8,899 research outputs found

    Asymmetric binary covering codes

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    An asymmetric binary covering code of length n and radius R is a subset C of the n-cube Q_n such that every vector x in Q_n can be obtained from some vector c in C by changing at most R 1's of c to 0's, where R is as small as possible. K^+(n,R) is defined as the smallest size of such a code. We show K^+(n,R) is of order 2^n/n^R for constant R, using an asymmetric sphere-covering bound and probabilistic methods. We show K^+(n,n-R')=R'+1 for constant coradius R' iff n>=R'(R'+1)/2. These two results are extended to near-constant R and R', respectively. Various bounds on K^+ are given in terms of the total number of 0's or 1's in a minimal code. The dimension of a minimal asymmetric linear binary code ([n,R]^+ code) is determined to be min(0,n-R). We conclude by discussing open problems and techniques to compute explicit values for K^+, giving a table of best known bounds.Comment: 16 page

    Interview with Erma Ellis

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    An interview with Erma Ellis regarding her experiences in a one-room school house.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/ors/1178/thumbnail.jp

    Is Criminology Moving Toward a Paradigm Shift?: Evidence from a Survey of the American Society of Criminology

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    Ideology forms and colors our attitudes and values in ways that lead to a tendency to accept or reject data according to how well or how poorly they cohere with that ideology. Previous research has suggested that the ideological divide in criminology is between criminologists who focus on strictly environmentalist theories that give short shrift to individual differences, and those who focus on individual differences and are favorably disposed to the biological sciences (Wright & Miller, 1998; Walsh & Ellis, 2004). The former tend to be radicals and liberals and the latter tend to be conservatives and moderates, although there is no one-to-one correspondence (Wright & Miller, 1998). The theoretical disarray in criminology occasioned by this tendency (among other things) has been noted by a number of scholars (Barak, 1998; Dantzker, 1998; Walsh, 2002). The present study repeats and extends these earlier studies with the goals of evaluating the relationship between ideology and favored theory in comparison with the earlier studies to ascertain if the grip of ideology is loosening, and of assessing the possibility of interdisciplinary integration

    Constraints from Inflation and Reheating on Superpartner Masses

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    Flat directions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) can become unstable due to radiative corrections, and the global minimum of the (zero temperature) potential can lie at large values of the squark and/or slepton fields. Here we show that, in inflationary models of early cosmology, the universe is very likely to be in the domain of attraction of this global minimum at the end of inflation. While the minimum at the origin of field space is global at sufficiently high temperatures, depending on details of the model, the universe may be trapped in the non-zero minimum until it becomes the global minimum at low temperatures. Parameter values leading to this scenario are therefore ruled out.Comment: 14 pages in LaTeX + 2 postscript figures, uses epsf.sty; revised version, effect of Yukawa couplings added, figure modified, one figure added, references altere

    Agrin plays an organizing role in the formation of sympathetic synapses

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    Agrin is a nerve-derived factor that directs neuromuscular synapse formation, however its role in regulating interneuronal synaptogenesis is less clear. Here, we examine agrin's role in synapse formation between cholinergic preganglionic axons and sympathetic neurons in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) using agrin-deficient mice. In dissociated cultures of SCG neurons, we found a significant decrease in the number of synapses with aggregates of presynaptic synaptophysin and postsynaptic neuronal acetylcholine receptor among agrin-deficient neurons as compared to wild-type neurons. Moreover, the levels of pre- and postsynaptic markers at the residual synapses in agrin-deficient SCG cultures were also reduced, and these defects were rescued by adding recombinant neural agrin to the cultures. Similarly, we observed a decreased matching of pre- and postsynaptic markers in SCG of agrin-deficient embryos, reflecting a decrease in the number of differentiated synapses in vivo. Finally, in electrophysiological experiments, we found that paired-pulse depression was more pronounced and posttetanic potentiation was significantly greater in agrin-deficient ganglia, indicating that synaptic transmission is also defective. Together, these findings indicate that neural agrin plays an organizing role in the formation and/or differentiation of interneuronal, cholinergic synapses

    Using data assimilation to optimize pedotransfer functions using field-scale in situ soil moisture observations

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    Soil moisture predictions from land surface models are important in hydrological, ecological, and meteorological applications. In recent years, the availability of wide-area soil moisture measurements has increased, but few studies have combined model-based soil moisture predictions with in situ observations beyond the point scale. Here we show that we can markedly improve soil moisture estimates from the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model using field-scale observations and data assimilation techniques. Rather than directly updating soil moisture estimates towards observed values, we optimize constants in the underlying pedotransfer functions, which relate soil texture to JULES soil physics parameters. In this way, we generate a single set of newly calibrated pedotransfer functions based on observations from a number of UK sites with different soil textures. We demonstrate that calibrating a pedotransfer function in this way improves the soil moisture predictions of a land surface model at 16 UK sites, leading to the potential for better flood, drought, and climate projections

    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Process and Apparatus

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    Conveying gas containing sulfur through a sulfur tolerant planar solid oxide fuel cell (PSOFC) stack for sulfur scrubbing, followed by conveying the gas through a non-sulfur tolerant PSOFC stack. The sulfur tolerant PSOFC stack utilizes anode materials, such as LSV, that selectively convert H2S present in the fuel stream to other non-poisoning sulfur compounds. The remaining balance of gases remaining in the completely or near H2S-free exhaust fuel stream is then used as the fuel for the conventional PSOFC stack that is downstream of the sulfur-tolerant PSOFC. A broad range of fuels such as gasified coal, natural gas and reformed hydrocarbons are used to produce electricity

    Light Neutralinos as Dark Matter in the Unconstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    The allowed parameter space for the lightest neutralino as the dark matter is explored using the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as the low-energy effective theory without further theoretical constraints such as GUT. Selecting values of the parameters which are in agreement with present experimental limits and applying the additional requirement that the lightest neutralino be in a cosmologically interesting range, we give limits on the neutralino mass and composition. A similar analysis is also performed implementing the grand unification constraints. The elastic scattering cross section of the selected neutralinos on 27^{27}Al and on other materials for dark matter experiments is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Astroparticle Physics, 19 Feb. 96, Latex 23 pages with 24 figures in a gzip compressed file FIGURE.PS.GZ available via anonymous ftp from ftp://iws104.mppmu.mpg.de/pub/gabutt
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