4,989 research outputs found

    Georges Rodenbach (1835-1898) e Roberto de Mesquita (1869-1923) : da "ofelização" ao complexo de "Caronte"

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    De costas voltadas para o mar : novos exílios, novas poéticas : Maria Gabriela Llansol : o dom poético ou o encontro inesperado do diverso

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    Reflexão acerca da relação de MGL, uma das vozes mais radicais da literatura portuguesa dos últimos anos, com a 'pátria', com o mar, com o mundo, numa articulação com o constante questionamento poético que se constrói pelo pensamento sobre o fazer literário

    Silêncio inquieto : a "stasis" maeterlinckiana em Raul Brandão, Pedro Tamen e Manoel de Oliveira

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    A partir de Maeterlinck (stasis e "Trágico quotidiano"), ensaio sobre as relações entre O Gebo e a Sombra (Raul Brandão, 1923), Um Teatro às Escuras (poesia, Pedro Tamen, 2011) e o filme de Manoel de Oliveira (O Gebo e a Sombra, 2011)

    Da rua dos douradores para o impossível... deambulando pelas ficções de Lisboa

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    VCAM1 modulation on endothelial cells – implications for vasculopathy in sickle cell anemia

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    Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a highly heterogeneous and multifactorial-like monogenic disease that arises from homozygosity for the c.20A>T mutation in the HBB gene. Vascular disease is systemic in SCA, with profound effects in organs like the brain, where stroke is the most severe end of the cerebral vasculopathy (CVA) spectrum. Endothelial dysfunction plays a major role in vasculopathy with several adhesion molecules, such as VCAM1, being produced by the endothelium altered as a response to inflammatory cytokine (e.g., TNF-α) signalling. In previous association studies, we found positive associations between the presence of four specific VCAM1 gene promoter haplotypes and i) high blood flow velocities in the median cerebral artery, and ii) a chronic hemolysis biochemical marker. In this study, we aimed to assess the functional role of those VCAM1 promoter haplotypes in endothelial cell response following endothelial activation through TNF-α stimulation. After molecular cloning of 3 haplotype constructs, using a pGL4 promoterless vector, haplotype sequence was confirmed, by Sanger sequencing, prior to transfection. We used EAhy926, HUVEC and HBEC as different endothelial cell models, and performed transfection experiments for each construct, with and without TNF-α stimulation. Differences in promoter activity were assessed by luciferase reporter assay. All haplotypes showed differences in promoter activity, after TNF-α stimulation, in all cell models. Haplotype 1 showed decreased promoter activity, while haplotypes 7 and 8 showed increased activity after TNF-α stimulation, in all cell models. These results are consistent with lower VCAM1 expression due to haplotype 1, and therefore a protective effect. Conversely, a higher expression due to haplotypes 7 and 8, suggests an increased vasculopathy risk, in a pro-inflammatory milieu. The association between specific haplotypes and endothelial cell response further enhances the modifier effect of VCAM1 on endothelial dysfunction and its impact in SCA pathophysiology, as well as its potential role as a biomarker of SCA vasculopathy risk, severity and prognosis.This work was partially supported by INSA_202DGH720 project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Práticas de integração curricular na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico : exploração das potencialidades do jogo pedagógico

