32 research outputs found

    Safer Internet-Aktions-Monat 2017: Die Vielfalt und Zusammenarbeit war wieder beeindruckend

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    “Se você é antropólogo, bem, vamos falar sobre o vento”:o papel da antropologia biológica no Antropoceno e na mudança climáti

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    El cambio climático y el Antropoceno plantean numerosos desafíos para todos los sectores de la sociedad. Desde la antropología, uno de ellos es cómo utilizar el profundo conocimiento situado sobre las relaciones humano-ambiente para la adaptación al cambio ambiental acelerado, en especial de las comunidades de frontera que son a la vez el objeto de estudio tradicional de la disciplina y las principales afectadas por el deterioro ambiental. Se presenta entonces la construcción de nicho como una forma holística de integrar estos conocimientos y se describe el ejemplo del Gran Chaco. Para ello se discuten tanto prácticas pasadas de domesticación del paisaje, como las principales modificaciones actuales, y se analiza una problemática socioambiental reciente: la inundación de la comunidad toba de Sombrero Negro en 2018. Por último, se describen proyecciones climáticas para el área y se hace una reflexión sobre el rol de la antropología biológica para la vida en el Antropoceno.Climate change and the Anthropocene pose numerous challenges for all sectors of humanity. For anthropology, one of them is how to use the deep situated knowledge on human-environment relations for adaptation to accelerated environmental change, especially in frontier communities that are both the traditional object of study of the discipline and the main affected by environmental deterioration. Niche construction is then presented as a holistic way of integrating this knowledge and the example of the Gran Chaco is described. To this end, both past practices of landscape domestication and the main current modifications are discussed, and a recent socio-environmental problem is analyzed: the flooding of the Toba community of Sombrero Negro in 2018. Finally, we describe climate projections for the area and call for a biological anthropology that is useful for living in the Anthropocene.As alterações climáticas e o Antropoceno representam inúmeros desafios para todos os sectores da humanidade. Para a antropologia, um deles é como utilizar o profundo conhecimento situado sobre as relações homem-ambiente para a adaptação às mudanças ambientais aceleradas, especialmente nas comunidades fronteiriças que são simultaneamente o objeto tradicional de estudo da disciplina e o principal afetado pela deterioração ambiental. A construção de nicho é então apresentada como uma forma holística de integrar estes conhecimentos e é descrito o exemplo do Gran Chaco. Para tal, são discutidas tanto as práticas passadas de domesticação da paisagem como as principais modificações atuais, e é analisado um problema sócio-ambiental recente: a inundação da comunidade Toba de Sombrero Negro em 2018. Finalmente, descrevemos projeções climáticas para a área e apelamos a uma antropologia biológica que seja útil para viver no Antropoceno.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    “Se você é antropólogo, bem, vamos falar sobre o vento”:

