989 research outputs found

    Interactions biologiques et diversification du genre Lobophora

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    The brown alga Lobophora represents a notable benthic component in tropical coral reefs, and began drawing the attention of marine ecologists by achieving impressive blooms at the expense of corals since the early 80s. Marine ecologists are still debating whether or not macroalgal dominance represents a consequence or cause of coral degradation. While Lobophora has been the object of contradictory observations in terms of susceptibility to herbivory and effects on corals, evidence tends to suggest that episodes of reef take-over are opportunistic and symptomatic of reef degradation. From a taxonomic point of view, only 11 species of Lobophora were recognized at the beginning of this study, and virtually all species of Lobophora reported around the world had been assigned to L. variegata, originally described from the Caribbean. This study intends to shed new taxonomical and ecological insights on this algal taxon. Using a DNA-based taxonomical approach we reassessed the species diversity of this genus at a local scale in New Caledonia and subsequently on a global level. Results disclosed a remarkable global diversity, increasing our taxonomic knowledge of this genus by no less than 10 folds. From an ecological perspective, we tested if different species of Lobophora were differentially (1) capable of chemically damaging scleractinian corals, and (2) susceptible to herbivory. We showed that the genus Lobophora was inherently capable of bleaching certain coral species, and we isolated three new C21 polyunsaturated alcohols named lobophorenols A-C with bleaching properties. Nevertheless, in situ observations in New Caledonia indicated that although potentially chemically armed, Lobophora species did not or rarely bleached their coral hosts, thereby raising the issue of the location of these bioactive components and the environmental factors enabling their putative release by the alga. We also showed that herbivores indiscriminately consumed Lobophora species. From the results of allelopathic bioassays and grazing experiments we conclude that: (1) corals and Lobophora maintain a chemical-mediated status quo on healthy reefs; (2) chemical defense apparently does not deter grazing of Lobophora by prominent herbivores; (3) it is more likely that Lobophora avoids being grazed by escape strategies such as growing under the coral canopy. The genus Lobophora represents an excellent model to study the role of ecological speciation in macroalgae within coral reefs. Therefore, future studies should be targeted at investigating the role of Lobophora secondary metabolites and exploring the ecological factors responsible for the impressive diversification of this alga.L'algue brune Lobophora représente une composante benthique importante au sein des récifs coralliens tropicaux, et a à attirer dès le début des années 80 l'attention des écologistes marins en proliférant de façon remarquable au détriment des coraux. Les écologistes marins ne s’accordent toujours pas pour conclure si le changement de communauté au profit des macroalgues représente une conséquence ou une cause de la dégradation des coraux. Alors que Lobophora a fait l'objet d'observations contradictoires en termes de susceptibilité à l’herbivorie et des effets sur les coraux, les preuves suggèrent que sa prolifération dans les récifs coralliens est opportuniste et symptomatique de la dégradation des récifs.Taxonomiquement, Lobophora ne représentait que 11 espèces décrites au début de cette étude, et pratiquement toutes les espèces de Lobophora rapportées dans le monde avaient été assignées à L. variegata, décrite dans les Caraïbes. Cette étude vise à apporter un nouvel éclairage taxonomique et écologique sur ce taxon algal sujet de controverses écologiques. En utilisant une approche taxonomique basée sur l'ADN nous avons réévalué la diversité des espèces de ce genre en Nouvelle-Calédonie et au niveau mondial. Les résultats dévoilent une remarquable diversité, multipliant par 10 le nombre d’espèces jusque là reconnues. Nous avons testé si les différentes espèces de Lobophora étaient chimiquement différentes et si elles variaient (1) en toxicité envers différents coraux, et (2) en susceptibilité aux herbivores.Nous avons montré que le genre Lobophora était intrinsèquement capable de blanchir certains coraux, et nous avons isolé trois nouveaux alcools polyinsaturés C21 nommés lobophorenols A-C avec des propriétés de blanchissement. Néanmoins, les observations in situ en Nouvelle-Calédonie indiquent que, bien qu’elles soient potentiellement armées au plan chimique, les espèces de Lobophora n’induisent pas ou rarement le blanchissement de leurs hôtes coralliens, soulevant ainsi la question de l'emplacement de ces composants bioactifs dans l’algue et des facteurs environnementaux permettant leur libération supposée. Nous avons également montré que les herbivores consomment indistinctement les espèces de Lobophora. D’après ces résultats nous pouvons conclure que : (1) au sein de récifs en bonne santé, les coraux et les Lobophora maintiennent un statu quo résultant probablement d’une médiation chimique ; (2) la défense chimique ne dissuade apparemment pas le broutage des Lobophora par les principaux herbivores ; (3) il est probable que Lobophora échappe au broutage en se développant par exemple entre les branches des coraux. Le genre Lobophora représente un excellent modèle pour étudier le rôle de la spéciation écologique des algues au sein des récifs coralliens. Aussi, les études futures devront étudier le rôle des métabolites secondaires des Lobophora et enquêter sur les facteurs écologiques responsables de la diversification impressionnante de cette algue

