529 research outputs found

    Temperature-based metallicity measurements at z=0.8: direct calibration of strong-line diagnostics at intermediate redshift

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    We present the first direct calibration of strong-line metallicity diagnostics at significant cosmological distances using a sample at z=0.8 drawn from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey. Oxygen and neon abundances are derived from measurements of electron temperature and density. We directly compare various commonly used relations between gas-phase metallicity and strong line ratios of O, Ne, and H at z=0.8 and z=0. There is no evolution with redshift at high precision (ΔlogO/H=0.01±0.03\Delta \log{\mathrm{O/H}} = -0.01\pm0.03, ΔlogNe/O=0.01±0.01\Delta \log{\mathrm{Ne/O}} = 0.01 \pm 0.01). O, Ne, and H line ratios follow the same locus at z=0.8 as at z=0 with \lesssim0.02 dex evolution and low scatter (\lesssim0.04 dex). This suggests little or no evolution in physical conditions of HII regions at fixed oxygen abundance, in contrast to models which invoke more extreme properties at high redshifts. We speculate that offsets observed in the [N II]/Hα\alpha versus [O III]/Hβ\beta diagram at high redshift are therefore due to [NII] emission, likely as a result of relatively high N/O abundance. If this is indeed the case, then nitrogen-based metallicity diagnostics suffer from systematic errors at high redshift. Our findings indicate that locally calibrated abundance diagnostics based on alpha-capture elements can be reliably applied at z\simeq1 and possibly at much higher redshifts. This constitutes the first firm basis for the widespread use of empirical calibrations in high redshift metallicity studies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Ap

    Perceptions of benefits, barriers, and cues to aciton for physical activity : a case study of African American students at a hisorically black college and university

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    Physical activity offers many benefits, yet the majority of college students do not meet the recommended weekly amounts. This study investigated African American students' perceptions of barriers, benefits, and cues to action at Lincoln University. There was a gap in the literature because no qualitative studies regarding African American students' physical activity had been conducted. This qualitative study discovered that most students do not feel physical activity is supported on campus. In addition to reporting barriers, benefits, and cues to action, participants also offered recommendations for increasing physical activity. Recommendations for future research include conducting another case study using all races of students who attend this institution of higher learning. A quantitative study could provide a broader perspective of physical activity and usage of the campus recreation center. Conducting this same study at multiple institutions would also be a good idea to add to the research. If the cues to action were put into place, another study could be done to see if physical activity rates increase

    Examination of the Potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Rapid Nondestructive Field Measurement of Grass Biomass

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    Above ground biomass (AGB) is a parameter commonly used for assessment of grassland systems. Destructive AGB measurements, although accurate, are time consuming and are not easily undertaken on a repeat basis or over large areas. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) are two technologies that have the potential to yield precise 3D structural measurements of vegetation quite rapidly. Recent advances have led to the successful application of TLS and SfM in woody biomass estimation, but application in natural grassland systems remains largely untested. The potential of these techniques for AGB estimation is examined considering 11 grass plots with a range of biomass in South Dakota, USA. Volume metrics extracted from the TLS and SfM 3D point clouds, and also conventional disc pasture meter settling heights, were compared to destructively harvested AGB total (grass and litter) and AGB grass plot measurements. Although the disc pasture meter was the most rapid method, it was less effective in AGB estimation (AGBgrass r2 = 0.42, AGBtotal r2 = 0.32) than the TLS (AGBgrass r2 = 0.46, AGBtotal r2 = 0.57) or SfM (AGBgrass r2 = 0.54, AGBtotal r2 = 0.72) which both demonstrated their utility for rapid AGB estimation of grass systems

    Hypocapnia Alone Fails to Provoke Important Electrocardiogram Changes in Coronary Artery Diseased Patients

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    Background: There is still an urgent clinical need to develop non-invasive diagnostic tests for early ischemic heart disease because, once angina occurs, it is too late. Hypocapnia has long been known to cause coronary artery vasoconstriction. Some new cardiology tests are accompanied by the claim that they must have potential diagnostic value if hypocapnia enhances their cardiac effects in healthy subjects. But no previous study has tested whether hypocapnia produces bigger cardiac effects in patients with angina than in healthy subjects. Methods: Severe hypocapnia (a PetCO2 level of 20 mmHg) lasting >15 min was mechanically induced by facemask, while conscious and unmedicated, in 18 healthy subjects and in 10 patients with angina and angiographically confirmed coronary artery disease, awaiting by-pass surgery. Each participant was their own control in normocapnia (where CO2 was added to the inspirate) and the order of normocapnia and hypocapnia was randomized. Twelve lead electrocardiograms (ECG) were recorded and automated measurements were made on all ECG waveforms averaged over >120 beats. 2D echocardiography was also performed on healthy subjects. Results: In the 18 healthy subjects, we confirm that severe hypocapnia (a mean PetCO2 of 20 ± 0 mmHg, P 0.05) on their electro- or echocardiogram. All 10 angina patients tolerated the mechanical hyperventilation well, with minimal discomfort. Hypocpania caused a similar increase in V1 (by 39%, P 0.05 vs. healthy controls) and did not induce angina. Its effects were no greater in patients who did not take β-blockers, or did not take organic nitrates, or had the worst Canadian Cardiovascular Society scores. Conclusion: Non-invasive mechanical hyperventilation while awake and unmedicated is safe and acceptable, even to patients with angina. Using it to produce severe and prolonged hypocapnia alone does produce significant ECG changes in angina patients. But its potential diagnostic value for identifying patients with coronary stenosis requires further evaluation

