97 research outputs found

    Measuring plume-related exhumation of the British Isles in Early Cenozoic times

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    Mantle plumes have been proposed to exert a first-order control on the morphology of Earth's surface. However, there is little consensus on the lifespan of the convectively supported topography. Here, we focus on the Cenozoic uplift and exhumation history of the British Isles. While uplift in the absence of major regional tectonic activity has long been documented, the causative mechanism is highly controversial, and direct exhumation estimates are hindered by the near-complete absence of onshore post-Cretaceous sediments (outside Northern Ireland) and the truncated stratigraphic record of many offshore basins. Two main hypotheses have been developed by previous studies: epeirogenic exhumation driven by the proto-Iceland plume, or multiple phases of Cenozoic compression driven by far-field stresses. Here, we present a new thermochronological dataset comprising 43 apatite fission track (AFT) and 102 (U–Th–Sm)/He (AHe) dates from the onshore British Isles. Inverse modelling of vertical sample profiles allows us to define well-constrained regional cooling histories. Crucially, during the Paleocene, the thermal history models show that a rapid exhumation pulse (1–2.5 km) occurred, focused on the Irish Sea. Exhumation is greatest in the north of the Irish Sea region, and decreases in intensity to the south and west. The spatial pattern of Paleocene exhumation is in agreement with the extent of magmatic underplating inferred from geophysical studies, and the timing of uplift and exhumation is synchronous with emplacement of the plume-related British and Irish Paleogene Igneous Province (BIPIP). Prior to the Paleocene exhumation pulse, the Mesozoic onshore exhumation pulse is mainly linked to the uplift and erosion of the hinterland during the complex and long-lived rifting history of the neighbouring offshore basins. The extent of Neogene exhumation is difficult to constrain due to the poor sensitivity of the AHe and AFT systems at low temperatures. We conclude that the Cenozoic topographic evolution of the British Isles is the result of plume-driven uplift and exhumation, with inversion under compressive stress playing a secondary role

    Early, far-field and diffuse tectonics records in the North Aquitaine Basin (France)

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    In Western Europe, the deformations related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay and the formation of the Pyrenean belt are well described in the southern part of the Aquitaine Basin, but little is known about the impact of these geodynamic events towards the Northern Aquitaine Platform. In this paper, we combine field observation with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery and calcite U-Pb geochronology to determine precisely the tectonic evolution in the Vendée Coastal domain. We evidence two main tectonic events: (1) At the transition between the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, WNW-ESE striking normal faults formed horsts and grabens at the onset of the opening of the Bay of Biscay. The reactivation of Variscan faults during this tectonic event is consistent with oblique extension. This event triggered ascending fluid flows that mix with Basin fluids responsible for barite-pyrite-quartz mineralizations near the unconformity. (2) During the Late Cretaceous, fractures, wide-open folds, veins, and joints are consistent with the N-S shortening direction during the earliest stages of the Pyrenenan compression. In both cases, the Northern Aquitaine Platform records the early stages of the main regional tectonic events in a far-field position. In the northern Aquitaine Basin, as in many other places in Europe, the tectonic study of sedimentary platforms located far from the plate boundaries provides new constraints on the early diffuse deformation process that predate the main tectonic phases

    The provenance of the Devonian Old Red Sandstone of the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland; the earliest record of Laurentian and peri-Gondwanan sediment mixing in Ireland

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    The Lower Old Red Sandstone in southern Ireland is hosted in the Early Devonian Dingle Basin, which lies immediately south of the Iapetus Suture on the Dingle Peninsula, County Kerry. The basin developed as a post-Caledonian pullapart structure prior to Acadian deformation, which in turn was followed by end-Carboniferous Variscan deformation. Detrital zircon U–Th–Pb geochronology is complemented by mica Ar–Ar and apatite U–Pb geochronology to gain a comprehensive understanding of the provenance of the Lower Devonian Lower Old Red Sandstone of the Dingle Basin and assess contributions of major tectonic components (e.g. Laurentia, Ganderia). Sedimentary rocks in the Lower Old Red Sandstone have similar detrital zircon age distributions, which are dominated by c. 1.2 Ga zircons as well as late Neoproterozoic grains. This indicates a dominant contribution of detritus of Laurentian affinity as well as contributions from westerly and southerly derived Ganderian detritus. Caledonian uplift of the area north of the Iapetus Suture would have facilitated a large contribution of (peri-)Laurentian material. The Upper Old Red Sandstone on the Dingle Peninsula has a distinctly different detrital zircon character including few late Neoproterozoic zircons and abundant zircons of c. 1.05 Ga age, indicating sediment derivation only from Laurentia and no recycling from the Lower Old Red Sandstone

