188 research outputs found

    La evaluación en el proceso de diseño : una propuesta metodológica para la medición de la calidad en productos de comunicación gráfica : afiches callejeros : segunda parte

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    El objetivo de nuestra propuesta es realizar un aporte al desarrollo de la Teoría del Diseño Gráfico y optimizar su práctica profesional a través de la obtención de una metodología de evaluación que mida la calidad de los afiches callejeros de propaganda y/o culturales. Ésta ha permitido la evaluación de la calidad del producto gráfico en las instancias anterior y posterior a su implementación en el medio local. Asimismo, ha incorporado nuevos criterios de realidad a la teoría y práctica del Diseño, contribuyendo a su mejora en los niveles funcional, operativo, contextual, así como en sus efectos en el público receptor.Fil: Zani, Viviana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Dufour, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Cabut, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: David, Diana Kathleen. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Zozaya, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    una propuesta metodológica para la medición de la calidad en productos de comunicación gráfica

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    La presente investigación en desarrollo tiene como objetivos hacer un aporte a la teoría del diseño gráfico y optimizar su práctica profesional a través de la obtención de una metodología de evaluación que mida la calidad de afiches callejeros de propaganda y/o culturales. Los productos gráficos estudiados se han medido cuantitativa y cualitativamente a través de distintas técnicas, tanto en las instancias anterior y posterior a su implementación como en los niveles funcional, operativo y contextual y en sus efectos sobre el público receptor. En estos momentos se está elaborando una grilla de evaluación para orientar los respectivos resultados.Ce recherche présente en développement a comme des buts faire une contribution à la théorie du graphisme et optimiser sa pratique professionnelle parmi l'obtention d'une méthodologie d'évaluation qui mesure la qualité des affiches de la rue de propagande et /ou culturel. Les produits graphiques étudiés ont été mesuré quantitativement et qualitativement à travers des technologies différentes, tellement dans les cas précédentes et postérieures à sa mise en uvre, comme dans les niveaux fonctionnel, opératif et contextuel, et dans ses effets sur le destinataire public. Dans ces moments un cricket d'évaluation est élaboré pour orienter chaque résultat.Fil: Zani, Viviana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Dufour, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Cabut, Claudia.Fil: David, Diana Kathleen. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Citare le fonti: linee guida e strumenti. Il supporto dei servizi bibliotecari

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    Verrà presentato il lavoro svolto dai bibliotecari dell'Università di Bologna al fine di raccogliere ed armonizzare in un unico documento di linee guida le indicazioni volte a delineare, per ogni disciplina, lo stile citazionale più appropriato e uniformemente condiviso. L'iniziativa si inserisce nell'ambito del Servizio "Garanzia di Originalità" con l'intento di fornire agli studenti laureandi un valido supporto nella redazione dell'apparato bibliografico della tesi di laurea. Un lavoro che si è nutrito della collaborazione di numerosi soggetti e si è concretizzato in varie fasi: individuazione dei settori disciplinari coinvolti, raccolta di indicazioni concernenti il modus operandi di docenti e ricercatori, valutazioni delle fonti citazionali suggerite, redazione delle linee guida. La crescita delle competenze informative degli studenti universitari passa anche attraverso la comprensione e l’acquisizione piena delle corrette modalità di organizzazione, registrazione e citazione delle fonti recuperate tramite la ricerca. E’ oggi impensabile affrontare questo aspetto a prescindere delle tecnologie informatiche. Software specializzati sono disponibili per esempio per la gestione bibliografica, sia gratuitamente che a pagamento (Endnote web, Zotero, Mendeley). L’attività e i servizi dei bibliotecari possono risultare essenziali per guidare i giovani laureandi nell’acquisizione di queste competenze, fondamentali per il prosieguo della carriera accademica e lavorativa, fornendo inoltre un tangibile reale valore aggiunto al percorso della ricerca bibliografica. L’esperienza della Biblioteca clinica “Bianchi“ -- che opera all’interno del policlinico universitario bolognese S. Orsola – Malpighi – consiste nella predisposizione di una particolare versione del browser Mozilla -- sulla base del modello già preparato dal Sistema bibliotecario per l’accesso da remoto -- che consente agli utenti di consultare la banca dati di riferimento (Pubmed); di trovare immediatamente rinvio al full-text degli articoli (tramite A-link); di richiedere da remoto con grande facilità gli articoli tramite il servizio di document delivery. L’aggiunta del plug-in (Zotero) per la registrazione dei risultati e per una più completa gestione della bibliografia ha completato questo strumento. Tra le diverse alternative (gratuite o a pagamento), Zotero è stato scelto per la semplicità d’uso e per la possibile condivisione tra studenti e studiosi di diverse realtà. Plug-in aggiuntivi completano il browser, in modo tale da rendere potenzialmente più efficiente ed efficace la ricerca, nella convinzione che aiutare i giovani studiosi ad effettuare una ricerca bibliografica completa in tutti i suoi passaggi sia un elemento indispensabile per evitare anche forme di plagio e / o mancato rispetto dei diritti degli autori

