31 research outputs found

    Estudo da Arte Funeråria no Cemitério dos Ingleses, Salvador - Bahia

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    Trabalho apresentado no SimpĂłsio 2 da VI ReuniĂŁo da SAB Nordeste 202

    EnterovĂ­rus como indicadores de qualidade da ĂĄgua

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    Enteroviruses belong to enteric virus group, which is composed by pathogens often isolated from water contaminated with fecal pollution. They receive this classification mainly due to their ability to replicate in the host’s gut and be transmitted through the fecal-oral route. This group of virus resist to high concentrations of chlorine, showing resistance to the usual protocols for treatment of water. Monitoring of fecal pollution in water is usually performed through the detection and quantification of fecal coliforms. When coliforms are present, it is recommendable to avoid the human consumption of water. However, several authors reported the presence of enteric viruses in water samples that are free of coliforms, this fact might indicate that this bacterial parameter is a non reliable indicator of fecal pollution. Besides, among the pathogens transmitted by water, the presence of enteroviruses is considered by WHO a reliable indicator of fecal contamination and related with epidemic diseases transmitted by water. This fact is exacerbated due the frequency of enterovĂ­rus causing habitual diseases, such as diarrhea and conjunctivitis, as well as more severe diseases, including meningitis and encephalitis.Os enterovĂ­rus fazem parte do grupo dos vĂ­rus entĂ©ricos, constituĂ­do de importantes patĂłgenos, isolados com frequĂȘncia de ĂĄguas contaminadas por poluição fecal. Recebem essa classificação principalmente por suas caracterĂ­sticas de replicação no trato intestinal do hospedeiro e transmissĂŁo pela via fecal-oral. Esse grupo de vĂ­rus resiste a altas concentraçÔes de diferentes compostos clorados, apresentando, assim, resistĂȘncia aos tratamentos habituais da ĂĄgua. Atualmente, o principal parĂąmetro utilizado para controle microbiolĂłgico da ĂĄgua sĂŁo os coliformes fecais. Caso esses coliformes estejam presentes, deve-se evitar o consumo humano da ĂĄgua analisada. PorĂ©m, diversos autores tĂȘm discutido a presença de enterovĂ­rus em amostra de ĂĄguas mesmo na ausĂȘncia de coliformes, o que parece desmerecer essas bactĂ©rias como confiĂĄveis marcadores de poluição fecal. AlĂ©m disso, dentre os patĂłgenos veiculados pela ĂĄgua, a presença de enterovĂ­rus Ă© considerada pela OMS como sendo um indĂ­cio de contaminação fecal e relacionada a epidemias de doenças de veiculação hĂ­drica. Este fato Ă© exacerbado por serem os enterovĂ­rus frequentes causadores de doenças habituais, tais como diarreias e conjuntivites, assim como doenças mais graves, incluindo meningoencefalites

    Absence of A3Z3-related hypermutations in the env and vif proviral genes in FIV naturally infected cats

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    Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3 (APOBEC3; A3) proteins comprise an important family of restriction factors that produce hypermutations on proviral DNA and are able to limit virus replication. Vif, an accessory protein present in almost all lentiviruses, counteracts the antiviral A3 activity. Seven haplotypes of APOBEC3Z3 (A3Z3) were described in domestic cats (hap I–VII), and in-vitro studies have demonstrated that these proteins reduce infectivity of vif-defective feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Moreover, hap V is resistant to vif-mediated degradation. However, studies on the effect of A3Z3 in FIV-infected cats have not been developed. Here, the correlation between APOBEC A3Z3 haplotypes in domestic cats and the frequency of hypermutations in the FIV vif and env genes were assessed in a retrospective cohort study with 30 blood samples collected between 2012 and 2016 from naturally FIV-infected cats in Brazil. The vif and env sequences were analyzed and displayed low or undetectable levels of hypermutations, and could not be associated with any specific A3Z3 haplotype