    GeOHeLiS (GĂ©ochimie ÉlĂ©mentaire et Isotopique)

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    La plateforme GĂ©ochimie ÉlĂ©mentaire et Isotopique (GeOHeLiS) est une plateforme labellisĂ©e par l’universitĂ© de Rennes 1 (OSUR GĂ©osciences Rennes) dans le cadre de l’amĂ©lioration de la lisibilitĂ© des moyens techniques de l’établissement

    Réactivation post-rift de la marge sud-est du Brésil

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    395 p.The southeast Brazilian passive margin is elevated and shows evidence for post rift tectonic and magmatic activity (sedimentary basins and alkaline intrusions). We undertook a structural and thermochronological study (apatite fission tracks and U-Th/He) to constrain the timing, magnitude, stress orientation and causes of the reactivations. We infer, from the modelling of thermochronological data, two exhumation phases during Late Cretaceous and Neogene over the whole studied area. A third phase during the Paleogene is restricted to the borders of the onshore Tertiary basins. The amount of exhumation attributable to post-rift reactivation from the coast to the Serra da Mantiqueira reaches about 4.5 km. The study of the seismic profiles of the Taubaté basin together with the outcrop data shown that the Tertiary basins formed under left-lateral transtension during Paleogene, with compressive stress oriented SW-NE, and was subject to right-lateral transpressive reactivation during Neogene under a roughly E-W compressive stress. Because the inferred timing and direction of stresses of the reactivation are consistent with those in other regions in the South-American plate and with the geodynamics of the Nazca - South America convergence, we conclude that the whole South American plate is under compression as a result of both ridge-push and basal tractions forces. The compression induced reactivation of inherited weak zones and uplift of the southeast Brazilian margin, leading to rejuvenation of the topography that we see today.La marge du sud-est du Brésil est une marge passive élevée présentant des évidences d'activité magmatique et tectonique post-rift (intrusions alcalines et bassins sédimentaires). Nous avons mené une étude structurale et de thermochronologie (traces de fission et U-Th/He sur apatite) pour contraindre les ùges, l'amplitude, les directions de contraintes et les causes de ces réactivations. La modélisation des données thermochronologiques nous a permis de mettre en évidence deux phases d'exhumation généralisée sur la région au Crétacé Supérieur et au NéogÚne. Une troisiÚme phase durant le PaléogÚne est concentrée le long des bassins tertiaires. Au total, depuis la zone cÎtiÚre jusqu'à la Serra da Mantiqueira, l'exhumation post-rift atteint 4.5 km. Une étude des profils sismiques du bassin de Taubaté, et des données d'affleurement a montré que les bassins tertiaires se formaient en transtension senestre au PaléogÚne, avec des contraintes compressives orientées SW-NE puis étaient réactivés en transpression dextre durant le NéogÚne sous l'effet de contraintes compressives E-W. Les ùges, comme la cinématique des réactivations sont compatibles avec ceux inférés pour d'autres zones de la plaque sud-américaine ainsi qu'avec la cinématique de la convergence Nazca-Amérique du Sud. Nous avons donc conclu qu'un état compressif de l'ensemble de la plaque sud-américaine, sous l'effet des forces de ridge-push et de traction mantellique, était responsable de la réactivation des zones de faiblesses héritées, et provoquait les différentes phases de réactivation de la marge sud-est du Brésil, provoquant sa surrection et façonnant ainsi la topographie que nous connaissons aujourd'hui

    L'apatite de McClure Mountain, un matériel de contrÎle pour la double datation FT et U-Pb par LA-ICP-MS, entre autres.

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    National audienceLa datation trace de fission (TF) par LA-ICP-MS, de plus en plus populaire, permet l'acquisition simultanĂ©e de datation U-Pb. Or, cette seconde mĂ©thode utilise systĂ©matiquement un matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle, et la communautĂ© profiterait donc d'un standard permettant le contrĂŽle simultanĂ©e des datations U-Pb et TF. Nous proposons donc ici l'apatite McClure Mountain (MM) comme candidat du fait de son utilisation dĂ©jĂ  trĂšs rĂ©pandue au sein de la communautĂ© U-Pb. Seront prĂ©sentĂ©s les rĂ©sultats de datation TF par LA-ICP-MS de MM effectuĂ© sur un total de 238 grains analysĂ©s au cours de 13 sessions analytiques diffĂ©rentes, en utilisant un spot rond de 30 mm, un spot carrĂ© de 40 mm et une approche cartographique. Les cristaux prĂ©sentent une densitĂ© de traces allant de 0.75 Ă  3.5 ×106 tracks/cm2, ce qui est Ă  la fois suffisamment Ă©levĂ©e pour donner des Ăąges bien contraint et suffisamment basse pour ĂȘtre facilement comptĂ©e. L'Ăąge central est de 254.1 ± 5.1 Ma (2s) avec une dispersion de 4.4% et une p(c2) de 0.26. Chaque session a donnĂ© un Ăąge central en accord avec l'Ăąge global, et un Ăąge U-Pb en accord avec la valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous pensons donc que MM peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle pour la double datation, le temps d'analyse n'augmentant que pour le peu de temps requis par le comptage des TF. De plus, ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s les concentrations en Ă©lĂ©ments traces qui, malgrĂ© une variabilitĂ© inter grain, montrent que MM pourrait ĂȘtre aussi utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle pour la rĂ©duction des donnĂ©es Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Enfin, des analyses U-Th/He (AHe) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©, ainsi que des inversion des donnĂ©es thermochronologiques (incluant des donnĂ©es ZHe et AHe de la littĂ©rature), et leurs rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que MM pourrait Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle lors de l'acquisition de donnĂ©es AHe.

