22 research outputs found


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    Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is not an unknown term. In Slovakia, many schools communicate they apply CLIL methodology; however, there are numerous studies that are sceptical about CLIL application. The most significant problem defined by CLIL teachers is the lack of appropriate materials that follow dual aims. Based on this feedback the development of CLIL materials became a part of pre-service teachers’ methodology courses. The present study aimed to explore the attitudes of the pre-service teachers towards the possible application of the content and language integrated learning in their teaching. Questionnaires and pre-service teachers’ portfolios provided data from 63 participants. The study also presents the results of discussions on the problems faced by students, the attitudes of student teachers towards material evaluation and development, planning CLIL lessons and the analysis of the questionnaire focussing on students’ attitudes towards CLIL application. Data suggest that even though pre-service teachers are positive about CLIL application and are interested in doing CLIL lessons they do not feel confident especially in evaluating the outcomes of CLIL lessons and creating materials for CLIL lessons. Finally, the author summarises the pedagogical implications to pre-service teachers study programmes as well as recommendations for teaching practice. 

    Paving the Way to Eureka-Introducing "Dira" as an Experimental Paradigm to Observe the Process of Creative Problem Solving

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    “Dira” is a novel experimental paradigm to record combinations of behavioral and metacognitive measures for the creative process. This task allows assessing chronological and chronometric aspects of the creative process directly and without a detour through creative products or proxy phenomena. In a study with 124 participants we show that (a) people spend more time attending to selected vs. rejected potential solutions, (b) there is a clear connection between behavioral patterns and self-reported measures, (c) the reported intensity of Eureka experiences is a function of interaction time with potential solutions, and (d) experiences of emerging solutions can happen immediately after engaging with a problem, before participants explore all potential solutions. The conducted study exemplifies how “Dira” can be used as an instrument to narrow down the moment when solutions emerge. We conclude that the “Dira” experiment is paving the way to study the process, as opposed to the product, of creative problem solving

    Characterization of a novel CD8+ T-cell subset with polyamine metabolism signature

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    CD8+ T cells play a crucial role in the adaptive immune response to combat infections and tumors. Previous research into T-cell heterogeneity has revealed that subsets of antigen- experienced CD8+ T cells possess different functional properties. However, the functional diversity might already be predetermined in their naïve steady-state precursors. Recently, the Lab of Adaptive Immunity discovered a new and rare murine steady-state CD8+ T-cell subset, known as Tpam cells (CD8+ T cells with polyamine metabolism signature). Since polyamine metabolism has been linked to T-cell activation and differentiation, studying this novel subset can provide new insight into the fate of CD8+ T cells upon TCR stimulation. This diploma thesis aimed to characterize Tpam cells in terms of their origin, steady-state phenotype, fate after TCR stimulation, and potential functional role. We took advantage of various mouse models to investigate the formation of Tpam cells and found that they are dependent on a diverse TCR repertoire and are presumably formed by low-grade TCR signaling. We executed an adoptive transfer into T-cell deficient mouse model to examine their steady-state phenotype and performed an ex vivo TCR-mediated activation assay to observe their fate after activation. Our findings show that Tpam cells are..

    Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis for Classification Based on Various Prior Probabilities of Groups with an Application to Breath Analysis

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    In this paper we illustrate the influence of prior probabilities of diseases on diagnostic reasoning. For various prior probabilities of classified groups characterized by volatile organic compounds of breath profile, smokers and non-smokers, we constructed the ROC curve and the Youden index with related asymptotic pointwise confidence intervals

    The ecological validity of cognitive training on-line. Pilot study with the program Cognifit in patients with mood disorders.

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    In this thesis we tried to define the ecological validity of the cognitive functions training of the clients with mood disorders. The specimen was formed up with 36 patients whose primary diagnosis was depression, depressive phase or bipolar affective disorder (F31, F32 and F33 according to MKN-10), currently in remission. The research lasted 12 months. The training program selected for this study was CogniFit Personal Coach (www.cognifit.com), a home-based, computerized, individualized cognitive training program. Based on the results of an initial evaluation phase, the program builds a personalized training program. The training program varies from one individual to the other in the selection of tasks, the frequency with which each training task is used, and in the level of difficulty determined by the results of the baseline evaluation of cognitive functions. As the individual trains and achieves higher scores, the tasks become harder. The present study sought to examine the impact of the cognitive training regimen on everyday cognitive functioning of patients with mood disorders during remission. The scientific method applied was the set of questionnaires aimed at the definition of the ecological validity of the cognitive functions training: Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX), Cognitive Failures..