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    A sustentabilidade da pecuåria leiteira demanda hoje, além dos cuidados quanto aos aspectos sanitårios e econÎmicos da produção, uma atenção especial aos possíveis impactos ambientais inerentes à produção intensiva de gado de leite. Merecem especial atenção, neste contexto, os cuidados com o manejo de dejetos, com vistas a evitar impactos sobre a qualidade da ågua, do solo e do ar. Para detectar a contaminação microbiológica da ågua e a eficåcia das diferentes estratégias de manejo de dejetos, tradicionalmente a anålise da qualidade da ågua estå focada na detecção de coliformes fecais e bactérias termotolerantes. Todavia, os vírus entéricos, por suas características estruturais, resistem por períodos mais longos no ambiente do que bactérias e podem ser uma ameaça à produção também nos aspectos sanitårios. No presente artigo, discutimos características desses vírus, seu comportamento nos dejetos de bovinos e possíveis estratégias de descontaminação.Palavras-chave: Dejetos. Gado de leite. Vírus. Desinfecção

    Functional assessment of inpatients in the Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital of Canoas

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    A sobrevida de pacientes crĂ­ticos tem aumentado com o tempo. No entanto, a imobilidade e o tempo de internação estĂŁo contribuindo para o seu declĂ­nio funcional e da sua qualidade de vida. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a independĂȘncia funcional dos pacientes internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Adulto do Hospital UniversitĂĄrio de Canoas. Pesquisa de coorte prospectiva executada de fevereiro a dezembro de 2016. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto Ă  capacidade funcional, força muscular, força de preensĂŁo palmar, mobilidade, equilĂ­brio e marcha. Foram avaliados 90 pacientes com mĂ©dia de idade de 59,6±16,1 anos, com predominĂąncia do gĂȘnero masculino (51,1%). A mediana do tempo de internação na UTI foi de 5 (3-9) dias, e de internação hospitalar de 13 (10-20) dias. Houve melhora significativa nos resultados de capacidade funcional (pSurvival of critically ill patients has increased over time. However, immobility and length of hospital stay contribute to these patient’s functional decline and reduction in quality of life. To assess the functional independence of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the University Hospital of Canoas, a prospective cohort study was performed from February to December 2016. Functional capacity, muscle strength, hand grip strength, mobility, balance, and gait were assessed. 90 patients aged on average 59.6±16.1 years old were assessed, with a predominance of male individuals (51.1%). The median of length of stay in the ICU was 5 (3-9) days and the median of hospital stay was 13 (10-20) days. Functional capacity (pLa sobrevida de pacientes crĂ­ticos ha aumentado con el tiempo. Sin embargo, la inmovilidad y el tiempo de internaciĂłn estĂĄn contribuyendo a su declive funcional y su calidad de vida. El objetivo del estudio ha sido evaluar la independencia funcional de los pacientes internados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) Adulto de Hospital UniversitĂĄrio de Canoas. InvestigaciĂłn de cohorte prospectiva ejecutada de febrero a diciembre de 2016. Los pacientes han sido evaluados en cuanto a la capacidad funcional, fuerza muscular, fuerza de prensiĂłn de mano, movilidad, equilibrio y marcha. Se evaluaron 90 pacientes con una media de edad de 59.6±16.1 años, con predominio del gĂ©nero masculino (51.1%). La mediana del tiempo de internaciĂłn en la UCI ha sido de 5 (3-9) dĂ­as, y de internaciĂłn hospitalaria de 13 (10-20) dĂ­as. Se observĂł una mejora significativa en los resultados de capacidad funcional (

    Incipient parallel evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Deltacron variant in South Brazil

