561 research outputs found

    Weakly supervised human skin segmentation using guidance attention mechanisms

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    Human skin segmentation is a crucial task in computer vision and biometric systems, yet it poses several challenges such as variability in skin colour, pose, and illumination. This paper presents a robust data-driven skin segmentation method for a single image that addresses these challenges through the integration of contextual information and efficient network design. In addition to robustness and accuracy, the integration into real-time systems requires a careful balance between computational power, speed, and performance. The proposed method incorporates two attention modules, Body Attention and Skin Attention, that utilize contextual information to improve segmentation results. These modules draw attention to the desired areas, focusing on the body boundaries and skin pixels, respectively. Additionally, an efficient network architecture is employed in the encoder part to minimize computational power while retaining high performance. To handle the issue of noisy labels in skin datasets, the proposed method uses a weakly supervised training strategy, relying on the Skin Attention module. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed method is comparable to, or outperforms, state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets.This work is part of the visuAAL project on Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-Based Technologies and Services for Active and Assisted Living (https://www.visuaal-itn.eu/). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 861091

    A review on visual privacy preservation techniques for active and assisted living

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    This paper reviews the state of the art in visual privacy protection techniques, with particular attention paid to techniques applicable to the field of Active and Assisted Living (AAL). A novel taxonomy with which state-of-the-art visual privacy protection methods can be classified is introduced. Perceptual obfuscation methods, a category in this taxonomy, is highlighted. These are a category of visual privacy preservation techniques, particularly relevant when considering scenarios that come under video-based AAL monitoring. Obfuscation against machine learning models is also explored. A high-level classification scheme of privacy by design, as defined by experts in privacy and data protection law, is connected to the proposed taxonomy of visual privacy preservation techniques. Finally, we note open questions that exist in the field and introduce the reader to some exciting avenues for future research in the area of visual privacy.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is part of the visuAAL project on Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-Based Technologies and Services for Active and Assisted Living (https://www.visuaal-itn.eu/). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 861091. The authors would also like to acknowledge the contribution of COST Action CA19121 - GoodBrother, Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (https://goodbrother.eu/), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) (https://www.cost.eu/)

    A ‘nova’ Europa nacionalista sonhada pelo Terceiro Reich

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    Resenha do livro: Dafinger, Johannes y Pohl, Dieter. A New Nationalist Europe Under Hitler: Concepts of Europe and Transnational Networks in the National Socialist Sphere of Influence, 1933–1945. Londres – Nueva York: Routledge, 2020

    Determinants of profitability in Spanish financial institutions. Comparing aided and non-aided entities

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    The last financial crisis has led to the greatest contribution of public funds ever made to Spanish banks. This paper studies why the need for support has been asymmetric, with not all of the institutions requiring aid. Based on profitability of assets (ROA), we determine using panel data econometric and logit response models the components of profit and loss accounts that generated profitability as well as the factors leading to some entities to ask for aid. The analyses show that before the beginning of the crisis there were significant differences between entities that needed aid and those that did not. The most profitable banks grounded their success in the traditional revenue components of financial institutions (such as margin on interest rates and commissions), as well as in revenues obtained from participated companies and extraordinary results. The model offers a tool to detect entities in difficulties in advance, reducing the financial and social costs of public interventions. The factors more impacting on profitability of Spanish institutions are also identifie

    Coverage and invariability in fuzzy systems

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    This paper presents a new complex system systemic. Here, we are working in a fuzzy environment, so we have to adapt all the previous concepts and results that were obtained in a non-fuzzy environment, for this fuzzy case. The direct and indirect influences between variables will provide the basis for obtaining fuzzy and/or non-fuzzy relationships, so that the concepts of coverage and invariability between sets of variables will appear naturally. These two concepts and their interconnections will be analyzed from the viewpoint of algebraic properties of inclusion, union and intersection (fuzzy and non-fuzzy), and also for the loop concept, which, as we shall see, will be of special importance

    Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors

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    In this paper, we present a generalization of a new systemic approach to abstract fuzzy systems. Using a fuzzy relations structure will retain the information provided by degrees of membership. In addition, to better suit the situation to be modelled, it is advisable to use T-norm or T-conorm distinct from the minimum and maximum, respectively. This gain in generality is due to the completeness of the work on a higher level of abstraction. You cannot always reproduce the results obtained previously, and also sometimes different definitions with different views are obtained. In any case this approach proves to be much more effective when modelling reality

