955 research outputs found

    Verificação do procedimento de inspeção de Boas Práticas e diagnóstico para implementação da norma IFS Food numa empresa de bebidas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia BiológicaA crescente preocupação com a segurança alimentar e o elevado nível de exigência dos consumidores pela qualidade e segurança dos produtos promovem a necessidade das empresas implementarem sistemas eficazes de controlo dos seus processos. Do cumprimento da legislação ao cumprimento de normas de segurança alimentar, existe uma vasta e complexa lista de tarefas. Assim, é fundamental criar as condições básicas (programa de pré-requisitos) que sustentem a implementação de referenciais de segurança alimentar exigentes, como é o caso da norma internacional IFS Food. Este projeto curricular surgiu no âmbito da realização da dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Biológica da Universidade do Minho e assenta nos pontos referidos. Assim, pretende-se verificar o procedimento de inspeção de boas práticas, ou seja, verificar o programa de pré-requisitos e avaliar a implementação da norma IFS Food na empresa Unicer Bebidas S.A.. Neste sentido, foi realizada numa fase inicial uma análise pormenorizada do procedimento de inspeção de boas práticas implementado na Unicer, seguindo-se a elaboração de uma nova checklist pontuada de acordo com a norma IFS Food, identificação dos pontos a melhorar e proposta de um novo procedimento inspeção mais eficaz. Para iniciar o diagnóstico para implementação de uma nova norma alimentar foi pertinente efetuar uma análise comparativa entre os requisitos da norma IFS Food e a norma ISO 22000, fazendo a respetiva correspondência entre os mesmos. Posteriormente, foi relevante analisar o cumprimento de todos os requisitos com especial incidência nos requisitos KO considerados pela norma IFS Food. Deste projeto conclui-se que a implementação de um procedimento de inspeção de boas práticas eficaz, que permita a resolução rápida das melhorias identificadas é a chave para a implementação da nova norma de segurança alimentar. Posto isto, a empresa poderá aquando a certificação diferenciar-se da concorrência, correspondendo assim às expectativas dos clientes.The growing concern about food safety and the high level of consumer demand for product quality and safety, promotes the need for companies to implement effective systems to control their processes. From compliance with legislation to compliance with food safety standards, there is a vast and complex list of tasks. It is therefore essential to create the basic conditions (prerequisite program) to support the implementation of demanding food safety standards, such as the IFS Food international standard. This curricular project arose within the framework of the accomplishment of the master's dissertation in Biological Engineering of the University of Minho and based on the mentioned points. Thus, it is intended to verify the procedure of inspection of good practices, that is, to check the prerequisite program and evaluate the implementation of the IFS Food standard in the company Unicer Bebidas S.A .. In this sense, a detailed analysis of the procedure of inspection of good practices implemented in Unicer was carried out at an early stage, followed by the elaboration of a new checklist punctuated according to the IFS Food standard, identification of the points to be improved and proposal of a new inspection procedure. In order to start the diagnosis for the implementation of a new food standard it is pertinent to carry out a comparative analysis between the requirements of the IFS Food standard and the ISO 22000 standard, making the correspondence between them. Subsequently, it is relevant to analyze compliance with all requirements with special focus on the KO requirements considered by the IFS Food standard. Through this project it is concluded that the implementation of an effective inspection procedure of good practices, which allows the rapid resolution of the fragilities found, is the key to the implementation of the new food safety standard. So, the company can be differentiated from the competitors, thus meeting the expectations of the customers

    PLAYING-2-GETHER: can brief in-service training influence preschool teachers’ awareness of play-based strategies for improving relationships?

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    This study explores how brief in-service training influences preschool teacherś awareness of competences relevant for building high-quality teacher–child relationships. A pre- and post-test design was used, with a 5-h training session in-between. Thirty-four in-service preschool teachers completed a video-based task before and after training. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted. After the session, the number of teachers identifying the key principles of building relationships with children was significantly higher for one out of the five situations analysed; the number of teachers identifying competencies for building positive relationships was significantly higher for three out of the five situations. Strategies such as observing children were easily identified (before and after training) and strategies such as taking into account the child relational needs were hardly ever identified (before and after training). Discussion highlights potential differential effects of brief in-service training according to the complexity of the training content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of iodine content in dairy products and non-dairy beverages consumed in Portugal

