1,104 research outputs found

    Biodiversity and community assemblage of shallow habitats of the National Park of Banc dÂŽArguin (Mauritania): influence of habitat, season and site

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    O Banc d'Arguin, localizado ao longo da costa da MauritĂąnia, Ă© uma zona hĂșmida costeira de mais de 10.000 km2 com ĂĄguas rasas, grandes leitos de ervas marinhas e planĂ­cie de marĂ©. Esta regiĂŁo que hospeda uma das maiores MPA da África, chamada Parc National du Banc d'Arguin, Ă© um dos ecossistemas mais abundantes e diversificados do mundo, sustentando uma alta produção primĂĄria. Uma forte ressurgĂȘncia de ĂĄgua rica em nutrientes no norte causa elevada produção primĂĄria de fitoplĂąncton nas ĂĄreas do norte do Banc. Na parte sul e sudeste, grandes planĂ­cies de marĂ©s e tapetes de ervas marinhas criam um ecossistema distinto associado a produção primĂĄria bentĂłnica subtidal e intertidal. O Banc d'Arguin, Ă© conhecido por hospedar um grande e diversificado painel de espĂ©cies, raras e ameaçadas de extinção de grande importĂąncia ecolĂłgica. O clima e os fatores abiĂłticos encontrados nesta regiĂŁo, sĂŁo Ășnicos, com a presença de espĂ©cies temperadas, subtropicais e tropicais encontradas dentro de um mesmo ecossistema. Uma grande biodiversidade de espĂ©cies bentĂłnicas, peixes, camarĂ”es, elasmobrĂąnquios e pĂĄssaros sĂŁo conhecidos por estar presentes nesta ĂĄrea onde a atividade pesqueira Ă© estritamente controlada. Nesta ĂĄrea protegida estĂŁo autorizados apenas os Imraguens, pescadores locais espalhados por aldeias por todo o litoral, utilizando tĂ©cnicas milenares para pescar dentro do PNBA. A presença de peixes de valor econĂłmico Ă© conhecida e bem documentada na regiĂŁo. No entanto, a diversidade e composição do habitat costeiro de ĂĄguas rasas, composto por grandes tapetes de ervas marinhas e bancos de areia, onde a maioria desses peixes e outras espĂ©cies amadurecem e recrutam, permanece parcialmente desconhecida. Esses habitats representam um fator chave para entender a grande biodiversidade encontrada no Banc d'Arguin. É importante ter um melhor entendimento da importĂąncia desses habitats e as consequĂȘncias das possĂ­veis mudanças que podem ocorrer. A biodiversidade de habitats de ervas marinhas e habitats de areia localizados em habitats de ĂĄguas rasas do Banc d'Arguin foram amostradas com uma rede de arrasto em 3 locais, durante duas missĂ”es de amostragem em dezembro e abril. A rede permitiu-nos recolher amostras das ĂĄreas rasas intertidais e subtidais nos primeiros metros de ĂĄgua onde se encontram os tapetes de ervas marinhas. Os 3 locais de amostragem foram determinados com um habitat de ervas marinhas e um habitat de areia, amostrados dentro da mesma ĂĄrea geogrĂĄfica. O local A presente no sul do Banc d'Arguin em Mamghar era uma baĂ­a costeira. O site B ficava em Iwik, na parte sudeste do Banc e era um local costeiro exposto. O local C ficava nas ilhas de Kiji e Nair, localizadas nas lagoas rasas a oeste de Iwik. Os 3 locais diferentes foram amostrados durante o inverno e a primavera para comparar os resultados entre as estaçÔes. Alguns locais de amostragem extras foram adicionados durante a amostragem da primavera, mas nĂŁo usados na anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica. Essas amostragens extras em tapetes de ervas marinhas foram realizadas a fim de avaliar com mais precisĂŁo a composição de espĂ©cies desses habitats. Os objetivos deste estudo foram testar se a comunidade era diferentes entre os habitats, em termos de abundĂąncia, diversidade de espĂ©cies e estrutura, e o efeito da estação e do local. A comunidade era muito diferente entre os habitats em termos de abundĂąncia, diversidade de espĂ©cies e estrutura da comunidade. Os habitats de ervas marinhas compostos por Zostera noltei, Cymodocea nodosa e Halodule wrightii suportaram um maior nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos, espĂ©cies e diversidade do que a areia nua. Ambos os habitats foram dominados em abundĂąncia por Atherina boyeri e outras espĂ©cies encontradas em todos os habitats. No entanto, as espĂ©cies de ervas marinhas e areia associadas eram muito diferentes e explicavam as diferenças na estrutura da assembleia. Na verdade, o grande campo de ervas marinhas oferece um abrigo para muitas espĂ©cies, explicando a maior diversidade encontrada nesses habitats. A famĂ­lia e as espĂ©cies associadas Ă s ervas marinhas eram espĂ©cies de: camarĂ”es; Stephanolepsis hispidus; Nicholsina usta; Fistularia