    “I Don’t Want to Become a Number’’: Examining Different Stakeholder Perspectives on a Video-Based Monitoring System for Senior Care with Inherent Privacy Protection (by Design)

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    Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies aim to enhance the quality of life of older adults and promote successful aging. While video-based AAL solutions offer rich capabilities for better healthcare management in older age, they pose significant privacy risks. To mitigate the risks, we developed a video-based monitoring system that incorporates different privacy-preserving filters. We deployed the system in one assistive technology center and conducted a qualitative study with older adults and other stakeholders involved in care provision. Our study demonstrates diverse users’ perceptions and experiences with video-monitoring technology and offers valuable insights for the system’s further development. The findings unpack the privacy-versus-safety trade-off inherent in video-based technologies and discuss how the privacy-preserving mechanisms within the system mitigate privacy-related concerns. The study also identifies varying stakeholder perspectives towards the system in general and highlights potential avenues for developing video-based monitoring technologies in the AAL context.This work was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 861091 for the visuAAL project. This publication is based upon work from COST Action GoodBrother—Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (CA19121), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

    Benefits of Residual Aluminum Oxide for Sand Blasting Titanium Dental Implants: Osseointegration and Bactericidal Effects

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    Objectives. The purpose of this work was to determine the influence of residual alumina after sand blasting treatment in titanium dental implants. This paper studied the effect of alumina on physico-chemical surface properties, such as: surface wettability, surface energy. Osseointegration and bacteria adhesion were determined in order to determine the effect of the abrasive particles. Materials and Methods. Three surfaces were studied: (1) as-received, (2) rough surface with residual alumina from sand blasting on the surface and (3) with the same roughness but without residual alumina. Roughness was determined by white light interferometer microscopy. Surface wettability was evaluated with a contact angle video-based system and the surface free energy by means of Owens and Wendt equation. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with microanalysis was used to study the morphology and determine the chemical composition of the surfaces. Bacteria (Lactobacillus salivarius and Streptococcus sanguinis) were cultured in each surface. In total, 110 dental implants were placed into the bone of eight minipigs in order to compare the osseointegration. The percentage of bone-to-implant contact was determined after 4 and 6 weeks of implantation with histometric analysis. Results. The surfaces with residual alumina presented a lower surface free energy than clean surfaces. The in vivo studies demonstrated that the residual alumina accelerated bone tissue growth at different implantation times, in relation to clean dental implants. In addition, residual alumina showed a bactericidal effect by decreasing the quantity of bacteria adhering to the titanium. Conclusions. It is possible to verify the benefits that the alumina (percentages around 8% in weight) produces on the surface of titanium dental implants. Clinical relevance. Clinicians should be aware of the benefits of sand-blasted alumina due to the physico-chemical surface changes demonstrated in in vivo tests

    La metabolómica como herramienta para la evaluación fisiológica y nutricional en citricultura

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    La metabolómica tiene como objetivo el análisis de todos los metabolitos de bajo peso molecular presentes en un organismo, tejido o tipo celular concreto en un estadio de desarrollo dado y bajo unas condiciones ambientales particulares, proporcionando así una descripción detallada del fenotipo bioquímico. En este trabajo se analizaron, mediante cromatografía líquida en fase reversa acoplada a espectrometría de masas (RPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS) los perfiles de metabolitos secundarios de tres patrones de cítricos: citrange Carrizo, citrumelo CPB4475 y mandarino Cleopatra cultivados en condiciones óptimas en tres localizaciones distintas. Los metabolitos se emplearon como marcadores para clasificar las muestras atendiendo al genotipo y a la localización mediante análisis clúster jerárquico (HCA) seguido de análisis discriminante basado en mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-DA), que permite la identificación de las variables importantes en dicha clasificación. Este análisis reveló una influencia importante del genotipo incluso por encima del ambiente, aunque éste también influyó en la composición metabólica de forma significativa. En conclusión, esta tecnología puede ser empleada para investigar variaciones sutiles en el metabolismo debidas a alteraciones genéticas o cambios en el ambiente, a modo de técnica de evaluación fisiológica.Este estudio fue financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y la Universitat Jaume 1a través de los proyectos AGL201 0-22195-C03-01, P11B2012-06 Y P11B2013-2