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    Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 5 de Maio de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.O presente relatório de estágio refere-se às práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no âmbito dos Estágios Pedagógicos I (desenvolvido em contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar) e II (desenvolvido em contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico) no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A análise e reflexão dobre os percursos formativos vivenciados implicou a abordagem, a partir da literatura da especialidade, a perspetivas e fundamentos sobre a natureza e âmbito da docência, da formação de docentes e da importância do estágio pedagógico. Neste domínio assumiu, para nós, particular relevância a análise aos perfis (geral e específicos) de desempenho profissional para a docência, que constituem, também, quadros orientadores para a organização e acreditação dos cursos que conferem a habilitação profissional para a docência. Considerando a importância fundamental da integração curricular para a promoção do sucesso e da qualidade educativa, optámos por abordar, à luz da bibliografia da especialidade, fundamentos e perspetivas neste domínio. Aqui, em complementaridade, decidimos proceder à exploração das potencialidades do jogo pedagógico para a promoção da integração curricular, considerada numa perspetiva rica e abrangente. A abordagem aos fundamentos cientifico-pedagógicos do jogo e das dinâmicas a ele associadas permitiu-nos constatar a sua riqueza e o seu elevado potencial para o desenvolvimento integral das crianças/ alunos, bem como para a integração curricular, nas suas múltiplas aceções. Assim sendo, e procurando uma compreensão mais abrangente sobre a prática da integração curricular e, nomeadamente sobre as potencialidades do jogo pedagógico neste domínio, considerámos duas abordagens complementares: uma centrada na análise e reflexão sobre as práticas desenvolvidas pela estagiária neste domínio, e outra baseada na realização de um pequeno estudo exploratório (utilizando o inquérito por questionário) sobre as conceções e representações de educadores e de professores relativamente à integração curricular e às suas próprias práticas neste âmbito, nomeadamente as que envolvem o jogo pedagógico. As práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas nos estágios revelaram-se fundamentais para a nossa formação, permitindo-nos desenvolver e mobilizar conhecimentos competências diversos, no sentido da organização e gestão adequada, coerente, integradora e significativa dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem pelos quais eramos responsáveis. O estudo realizado, por seu turno, possibilitou uma compreensão mais ampla deste assunto, revelando a predominância de conceções parciais e redutoras da integração curricular, nomeadamente associadas à integração dos conhecimentos/conteúdos/ áreas disciplinares. Do mesmo modo, apurámos a necessidade de os docentes participantes neste estudo conferirem maior destaque e protagonismo ao jogo no contexto global das suas práticas, a fim de se puderem concretizar as inúmeras vantagens e potencialidades reconhecidas ao jogo no que respeita à promoção de aprendizagens ativas, motivadoras, integradas e significativas. Neste enquadramento, considerando articuladamente os contributos da bibliografia da especialidade consultada, destacamos o facto de as práticas de integração curricular, bem como as práticas de jogo com esse propósito, requererem intencionalidade, organização e reflexão, no sentido da plena concretização do seu potencial.ABSTRACT: The current internship report refers to the pedagogical practices developed in the framework of the Pedagogical Internships I (developed in the context of Pre-School Education) and II (developed in the context of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education), in the Master in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. The approach was implied by the analysis and reflection of the formative paths experienced from the literature of the specialty to perspectives and foundations on the nature and scope of the teaching, training of teachers and the importance of the pedagogic internship. In this field, the analysis of the (general and specific) profiles of professional performance for teaching has been of particular relevance to us, which are also guiding frameworks for the organization and accreditation of courses that confer professional qualifications for teaching. Considering the fundamental importance of curricular integration for the promotion of success and educational quality, we have chosen to approach, in the light of the literature of the specialty, fundamentals and perspectives in this field. Here, in complementarity, we decided to explore the potentialities of the pedagogical game for the promotion of curricular integration, considered a rich and comprehensive perspective. The approach to the scientific-pedagogical foundations of the game and the dynamics associated with it enabled us to verify its richness and its high potential for the integral development of the children / students, as well as for the curricular integration, in its multiple ways. Therefore, and seeking a broader understanding of the practice of curricular integration, and in particular the potential of the pedagogical game in this field, we considered two complementary approaches: one focused on the analysis and reflection of the practices developed by the trainee in this field, and another based on a small exploratory study (using a questionnaire survey) about the conceptions and representations of educators and teachers regarding the curricular integration and their own practices in this field, especially those involving the pedagogical game. The pedagogical practices developed during the internships have proved to be fundamental to our training, allowing us to develop and mobilize diverse knowledge and competences, in the sense of adequate, coherent, integrative and meaningful organization and management of the teaching and learning processes for which we were responsible. The study, in turn, enabled a broader understanding of this subject, revealing the predominance of partial conceptions and reducers of curricular integration, namely associated to the integration of knowledge / contents / disciplinary areas. Likewise, we verified the need for the teachers participating in this study to give greater prominence to the game in the global context of their practices, in order to be able to realize the innumerable advantages and potentialities of the game regarding the promotion of active, motivating, integrated and meaningful learning. In this context, considering the contributions of the bibliography of the specialty consulted, we highlight the fact that practices of curricular integration, as well as the game practices with this purpose, require intentionality, organization and reflection, in the sense of the full realization of its potential

    Conferência sobre Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (Madrid)

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    A grid of Synthetic Spectra for Hot DA White Dwarfs and Its Application in Stellar Population Synthesis

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    In this work we present a grid of LTE and non-LTE synthetic spectra of hot DA white dwarfs (WDs). In addition to its usefulness for the determination of fundamental stellar parameters of isolated WDs and in binaries, this grid will be of interest for the construction of theoretical libraries for stellar studies from integrated light. The spectral grid covers both a wide temperature and gravity range, with 17,000 K <= T_eff <= 100,000 K and 7.0 <= log(g) <= 9.5. The stellar models are built for pure hydrogen and the spectra cover a wavelength range from 900 A to 2.5 microns. Additionally, we derive synthetic HST/ACS, HST/WFC3, Bessel UBVRI and SDSS magnitudes. The grid was also used to model integrated spectral energy distributions of simple stellar populations and our modeling suggests that DAs might be detectable in ultraviolet bands for populations older than ~8 Gyr.Comment: to be published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie