188 research outputs found

    The impact of cluster connectedness on firm innovation: R&D effort and outcomes in the textile industry

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in "The impact of cluster connectedness on firm innovation: R&D effort and outcomes in the textile industry" version of the article as published in the Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2012 september,[copyright Taylor & Francis], available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/08985626.2012.710260"[EN] Recent research into the clustering effect on firms has moved away from a simplistic view to a more complex approach. More realistic and complex causal relationships are now considered when analysing these territorial networks. Specifically, this paper attempts to analyse how cluster connect- edness moderates the relationship of a firm's innovation effort and the results obtained from this effort. We want to question the commonly accepted direct and positive impact of R&D effort, and moreover, we suggest the existence of a saturation effect and that the level of cluster's inter-connectedness in the cluster moderates this effect. We have developed our empirical study focusing on the Spanish textile industrial cluster. This is a complex manufacturing industry that uses relatively low-technology manufacturing and R&D. Our findings suggest that the degree to which a firm is involved with, or connected to, other firms in the cluster can moderate the effect of the R&D effort on its innovation results. More generally, we aim to contribute to the discussion on the degree to which firms should be involved in the cluster network in order to operate efficiently and gain the maximum competitive advantages. Our findings have implications both in recent cluster and network literature as well for institutional policy.Molina Morales, FX.; Expósito Langa, M. (2012). The impact of cluster connectedness on firm innovation: R&D effort and outcomes in the textile industry. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 24(7-8):685-704. doi:10.1080/08985626.2012.710260S685704247-8Agarwal, R., Audretsch, D., & Sarkar, M. B. (2007). The process of creative construction: knowledge spillovers, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(3-4), 263-286. doi:10.1002/sej.36Aharonson, B. S., Baum, J. A. C., & Feldman, M. P. (2007). Desperately seeking spillovers? Increasing returns, industrial organization and the location of new entrants in geographic and technological space. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(1), 89-130. doi:10.1093/icc/dtl034Albino, V., Carbonara, N., & Giannoccaro, I. (2006). Innovation in industrial districts: An agent-based simulation model. International Journal of Production Economics, 104(1), 30-45. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2004.12.023Audretsch, D. B., & Lehmann, E. E. (2005). 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    Corporate governance compliance and disclosure in the banking sector: using data from Japan

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    Using regression model this study investigates which characteristics of a bank is associated with the extent of corporate governance disclosure in Japan. The findings suggest that on average 8 banks out of a sample of 46 disclose optimal corporate governance information. The regression model results reveal in general that non-executive directors, cross-ownership, capital adequacy ratio and type of auditors are associated with the extent of corporate governance disclosure. Of these four variables, non-executive directors have a more significant impact on the extent of disclosure contrary to total assets and audit firms of banks in the context of Japan. The findings of this paper are relevant for corporate regulators, professional associations and developers of corporate governance code when designing or updating corporate governance code

    Emerging communities of child-healthcare practice in the management of long-term conditions such as chronic kidney disease: Qualitative study of parents' accounts

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    Background: Parents of children and young people with long-term conditions who need to deliver clinical care to their child at home with remote support from hospital-based professionals, often search the internet for care-giving information. However, there is little evidence that the information available online was developed and evaluated with parents or that it acknowledges the communities of practice that exist as parents and healthcare professionals share responsibility for condition management. Methods. The data reported here are part of a wider study that developed and tested a condition-specific, online parent information and support application with children and young people with chronic-kidney disease, parents and professionals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 fathers and 24 mothers who had recently tested the novel application. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis and the Communities of Practice concept. Results: Evolving communities of child-healthcare practice were identified comprising three components and several sub components: (1) Experiencing (parents making sense of clinical tasks) through Normalising care, Normalising illness, Acceptance & action, Gaining strength from the affected child and Building relationships to formalise a routine; (2) Doing (Parents executing tasks according to their individual skills) illustrated by Developing coping strategies, Importance of parents' efficacy of care and Fear of the child's health failing; and (3) Belonging/Becoming (Parents defining task and group members' worth and creating a personal identity within the community) consisting of Information sharing, Negotiation with health professionals and Achieving expertise in care. Parents also recalled factors affecting the development of their respective communities of healthcare practice; these included Service transition, Poor parent social life, Psycho-social affects, Family chronic illness, Difficulty in learning new procedures, Shielding and avoidance, and Language and cultural barriers. Health care professionals will benefit from using the communities of child-healthcare practice model when they support parents of children with chronic kidney disease. Conclusions: Understanding some of the factors that may influence the development of communities of child-healthcare practice will help professionals to tailor information and support for parents learning to manage their child's healthcare. Our results are potentially transferrable to professionals managing the care of children and young people with other long-term conditions. © 2014 Carolan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Trust Perceptions of Online Travel Information by Different Content Creators: Some Social and Legal Implications

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    Consumers are increasingly turning to the online environment to provide information to assist them in making purchase decisions related to travel products. They often rely on travel recommendations from different sources, such as sellers, independent experts and, increasingly, other consumers. A new type of online content, usergenerated content (UGC), provides a number of legal and social challenges to providers and users of that content, especially in relation to areas such as defamation, misrepresentation and social embarrassment. This paper reports research that examined the level of trustworthiness of online travel information from these different sources. The study used a survey of Australian travel consumers (n= 12,000) and results support the notion that there are differences in the level of trust for online travel information from different sources. Respondents ‘tended to agree’ that they trusted information provided by travel agents, information from commercial operators and comments made by travellers on third party websites. However, the highest level of trust was afforded to information provided on State government tourism websites. These results suggest that greater trust is placed in online travel comments when they are on a specific travel website than when they are on a more generic social networking website. However, respondents were ‘not sure’ that they trusted comments made by travellers on weblogs and on social networking sites. Some 88% of respondents that had not visited UGC websites (or were unsure if they had) indicated that they thought that UGC would be useful in the future – suggesting that they feel that any concerns they may have in relation to legal and social problems resulting from its use will be resolved

