP y el rendimiento deportivo. El estudio concluye que el test con mancuerna puede ser válido para la medición del equilibrio específico en tiro olímpico y se recomienda profundizar en el estudio con una muestra de mayor tamañoThe main objective of the present work is the pre-validation of a test able to provide reliable body sway measurements in Olympic shooting, without the use of a pistol. For this reason the results of the analysis of the body sway data of two static bipodal balance tests have been compared: during the first a dumbbell was used to simulate shooting, while for the second test a pistol was used. A strong correlation between the two tests regarding all variables was found. A statistically significant inverse linear correlation was also found between body weight and the movements of the COP (centre of pressure). No statistically significant relations were found between the movements of the COP and performance. The study concludes that dumbbell tests could be perfectly reliable for measuring specific body sway on Olympic shooting. Future studies on the validation of the same test with larger sample size are recommende