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    Climate change and the Anthropocene pose numerous challenges for all sectors of humanity. From anthropology, one of them is how to use the deep situated knowledge on human-environment relations for adaptation to accelerated environmental change, especially in frontier communities that are both the traditional object of study of the discipline and the main affected groups by environmental deterioration. Niche construction theory is then discussed as a holistic way of integrating this knowledge and the example of the Gran Chaco is described. To this end, both past practices of landscape domestication and the main current modifications are considered, and a recent socio-environmental problem is analyzed: the flooding of the Toba community of Sombrero Negro in 2018. Finally, we describe climate projections for the area and make a call for a biological anthropology that is useful for living in the Anthropocene.El cambio climático y el Antropoceno plantean numerosos desafíos para todos los sectores de la humanidad. Desde la antropología, uno de ellos es como utilizar el profundo conocimiento situado sobre las relaciones humano-ambiente para la adaptación al cambio ambiental acelerado, en especial de las comunidades de frontera que son a la vez el objeto de estudio tradicional de la disciplina y los principales afectados por el deterioro ambiental. Se presenta entonces la construcción de nicho como una forma holística de integrar estos conocimientos y se presenta el ejemplo del Gran Chaco. Para ello se discuten tanto prácticas pasadas de domesticación del paisaje, como las principales modificaciones actuales y se analiza una problemática socioambiental reciente: la inundación de la comunidad Toba de Sombrero Negro de 2018. Por último, se describen proyecciones climáticas para el área y hacemos un llamado a una antropología biológica que sirva para vivir en el Antropoceno.As mudanças climáticas e o Antropoceno representam inúmeros desafios para todos os setores da humanidade. A partir da antropologia, uma delas é como usar o profundo conhecimento situado das relações homem-ambiente para se adaptar às rápidas mudanças ambientais, especialmente em comunidades fronteiriças que são tanto o objeto tradicional de estudo da disciplina como os principais afetados pela deterioração ambiental. A construção de nicho é então apresentada como uma forma holística de integrar este conhecimento e o exemplo do Gran Chaco é apresentado. Para este fim, tanto as práticas passadas de domesticação da paisagem quanto as principais modificações atuais são discutidas, e um problema sócio-ambiental recente é analisado: a inundação da comunidade Toba de Sombrero Negro em 2018. Finalmente, descrevemos projeções climáticas para a área e pedimos uma antropologia biológica para viver no Antropoceno

    JNK1 ablation in mice confers long-term metabolic protection from diet-induced obesity at the cost of moderate skin oxidative damage

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    Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with oxidative stress, which may be implicated in the progression of obesity-related diseases. The kinase JNK1 has emerged as a promising drug target for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. JNK1 is also a key mediator of the oxidative stress response, which can promote cell death or survival, depending on the magnitude and context of its activation. In this article, we describe a study in which the long-term effects of JNK1 inactivation on glucose homeostasis and oxidative stress in obese mice were investigated for the first time. Mice lacking JNK1 (JNK1−/−) were fed an obesogenic high-fat diet (HFD) for a long period. JNK1−/− mice fed an HFD for the long term had reduced expression of antioxidant genes in their skin, more skin oxidative damage, and increased epidermal thickness and inflammation compared with the effects in control wild-type mice. However, we also observed that the protection from obesity, adipose tissue inflammation, steatosis, and insulin resistance, conferred by JNK1 ablation, was sustained over a long period and was paralleled by decreased oxidative damage in fat and liver. We conclude that compounds targeting JNK1 activity in brain and adipose tissue, which do not accumulate in the skin, may be safer and most effective.— Becattini, B., Zani, F., Breasson, L., Sardi, C., D’Agostino, V. G., Choo, M.-K., Provenzani, A., Park, J. M., Solinas, G. JNK1 ablation in mice confers long-term metabolic protection from diet-induced obesity at the cost of moderate skin oxidative damage

    Cuerpos afectados en la escuela secundaria en el contexto pandémico: conjeturas y aproximaciones analíticas

