16 research outputs found

    Potential Mercurian Analogues: Aubrite and Enstatite Chondrite Impact Melt Meteorites

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    The MESSENGER (MErcury Surface Space ENvironment GEochemistry and Ranging Spacecraft) mission provided new data that have helped us better constrain the surficial mineralogy and composition of Mercury. Mercury has an extremely low oxygen fugacity (f O2) (Iron Wustite (IW) -7.3 to IW -2.6), and at these unique conditions, elements, which usually exhibit lithophile behavior on Earth, can exhibit chalcophile or siderophile behavior on Mercury. No samples have been returned from Mercury; therefore, we must study candidate meteorite analogs to better understand the formation conditions of minerals inferred to be present at the Mercurian surface and Mercurian magmatic processes. In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of a representative suite of eight aubrites and four enstatite chondrite impact melts (ECIM), which both have a similar f O2 to Mercury, and contain exotic sulfides that have been inferred to be present at the Mercurian surface. These characteristics allow us to assess their relevance for understanding the mineralogy and magmatic processes of Mercury. The ECIM were previously classified as aubrites, but we show that they are actually ECIM with a potential EH (high enstatite) parent body origin due to the presence of niningerite, Si-enriched kamacite, and uniform Ni in schreibersite. We propose that, with respect to the aubrites, the ECIM represent an ideal candidate for Mercurian studies due to their mineralogy and modal mineralogy. Compared to the aubrites, the ECIM samples do not contain forsterite or diopside, show a poorer sulfide diversity, contain graphite, and have a higher volume percentage of metal phases. Although the Mercurian surface contains forsterite and diopside, graphite and a similar amount of metal and sulfides as seen in the ECIM are inferred to be present on Mercury. According to the calculated normative Mercurian mineralogy, both candidate meteorites are most analogous to the Caloris Basin and Northern Plains Lower Mg regions

    Compliance with Australian stroke guideline recommendations for outdoor mobility and transport training by post-inpatient rehabilitation services: an observational cohort study

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    Background: Community participation is often restricted after stroke, due to reduced confidence and outdoor mobility. Australian clinical guidelines recommend that specific evidence-based interventions be delivered to target these restrictions, such as multiple escorted outdoor journeys. The aim of this study was to describe post-inpatient outdoor mobility and transport training delivered to stroke survivors in New South Wales, Australia and whether therapy differed according to type, sector or location of service provider. Methods: Using an observational retrospective cohort study design, 24 rehabilitation service providers were audited. Provider types included outpatient (n = 8), day therapy (n = 9), home-based rehabilitation (n = 5) and transitional aged care services (TAC, n = 2). Records of 15 stroke survivors who had received post-hospital rehabilitation were audited per service, for wait time, duration, amount of therapy and outdoor-related therapy. Results: A total of 311 records were audited. Median wait time for post-hospital therapy was 13 days (IQR, 5–35). Median duration of therapy was 68 days (IQR, 35–109), consisting of 11 sessions (IQR 4–19). Overall, a median of one session (IQR 0–3) was conducted outdoors per person. Outdoor-related therapy was similar across service providers,except that TAC delivered an average of 5.4 more outdoor-related sessions (95 % CI 4.4 to 6.4), and 3.5 more outings into public streets (95 % CI 2.8 to 4.3) per person, compared to outpatient services. Conclusion: The majority of service providers in the sample delivered little evidence-based outdoor mobility and travel training per stroke participant, as recommended in national stroke guidelines

    Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 Is a Choroid Plexus-Derived Injury Response Gene: Evidence for a Biphasic Response in Early and Late Brain Injury

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    By virtue of its ability to regulate the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the choroid plexus (CP) is ideally suited to instigate a rapid response to traumatic brain injury (TBI) by producing growth regulatory proteins. For example, Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 (Ecrg4) is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a hormone-like peptide called augurin that is present in large concentrations in CP epithelia (CPe). Because augurin is thought to regulate senescence, neuroprogenitor cell growth and differentiation in the CNS, we evaluated the kinetics of Ecrg4 expression and augurin immunoreactivity in CPe after CNS injury. Adult rats were injured with a penetrating cortical lesion and alterations in augurin immunoreactivity were examined by immunohistochemistry. Ecrg4 gene expression was characterized by in situ hybridization. Cell surface augurin was identified histologically by confocal microscopy and biochemically by sub-cellular fractionation. Both Ecrg4 gene expression and augurin protein levels were decreased 24–72 hrs post-injury but restored to uninjured levels by day 7 post-injury. Protein staining in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, used as a control brain region, did not show a decrease of auguin immunoreactivity. Ecrg4 gene expression localized to CPe cells, and augurin protein to the CPe ventricular face. Extracellular cell surface tethering of 14 kDa augurin was confirmed by cell surface fractionation of primary human CPe cells in vitro while a 6–8 kDa fragment of augurin was detected in conditioned media, indicating release from the cell surface by proteolytic processing. In rat CSF however, 14 kDa augurin was detected. We hypothesize the initial release and proteolytic processing of augurin participates in the activation phase of injury while sustained Ecrg4 down-regulation is dysinhibitory during the proliferative phase. Accordingly, augurin would play a constitutive inhibitory function in normal CNS while down regulation of Ecrg4 gene expression in injury, like in cancer, dysinhibits proliferation