    Proposing a systems vision of knowledge management in emergency care

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    This paper makes a case for taking a systems view of knowledge management within health-care provision, concentrating on the emergency care process in the UK National Health Service. It draws upon research in two casestudy organizations (a hospital and an ambulance service). The case-study organizations appear to be approaching knowledge (and information) management in a somewhat fragmented way. They are trying to think more holistically, but (perhaps) because of the ways their organizations and their work are structured, they cannot ‘see’ the whole of the care process. The paper explores the complexity of knowledge management in emergency health care and draws the distinction for knowledge management between managing local and operational knowledge, and global and clinical knowledge

    Accuracy of Using Visual Identification of White Sharks to Estimate Residency Patterns

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    Determining the residency of an aquatic species is important but challenging and it remains unclear what is the best sampling methodology. Photo-identification has been used extensively to estimate patterns of animals' residency and is arguably the most common approach, but it may not be the most effective approach in marine environments. To examine this, in 2005, we deployed acoustic transmitters on 22 white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Mossel Bay, South Africa to quantify the probability of detecting these tagged sharks by photo-identification and different deployment strategies of acoustic telemetry equipment. Using the data collected by the different sampling approaches (detections from an acoustic listening station deployed under a chumming vessel versus those from visual sightings and photo-identification), we quantified the methodologies' probability of detection and determined if the sampling approaches, also including an acoustic telemetry array, produce comparable results for patterns of residency. Photo-identification had the lowest probability of detection and underestimated residency. The underestimation is driven by various factors primarily that acoustic telemetry monitors a large area and this reduces the occurrence of false negatives. Therefore, we propose that researchers need to use acoustic telemetry and also continue to develop new sampling approaches as photo-identification techniques are inadequate to determine residency. Using the methods presented in this paper will allow researchers to further refine sampling approaches that enable them to collect more accurate data that will result in better research and more informed management efforts and policy decisions

    The Western Australian regional forest agreement: economic rationalism and the normalisation of political closure

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    This article explores the constraints imposed by economic rationalism on environmental policy-making in light of Western Australia\u27s (WA) Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) experience. Data derived from interviews with WA RFA stakeholders shed light on their perceptions of the RFA process and its outcomes. The extent to which involvement of science and the public RFA management enabled is analysed. The findings point to a pervasive constrainedness of WA\u27s RFA owing to a closing of the process by the administrative decision-making structures. A dominant economic rationality is seen to have normalised and legitimised political closure, effectively excluding rationalities dissenting from an implicit economic orthodoxy. This article argues for the explication of invisible, economic constraints affecting environmental policy and for the public-cum-political negotiation of the points of closure within political processes

    Ascites induces modulation of α6β1 integrin and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor expression and associated functions in ovarian carcinoma

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    Interactions between cancer cells and the surrounding medium are not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrate that ascites induces selective changes in the expression of integrins and urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPA/uPAR) in ovarian cancer cells. We hypothesise that this change of integrin and uPA/uPAR expression triggers signalling pathways responsible for modulating phenotype-dependent functional changes in ovarian cancer cells. Human ovarian surface epithelial (HOSE) cell lines and epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines were treated with ascites for 48 h. Ascites induced upregulation of α6 integrin, without any change in the expression of αv, β1 and β4 integrin subunits. Out of the four ovarian cancer cell lines studied, ascites induced enhancement in the expression of uPA/uPAR in the more invasive OVCA 433 and HEY cell lines without any change in the noninvasive OVHS1 and moderately invasive PEO.36 cell lines. On the other hand, no change in the expression of α6 integrin or uPAR, in response to ascites, was observed in HOSE cells. In response to ascites, enhancement in proliferation and in adhesion was observed in all four ovarian cancer cell lines studied. In contrast, no significant increase in proliferation or adhesion by ascites was observed in HOSE cells. Ascites-induced expression of uPA/uPAR correlated with the increased invasiveness of HEY and OVCA 433 cell lines but was not seen in OVHS1, PEO.36 and HOSE cell lines. Upregulation of α6 integrin and uPA/uPAR correlated with the activation of Ras and downstream Erk pathways. Ascites-induced activation of Ras and downstream Erk can be inhibited by using inhibitory antibodies against α6 and β1 integrin and uPAR, consistent with the inhibition of proliferation, adhesion and invasive functions of ovarian cancer cell lines. Based on these findings, we conclude that ascites can induce selective upregulation of integrin and uPA/uPAR in ovarian cancer cells and these changes may modulate the functions of ovarian carcinomas

    Degree of leanness and managerial commitment in an aerospace company

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    Lean manufacturing is a popular concept practiced in most Japanese and western company to increase their competitiveness. However, only few of them succeed to get good result. To achieve success in implementation of lean manufacturing, company has to make changes. Managerial commitment is important in this investment. Thus, the objective of this paper is to determine the degree of leanness and managerial commitment in companies. All the information of lean manufacturing practice and role of management in the implementation were compiled from related journal, book and website. Basically, this paper refers to three published journal papers by Karlsson et al. (1996), Boyer (1996), and Soriano-Meier et al. (2002). A study was conducted in an aerospace manufacturer in Malaysia. A five-point scale questionnaire has been selected to be the study instrument. These questionnaires were distributed to 45 employees work in kitting department and 8 top management people. The results indicate that the degree of leanness and managerial commitment of the company were moderate