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    Os lacticínios per tencem ao grupo de alimentos com maior teor de iodo. Atualmente, cada vez mais a população por tuguesa está a substituir os lacticínios por bebidas vegetais. Como estas bebidas têm geralmente teores de iodo baixo, leva-nos a uma preocupação acrescida sobre o impacto desta popularidade das bebidas vegetais nas necessidades de iodo nos consumidores. O iodo é um micronutriente essencial para a síntese das hormonas da tireoide, presente em pequenas quantidades no corpo humano. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação de iodo em lacticínios e bebidas vegetais consumidas em Por tugal. A metodologia escolhida para a quantificação deste nutriente foi a espectrometria de massa acoplada a plasma indutivo (ICP-MS) precedida por extração em meio básico com placa de aquecimento de grafite. Foram analisadas 41 amostras, 15 leites, 20 iogur tes e 6 bebidas vegetais comercializadas por marcas de grande aceitação pela população por tuguesa. Verificou-se que os iogur tes apresentavam maiores concentrações de iodo, seguido do leite e por fim, as bebidas vegetais. Estas apresentaram na sua maioria valores inferiores ao limite de quantificação. Estes resultados levam-nos a concluir que as populações com dietas restritas em lacticínios (intolerância à lactose, alergia à proteína do leite ou vegans) poderão ter um risco acrescido de uma ingestão inadequada em iodo.Dair y products belong to the food group with higher iodine content. Nowadays, the Por tuguese population is increasingly replacing dair y products for non-dair y beverages. As these beverages are generally low in iodine content, it leads to an impact on iodine status in consumers due to an increased popularity of non-dair y beverages. Iodine is an essential micronutrient for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, present in small amounts in the human body. The main objective of this work was the determination of iodine in dair y products and non-dair y beverages consumed in Por tugal. The methodology for the quantification of this nutrient was inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometr y (ICP-MS) preceded by basic ex traction in graphite heating block. We analysed 41 samples, 15 milks, 20 yoghur ts and 6 non-dair y beverages marketed by brands of great acceptance by the Portuguese population. Yoghur ts had higher iodine concentrations, followed by milk and finally non-dair y beverages. Most of non-dair y beverages presented values below the limit of quantification. Therefore, populations with restricted diets in dair y products (lactose intolerance, milk protein allergy or vegans) may lead to an inadequate intake of iodine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência e fatores associados à violência por parceiro íntimo na gestação em Caxias, Maranhão, 2019-2020

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    Objective: To analyze prevalence and associated factors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy Methods: Cross-sectional study, with data obtained through interviews with pregnant women aged 10 to 49 years old in the third trimester of pregnancy, residing in Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil (2019-2020). The World Health Organization Violence Against Women Study instrument was used to identify violence. A hierarchical analysis was performed using multiple logistic regression. Results: 233 pregnant women were interviewed. The prevalence of violence during pregnancy was 33%, with predominance of psychological violence (18.9%). In the final hierarchical model, woman’s age <20 years (AOR=2.09 – 95%CI 1.17;3.54) and abuse of illicit drugs by intimate partner (AOR=8.78 – 95%CI 2.13;28.92) remained as factors associated with the outcome. Conclusion: Violence during pregnancy had a high prevalence, with young age of the woman and partner's consumption of illegal substances factors associated with its occurrence.Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência e fatores associados à violência por parceiro íntimo na gestação. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com dados obtidos de entrevistas com grávidas de 10 a 49 anos de idade, no terceiro trimestre gestacional, residentes em Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil (2019-2020). Utilizou-se o instrumento World Health Organization Violence Against Women Study para identificação da forma de violência. Realizou-se análise hierarquizada por regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Foram entrevistadas 233 gestantes. A violência na gestação apresentou prevalência de 33% com predomínio da violência psicológica (18,9%). No modelo hierarquizado final, a faixa etária da mulher <20 anos (ORaj=2,09 – IC95% 1,17;3,54) e o consumo de drogas ilícitas pelo parceiro (ORaj=8,78 – IC95% 2,13;28,92) mantiveram-se associados ao desfecho de violência. Conclusão: A violência na gestação apresentou elevada prevalência, sendo a idade jovem da mulher e o uso de substâncias ilícitas pelo parceiro fatores associados a sua ocorrência