    The DEEP2 Redshift Survey: Lyman Alpha Emitters in the Spectroscopic Database

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    We present the first results of a search for Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) in the DEEP2 spectroscopic database that uses a search technique that is different from but complementary to traditional narrowband imaging surveys. We have visually inspected ~20% of the available DEEP2 spectroscopic data and have found nine high-quality LAEs with clearly asymmetric line profiles and an additional ten objects of lower quality, some of which may also be LAEs. Our survey is most sensitive to LAEs at z=4.4-4.9 and that is indeed where all but one of our high-quality objects are found. We find the number density of our spectroscopically-discovered LAEs to be consistent with those found in narrowband imaging searches. The combined, averaged spectrum of our nine high-quality objects is well fit by a two-component model, with a second, lower-amplitude component redshifted by ~420 km/s with respect to the primary Lyman-alpha line, consistent with large-scale outflows from these objects. We conclude by discussing the advantages and future prospects of blank-sky spectroscopic surveys for high-z LAEs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Examination of the Potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Rapid Nondestructive Field Measurement of Grass Biomass

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    Above ground biomass (AGB) is a parameter commonly used for assessment of grassland systems. Destructive AGB measurements, although accurate, are time consuming and are not easily undertaken on a repeat basis or over large areas. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) are two technologies that have the potential to yield precise 3D structural measurements of vegetation quite rapidly. Recent advances have led to the successful application of TLS and SfM in woody biomass estimation, but application in natural grassland systems remains largely untested. The potential of these techniques for AGB estimation is examined considering 11 grass plots with a range of biomass in South Dakota, USA. Volume metrics extracted from the TLS and SfM 3D point clouds, and also conventional disc pasture meter settling heights, were compared to destructively harvested AGB total (grass and litter) and AGB grass plot measurements. Although the disc pasture meter was the most rapid method, it was less effective in AGB estimation (AGBgrass r 2 = 0.42, AGBtotal r 2 = 0.32) than the TLS (AGBgrass r 2 = 0.46, AGBtotal r 2 = 0.57) or SfM (AGBgrass r 2 = 0.54, AGBtotal r 2 = 0.72) which both demonstrated their utility for rapid AGB estimation of grass systems

    The Origin and Kinematics of Cold Gas in Galactic Winds: Insight from Numerical Simulations

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    We study the origin of Na I absorbing gas in ultraluminous infrared galaxies motivated by the recent observations by Martin of extremely superthermal linewidths in this cool gas. We model the effects of repeated supernova explosions driving supershells in the central regions of molecular disks with M_d=10^10 M_\sun, using cylindrically symmetric gas dynamical simulations run with ZEUS-3D. The shocked swept-up shells quickly cool and fragment by Rayleigh-Taylor instability as they accelerate out of the dense, stratified disks. The numerical resolution of the cooling and compression at the shock fronts determines the peak shell density, and so the speed of Rayleigh-Taylor fragmentation. We identify cooled shells and shell fragments as Na I absorbing gas and study its kinematics. We find that simulations with a numerical resolution of \le 0.2 pc produce multiple Rayleigh-Taylor fragmented shells in a given line of sight. We suggest that the observed wide Na I absorption lines, = 320 \pm 120 km s^-1 are produced by these multiple fragmented shells traveling at different velocities. We also suggest that some shell fragments can be accelerated above the observed average terminal velocity of 750 km s^-1 by the same energy-driven wind with an instantaneous starburst of \sim 10^9 M_\sun. The bulk of mass is traveling with the observed average shell velocity 330 \pm 100 km s^-1. Our results show that an energy-driven bubble causing Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities can explain the kinematics of cool gas seen in the Na I observations without invoking additional physics relying primarily on momentum conservation, such as entrainment of gas by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, ram pressure driving of cold clouds by a hot wind, or radiation pressure acting on dust. (abridged)Comment: 65 pages, 22 figures, accepted by Astrophys. J. Changes during refereeing focused on context and comparison to observation

    The DEEP2 Redshift Survey: Lyα Emitters in the Spectroscopic Database

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    We present the first results of a search for Lyα emitters (LAEs) in the DEEP2 spectroscopic database that uses a search technique that is different from but complementary to traditional narrowband imaging surveys. We have visually inspected ~20% of the available DEEP2 spectroscopic data and have found nine high-quality LAEs with clearly asymmetric line profiles and an additional 10 objects of lower quality, some of which may also be LAEs. Our survey is most sensitive to LAEs at z = 4.4–4.9 and that is indeed where all but one of our high-quality objects are found. We find the number density of our spectroscopically discovered LAEs to be consistent with those found in narrowband imaging searches. The combined, averaged spectrum of our nine high-quality objects is well fit by a two-component model, with a second, lower amplitude component redshifted by ~420 km s^(−1) with respect to the primary Lyα line, consistent with large-scale outflows from these objects. We conclude by discussing the advantages and future prospects of blank-sky spectroscopic surveys for high-z LAEs

    Family presence and participation during medical visits of heart failure patients: An analysis of survey and audiotaped communication data

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    To describe the frequency, roles, and utility of family companion involvement in the care of patients with Heart Failure (HF) care and to examine the association between audiotaped patient, companion, and provider communication behaviors