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    La emergencia global a partir de la aparición de la pandemia a mediados de marzo de 2020, en el contexto argentino, perturbó los modos que hasta ese momento imaginábamos en la escuela, el intercambio entre docentes y estudiantes, los vínculos con los saberes y los modos en que habitamos las aulas entre cuerpos sexogenerizados. En ese marco y con la implementación del aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO) se establecieron las clases en forma virtual de modo tal que el vínculo pedagógico, afectivo y epistémico se llevó adelante mediado por las pantallas. Así mismo, se agudizaron situaciones de desigualdad en el acceso a los bienes simbólicos y a la educación por la brecha digital y las condiciones estructurales de desventaja de ciertos grupos poblacionales. En este trabajo presentamos como recorte de la muestra, dos entrevistas a docentes en ejercicio —de un corpus total de 21 entre docentes y estudiantes— de dos escuelas secundarias públicas de la ciudad de La Plata, provincia y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina), respectivamente, que realizamos en el marco del proyecto Memorias de una pandemia del grupo de trabajo del Consejo Latinoamericano en Ciencias Sociales (Clacso) Territorialidades, Espiritualidades y Cuerpos. La primera entrevista es a una docente de una escuela secundaria común pública de la ciudad de La Plata y la que presentamos a continuación es a una profesora del Bachillerato Mocha Celis de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires cuya propuesta está dirigida, mayoritariamente, a estudiantes trans y travestis y también a aquellas personas que, por situaciones de desigualdad, interrumpieron su escolarización. Si bien las entrevistas presentan múltiples dimensiones para ser analizadas, en este artículo nos detendremos en algunas cuestiones que consideramos relevantes para problematizar: la afectación de los cuerpos docentes y la relación sujetxs saberes a causa del acontecimiento pandémico en el ámbito educativo. El drama de la contingencia “es decir, de qué manera nos afecta aquello que aparece a nuestro alrededor” (Ahmed, 2019, p. 62), en este caso asociado a la pandemia, modifica la experiencia corporeizada y encarnada en sujetxs docentes y estudiantes.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Acetylsalicylic acid modulates inflammation and insulin resistance in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity

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    Extensive scientific evidence indicates that non-optimal diet and sedentary lifestyle constitute some of the behaviors/risk factors associated with the onset of many diseases with significant societal impact, such as obesity. Chronic over-nutrition dramatically remodels adipose tissue architecture, driving adipocyte hypertrophy, oxidative stress and immune cell infiltration, followed by increased production of proinflammatory adipokines and cytokines that contribute to the progression of a chronic, low-grade inflammatory state (1,2). Obesity is associated with this inflammatory phenotype and increases the risk of chronic disease, including cardiovascular disease, as well as insulin resistance that predisposes to the development of type 2 diabetes (3). These obesity-associated diseases are subsequently linked to premature death, and reinforce the need to further define the complex relationship between inflammation and adipose tissue dysfunction. Reducing inflammation may represent a feasible disease-prevention strategy for obesity. Here we evaluate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a commercial small-molecule anti-inflammatory drug, in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity (DIO). The metabolic and inflammatory status and adipose tissue changes were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and Real time PCR in mice fed with high fat diet (HFD) compared with mice fed with standard diet (SD). We also analyzed how these events were modified as a result of treatment with ASA. Our results demonstrate that ASA not only displays anti-adiposity effects by reducing adipocyte hypertrophy and reversing insulin resistance, but that it also modulates adipose tissue inflammation. This could aid the optimization of clinical interventions and lifestyle changes aimed at improving human health

    Experimental Paradigm for the Assessment of the Non-pharmacological Mechanism of Action in Medical Device Classification: The Example of Glycerine as Laxative

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    The evolution of medical devices has led to the introduction of medical devices that include “substances” and which, due to their presentation and sites of application may resemble medicinal products. The difference between substance-based medical devices and medicinal products lies in the proper definition of the principal mechanism of action. The major problem at the moment is the lack of a proper procedure for the demonstration of a mechanism that is “not pharmacological, immunological or metabolic.” We aimed to design an experimental set up to demonstrate the difference between the mechanism of action of two substances used commonly for the treatment of constipation, lubiprostone (example of medicinal product) and glycerine (example of medical device). By implementing cellular models and molecular analyses we demonstrate the difference in their mechanism of action. This set up can be considered an example on the possibility to define a paradigm for the case by case study of the mechanism of action of substances and combination of substances in medical devices

    Patrimonial volatility and new conceptualizations of urban soil value in intermediate cities