    Enhancement of Micronuclei Frequency in the Tradescantia/Micronuclei Test Using a Long Recovery Time

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    The Tradescantia/micronuclei test (TRAD/MCN) is a well-validated test for monitoring environmental genotoxicants. These pollutants induce at the early meiotic stage of pollen mother cells chromosome fragments which become micronuclei at the tetrad stage. The standard test protocol requires some hours of exposure of the inflorescences and a recovery time of about 24 hours to reach the early tetrad stage. Since the recovery period represents a critical step of the TRAD/MCN, experiments were performed to establish its length in plants of clone #4430 of the hybrid T. hirsutiflora x T. subacaulis which is widely used in environmental monitoring. The aim of the present research was to ascertain the exact duration of recovery time in order to improve the sensitivity of the TRAD/MCN test. First, studies were performed to select the flowers at the beginning of the meiosis, and then anthers were sampled and studied for a period of 48-86 hours. The complete meiosis in the plants examined required about 80 hours. Second, exposure to genotoxic substances followed by different recovery times was carried out to demonstrate that effectiveness of the TRAD/MCN test is closely related to the duration of the recovery time. The test was carried out by exposing inflorescences to known mutagens (sodium azide and maleic hydrazide) for six hours followed by different recovery times (24-72 hours). The results showed that the frequency of micronuclei in the pollen mother cells increased with the length of the recovery time

    Polychlorinated biphenyl serum levels in subjects with hepatocellular carcinoma as compared with the general population

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    Background. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been recognized as human carcinogens and cause liver cancer in animal experimental studies. However, no study investigated their association with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) so far. This study aimed to evaluate the serum PCB concentration in HCC patients and in healthy subjects of the general population living in Brescia, North Italy, a highly industrialized area with heavy PCB environmental pollution due to the presence of a PCB producing factory. Methods. Lipid-adjusted PCB concentrations, computed as the sum of 24 congeners, were measured in the serum of 101 HCC patients and in 101 healthy subjects of the same age and gender. Results. Hepatitis B and C virus infection and history of heavy alcohol intake were found, alone and combined, in 87% of HCC patients. No difference was found in PCB serum concentration of HCC patients with and without, and according to, the major risk factors for liver disease. No significant difference was observed in serum total PCB concentration between HCC patients (median: 1081; range: 287.0-3182.0 ng/g lipid) and healthy subjects (median: 1199.3; range: 225.7-22825 ng/g lipid). PCB congeners 118, 138, 153, 156, 180 and 194 were the only ones found over the detection limit in at least 30% of HCC patients. The serum level of PCB 118, but not that of other congeners, was higher in HCC patients than in healthy subjects. Conclusion. These findings do not support the hypothesis that PCBs play an important role in HCC development, although a contribution by some specific congeners cannot be ruled ou

    Synthesis, antimicrobial activity and molecular docking of di‐ and triorganotin (IV) complexes with thiosemicarbazide derivatives

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Applied Organometallic Chemistry 33.2 (2019): e4700, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/aoc.4700. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions"Six organotin (IV) complexes with two ligands derived from 2,3‐butanedione and thiosemicarbazide have been synthesized and fully characterized by several spectroscopic techniques, including 119Sn NMR and single crystal X‐ray diffraction. Reactions of the ligand diacetyl‐2‐(thiosemicarbazone)‐3‐(3‐ hydroxy‐2‐naphthohydrazone), L1 H2, with SnR2Cl2 (R = Me, Bu, Ph) lead to the obtaining of complexes 1–3 with general formula [SnR2L1 ] (R = Me 1, R = Bu 2, R = Ph 3), in which the ligand is doubly deprotonated and behaves as a N2SO donor, whereas from the reactions of diacetyl‐2‐thiosemicarbazone, HATs, with the same organotin precursors any complex could be isolated. By contrast, reaction of HATs with SnR3Cl induces the ligand cyclization to form a 1,2,4‐triazine‐3‐thione that binds to the metal as a monoanionic donor in a mono or bidentate manner to form compounds 4–6 with formula [SnR3L2 ] (R = Me 4, R = Bu 5, R = Ph 6). The antimicrobial activity of the ligands and the six complexes was tested towards bacteria and fungi, including clinical isolated strains. The results show that the ligands are devoid of activity, except HATs that displays activity against Bacillus subtilis. Conversely, the complexes exhibit good antimicrobial properties against Gram positive and negative bacteria, yeasts and moulds. The best results are obtained for complexes [SnBu3L2 ] 5 and [SnPh3L2 ] 6, indicating that their more lipophilic nature could play an important role in the ease of microbial cell penetration. In some cases, these complexes display similar or higher activity than that of ampicillin and miconazole, used as antibacterial and antifungal positive controls, respectively. Docking study with DHPS protein (S. aureus) has shown that out of six drugs, the compound 6 has the best binding affinity (−8.5 Kcal/mol)Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: CTQ2017‐90802‐RED

    Nutritional Surveillance in Tuscany: eating habits at breakfast, mid-morning and afternoon snacks among 8-9 y-old children