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    With the coexistence of multiple lineages and increased international travel, recombination and gene flow are likely to become increasingly important in the adaptive evolution of SARS-CoV-2. These processes could result in genetic introgression and the incipient parallel evolution of multiple recombinant lineages. However, identifying recombinant lineages is challenging, and the true extent of recombinant evolution in SARS-CoV-2 may be underestimated. This study describes the first SARS-CoV-2 Deltacron recombinant case identified in Brazil. We demonstrate that the recombination breakpoint is at the beginning of the Spike gene. The 5â€Č genome portion (circa 22 kb) resembles the AY.101 (Delta), and the 3â€Č genome portion (circa 8 kb nucleotides) is most similar to the BA.1.1 (Omicron). Furthermore, evolutionary genomic analyses indicate that the new strain emerged after a single recombination event between lineages of diverse geographical locations in December 2021 in South Brazil. This Deltacron, AYBA-RS, is one of the dozens of recombinants described in 2022. The submission of only four sequences in the GISAID database suggests that this lineage had a minor epidemiological impact. However, the recent emergence of this and other Deltacron recombinant lineages (XD, XF, and XS) suggests that gene flow and recombination may play an increasingly important role in the COVID-19 pandemic. We explain the evolutionary and population genetic theory that supports this assertion, concluding that this stresses the need for continued genomic surveillance. This monitoring is vital for countries where multiple variants are present, as well as for countries that receive significant inbound international travel

    Contributions to the development of a small animal and a cell model for morbillivirus pathogenesis studies

