45 research outputs found

    Relevance of the cell neighborhood size in landscape metrics evaluation and free or open source software implementations

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    Landscape metrics constitute one of the main tools for the study of the changes of the landscape and of the ecological structure of a region. The most popular software for landscape metrics evaluation is FRAGSTATS, which is free to use but does not have free or open source software (FOSS). Therefore, FOSS implementations, such as QGIS’s LecoS plugin and GRASS’ r.li modules suite, were developed. While metrics are defined in the same way, the “cell neighborhood” parameter, specifying the configuration of the moving window used for the analysis, is managed differently: FRAGSTATS can use values of 4 or 8 (8 is default), LecoS uses 8 and r.li 4. Tests were performed to evaluate the landscape metrics variability depending on the “cell neighborhood” values: some metrics, such as “edge density” and “landscape shape index”, do not change, other, for example “patch number”, “patch density”, and “mean patch area”, vary up to 100% for real maps and 500% for maps built to highlight this variation. A review of the scientific literature was carried out to check how often the value of the “cell neighborhood” parameter is explicitly declared. A method based on the “aggregation index” is proposed to estimate the effect of the uncertainty on the “cell neighborhood” parameter on landscape metrics for different map

    A new way to reduce the impact from tephra fallout during Etna explosive eruptions

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    The frequent number of explosive events at Mt. Etna, in Italy, over the last ten years, has made necessary the improvement of volcanic ash monitoring and forecasting system at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE). Tephra fallout produced during Etna lava fountains largely impact the population living on the volcano flanks. In addition, during one of the most powerful paroxysms, large clasts fell in proximal areas injured tourists and hikers. To reduce risk, the Italian Department Civil Protection (DPC) asked and funded INGV-OE to do a research project finalized to three specific objectives. First, identify the plume scenario (i.e. weak plume scenario (WPS) and strong plume scenarios (SPS)) based on 1-D plume model. Second, forecast characteristics of tephra deposition using near real time observations. Third, identify the region possibly impacted by large clasts (>5 cm). Two algorithms were developed to measure the column height. One from the calibrated images of two visible cameras installed on the S and W flanks of the volcano, respectively; and the other one from satellite data using a procedure based on the computation of the volcanic plume-top brightness temperature at 10.8 mm. The analysis of lava fountains that occurred between 2011 and 2015 provided the opportunity to differentiate between weak, transitional and strong plumes. The uncertainty associated with eruption source parameters, while maintaining a fixed plume height, was also assessed. In the near future the implementation of these products into the INGV-OE - monitoring room will guarantee a better and timely information to civil protection authorities charged of risk prevention at different levels of responsibility.PublishedNapoli6V. PericolositĂ  vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischi

    Celebrating wildlife population recovery through education

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    Large mammal populations are rapidly recovering across Europe, yet people have not readapted to living with wild animals, resulting in human–wildlife conflict. We believe that society should unite to make the most of the instances of nature recovery, and propose science and education as the key to succes

    Risk and Determinants of Dementia in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Brain Subcortical Vascular Changes: A Study of Clinical, Neuroimaging, and Biological Markers—The VMCI-Tuscany Study: Rationale, Design, and Methodology

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    Dementia is one of the most disabling conditions. Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia (VaD) are the most frequent causes. Subcortical VaD is consequent to deep-brain small vessel disease (SVD) and is the most frequent form of VaD. Its pathological hallmarks are ischemic white matter changes and lacunar infarcts. Degenerative and vascular changes often coexist, but mechanisms of interaction are incompletely understood. The term mild cognitive impairment defines a transitional state between normal ageing and dementia. Pre-dementia stages of VaD are also acknowledged (vascular mild cognitive impairment, VMCI). Progression relates mostly to the subcortical VaD type, but determinants of such transition are unknown. Variability of phenotypic expression is not fully explained by severity grade of lesions, as depicted by conventional MRI that is not sensitive to microstructural and metabolic alterations. Advanced neuroimaging techniques seem able to achieve this. Beside hypoperfusion, blood-brain-barrier dysfunction has been also demonstrated in subcortical VaD. The aim of the Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment Tuscany Study is to expand knowledge about determinants of transition from mild cognitive impairment to dementia in patients with cerebral SVD. This paper summarizes the main aims and methodological aspects of this multicenter, ongoing, observational study enrolling patients affected by VMCI with SVD