tabacaria; Sepiidae; Sparidae; Tetraodontidae; Syngnathidae; Labridae; Lutjanidae e Serranidae. No entanto, as espĂ©cies de areia eram muito diferentes, com uma composição principalmente de espĂ©cies de peixes planos, como Citharichthys stampflii; Pegusa lascaris; Pegusa triophthalma; Psettodes belcheri; Solea senegalensis; Synaptura lusitanica, bem como vĂĄrias espĂ©cies de raia, como Dasyatis margarita, Glaucostegus cemiculus ou Rhinobatos rhinobatos. O fator sazonalidade apenas apresentou diferenças no nĂșmero de espĂ©cies, diversidade e estrutura da comunidade de peixes. A temporada de primavera suportou um maior nĂșmero de espĂ©cies, supostamente correlacionado com o aparecimento de juvenis de um grande nĂșmero de espĂ©cies, chegando a habitats protegidos rasos para se desenvolverem e partirem na temporada para ĂĄguas mais profundas. No inverno algumas espĂ©cies estiveram presentes, como Eucinostomus melanopterus e nĂŁo foram encontradas na primavera, ao contrĂĄrio de Atherina boyeri e um maior nĂșmero de outras espĂ©cies encontradas principalmente na primavera. Uma estratĂ©gia ecolĂłgica diferente explica as diferenças, no entanto, o maior nĂșmero de espĂ©cies que aparecem na primavera Ă© explicado por padrĂ”es sazonais, principalmente devido a diferenças nos fatores abiĂłticos que ocorrem entre as estaçÔes. O fator local mostrou diferenças em termos de abundĂąncia e diversidade de espĂ©cies, entre Mamghar e os outros locais, mas nĂŁo para a estrutura da comunidade. SupĂ”e-se que a maior abundĂąncia e diversidade de espĂ©cies em Mamghar Ă© devido a uma ĂĄrea mais protegida de fortes fatores abiĂłticos, bem como uma disponibilidade de presas pode ser maior na zona. A quase totalidade dos indivĂ­duos capturados eram jovens (98,7%), confirmando a função de berçårio desses habitats rasos do Banc d'Arguin, especialmente no habitat de ervas marinhas onde a comunidade mais abundante e diversa Ă© encontrada. Esta observação enfatizou a importĂąncia crucial dessas zonas para sustentar uma biodiversidade saudĂĄvel e diversa em toda a regiĂŁo. No entanto, os estudos mais recentes mostram que essas ĂĄreas de berçårio do Banc d’Arguin estĂŁo em perigo, com uma redução progressiva e, eventualmente, o desaparecimento dos grandes tapetes de ervas marinhas e planĂ­cies de marĂ© devido ao aquecimento global e elevação do nĂ­vel do mar. Potenciais eventos abiĂłticos extremos com mais frequĂȘncia, bem como as mudanças gerais que ocorrerĂŁo nestas dĂ©cadas, podem alterar profundamente a comunidade nos habitats do Banc d'Arguin e afetar os padrĂ”es de sazonalidade atualmente observados.The biodiversity and community assemblages of seagrass and sand habitats located in shallow water habitats of the Banc d’Arguin were sampled with a beach seine at 3 sites, during two sampling missions in December and April. The objectives were to test if the community assemblages in term of abundance, species diversity and assemblage structure were different between habitats, as well as the effect of the season and the site. The community assemblage was found to be very different between habitats in term of abundance, species diversity and community assemblage structure. Seagrass habitats composed of Zostera noltei, Cymodocea nodosa and Halodule wrightii supported a larger number of individuals, species and diversity than bare sand. Both habitats were dominated in abundance by Atherina boyeri and other species found in all habitats. However, the seagrass and sand associated species, were very different and accounted for the differences in the assemblage structure. The large canopy of seagrass offers a shelter for a lot of species explaining the higher diversity found in these habitats. The season factor only showed differences in the number of species, diversity and fish assemblage structure. The spring season supported a larger number of species, supposedly correlated to the appearance of juveniles of a large number of species coming to nurseries in shallow protected habitat before leaving later in the season to deeper waters. The site factor showed differences in terms of abundance and species diversity only between Mamghar and the other sites, but not for the community assemblage structure. Almost all individuals caught were young juveniles (98.7%). It confirms the nursery function of the shallow habitats of the Banc d’Arguin, specially in seagrass habitat where the most abundant and diverse community is found. This work confirm that these large seagrass beds are essential in the development of the high biodiversity known to be found in the Banc d’Arguin