    Meat Intake and the Dose of Vitamin B3 - Nicotinamide:Cause of the Causes of Disease Transitions, Health Divides, and Health Futures?

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    Meat and vitamin B 3 – nicotinamide – intake was high during hunter-gatherer times. Intake then fell and variances increased during and after the Neolithic agricultural revolution. Health, height, and IQ deteriorated. Low dietary doses are buffered by ‘welcoming’ gut symbionts and tuberculosis that can supply nicotinamide, but this co-evolved homeostatic metagenomic strategy risks dysbioses and impaired resistance to pathogens. Vitamin B 3 deficiency may now be common among the poor billions on a low-meat diet. Disease transitions to non-communicable inflammatory disorders (but longer lives) may be driven by positive ‘meat transitions’. High doses of nicotinamide lead to reduced regulatory T cells and immune intolerance. Loss of no longer needed symbiotic ‘old friends’ compounds immunological over-reactivity to cause allergic and auto-immune diseases. Inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumers and loss of methyl groups or production of toxins may cause cancers, metabolic toxicity, or neurodegeneration. An optimal dosage of vitamin B 3 could lead to better health, but such a preventive approach needs more equitable meat distribution. Some people may require personalised doses depending on genetic make-up or, temporarily, when under stress

    A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions

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    Astronomers do not have a complete picture of the effects of wide-binary companions (semimajor axes greater than 100 au) on the formation and evolution of exoplanets. We investigate these effects using new data from Gaia Early Data Release 3 and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission to characterize wide-binary systems with transiting exoplanets. We identify a sample of 67 systems of transiting exoplanet candidates (with well-determined, edge-on orbital inclinations) that reside in wide visual binary systems. We derive limits on orbital parameters for the wide-binary systems and measure the minimum difference in orbital inclination between the binary and planet orbits. We determine that there is statistically significant difference in the inclination distribution of wide-binary systems with transiting planets compared to a control sample, with the probability that the two distributions are the same being 0.0037. This implies that there is an overabundance of planets in binary systems whose orbits are aligned with those of the binary. The overabundance of aligned systems appears to primarily have semimajor axes less than 700 au. We investigate some effects that could cause the alignment and conclude that a torque caused by a misaligned binary companion on the protoplanetary disk is the most promising explanation

    Seasonal response of photosynthetic electron transport and energy dissipation in the eighth year of exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 (FACE) in Pinus taeda (loblolly pine)

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    To determine the effect of growth under elevated CO₂ partial pressures (pCO₂) on photosynthetic electron transport and photoprotective energy dissipation, we examined light-saturated net photosynthetic CO₂ assimilation (Asat), the capacity for photosynthetic O2 evolution, chlorophyll fluorescence emission and the pigment composition of upper-canopy loblolly pine needles in the eighth year of exposure to elevated pCO₂ (20 Pa above ambient) at the free-air CO₂ enrichment facility in the Duke Forest. During the summer growing season, Asat was 50% higher in current-year needles and 24% higher in year-old needles in elevated pCO₂ in comparison with needles of the same age cohort in ambient pCO₂. Thus, photosynthetic down-regulation at elevated pCO₂ was observed in the summer in year-old needles. In the winter, Asat was not significantly affected by growth pCO₂. Reductions in Asat, the capacity for photosynthetic O₂ evolution and photosystem II (PSII) efficiency in the light-acclimated and fully-oxidized states were observed in the winter when compared to summer. Growth at elevated pCO₂ had no significant effect on the capacity for photosynthetic O₂ evolution, PSII efficiencies in the light-acclimated and fully-oxidized states, chlorophyll content or the size and conversion state of the xanthophyll cycle, regardless of season or needle age cohort. Therefore, we observed no evidence that photosynthetic electron transport or photoprotective energy dissipation responded to compensate for the effects of elevated pCO₂ on Calvin cycle activity