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    Morbillivirus est un genre de virus Ă  ARN simple brin de polaritĂ© nĂ©gative de la famille des Paramyxoviridae. Actuellement, il est composĂ© de sept espĂšces responsables de maladies hautement contagieuses. Les infections par morbillivirus causent une forte mortalitĂ© chez l’Homme, les petits ruminants, les carnivores et chez certains mammifĂšres marins. Les vaccins disponibles contre les morbillivirus exigent gĂ©nĂ©ralement 7-10 jours pour dĂ©velopper une immunitĂ© protectrice. AprĂšs la Peste Bovine, premiĂšre maladie animale Ă©radiquĂ©e avec succĂšs, la peste des petits ruminants (PPR) est la prochaine cible pour l'Ă©radication au niveau mondial d’ici 2030. Le vaccin actuel basĂ© sur la souche PPR Nigeria 75/1 est adĂ©quat pour la campagne d'Ă©radication. Cependant, certaines amĂ©liorations peuvent ĂȘtre envisagĂ©es pour accroĂźtre son efficacitĂ©, raccourcir le temps nĂ©cessaire pour l’éradication et rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts. Par exemple, l’introduction d’un vaccin marquĂ© positif/nĂ©gatif permettrait la diffĂ©renciation entre animaux infectĂ©s et vaccinĂ©s (DIVA stratĂ©gie), permettant ainsi en temps rĂ©el la surveillance de l'infection, la vaccination et l’élimination rapide des animaux infectĂ©s. Une autre amĂ©lioration pourrait ĂȘtre la modification du vaccin actuel par gĂ©nĂ©tique inverse pour insĂ©rer une cassette exprimant des ARN interfĂ©rents capables de cibler les souches virulentes PPRV. Ce vaccin thĂ©rapeutique serait utile en situation d'urgence pour contrĂŽler l’infection le temps que l’immunitĂ© protectrice se mette en place aprĂšs vaccination. Afin de dĂ©velopper et tester ces nouveaux vaccins et outils thĂ©rapeutiques, il est nĂ©cessaire d’utiliser des modĂšles petit animal et cellulaire pour limiter les expĂ©rimentations avec les animaux d'Ă©levage Dans ce travail, nous avons contribuĂ© au dĂ©veloppement d’un modĂšle cellulaire in vitro et d’un modĂšle murin in vivo pour Ă©tudier la pathogenĂšse des morbillivirus. Le prĂ©sent document est divisĂ© en trois principaux chapitres : « Identification d’un modĂšle cellulaire pour les Ă©tudes de pathogenĂšse du PPRV » ; « Construction d’un clone PPR marquĂ© le gĂšne lucifĂ©rase rapporteur » ; et « Évaluation in vivo d’un petit ARN interfĂ©rent (siRNA) contre les morbillivirus ». Dans le premier chapitre, la ligne cellulaire murine 10T1/2 a Ă©tĂ© Ă©prouvĂ©e avec des souches attĂ©nuĂ©es et virulentes du PPRV dans des conditions diffĂ©rentes d’expression du rĂ©cepteur SLAM de la chĂšvre et de la rĂ©ponse interfĂ©ron type I. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une permissivitĂ© des cellules 10T1/2 limitĂ©e aux souches virulentes du PPRV, laquelle est indĂ©pendante du rĂ©cepteur SLAM de la chĂšvre et de la rĂ©ponse interfĂ©ron type I. Le deuxiĂšme chapitre visait Ă  dĂ©velopper un PPRV recombinant capable d’exprimer une lucifĂ©rase par la gĂ©nĂ©tique inverse. Diverses stratĂ©gies d’assemblage du gĂ©nome entier du PPRV ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies pour l’obtention du clone d’ADNc avec le gĂ©nome complet du PPRV. Cependant, le rescue a Ă©tĂ© impossible Ă  rĂ©aliser et les raisons en sont discutĂ©es. Le dernier chapitre englobait l’évaluation des siRNA comme outils thĂ©rapeutiques contre un autre morbillivirus recombinant capable d’exprimer la lucifĂ©rase, le virus de la rougeole (MV). Alors que sur les lignĂ©es cellulaires nous avons observĂ© 100% d’activitĂ© antivirale des siRNA contre le rMV-luc, la validation in vivo, utilisant le modĂšle souris transgĂ©nique CD46 humain sensible Ă  la rougeole, a Ă©chouĂ©. Pour conclure, ce travail apporte des avancĂ©es sur le dĂ©veloppement d’outils pour Ă©tudier la pathogenĂšse non seulement du PPRV mais aussi d’autres morbillivirus.Morbillivirus genus, a non-segmented negative single-strand RNA (ssRNA) group of viruses, belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family and is currently composed of seven species responsible to highly contagious diseases. Morbillivirus infections cause significant mortality in humans, small ruminants, carnivores and in some marine mammals. The available vaccines against morbillivirus infections require usually 7-10 days to induce a protective immunity. After Rinderpest, the first animal disease successfully eradicated, peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is the next target for global eradication by 2030.The current vaccine based on the Nigeria 75/1 is fit for purpose for the eradication campaign. However, some improvements can be envisaged to increase efficacy, shorten the time to complete the eradication and reduce costs. For instance, the introduction of a positive/negative marker in the vaccine could allow the Discrimination between Infected and Vaccinated Animals (DIVA strategy), thus enabling the real-time parallel monitoring of infection and vaccination, and rapid elimination of infected animals. Another improvement could be the modification of the current vaccine by reverse genetics to insert a cassette expressing interfering RNA targeting virulent strains of PPR. This therapeutic vaccine would be useful in emergency situations to control the infection over the delay necessary for the acquisition of an efficient vaccine protection. In order to develop and test these new vaccine tools, there is a need for new cell or small animal models to limit experiments with farm animals. In this work, we contributed in the development of in vitro and in vivo murine models to study morbillivirus pathogenesis. The present document is divided in three main chapters: “Identification of a cell model to PPRV pathogenesis studies”; “Construction of a full-length cDNA clone of PPRV with a luciferase reporter gene” and “In vivo evaluation of small interfering RNA (siRNA) against morbilliviruses”. In the first chapter the mouse cell line 10T1/2 was challenged with attenuated and wild type PPRV strains using different conditions of goat SLAM expression and type I IFN response. The results showed a restricted permissiveness of 10T1/2 to wild type PPRV, which was independent of goat SLAM receptor and type I IFN response. The second chapter aimed to develop a recombinant PPRV expressing luciferase through reverse genetics methodology. Various strategies to assembling the PPRV genome were established reaching up to the full-length cDNA PPRV-luciferase construction. However, the rescue could not be achieved and the reasons for that are discussed. The last chapter encompassed the evaluation of siRNA as a prophylactic tool against another luciferase recombinant morbillivirus, the measles virus. In vitro and in vivo studies were performed with the recombinant MV (rMV-luc). Whereas in cell lines siRNA showed 100% of antiviral activity against rMV-luc, the validation in vivo, using a human CD46 transgenic mouse model susceptible to measles, failed. In conclusion, this work provides advancements in the development of tools for the study of the pathogenesis of PPRV and other morbilliviruses