    Homicídios de mulheres no Maranhão, 2000-2019: estudo ecológico

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    Objective: To analyze female homicides in Maranhão between 2000-2019. Methods: Ecological study, with data from the Mortality Information System. The profile of deaths, trend of mortality rates (Joinpoint method) and correlation with socioeconomic, and health indicators (Pearson correlation) were evaluated. Results: 1,915 female homicides were reported, with a predominance between 20-29 years old (29.9%), single (62.0%), with 4-7 years of study (29.7%), brown (71.3%), occurred at home (31.9%) and by firearm (41.1%). The trend of mortality rates was increasing (APC = +8.21 – 95%CI 5.18;10.28). There was negative correlation between homicides and per capita income (p-value = 0.031) and a positive correlation with proportion of families headed by women (p-value = 0.001) and male mortality rate due to aggression (p-value = 0.001). Conclusion: There was an increase in female homicides, related to structural violence in society, poverty and women with greater family authority.Objetivo: Analizar homicidios de mujeres en Maranhão entre 2000-2019. Métodos: Estudio ecológico, con datos del Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. Se evaluó el perfil de muertes, la tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad (método Joinpoint) y la correlación con indicadores socioeconómicos y de salud (correlación de Pearson). Resultados: Ocurrió 1.915 homicidios de mujeres, con predominio entre 20-29 años (29,9%), solteras (62,0%), con 4-7 años de estudio (29,7%), morenas (71,3%), en casa (31,9%) y por arma de fuego (41,1%). Tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad fue creciente (VPA = +8,21; IC95% 5,18;10,28). Hubo correlación negativa entre homicidios y ingreso per capita (p-valor = 0,031) y correlación positiva con proporción de familias encabezadas por mujeres (p-valor = 0,001) y tasa de mortalidad masculina por agresión (p-valor = 0,001). Conclusión: Hubo aumento de los homicidios de mujeres, relacionado con violencia estructural en la sociedad, pobreza y mujeres con mayor autoridad familiar.Objetivo: Analisar o perfil e tendência temporal dos homicídios femininos no Maranhão, Brasil, em 2000-2019. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Foram avaliados o perfil dos óbitos, tendência das taxas de mortalidade (método: joinpoint) e correlação com indicadores socioeconômicos e de saúde (correlação de Pearson). Resultados: Foram notificados 1.915 homicídios femininos, predominando a idade de 20-29 anos (29,9%), solteiras (62,0%), 4-7 anos de estudo (29,7%), raça/cor da pele parda (71,3%), no domicílio (31,9%), por arma de fogo (41,1%). A tendência das taxas de mortalidade foi crescente (VPA = +8,21 – IC95% 5,18;10,28). Observou-se correlação negativa dos homicídios com renda per capita (p-valor = 0,031), e positiva com proporção de famílias chefiadas por mulheres (p-valor = 0,001) e taxa de mortalidade masculina por agressão (p-valor = 0,001). Conclusão: Houve crescimento dos homicídios femininos, relacionados com violência estrutural na sociedade, pobreza e mulheres com maior autoridade familiar

    The Arabic Version of the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5) in a Clinical Sample of United Arab Emirates (UAE) Nationals

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    Objectives: We aimed to test the potential of the Arabic version of the PID-5 to distinguish between clinical and non-clinical participants, as well as to examine its convergent validity and factor structure in an Emirati clinical sample. Methods: The Arabic version of the PID-5 was administered to a clinical sample comprised of 156 participants (Mage = 31.38, SD = 8.99, 37.8% male, 62.2% female) and a community sample also comprised of 156 participants (Mage = 31.43, SD = 9.52, 37.2% male, 62.8% female). We addressed the descriptive measures, internal consistency, mean rank scores differences, convergent validity with SCL-90-R, and PID-5\u27s factor structure. Results: As expected, the clinical sample presented statistically significantly higher scores than the non-clinical sample, with medium to high effect sizes. In addition, all the PID-5 domains showed positive correlations with most of the symptomatic constellations of the SCL-90-R as well as the PID-5 facets with all their SCL-90-R counterparts. However, our findings did not entirely replicate the PID-5 original 5-factor structure, as only a 4-factor solution was retained. Conclusions: Future studies with the Arabic PID-5 in clinical samples are needed to understand its relevance and clinical utility in Arabic countries


