1,503 research outputs found

    Constraining the Thermal Dust Content of Lyman-Break Galaxies in an Overdense Field at z~5

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    We have carried out 870 micron observations in the J1040.7-1155 field, known to host an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies at z=5.16 +/- 0.05. We do not detect any individual source at the S(870)=3.0 mJy/beam (2 sigma) level. A stack of nine spectroscopically confirmed z>5 galaxies also yields a non-detection, constraining the submillimeter flux from a typical galaxy at this redshift to S(870)<0.85 mJy, which corresponds to a mass limit M(dust)<1.2x10^8 M_sun (2 sigma). This constrains the mass of thermal dust in distant Lyman break galaxies to less than one tenth of their typical stellar mass. We see no evidence for strong submillimeter galaxies associated with the ultraviolet-selected galaxy overdensity, but cannot rule out the presence of fainter, less massive sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. MNRAS in pres

    Unidirectional Broadcast WiFi for High Data Rate Transmission to Multiple Receivers

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    This disclosure describes techniques for cache servers in a content delivery network (CDN) to egress data-intensive content such as videos, multimedia, application packages, etc. to clients by leveraging the broadcast mode of WiFi, which is an open-source modification to standard WiFi that enables transmission of unidirectional, broadcast traffic. The techniques enable the simultaneous transmission of very large amounts of data, e.g., a terabyte or more, in a relatively short time, e.g., one hour, to multiple clients using low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware. In an example application, the described broadcast WiFi techniques can be utilized to update content on public transport vehicles, e.g., buses, trains, cruise ships, airplanes, etc., at a time the vehicles are parked at transit stations, airports, seaports, etc

    Limits on dust emission from z~5 LBGs and their local environments

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    We present 1.2mm MAMBO-2 observations of a field which is over-dense in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z~5. The field includes seven spectroscopically-confirmed LBGs contained within a narrow (z=4.95+/-0.08) redshift range and an eighth at z=5.2. We do not detect any individual source to a limit of 1.6 mJy/beam (2*rms). When stacking the flux from the positions of all eight galaxies, we obtain a limit to the average 1.2 mm flux of these sources of 0.6mJy/beam. This limit is consistent with FIR imaging in other fields which are over-dense in UV-bright galaxies at z~5. Independently and combined, these limits constrain the FIR luminosity (8-1000 micron) to a typical z~5 LBG of LFIR<~3x10^11 Lsun, implying a dust mass of Mdust<~10^8 Msun (both assuming a grey body at 30K). This LFIR limit is an order of magnitude fainter than the LFIR of lower redshift sub-mm sources (z~1-3). We see no emission from any other sources within the field at the above level. While this is not unexpected given millimetre source counts, the clustered LBGs trace significantly over-dense large scale structure in the field at z = 4.95. The lack of any such detection in either this or the previous work, implies that massive, obscured star-forming galaxies may not always trace the same structures as over-densities of LBGs, at least on the length scale probed here. We briefly discuss the implications of these results for future observations with ALMA.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS Accepte

    Mechanical control of the directional stepping dynamics of the kinesin motor

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    Among the multiple steps constituting the kinesin's mechanochemical cycle, one of the most interesting events is observed when kinesins move an 8-nm step from one microtubule (MT)-binding site to another. The stepping motion that occurs within a relatively short time scale (~100 microsec) is, however, beyond the resolution of current experiments, therefore a basic understanding to the real-time dynamics within the 8-nm step is still lacking. For instance, the rate of power stroke (or conformational change), that leads to the undocked-to-docked transition of neck-linker, is not known, and the existence of a substep during the 8-nm step still remains a controversial issue in the kinesin community. By using explicit structures of the kinesin dimer and the MT consisting of 13 protofilaments (PFs), we study the stepping dynamics with varying rates of power stroke (kp). We estimate that 1/kp <~ 20 microsec to avoid a substep in an averaged time trace. For a slow power stroke with 1/kp>20 microsec, the averaged time trace shows a substep that implies the existence of a transient intermediate, which is reminiscent of a recent single molecule experiment at high resolution. We identify the intermediate as a conformation in which the tethered head is trapped in the sideway binding site of the neighboring PF. We also find a partial unfolding (cracking) of the binding motifs occurring at the transition state ensemble along the pathways prior to binding between the kinesin and MT.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Origins of the extragalactic background at 1mm from a combined analysis of the AzTEC and MAMBO data in GOODS-N