    English language pre-service and in-service teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes towards integration of students with learning difficulties

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    The study of foreign languages is obligatory for all pupils in Slovakia, where the first foreign language is English. Conforming to integration legislation, pupils with special educational needs (SEN) are taught in mainstream classes. Foreign language teachers, however, lack training and where not prepared how to apply teaching methods and techniques for pupils with SEN in the regular language learning class. In the study presented, 187 elementary school teachers filled out questionnaires dealing with integration of pupils with SEN and possible inclusion of learners with disabilities in Slovakia and a group of 56 university FLT students - teachers-to-be. Teachers are not forced and/or encouraged to take part in in-service courses or other education on how to teach these pupils. The pre-service teachers are offered courses on SEN teaching, however, these are not compulsory and mostly general education oriented. The majority of in-service and pre-service teachers felt that pupils with SEN should be taught in regular education class. The article also describes the current situation concerning integration of students with SEN using the official statistical data

    Creativity in Foreign Language Teaching

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    The author deals with a topic quite often discussed by not only pedagogy and psychology. Creativity is present everywhere and the author suggests it should be a part of University education preparing pre-service teachers. Even though there are researches proving that creativity can be learnt and developed (to certain extent) it is still missing at our schools. Students and pupils still claim that they are asked to memorize the facts rather than to discuss their own opinions and perception.The study briefly presents part of the data gained in the research focused on using creativity at elementary and secondary schools. The interview with 22 teachers was done in 2 sessions (10 and 12 teachers to manage to administer the responses)

    Mokymo aplankas kaip būsimųjų mokytojų rengimo programos poreikių analizės šaltinis

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    he present study aims to portray the information value of the pre-service teachers’ portfolios within the particular study programme needs analysis with respect to the profile of effectively prepared novice teachers. The study focuses on the values of portfolios with respect to teacher training programme needs. The portfolio was used to examine the gaps in pre-service teacher training and practice needs. Student teacher training observations, semi-structured interviews with teacher trainers and structured interviews with supervisors were carried out to confront the findings. The research results may represent a further step towards using student-teacher portfolios as a significant source of information for students (teacher trainee), teachers, managers (author of the study programme).Įvairūs tyrėjai aptarė ir patvirtino galimą naudą, susijusią su aplankų taikymu mokytojų rengimo programoje. Šiame tyrime taip pat aprašyta, kaip pedagoginės praktikos metu ugdomas būsimųjų mokytojų saviveiksmingumas ir koks yra aplanko vaidmuo ugdant studentų savęs vertinimo įgūdžius ir savarankiškumą. Galima teigti, kad aplankas yra svarbus informacijos apie mokytojų rengimo programos kokybę, ypač apie jos trūkumus ir apribojimus, šaltinis, todėl dėl grįžtamojo ryšio yra vertingas mokytojų rengimo programos poreikių analizei, atspindinčiai dabartinę padėtį. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad aplankas yra informacijos apie mokytojų pasiekimus, kokybę ir mokytojų rengimo studijų programos turinį šaltinis, kuris sudaro EPOSTL (EABKM – Europos aplankas būsimiesiems kalbų mokytojams) pridėtinę vertę. Straipsnyje pateikiama dalies ilgalaikio tyrimo duomenų analizė. Duomenys, gauti iš EPOSTL ir diskusijos su tyrimo dalyviais, gali būti laikomi pakankamai objektyviais (žr. tyrimo ribotumą), atsižvelgiant į tai, kad aplankų pagrindinis tikslas buvo padėti būsimiesiems mokytojams įsivertinti savo įgūdžius, o ne vertinti universitete dėstomus dalykus (remiantis universitete gauta medžiaga ir pravestomis pamokomis). Tyrimo rezultatų aktualumas buvo aptartas su mokytojais mentoriais kaip nepriklausomais studentų akademinių žinių, teorinio pasirengimo ir praktinių įgūdžių vertintojais. Mokymo kokybės puoselėjimas ir tobulinimas priklauso nuo to, koks yra mokytojų rengimas, ir nuo būsimųjų mokytojų gebėjimo įsivertinti savo sugebėjimus, analizuoti mokymo situacijas bei aplinkybes ir atitinkamai reaguoti, reflektuoti jų valdomą procesą ir sprendimų priėmimą. Manome, kad EPOSTL yra savirefleksijos priemonė, padedanti studentams sistemingai stebėti jų pažangą. Tai padeda išugdyti įprotį ir poreikį nuolat įsivertinti savo gebėjimus. Tuo pat metu mokymo programų rengėjai gali gauti svarbų grįžtamąjį ryšį apie savo studentų ir praktikos poreikius

    Demand for Digital Skills in Primary Education

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    The content of education and the philosophy of education are subjects of constant review, evaluation, and changes that are reflected in school curricula. This should also be reflected in the content of pre-service teacher studies as reforms might change the skills and competences of graduates, which facilitate new graduates' success in the workplace. The article discusses the use of digital tools in primary education, reflecting on the situation in Slovak schools. The aim of the present study was to analyze teachers' readiness to apply them, as well as their perception of the effectiveness of using ICT in the educational process after the pandemic situation. A total of 122 Slovak teachers took part in the study, which involved completing a questionnaire. The results indicate that, in general, teachers use technologies and see the benefits of its use. However, regardless of the length of their teaching practice, they do not feel prepared for its effective application. The results of this study further support the idea of implementing ICT in university courses for future teachers, which will help them in their work. This study lays the groundwork for future research into the problem of implementing ICT in university courses for future teachers

    Digital portfolio in building teaching efficacy of pre-service teachers

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    The paper discusses the role of e-portfolio in the development of reflective thinking in a group of pre-service English as a foreign language teachers. It stresses the benefits it can bring (e.g. autonomous learning, cooperative learning - the author highlights the social context of e-portfolio) as well as presents the threats and risks it might bring based on the own experience of the author. The results of this case study showed that the process of e-portfolio building can enhance professional development, self-confidence and the ability to self-reflect own work and progress. The author indicates also the possibilities of its use not only in the groups of pre-service teacher trainers but also in the groups of in-service teachers