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    Objetivo: descrever as contribuições da disciplina Didática para a formação em saúde coletiva. Método: trata-se de um relato de experiência, do tipo descritivo, detalhado, no contexto da disciplina Didática, ministrada no segundo semestre de 2019, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Comunidade da Universidade Federal do Piauí. Para discussão, o relato possui duas partes: vivência e experiência com a disciplina Didática na pós-graduação e desafios da Didática para os profissionais da saúde. Resultados: a disciplina Didática permitiu a compreensão do processo pedagógico como multidimensional, proporcionando a ruptura da concepção da disciplina apenas como um conjunto de métodos instrumentais para a prática docente. Conclusão: a disciplina possibilitou o entendimento do complexo campo da Didática como um desafio para os profissionais de saúde coletiva e constituiu-se em componente importante na matriz curricular de formação desses profissionais.Descritores: Educação Superior. Saúde Pública. Docência. Educação em Saúde. Didática

    Contribuições da Análise do Comportamento para a Reabilitação Neuropsicológica: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    The literature has argued in favor of the approach between Behavior Analysis and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, emphasizing that Behavior Analysis could contribute to practices in rehabilitation and showing evidence that it is already being used. However, there is no systematization about frequency or how this use has been occurring and the results of this interaction have not been shared. In this sense, the aim of this study was to identify the contributions of Behavior Analysis to Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. An integrative review of the literature using MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed and Web of Science was made, matching 15 different keywords combinations and using the broader search field. There were four stages of articles selection by two independent reviewers and a third reviewer in case of disagreement. Empirical articles that mentioned in the title or abstract any relationship between Behavior Analysis and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation were included. At the end, 18 articles were included, being 14 applied researches and four basic ones. The applied researches demonstrated that Behavior Analysis is effective to engage patients in rehabilitation protocols and reduce incompatible behaviors with the treatment. The basic ones used analytical-behavioral assumptions to intervene in injuries deficits and stimulate compensatory brain areas. This review contributes to the dialogue between the two areas by demonstrating efficacy evidence on interventional methodologies that encompass analytical-behavioral and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation procedures.Keywords: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Neurological Rehabilitation, Neuropsychology, Applied Behavior Analysis, brain injuries.A literatura tem argumentado em favor da aproximação entre a Análise do Comportamento e a Reabilitação Neuropsicológica, destacando que a Análise do Comportamento poderia contribuir para as práticas em reabilitação e mostrando evidências de que já vem sendo utilizada. Contudo, não há uma sistematização sobre a frequência ou como esse uso vem ocorrendo e tampouco há um compartilhamento dos resultados dessa interação. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as contribuições da Análise do Comportamento para a Reabilitação Neuropsicológica. Foi feita uma revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed e Web of Science, com 15 combinações de palavras-chave e utilizando o campo de busca mais amplo. Houve quatro etapas de seleção dos artigos, as quais tiveram dois avaliadores independentes e um revisor em caso de divergência. Foram incluídos artigos empíricos que mencionaram no título ou resumo quaisquer relações entre a Análise do Comportamento e a Reabilitação Neuropsicológica. Ao final, foram incluídos 18 artigos, sendo 14 pesquisas aplicadas e quatro básicas. As pesquisas aplicadas demonstram que a Análise do Comportamento é eficaz para engajar os pacientes em protocolos de reabilitação e reduzir comportamentos incompatíveis com o tratamento. As pesquisas básicas utilizaram pressupostos analítico-comportamentais para intervir em déficits decorrentes de lesões e estimular áreas cerebrais de compensação. A presente revisão contribui para o diálogo entre as duas áreas, ao demonstrar evidências de eficácia sobre metodologias interventivas que englobam procedimentos analítico-comportamentais e da Reabilitação Neuropsicológica.Palavras-chave: Reabilitação Neuropsicológica, Reabilitação Neurológica, Neuropsicologia, Análise do Comportamento Aplicada, lesão encefálica