    Lobophora : biotic interactions and diversification

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    Implementação da metodologia SMED em empresa do setor da cordoaria

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    Numa elevada competitividade empresarial como é a atual torna-se fundamental a melhoria contínua dos processos internos das empresas de forma a produzir o produto com qualidade e entrega-lo dentro dos prazos de entrega definidos. A ferramenta SMED aparece como uma ferramenta capaz de reduzir os desperdícios associados aos processos produtivos das empresas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo de alguns processos produtivos de uma empresa do ramo da cordoaria apresentando propostas de melhoria enquadradas na metodologia SMED. Em cada uma delas são apresentadas as vantagens, investimentos e tempos de retorno associados.In a high business competitiveness as is the current, it is fundamental to continuously improve the internal processes of companies in order to produce the product with quality and deliver it within the defined delivery deadlines. The SMED tool appears as a tool capable of reducing the waste of the productive processes of the companies. This work has as objective the study of some productive processes of a company of the branch of the rope presenting proposals of improvement framed in the methodology SMED. In each of them the advantages, investments and return time are presented

    A deductive verification platform for cryptographic software

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    In this paper we describe a deductive verification platform for the CAO language. CAO is a domain-specific language for cryptography. We show that this language presents interesting challenges for formal verification, not only in the rich mathematical type system that it introduces, but also in the cryptography-oriented language constructions that it offers. We describe how we tackle these problems, and also demonstrate that, by relying on the Jessie plug-in included in the Frama-C framework, the development time of such a complex verification tool could be greatly reduced. We base our presentation on real-world examples of CAO code, extracted from the open-source code of the NaCl cryptographic library, and illustrate how various cryptography-relevant security properties can be verified.(undefined

    Are we getting less sexist? a ten-year gap comparison analysis of sexism in a Portuguese sample

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    Widely and slowly, discrimination against women based upon gender has become socially unacceptable. However, less is known about how sexist beliefs have progressed in the last years and if we are responding to this social antagonizing of a sexist discourse. Our goal was to verify the existence of differences in ambivalent sexism and neosexism over a ten-year gap in a Portuguese adult sample and to assess possible modifications in the relationship between the variables. A cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted using two independent groups, with measures taken in 2009 and then in 2019. Both groups were invariant in terms of average age and proportion of sexes. Our results show a decrease in hostile and benevolent forms of sexism, while neosexism remains constant. The relationships between variables suggest that sexist beliefs are changing to accommodate subtler and modernized forms of sexism, like neosexism, that deny the existence of discrimination against women, resent discrimination complaints, and maintain a paternalistic view of women. Neosexism also seems to have a stronger correlation with hostile sexism than with benevolent forms of sexism in the male subsample. This relationship is stronger for the 2019 sample. These relationships suggest that sexism is more deeply rooted than we would like to admit and adapts to social discourse. Despite our best efforts, it is yet to be overcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Commande optimale quadratique des Systèmes de Complémentarité Linéaire : conditions nécessaires du premier ordre, analyse numérique

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    International audienceThis article is dedicated to the analysis of quadratic optimal control of linear complementarity systems (LCS), which are a class of strongly nonlinear and nonsmooth dynamical systems. Necessary first-order conditions are derived, that take the form of an LCS with inequality constraints, hence are numerically tractable. Sufficiency is proved in a specific sense. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical developments and demonstrate the efficiency of the complementarity approach