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    We present a study of the cosmic infrared background, which is a measure of the dust obscured activity in all galaxies in the Universe. We venture to isolate the galaxies responsible for the background at 1mm; with spectroscopic and photometric redshifts we constrain the redshift distribution of these galaxies. We create a deep 1.16mm map (sigma ~ 0.5mJy) by combining the AzTEC 1.1mm and MAMBO 1.2mm datasets in GOODS-N. This combined map contains 41 secure detections, 13 of which are new. By averaging the 1.16mm flux densities of individually undetected galaxies with 24um flux densities > 25uJy, we resolve 31--45 per cent of the 1.16mm background. Repeating our analysis on the SCUBA 850um map, we resolve a higher percentage (40--64 per cent) of the 850um background. A majority of the background resolved (attributed to individual galaxies) at both wavelengths comes from galaxies at z > 1.3. If the ratio of the resolved submillimeter to millimeter background is applied to a reasonable scenario for the origins of the unresolved submillimeter background, 60--88 per cent of the total 1.16mm background comes from galaxies at z > 1.3.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. The combined map is publicly available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~pope/goodsn_mm

    Deep, ultra-high-resolution radio imaging of submillimetre galaxies using Very Long Baseline Interferometry

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    We present continent-scale VLBI - obtained with the European VLBI Network (EVN) at a wavelength of 18cm - of six distant, luminous submm-selected galaxies (SMGs). Our images have a synthesized beam width of ~30 milliarcsec FWHM - three orders of magnitude smaller in area than the highest resolution VLA imaging at this wavelength - and are capable of separating radio emission from ultra-compact radio cores (associated with active super-massive black holes - SMBHs) from that due to starburst activity. Despite targeting compact sources - as judged by earlier observations with the VLA and MERLIN - we identify ultra-compact cores in only two of our targets. This suggests that the radio emission from SMGs is produced primarily on larger scales than those probed by the EVN, and therefore is generated by star formation rather than an AGN - a result consistent with other methods used to identify the presence of SMBHs in these systems.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Does metformin improve vascular health in children with Type 1 diabetes? Protocol for a one year, double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Vascular dysfunction is an early and critical event in the development of cardiovascular disease. Children with T1D have vascular dysfunction therefore early interventions to improve vascular health are essential to reduce cardiovascular mortality in T1D. Metformin is an insulin sensitising agent which is known to improve vascular health outcomes in type 2 diabetes (T2D) and other individuals with insulin resistance. It has been used safely in children and adolescents with T2D for over 10 years. This study aims to assess the effect of metformin on vascular health in children with T1D. Methods/Design: This study is a 12 month, double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial to determine the effect of metformin on vascular health in children (age 8–18) with T1D. The sample size is 76 with 38 children in the metformin group and 38 children in the placebo group. Vascular health and biochemical markers will be measured at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Vascular function will be measured using flow mediated dilatation and glyceryl trinitrate mediated dilatation of the brachial artery and vascular structure will be measured with carotid and aortic intima media thickness, using standardised protocols. Discussion: This study will be the first to investigate the effect of metformin on vascular health in children with T1D. It will provide important information on a potential intervention to improve cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in this population at high risk from cardiovascular disease.Jemma Anderson, Alexia S Peña, Thomas Sullivan, Roger Gent, Bronwen D’Arcy, Timothy Olds, Brian Coppin and Jennifer Coupe

    New CO detections of lensed submillimeter galaxies in A2218: Probing molecular gas in the LIRG regime at high redshift

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    Context: Submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) are distant, dusty galaxies undergoing star formation at prodigious rates. Recently there has been major progress in understanding the nature of the bright SMGs (i.e. S(850um)>5mJy). The samples for the fainter SMGs are small and are currently in a phase of being built up through identification studies. Aims: We study the molecular gas content in two SMGs, SMMJ163555 and SMMJ163541, at z=1.034 and z=3.187 with unlensed submm fluxes of 0.4mJy and 6.0mJy. Both SMGs are gravitationally lensed by the foreground cluster A2218. Methods: IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometry observations at 3mm were obtained for the lines CO(2-1) for SMMJ163555 and CO(3-2) for SMMJ163541. Additionally we obtained CO(4-3) for the candidate z=4.048 SMMJ163556 with an unlensed submm flux of 2.7mJy. Results: CO(2-1) was detected for SMMJ163555 at z=1.0313 with an integrated line intensity of 1.2+-0.2Jy km/s and a line width of 410+-120 km/s. From this a gas mass of 1.6x10^9 Msun is derived and a star formation efficiency of 440Lsun/Msun is estimated. CO(3-2) was detected for SMMJ163541 at z=3.1824, possibly with a second component at z=3.1883, with an integrated line intensity of 1.0+-0.1 Jy km/s and a line width of 280+-50 km/s. From this a gas mass of 2.2x10^10 Msun is derived and a star formation efficiency of 1000 Lsun/Msun is estimated. For SMMJ163556 the CO(4-3) is undetected within the redshift range 4.035-4.082 down to a sensitivity of 0.15 Jy km/s. Conclusions: Our CO line observations confirm the optical redshifts for SMMJ163555 and SMMJ163541. The CO line luminosity L'_CO for both galaxies is consistent with the L_FIR-L'_CO relation. SMMJ163555 has the lowest FIR luminosity of all SMGs with a known redshift and is one of the few high redshift LIRGs whose properties can be estimated prior to ALMA.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. A&A in pres
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