    Application of the DSM-5 Criteria for Major Neurocognitive Disorder to Vascular MCI Patients

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    Aims: The DSM-5 introduced the term "major neurocognitive disorders" (NCDs) to replace the previous term "dementia." However, psychometric and functional definitions of NCDs are missing. We aimed to apply the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing the transition to NCD to patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and small vessel disease (SVD), and to define clinically significant thresholds for this transition. Methods: The functional and cognitive features of the NCD criteria were evaluated as change from baseline and operationalized according to hierarchically ordered psychometric rules. Results: According to the applied criteria, out of 138 patients, 44 were diagnosed with major NCD (21 with significant cognitive worsening in ≄1 additional cognitive domain), 84 remained stable, and 10 reverted to normal. Single-domain MCI patients were the most likely to revert to normal, and none progressed to major NCD. The amnestic multiple-domain MCI patients had the highest rate of progression to NCD. Conclusion: We provide rules for the DSM-5 criteria for major NCD based on cognitive and functional changes over time, and define psychometric thresholds for clinically significant worsening to be used in longitudinal studies. According to these operationalized criteria, one-third of the MCI patients with SVD progressed to major NCD after 2 years, but only within the multiple-domain subtypes

    Efficacy of bendamustine and rituximab as first salvage treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and indirect comparison with ibrutinib: A GIMEMA, ERIC and UK CLL FORUM study

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    We performed an observational study on the efficacy of bendamustine and rituximab (BR) as first salvage regimen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In an intention-to-treat analysis including 237 patients, the median progression-free survival (PFS) was 25 months. The presence of del (17p), unmutated IGHV and advanced stage were associated with a shorter PFS at multivariate analysis. The median time-to-next treatment was 31.3 months. Front-line treatment with a chemoimmunotherapy regimen was the only predictive factor for a shorter time to next treatment at multivariate analysis. The median overall survival (OS) was 74.5 months. Advanced disease stage (i.e. Rai stage III-IV or Binet stage C) and resistant disease were the only parameters significantly associated with a shorter OS. Grade 3-5 infections were recorded in 6.3% of patients. A matched-adjusted indirect comparison with ibrutinib given second-line within Named Patient Programs in the United Kingdom and in Italy was carried out with OS as objective end point. When restricting the analysis to patients with intact 17p who had received chemoimmunotherapy in first line, there was no difference in OS between patients treated with ibrutinib (63% alive at 36 months) and patients treated with BR (74.4% alive at 36 months). BR is an efficacious first salvage regimen in CLL in a real-life population, including the elderly and unfit patients. BR and ibrutinib may be equally effective in terms of OS when used as first salvage treatment in patients without 17p deletion. (Registered at clinicaltrials.gov identifier: 02491398)

    Can Clinical and Surgical Parameters Be Combined to Predict How Long It Will Take a Tibia Fracture to Heal? A Prospective Multicentre Observational Study: The FRACTING Study

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    Background. Healing of tibia fractures occurs over a wide time range of months, with a number of risk factors contributing to prolonged healing. In this prospective, multicentre, observational study, we investigated the capability of FRACTING (tibia FRACTure prediction healING days) score, calculated soon after tibia fracture treatment, to predict healing time. Methods. The study included 363 patients. Information on patient health, fracture morphology, and surgical treatment adopted were combined to calculate the FRACTING score. Fractures were considered healed when the patient was able to fully weight-bear without pain. Results. 319 fractures (88%) healed within 12 months from treatment. Forty-four fractures healed after 12 months or underwent a second surgery. FRACTING score positively correlated with days to healing: r = 0.63 (p < 0.0001). Average score value was 7.3 \ub1 2.5; ROC analysis showed strong reliability of the score in separating patients healing before versus after 6 months: AUC = 0.823. Conclusions. This study shows that the FRACTING score can be employed both to predict months needed for fracture healing and to identify immediately after treatment patients at risk of prolonged healing. In patients with high score values, new pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments to enhance osteogenesis could be tested selectively, which may finally result in reduced disability time and health cost savings