    CAOVerif : an open-source deductive verification platform for cryptographic software implementations

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    CAO is a domain-specific imperative language for cryptography, offering a rich mathematical type system and crypto-oriented language constructions. We describe the design and implementation of a deductive verification platform for CAO and demonstrate that the development time of such a complex verification tool could be greatly reduced by building on the Jessie plug-in included in the Frama-C framework. We discuss the interesting challenges raised by the domain-specific characteristics of CAO, and describe how we tackle these problems in our design. We base our presentation on real-world examples of CAO code, extracted from the open-source code of the NaCl cryptographic library, and illustrate how various cryptography-relevant security properties can be verified.This work was supported by Project Best Case, co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Investigating the Dynamics of Engineering Design Rework for a Complex Aircraft Development Project: Lessons Learned From a Soft Systems Thinking Lens

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    Organizations still struggle to efficiently manage their complex product development projects (PDPs). A contributor to poor project performance is the dynamics of engineering design rework (EDR), due both to the necessity of adjusting the product being developed and the disruption it causes to the development process. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the dynamics of EDR that negatively impacts the performance of complex PDPs and to suggest actions to overcome those problems. The soft systems thinking methodology underpins the research approach. The dynamics of EDR of an aircraft development project were modeled in a causal loop model. -- Keywords : Dynamics of rework ; Product development ; Project performance ; Soft systems thinking ; Aviation

    RBCS1 expression in coffee: Coffea orthologs, Coffea arabica homeologs, and expression variability between genotypes and under drought stress

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    Background: In higher plants, the inhibition of photosynthetic capacity under drought is attributable to stomatal and non-stomatal (i.e., photochemical and biochemical) effects. In particular, a disruption of photosynthetic metabolism and Rubisco regulation can be observed. Several studies reported reduced expression of the RBCS genes, which encode the Rubisco small subunit, under water stress. Results: Expression of the RBCS1 gene was analysed in the allopolyploid context of C. arabica, which originates from a natural cross between the C. canephora and C. eugenioides species. Our study revealed the existence of two homeologous RBCS1 genes in C. arabica: one carried by the C. canephora sub-genome (called CaCc) and the other carried by the C. eugenioides sub-genome (called CaCe). Using specific primer pairs for each homeolog, expression studies revealed that CaCe was expressed in C. eugenioides and C. arabica but was undetectable in C. canephora. On the other hand, CaCc was expressed in C. canephora but almost completely silenced in non-introgressed ("pure") genotypes of C. arabica. However, enhanced CaCc expression was observed in most C. arabica cultivars with introgressed C. canephora genome. In addition, total RBCS1 expression was higher for C. arabica cultivars that had recently introgressed C. canephora genome than for "pure" cultivars. For both species, water stress led to an important decrease in the abundance of RBCS1 transcripts. This was observed for plants grown in either greenhouse or field conditions under severe or moderate drought. However, this reduction of RBCS1 gene expression was not accompanied by a decrease in the corresponding protein in the leaves of C. canephora subjected to water withdrawal. In that case, the amount of RBCS1 was even higher under drought than under unstressed (irrigated) conditions, which suggests great stability of RBCS1 under adverse water conditions. On the other hand, for C. arabica, high nocturnal expression of RBCS1 could also explain the accumulation of the RBCS1 protein under water stress. Altogether, the results presented here suggest that the content of RBCS was not responsible for the loss of photosynthetic capacity that is commonly observed in water-stressed coffee plants. Conclusion: We showed that the CaCe homeolog was expressed in C. eugenioides and non-introgressed ("pure") genotypes of C. arabica but that it was undetectable in C. canephora. On the other hand, the CaCc homeolog was expressed in C. canephora but highly repressed in C. arabica. Expression of the CaCc homeolog was enhanced in C. arabica cultivars that experienced recent introgression with C. canephora. For both C. canephora and C. arabica species, total RBCS1 gene expression was highly reduced with WS. Unexpectedly, the accumulation of RBCS1 protein was observed in the leaves of C. canephora under WS, possibly coming from nocturnal RBCS1 expression. These results suggest that the increase in the amount of RBCS1 protein could contribute to the antioxidative function of photorespiration in water-stressed coffee plants. (Résumé d'auteur