    L'apatite de McClure Mountain, un matériel de contrÎle pour la double datation FT et U-Pb par LA-ICP-MS, entre autres.

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    National audienceLa datation trace de fission (TF) par LA-ICP-MS, de plus en plus populaire, permet l'acquisition simultanĂ©e de datation U-Pb. Or, cette seconde mĂ©thode utilise systĂ©matiquement un matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle, et la communautĂ© profiterait donc d'un standard permettant le contrĂŽle simultanĂ©e des datations U-Pb et TF. Nous proposons donc ici l'apatite McClure Mountain (MM) comme candidat du fait de son utilisation dĂ©jĂ  trĂšs rĂ©pandue au sein de la communautĂ© U-Pb. Seront prĂ©sentĂ©s les rĂ©sultats de datation TF par LA-ICP-MS de MM effectuĂ© sur un total de 238 grains analysĂ©s au cours de 13 sessions analytiques diffĂ©rentes, en utilisant un spot rond de 30 mm, un spot carrĂ© de 40 mm et une approche cartographique. Les cristaux prĂ©sentent une densitĂ© de traces allant de 0.75 Ă  3.5 ×106 tracks/cm2, ce qui est Ă  la fois suffisamment Ă©levĂ©e pour donner des Ăąges bien contraint et suffisamment basse pour ĂȘtre facilement comptĂ©e. L'Ăąge central est de 254.1 ± 5.1 Ma (2s) avec une dispersion de 4.4% et une p(c2) de 0.26. Chaque session a donnĂ© un Ăąge central en accord avec l'Ăąge global, et un Ăąge U-Pb en accord avec la valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous pensons donc que MM peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle pour la double datation, le temps d'analyse n'augmentant que pour le peu de temps requis par le comptage des TF. De plus, ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s les concentrations en Ă©lĂ©ments traces qui, malgrĂ© une variabilitĂ© inter grain, montrent que MM pourrait ĂȘtre aussi utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle pour la rĂ©duction des donnĂ©es Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Enfin, des analyses U-Th/He (AHe) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©, ainsi que des inversion des donnĂ©es thermochronologiques (incluant des donnĂ©es ZHe et AHe de la littĂ©rature), et leurs rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que MM pourrait Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle lors de l'acquisition de donnĂ©es AHe.

    Some comments on the effect of uranium zonation on fission track dating by LA-ICP-MS

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    International audienceThe use of LA-ICP-MS for uranium determination in the fission track dating technique is becoming increasingly popular because of several advantages over the classical external detector method and a variety of analytical and statistical protocols have been developed. However, two important issues remain unresolved in the context of the LA-ICP-MS approach (i) how to best deal with low track density (ρs) samples, and (ii) does a correlation between age and uranium content (or eU) reflect an annealing dependence or not? To assess the impact of the analytical methodology on these issues, we compare the multi-spot and more classical single spot methods on samples of known ages, variably zoned and/or with low track densities. To make the comparison we use an approach, implemented in a Python script, that randomly samples our multi-spot ICP-MS data to choose a single U measurement per grain, simulating the single spot approach. We then calculate the central age, p(χ2) and dispersion of the simulated single spot analysis and repeat this 2000 times. Our results show that the multi-spot approach is robust for low ρs and zoned samples, yielding both accurate and precise results without over-dispersion. Additionally, our random sampling approach shows that a single spot measurement can induce an overdispersion coupled to a relationship between single grain age and U content. This is at least partly attributable to zonation that creates a mismatch between the U in the counted area and the spot-measured U. Therefore, we recommend that if over-dispersion is observed for basement samples, when one typically expects a single age population, then multiple spot analysis should be carried out to assess if the excess dispersion is linked to undetected zoning and/or laser spot misplacement rather than to U dependent annealing behaviour