    Le journal intime de Mireille Havet : entre Ă©criture de soi et grand Ɠuvre

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    Mireille Havet, born in 1898, meets early success through her poems. Being close to Apollinaire and Cocteau, she makes a name for herself in the literary sphere of the time. Simultaneously with her poems and her novel published in 1923, she writes a diary, started when she was still a teenager. Driven by this success, the young woman is gradually caught up by her two great passions: women and drugs. It results in a turbulence against which she will struggle to attempt to produce the great work she dreamed of. Over the years, she finally resigned and will focus on her diary. It became the only reconcilable medium with her lifestyle, her melancholy and extremely increasing drug addiction. She then tries to transcribe her soul into her diary, "to say and reveal [her] world" inside. This project, even if it is not the ideal fantasized work, yet contains all the poetry of Mireille Havet, and forms, after rereading, a "complete whole" almost unknown to the author herself. Can this journal then replace the failed masterpiece the diarist always dreamed of?Mireille Havet, nĂ©e en 1898, rencontre trĂšs tĂŽt le succĂšs grĂące Ă  ses poĂšmes. Proche d’Apollinaire et de Cocteau, elle se fait une place dans le milieu littĂ©raire de l’époque. ParallĂšlement Ă  ses poĂšmes, et Ă  son roman publiĂ© en 1923, elle Ă©crit un journal intime, qu’elle commence alors qu’elle est encore adolescente. Forte de ses succĂšs de jeunesse, la jeune femme se laisse alors peu Ă  peu rattraper par la vie : les femmes et les drogues, ses deux grandes passions, l’entraĂźnent dans un tourbillon dont elle peine Ă  s’extraire pour produire la grande Ɠuvre dont elle rĂȘve. RĂ©signĂ©e, au fil des annĂ©es, elle se concentrera sur la rĂ©daction de son journal, devenu le seul support s’accordant avec son mode de vie, sa mĂ©lancolie et son addiction de plus en plus extrĂȘme aux drogues. Elle tente alors de transcrire son Ăąme dans ses carnets intimes, de « dire et rĂ©vĂ©ler [son] monde » intĂ©rieur. Ce projet, s’il n’est pas celui, idĂ©al, de l’Ɠuvre fantasmĂ©e, contient cependant toute la poĂ©sie de Mireille Havet et s’avĂšre, aprĂšs relecture, former un « tout complet », presque Ă  l’insu de son auteur. Ce journal peut-il alors remplacer la grande Ɠuvre avortĂ©e dont la diariste a toujours rĂȘvĂ©

    Investigating the influence of (Deoxy)fluorination on the lipophilicity of non-UV-active fluorinated alkanols and carbohydrates by a new log P determination method

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    Property tuning by fluorination is very effective for a number of purposes, and currently increasingly investigated for aliphatic compounds. An important application is lipophilicity (log?P) modulation. However, the determination of log?P is cumbersome for non-UV-active compounds. A new variation of the shake-flask log?P determination method is presented, enabling the measurement of log?P for fluorinated compounds with or without UV activity regardless of whether they are hydrophilic or lipophilic. No calibration curves or measurements of compound masses/aliquot volumes are required. With this method, the influence of fluorination on the lipophilicity of fluorinated aliphatic alcohols was determined, and the log?P values of fluorinated carbohydrates were measured. Interesting trends and changes, for example, for the dependence on relative stereochemistry, are reporte

    Fast and optimal broad-band Stokes/Mueller polarimeter design by the use of a genetic algorithm

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    A fast multichannel Stokes/Mueller polarimeter with no mechanically moving parts has been designed to have close to optimal performance from 430-2000 nm by applying a genetic algorithm. Stokes (Mueller) polarimeters are characterized by their ability to analyze the full Stokes (Mueller) vector (matrix) of the incident light. This ability is characterized by the condition number, Îș\kappa, which directly influences the measurement noise in polarimetric measurements. Due to the spectral dependence of the retardance in birefringent materials, it is not trivial to design a polarimeter using dispersive components. We present here both a method to do this optimization using a genetic algorithm, as well as simulation results. Our results include fast, broad-band polarimeter designs for spectrographic use, based on 2 and 3 Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, whose material properties are taken from measured values. The results promise to reduce the measurement noise significantly over previous designs, up to a factor of 4.5 for a Mueller polarimeter, in addition to extending the spectral range.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Optics Expres