    miR-335 targets LRRK2 and mitigates inflammation in Parkinson’s disease

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    Copyright © 2021 Oliveira, Dionísio, Gaspar, Correia Guedes, Coelho, Rosa, Ferreira, Amaral and Rodrigues. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Parkinson's disease (PD) is mainly driven by dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta accompanied by chronic neuroinflammation. Despite being mainly sporadic, approximately 10% of all cases are defined as heritable forms of PD, with mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase (LRRK2) gene being the most frequent known cause of familial PD. MicroRNAs (miRNAs or miRs), including miR-335, are frequently deregulated in neurodegenerative diseases, such as PD. Here, we aimed to dissect the protective role of miR-335 during inflammation and/or neurodegenerative events in experimental models of PD. Our results showed that miR-335 is significantly downregulated in different PD-mimicking conditions, including BV2 microglia cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and/or overexpressing wild-type LRRK2. Importantly, these results were confirmed in serum of mice injected with 1-methyl-1-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydripyridine hydrochloride (MPTP), and further validated in patients with idiopathic PD (iPD) and those harboring mutations in LRRK2 (LRRK2-PD), thus corroborating potential clinical relevance. Mechanistically, miR-335 directly targeted LRRK2 mRNA. In the BV2 and N9 microglia cell lines, miR-335 strongly counteracted LPS-induced proinflammatory gene expression, and downregulated receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) and RIP3, two important players of necroptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. Further, miR-335 inhibited LPS-mediated ERK1/2 activation. LRRK2-Wt-induced proinflammatory gene expression was also significantly reduced by miR-335 overexpression. Finally, in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, miR-335 decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory genes triggered by α-synuclein. In conclusion, we revealed novel roles for miR-335 in both microglia and neuronal cells that strongly halt the effects of classical inflammatory stimuli or LRRK2-Wt overexpression, thus attenuating chronic neuroinflammation.This research was funded in part by UIDB/04138/2020 from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal. SO received a Ph.D. fellowship (PD/BD/128332/2017) from FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human-umbilical cord matrix mesenchymal cells improved left ventricular contractility independently of infarct size in swine myocardial infarction with reperfusion

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by: i) national funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the scope of the Cardiovascular R&D Center - UnIC (UIDB/00051/2020 and UIDP/00051/2020); ii) “la Caixa” Banking Foundation and FCT under the project code LCF/PR/HP17/52190002”; iii) the QREN project 2013/30196; and iv) the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), under the Lisbon Portugal Regional Operational Program and National Funds through FCT [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030985]. RNG and TLL were funded by the FCT individual fellowships [SFRH/BD/144490/2019] and [PD/BD/127997/2016], respectively. Funding sources had no interference in the design of the study, study governance, data collection and analysis, nor in manuscript writing or its scientific and intellectual content. Publisher Copyright: 2023 Raposo, Cerqueira, Leite, Moreira-Costa, Laundos, Miranda, Mendes-Ferreira, Coelho, Gomes, Pinto-do-Ó, Nascimento, Lourenço, Cardim and Leite-Moreira.Background: Human umbilical cord matrix-mesenchymal stromal cells (hUCM-MSC) have demonstrated beneficial effects in experimental acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Reperfusion injury hampers myocardial recovery in a clinical setting and its management is an unmet need. We investigated the efficacy of intracoronary (IC) delivery of xenogeneic hUCM-MSC as reperfusion-adjuvant therapy in a translational model of AMI in swine. Methods: In a placebo-controlled trial, pot-belied pigs were randomly assigned to a sham-control group (vehicle-injection; n = 8), AMI + vehicle (n = 12) or AMI + IC-injection (n = 11) of 5 × 105 hUCM-MSC/Kg, within 30 min of reperfusion. AMI was created percutaneously by balloon occlusion of the mid-LAD. Left-ventricular function was blindly evaluated at 8-weeks by invasive pressure-volume loop analysis (primary endpoint). Mechanistic readouts included histology, strength-length relationship in skinned cardiomyocytes and gene expression analysis by RNA-sequencing. Results: As compared to vehicle, hUCM-MSC enhanced systolic function as shown by higher ejection fraction (65 ± 6% vs. 43 ± 4%; p = 0.0048), cardiac index (4.1 ± 0.4 vs. 3.1 ± 0.2 L/min/m2; p = 0.0378), preload recruitable stroke work (75 ± 13 vs. 36 ± 4 mmHg; p = 0.0256) and end-systolic elastance (2.8 ± 0.7 vs. 2.1 ± 0.4 mmHg*m2/ml; p = 0.0663). Infarct size was non-significantly lower in cell-treated animals (13.7 ± 2.2% vs. 15.9 ± 2.7%; Δ = −2.2%; p = 0.23), as was interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the remote myocardium. Sarcomere active tension improved, and genes related to extracellular matrix remodelling (including MMP9, TIMP1 and PAI1), collagen fibril organization and glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis were downregulated in animals treated with hUCM-MSC. Conclusion: Intracoronary transfer of xenogeneic hUCM-MSC shortly after reperfusion improved left-ventricular systolic function, which could not be explained by the observed extent of infarct size reduction alone. Combined contributions of favourable modification of myocardial interstitial fibrosis, matrix remodelling and enhanced cardiomyocyte contractility in the remote myocardium may provide mechanistic insight for the biological effect.publishersversionpublishe