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    Introduction.The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is rapidly increasing in many countries. For that it has been interesting to investigate the eating habits of 8-9 y-old Tuscany children by paying attention to their meals frequency per day and their food choices in total and in relation to children?s Body Mass Index (BMI) classes. In addition we considered some environment factors that could affect the children eating behaviours, such as mother?s BMI and their education level. Methods. A statistical sample of 3,076 (1,583 males, 1,493 females), 8-9 year-old school-children was collected; weight and height were measured using standardized personnel and instruments. BMI classes were calculated using Cole et al.?s cutoff for children and adolescents. In order to evaluate the consumption frequency of individual meals and various foods, a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used, which was completed by the children themselves at school. A self-administered questionnaire revealed the weight and height of parents and their educational levels. Three educational levels were established: high, medium and low. Results. The results showed that 92.3% of children ate breakfast from 4-7 times a week, the vast majority at home, while only 3% declared consuming breakfast never or almost never. The most preferred breakfast consisted of milk and biscuits for all children?s BMI classes. 95.9% of children reported having mid-morning snack at school; fruit juice and tea are the most frequently consumed liquid foods, and pizza, salami sandwiches and pre-packaged snacks are the most frequently consumed solid foods in all BMI classes. 93.6% ate afternoon snack for the most part at home, even if 12% of children reported consuming it elsewhere; fruit juice and tea with pizza, sandwiches and pre-packaged snacks are still the most highly consumed foods by all children?s BMI classes. The consumption frequency of breakfast (P inf. 0.001), mid-morning (P inf. 0.05) and afternoon snack (P inf. 0.05) of 8-9 y-old Tuscany children decrease with increase the children?s BMI classes. The same tendency may be noted for the consumption frequency of breakfast in relation to mother?s BMI (P inf. 0.05) and their education level (P inf. 0.05). This data strengthens the thesis that some home environments can affect the children?s eating behaviours. Conclusion. No substantial differences in food choices at the meals analyzed were determined among normal weight, over weight and obese children. Children of normal weight had a greater tendency to consume meals more regularly. Mother?s BMI and their education level can have influence on children?eating behaviours

    JNK1 ablation in mice confers long-term metabolic protection from diet-induced obesity at the cost of moderate skin oxidative damage

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    Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with oxidative stress, which may be implicated in the progression of obesity-related diseases. The kinase JNK1 has emerged as a promising drug target for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. JNK1 is also a key mediator of the oxidative stress response, which can promote cell death or survival, depending on the magnitude and context of its activation. In this article, we describe a study in which the long-term effects of JNK1 inactivation on glucose homeostasis and oxidative stress in obese mice were investigated for the first time. Mice lacking JNK1 (JNK1−/−) were fed an obesogenic high-fat diet (HFD) for a long period. JNK1−/− mice fed an HFD for the long term had reduced expression of antioxidant genes in their skin, more skin oxidative damage, and increased epidermal thickness and inflammation compared with the effects in control wild-type mice. However, we also observed that the protection from obesity, adipose tissue inflammation, steatosis, and insulin resistance, conferred by JNK1 ablation, was sustained over a long period and was paralleled by decreased oxidative damage in fat and liver. We conclude that compounds targeting JNK1 activity in brain and adipose tissue, which do not accumulate in the skin, may be safer and most effective.— Becattini, B., Zani, F., Breasson, L., Sardi, C., D’Agostino, V. G., Choo, M.-K., Provenzani, A., Park, J. M., Solinas, G. JNK1 ablation in mice confers long-term metabolic protection from diet-induced obesity at the cost of moderate skin oxidative damage

    First record of an Apterichtus kendalli (Gilbert, 1891) (Anguilliformes, Ophichthidae) leptocephalus in the Southeast Brazilian Bight: a southward occurrence record extension

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    The first record of Apterichtus kendalli in the Southeast Brazilian Bight is reported based on one leptocephalus collected at around the 100 m isobath during an oceanographic cruise in 1979. It is the southernmost record of this species in the Atlantic. The leptocephalus of A. kendalli was identified based on myomeres counts, fin positions, nine moderate gut swellings, and midline prominent patches of pigments

    Absence of A3Z3-related hypermutations in the env and vif proviral genes in FIV naturally infected cats

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    Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3 (APOBEC3; A3) proteins comprise an important family of restriction factors that produce hypermutations on proviral DNA and are able to limit virus replication. Vif, an accessory protein present in almost all lentiviruses, counteracts the antiviral A3 activity. Seven haplotypes of APOBEC3Z3 (A3Z3) were described in domestic cats (hap I–VII), and in-vitro studies have demonstrated that these proteins reduce infectivity of vif-defective feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Moreover, hap V is resistant to vif-mediated degradation. However, studies on the effect of A3Z3 in FIV-infected cats have not been developed. Here, the correlation between APOBEC A3Z3 haplotypes in domestic cats and the frequency of hypermutations in the FIV vif and env genes were assessed in a retrospective cohort study with 30 blood samples collected between 2012 and 2016 from naturally FIV-infected cats in Brazil. The vif and env sequences were analyzed and displayed low or undetectable levels of hypermutations, and could not be associated with any specific A3Z3 haplotype