13 research outputs found

    Manfaat Retribusi TPI Terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan Di PPN Pekalongan : Sebuah Tinjauan Kebijakan

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    Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port is one of many ports which it has not executed appeal wipping out of fisheries retribution include fish auction fee. Objectives of this research are analysis implementation of auction fee policy and its benefit for fishermen income on Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port. Methods that it used on this research were study case. This research used analysis of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results of this research explained that fish auction fee referred to Perda No 12 in 2009. Fish auction fee is allocated both routine and incidental every year. Each fishermen who landed fish felt receiving benefit, but it were not equal which they were pay. If fish auction fee is stopped, operation of fish auction will be depend on both local government budget and particular alocation fund from center government.Key word : benefit, income, fish auction fe

    Impact of Fatigue in Rheumatic Diseases in the Work Environment: A Qualitative Study

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    Fatigue is a symptom of arthritis that causes difficulty at work. An improved understanding of this symptom could assist its management in the work environment. The aim of this study was to explore people with rheumatic diseases’ experiences of fatigue in work. A qualitative descriptive design was used with semi-structured interviews and a constant comparative method of data analysis. There were 18 participants, the majority of them female with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and working full-time. Three themes were identified: “Impact of fatigue on work performance” with cognition, mood and physical abilities being the main difficulties reported. In the second theme “Disclosure at Work” participants discussed disclosing their disease to employers but reported a lack of understanding of fatigue from colleagues. The final theme “work-based fatigue management strategies” included cognitive strategies and energy management techniques, which were mainly self-taught. In this study, fatigue was reported to impact on many areas of work performance with limited understanding from colleagues and employers. Interventions from health professionals to assist with development of work-related self-management skills are required to assist with symptom management in the work place. Such interventions should include education to employers and colleagues on the nature of fatigue in Rheumatic diseases

    Visualizing viral protein structures in cells using genetic probes for correlated light and electron microscopy

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    Structural studies of viral proteins most often use high-resolution techniques such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, single particle negative stain, or cryo-electron microscopy (EM) to reveal atomic interactions of soluble, homogeneous viral proteins or viral protein complexes. Once viral proteins or complexes are separated from their host's cellular environment, their natural in situ structure and details of how they interact with other cellular components may be lost. EM has been an invaluable tool in virology since its introduction in the late 1940's and subsequent application to cells in the 1950's. EM studies have expanded our knowledge of viral entry, viral replication, alteration of cellular components, and viral lysis. Most of these early studies were focused on conspicuous morphological cellular changes, because classic EM metal stains were designed to highlight classes of cellular structures rather than specific molecular structures. Much later, to identify viral proteins inducing specific structural configurations at the cellular level, immunostaining with a primary antibody followed by colloidal gold secondary antibody was employed to mark the location of specific viral proteins. This technique can suffer from artifacts in cellular ultrastructure due to compromises required to provide access to the immuno-reagents. Immunolocalization methods also require the generation of highly specific antibodies, which may not be available for every viral protein. Here we discuss new methods to visualize viral proteins and structures at high resolutions in situ using correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM). We discuss the use of genetically encoded protein fusions that oxidize diaminobenzidine (DAB) into an osmiophilic polymer that can be visualized by EM. Detailed protocols for applying the genetically encoded photo-oxidizing protein MiniSOG to a viral protein, photo-oxidation of the fusion protein to yield DAB polymer staining, and preparation of photo-oxidized samples for TEM and serial block-face scanning EM (SBEM) for large-scale volume EM data acquisition are also presented. As an example, we discuss the recent multi-scale analysis of Adenoviral protein E4-ORF3 that reveals a new type of multi-functional polymer that disrupts multiple cellular proteins. This new capability to visualize unambiguously specific viral protein structures at high resolutions in the native cellular environment is revealing new insights into how they usurp host proteins and functions to drive pathological viral replication

    Average values for each mouse obtained for glomerulus and tubule morphology

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    <p>Average values for each mouse obtained for glomerulus and tubule morphology. Age is displayed in days, glomerulus area is displayed in percentage of the corpuscle, density of nuclei in the glomeruli is displayed in µm², tubule area is displayed as percentage of the total inc. lumen and density of nuclei in the tubules is displayed per µm².</p