112 research outputs found

    mspire: mass spectrometry proteomics in Ruby

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    Summary: Mass spectrometry-based proteomics stands to gain from additional analysis of its data, but its large, complex datasets make demands on speed and memory usage requiring special consideration from scripting languages. The software library ‘mspire’—developed in the Ruby programming language—offers quick and memory-efficient readers for standard xml proteomics formats, converters for intermediate file types in typical proteomics spectral-identification work flows (including the Bioworks .srf format), and modules for the calculation of peptide false identification rates

    Photoluminescence properties of GaN grown on compliant silicon-on-insulator substrates

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    A compliant substrate approach has been employed to release lattice-mismatch caused strain in GaN epilayers through stress absorption in the substrate. GaN layers have been grown on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Photoluminescence measurements at 4 K show the spectrum of grown GaN being dominated by UV emission around 3.47 eV related to neutral-donor bound excitons. The much weaker yellow luminescence shows a broad spectrum around 2.16 eV. Peak position of the UV emission changes both with measurement temperature and strain. At room temperature, the UV peak is red shifted by 64 meV corresponding well to the band-gap temperature dependence. Strain-induced blue shift of the peak, compared to unstrained GaN, is much less than for growth on sapphire, indicating strain relief in the GaN by growth on SOI. Further reduction of the blue shift is consistent with increased electron mobility. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70808/2/APPLAB-71-26-3880-1.pd

    Transistores FinFET

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    [spa] El presente articulo pretende dar a conocer los dispositivos FinFET, que ventajas presenta su estructura frente a los dispositivos MOS clásicos, cual es el estado del arte actual y finalmente, cual es el impacto de este tipo de transistor en el mercado

    Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Nanowire Trigate MOSFET Considering Wave Function Penetration

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    Short channel  effects on the gate capacitance of nanowire trigate MOS field-effect transistors are studied considering wave function penetration. Capacitance-Voltage (C‑V) measurements are commonly used in studying gate-oxide quality in detail.  C‑V test results offer a wealth of device and process information, including bulk and interface charges. Capacitance indicates switching speed of the MOSFET. It is our goal to minimize capacitance as possible as we can in MOSFET. Due to our necessary to compact the Integrated Circuit as possible as we can for getting small electronics devices. Capacitance determines the speed of the IC. Every engineer in this section should know capacitance of his implementing device MOSFET to get exact result from this device. Whenever we deal with 10X10 nm scale or less device of MOSFET. We must concern the effect of wave function penetration into device in this stage classical mechanics fails to describe exact result of the system because electron can move in only one direction (x), in 3 Dimension, it cannot move in other two direction (y, z). i.e. confined in two direction which is not predictable by classical mechanics here quantum mechanics (QM) gives better solution of this problem. Therefore we consider QM in our study. Here we presented how wave function play vital role considering small area of trigate MOSFET. It is the analytical approach of QM and highly recommendation to use QM rather than CM to get accuracy. This result will be helpful for determining capacitance of trigate MOSFET.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i6.178

    Heat transfer in 3D water and ice basins

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    Compact modeling of multiple gate mos devices.

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta models analítics electrostàtics i de transport de diferents tipus de transistors MOSFET de porta múltiple: Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET, Gate-All-Around MOSFETs i FinFETs.Les estructures de porta múltiple són les més adequades per aconseguir la miniaturització dels circuits CMOS per sota dels 50 nm de longitud de canal. La reducció del tamany implica més velocitat i més densitat de circuits a un xip, però també dóna lloc a problemes (efectes de canal curt) que empitjoren les prestacions dels transistors; aquests problemes es deuen a un control més deficient del canal per la porta, que causa un augment del corrent de fuites (degradant la relació on/off del corrent) i disminució de la resistència de sortida (degradant el guany). Amb les estructures de porta múltiple el control electrostàtic del canal per la porta augmenta considerablement i els efectes de canal curt es redueixen dràsticament.El disseny de circuits nanomètrics necessita models acurats dels dispositius MOS de porta múltiple. A més, els models han d'ésser analítics, de manera que els puguin utilitzar els simuladors de circuits, amb temps de simulació petits i sense problemes de convergencia.Aquesta tesi presenta models analítics dels transistors multi-gate MOSFETs, tant per al comportament electrostàtic com pels mecanismes de transport. L'electrostàtica ha estat modelada a partir de l'equació de Poisson en 2 o 3 dimensions. S'han desenvolupat tècniques per resoldre analíticament l'equació de Poisson. El fet de què els models es derivin d'una anàlisi bidimensional o tridimensional fa que els efectes de canal curt s'incloguin de manera física, sense paràmetres empírics. Els models analítics resultants s'han comparat amb simulacions numèriques bidimensionals i tridimensionals, i s'ha observat una concordància quasi perfecta fins als 20 nm de longitud de canal. En el cas del FinFET, a més, s'ha pogut realitzar una comparació amb mesures experimentals, que ha resultat bastant exitosa.Aquesta tesi està recolzada per un total 7 articles publicats o acceptats a revistes internacionals, i dos més d'enviats.En esta tesis hemos estudiado las características de los dispositivos MOSFET nodopados de puerta múltiple (multiple-gate MOSFETs), con dimensiones nanométricas.Hemos introducido modelos compactos de los efectos de canal corto (SCEs) para trestipos de dispositivos MOS de puerta múltiple (surrounding-gate MOSFET, double-gateMOSFET, y FinFET). Se han conseguido modelar los principales parámetros afectadospor los efectos de canal corto. Este trabajo supone un avance muy importante en el modelado de los nuevosdispositivos nanométricos MOS de puerta múltiple. Una buena prueba de ello es que lamayor parte de los resultados presentados en esta tesis se han publicado (o estánaceptados para publicación) en prestigiosas revistas internacionales y en actas decongresos internacionales de reconocido prestigio