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    las lógicas tradicionales que influyen en la fijación del valor del suelo urbano se han visto modificadas, en los últimos tiempos, por las múltiples dinámicas que ocurren en las ciudades intermedias. El crecimiento de la población y la expansión territorial de estas ciudades, y los cambios en las concepciones del sector inmobiliario, las propuestas de los desarrolladores y los componentes perceptivos de la demanda conforman un mercado heterogéneo e imperfecto. A la teoría tradicional de valor del suelo se suman aquellas vinculadas con aspectos hedónicos que otorgan valor simbólico de acuerdo a un entramado complejo de aspectos psicosociales y económicos. En la fijación de precios se conjugan la disposición a pagar por parte de los consumidores y la valoración que se hace de las características particulares del inmueble, así como el estatus socioeconómico y las bondades del entorno geográfico-paisajístico en el que se ubica.The traditional systems of logic which have an impact on the value established for the urban soil have undergone change lately, due to the many dynamics taking place in intermediate cities. These cities' population growth and territorial expansion, as well as the changes in the way the real estate sector is conceived, the developers' proposals and the demand' perceptive components all make up an imperfect, heterogeneous market. Added to the traditional soil value theory are those theories related to the hedonistic aspects that grant symbolic value according to a complex psychosocial and economic structure. When fixing prices, consumers' payment disposition and the assessment of certain characteristics of the property, as well as the socio-economic status and the beauties of the geographical-scenic surroundings in which it is located are all combined.Departamento de Geografí

    An Intracellular Arrangement of Histoplasma capsulatum Yeast-Aggregates Generates Nuclear Damage to the Cultured Murine Alveolar Macrophages

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    Histoplasma capsulatum is responsible for a human systemic mycosis that primarily affects lung tissue. Macrophages are the major effector cells in humans that respond to the fungus, and the development of respiratory disease depends on the ability of Histoplasma yeast cells to survive and replicate within alveolar macrophages. Therefore, the interaction between macrophages and H. capsulatum is a decisive step in the yeast dissemination into host tissues. Although the role played by components of cell-mediated immunity in the host's defense system and the mechanisms used by the pathogen to evade the host immune response are well understood, knowledge regarding the effects induced by H. capsulatum in host cells at the nuclear level is limited. According to the present findings, H. capsulatum yeast cells display a unique architectural arrangement during the intracellular infection of cultured murine alveolar macrophages, characterized as a formation of aggregates that seem to surround the host cell nucleus, resembling a crown. This extranuclear organization of yeast-aggregates generates damage on the nucleus of the host cell, producing DNA fragmentation and inducing apoptosis, even though the yeast cells are not located inside the nucleus and do not trigger changes in nuclear proteins. The current study highlights a singular intracellular arrangement of H. capsulatum yeast near to the nucleus of infected murine alveolar macrophages that may contribute to the yeast’s persistence under intracellular conditions, since this fungal pathogen may display different strategies to prevent elimination by the host's phagocytic mechanisms

    Redisain Terminal Penumpang Angkutan Laut di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula. Arsitektur Tropis

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    Terminal Pelabuhan Laut sebagai bagian dari sistem transportasi yang merupakan suatu sarana penghubung yang berfungsi sebagai tempat alih/muat penumpang dan barang.yang akan diantarkan ke daerah-daetah yang dituju. Tujuan untuk mendisain obkel terminal pelabuhan ini untuk Menigkatkan pengembangan infrastruktur dan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Terminal Pelabuhan adalah tempat peralihan manusia dari darat menuju kapal (laut) dengan segala proses yang dilaluinya. Dari segi arsitektural, terminal ini bukan hanya sebagai tempat transisi, melainkan juga berfungsi sebagai landmark / pintu gerbang perekonomian daera. Terminal terbagi dalam tiga tipe, yaitu tipe A, tipe B, dan tipe C, yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan lingkup pelayanan terminal itu sendiri. Dalam perencanaan proyek ini, dilakukan pendekatan desain tematik dengan konsep Arsitektur Tropis dimana Terminal Pelabuhan dengan konsep ini dapat memanfaatkan sumber alam yang ada di daerah tesebut untuk meminimalisir pemanasan global menampilkan kekuatan struktur dan estetika yang dapat mencerminkan fungsi bangunan itu sendiri