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    The title mol­ecule, C7H15NO5, the major product from selective enzymatic oxidation followed by hydrogeno­lysis of the corresponding azido­heptitol, was found by X-ray crystallography to exisit in a chair conformation with three axial hydroxyl groups. One of the hydroxymethyl groups is disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.590 (3):0.410 (3) ratio. In the crystal, O—H⋯O, O—H⋯(O,O), O—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding occurs

    Understanding multivalent effects in glycosidase inhibition using C-glycoside click clusters as molecular probes

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    The synthesis of the first examples of multivalent C-glycosides based on C60-fullerene or ÎČ-cyclodextrin cores by way of Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloadditions is reported. These compounds were designed as molecular probes to understand the mechanisms underlying the outstanding multivalent effects observed in glycosidase inhibition. The inhibition results obtained support a multivalent-binding model based on two scenarios both involving nonspecific interactions and varying by the presence or the absence of active site specific interactions. The magnitude of the multivalent effect obtained depends on the identity of the glycosidase involved and more specifically on the accessibility of its catalytic active site. Large inhibitory multivalent effects can be obtained when both glycosidase active sites and non-catalytic sites at the protein surface are involved in binding events. On the other hand, nonspecific interactions alone are not sufficient to achieve relative affinity enhancements exceeding a simple statistical effect (i.e., a relative inhibition potency not better than one on a valence-corrected basis).Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad de España (MINECO) y Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER y FSE). SAF2013-44021-

    Tryptophan Fluorescence Quenching in ÎČ-Lactam-Interacting Proteins Is Modulated by the Structure of Intermediates and Final Products of the Acylation Reaction

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    In most bacteria, ÎČ-lactam antibiotics inhibit the last cross-linking step of peptidoglycan synthesis by acylation of the active-site Ser of d,d-transpeptidases belonging to the penicillin-binding protein (PBP) family. In mycobacteria, cross-linking is mainly ensured by l,d-transpeptidases (LDTs), which are promising targets for the development of ÎČ-lactam-based therapies for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. For this purpose, fluorescence spectroscopy is used to investigate the efficacy of LDT inactivation by ÎČ-lactams but the basis for fluorescence quenching during enzyme acylation remains unknown. In contrast to what has been reported for PBPs, we show here using a model l,d-transpeptidase (Ldt) that fluorescence quenching of Trp residues does not depend upon direct hydrophobic interaction between Trp residues and ÎČ-lactams. Rather, Trp fluorescence was quenched by the drug covalently bound to the active-site Cys residue of Ldt. Fluorescence quenching was not quantitatively determined by the size of the drug and was not specific of the thioester link connecting the ÎČ-lactam carbonyl to the catalytic Cys as quenching was also observed for acylation of the active-site Ser of ÎČ-lactamase BlaC from M. tuberculosis. Fluorescence quenching was extensive for reaction intermediates containing an amine anion and for acylenzymes containing an imine stabilized by mesomeric effect, but not for acylenzymes containing a protonated ÎČ-lactam nitrogen. Together, these results indicate that the extent of fluorescence quenching is determined by the status of the ÎČ-lactam nitrogen. Thus, fluorescence kinetics can provide information not only on the efficacy of enzyme inactivation but also on the structure of the covalent adducts responsible for enzyme inactivation

    Chem. Sci.

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    The isobutyl side chain is a highly prevalent hydrophobic group in drugs, and it notably constitutes the side chain of leucine. Its replacement by a hexafluorinated version containing two CF3 groups may endow the target compound with new and advantageous properties, yet this modification remains overlooked due to the absence of a general and practical synthetic methodology. Herein, we report the first general method to introduce the hexafluoroisobutyl group into ketoesters, malonates, 1,3-diketones, Schiff base esters and malononitrile. We demonstrated that the reaction occurs through an elimination/allylic shift/hydrofluorination cascade process which efficiently overcomes the usual fluoride ÎČ-elimination observed with α-CF3-vinyl groups. We showed that with alkali metal bases, a pentafluorinated alkene is obtained predominantly, whereas the use of tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) allows hydrofluorination to occur. This tandem process represents a conceptually new pathway to synthesize bis-trifluoromethylated compounds. This methodology was applied to the multigram-scale synthesis of enantiopure (S)-5,5,5,5â€Č,5â€Č,5â€Č-hexafluoroleucine.Interactions supramolĂ©culaires sĂ©lectives et directionnelles Ă  base de synthons fluorĂ©s hautement polaire