    Two new idoteid Isopoda from Otsuchi Bay, northern Japan

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    Design And Characterization Of 20nm SOI MOSFET Doping Abruptness Dependent

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    SOI MOSFET has currently become a trend for low power devices such as palmtops, cell phone, and other devices because it has a lot of advantage in terms of speed, density, and performance gain. Various efforts have been done to continue the progress in shrinking dimensions and higher-frequency performance will be driven by the market application. Reducing the size of SOI MOSFET will reduce the power, body effect, and parasitic capacitance, and increase the density and so on. This project focused mainly on the source/drain doping abruptness of SOI MOSFET. The doping abruptness was varied to find the best doping profile since the device was shrinking. In order to vary the source/drain doping abruptness, there were several problems to be encountered, which were increase in resistance, increase in threshold voltage, small sub-threshold slope, and others. The purpose of this project was to design the SOI MOSFET with an ideal doping profile and to investigate the impact on threshold voltage, current, and sub-threshold slope due to the variation of source/drain doping abruptness of SOI MOSFET. This project was designed using Silvaco Athena and Silvaco Atlas. Silvaco Athena was used to simulate the device structure and Silvaco Atlas was used to obtain the device characteristics of SOI MOSFET. This whole project was implemented on an SOI MOSFET doping abruptness dependent with a gate length of 21 nm


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    慢性骨髄性白血病(CML)に特徴的に認められるBCR-ABL遺伝子を標的とした,チロシン・キナーゼ阻害剤が開発され,著明な治療成績の改善を見ている。BCR-ABL遺伝子発現CML細胞は,正常造血細胞と,骨髄内の限られた空間を巡って競合しながら増殖する。さらに,CML細胞は骨髄内微小環境を利用することで,チロシン・キナーゼ阻害剤に対して耐性を獲得する可能性も指摘されている。したがって,CMLの新たな治療戦略の開発には,骨髄微小環境内でのCMLと正常造血細胞との相互作用の細胞・分子基盤を解明する必要がある。本論文では,CML細胞による骨髄内微小環境の再構築過程において,ケモカイン,なかでもCXCL12・CCL3が果たしている役割について解説を加えるとともに,これらのケモカインを標的とした新たなCML治療法の可能性についても論じる。Several tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been developed to target the BCR-ABL fusion gene, a pathognomonic genetic change in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), and have dramatically improved the outcomes of CML patients. BCR-ABL-expressing CML cells compete with normal hematopoietic cells over the limited space in the bone marrow to proliferate. Moreover, CML cells can gain resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors by utilizing bone marrow microenvironments. Thus, in order to develop a novel treatment strategy for CML, it is necessary to elucidate the cellular and molecular basis underlying the interactions between CML and normal hematopoietic cells. Herein, we discuss the roles of chemokines, particularly CXCL12 and CCL3, in reconstruction processes of bone marrow microenvironments by CML cells and the possibility of novel treatment modalities against CML, based on targeting these chemokines

    A guided tour of the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

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    The Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) is a suite of software tools for the analysis of MS/MS data sets. The tools encompass most of the steps in a proteomic data analysis workflow in a single, integrated software system. Specifically, the TPP supports all steps from spectrometer output file conversion to protein-level statistical validation, including quantification by stable isotope ratios. We describe here the full workflow of the TPP and the tools therein, along with an example on a sample data set, demonstrating that the setup and use of the tools are straightforward and well supported and do not require specialized informatic resources or knowledge.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69180/1/pmic_200900375_sm_SupplInfo.pd