1,566 research outputs found

    Recent Pythia 8 developments: Hard diffraction, Colour reconnection and γγ\gamma\gamma collisions

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    An overview of recent developments in \pythia~8 is given. First the new hard diffraction model, which is implemented as a part of the multiparton interactions (MPI) framework, is discussed. Then the new colour reconnection model, which includes beyond leading colour effects that can become important when MPI are present, is briefly reviewed. As a last topic an introduction is given to our implementation of photon-photon collisions. In particular photon PDFs, required modifications for the initial state radiation algorithm and beam remnant handling with photon beams is discussed.Comment: Contribution to proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, 23 - 27 November 2015, Miramare, Trieste, Ital

    Impact of dronedarone in atrial fibrillation and flutter on stroke reduction

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    Christine Benn Christiansen1, Christian Torp-Pedersen1, Lars Køber21Department of Cardiology, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Hellerup, Denmark; 2Department of Cardiology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DenmarkBackground: Dronedarone has been developed for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial flutter (AFL). It is an amiodarone analogue but noniodinized and without the same adverse effects as amiodarone.Objective and methods: This is a review of 7 studies (DAFNE, ADONIS, EURIDIS, ATHENA, ANDROMEDA, ERATO and DIONYSOS) on dronedarone focusing on efficacy, safety and prevention of stroke. There was a dose-finding study (DAFNE), 3 studies focusing on maintenance of sinus rhythm (ADONIS, EURIDIS and DIONYSOS), 1 study focusing on rate control (ERATO) and 2 studies investigating mortality and morbidity (ANDROMEDA and ATHENA).Results: The target dose for dronedarone was established in the DAFNE study to be 400 mg twice daily. Both EURIDIS and ADONIS studies demonstrated that dronedarone was superior to placebo for maintaining sinus rhythm. However, DIONYSOS found that dronedarone is less efficient at maintaining sinus rhythm than amiodarone. ERATO concluded that dronedarone reduces ventricular rate in patients with chronic AF. The ANDROMEDA study in patients with severe heart failure was discontinued because of increased mortality in dronedarone group. Dronedarone reduced cardiovascular hospitalizations and mortality in patients with AF or AFL in the ATHENA trial. Secondly, according to a post hoc analysis a significant reduction in stroke was observed (annual rate 1.2% on dronedarone vs 1.8% on placebo, respectively [hazard ratio 0.66, confidence interval 0.46 to 0.96, P = 0.027]). In total, 54 cases of stroke occurred in 3439 patients (crude rate 1.6%) receiving dronedarone compared to 76 strokes in 3048 patients on placebo (crude rate 2.5%), respectively.Conclusion: Dronedarone can be used for maintenance of sinus rhythm and can reduce stroke in patients with AF who receive usual care, which includes antithrombotic therapy and heart rate control.Keywords: atrial fibrillation, stroke, dronedaron


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    Cryostratigraphy, sedimentology, and the late Quaternary evolution of the Zackenberg River delta, northeast Greenland

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    The Zackenberg River delta is located in northeast Greenland (74°30′ N, 20°30′ E) at the outlet of the Zackenberg fjord valley. The fjord-valley fill consists of a series of terraced deltaic deposits (ca. 2 km2) formed during relative sea-level (RSL) fall. We investigated the deposits using sedimentological and cryostratigraphic techniques together with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. We identify four facies associations in sections (4 to 22 m in height) exposed along the modern Zackenberg River and coast. Facies associations relate to (I) overriding glaciers, (II) retreating glaciers and quiescent glaciomarine conditions, (III) delta progradation in a fjord valley, and (IV) fluvial activity and niveo-aeolian processes. Pore, layered, and suspended cryofacies are identified in two 20 m deep ice-bonded sediment cores. The cryofacies distribution, together with low overall ground-ice content, indicates that permafrost is predominately epigenetic in these deposits. Fourteen OSL ages constrain the deposition of the cored deposits to between approximately 13 and 11 ka, immediately following deglaciation. The timing of permafrost aggradation was closely related to delta progradation and began following the subaerial exposure of the delta plain (ca. 11 ka). Our results reveal information concerning the interplay between deglaciation, RSL change, sedimentation, permafrost aggradation, and the timing of these events. These findings have implications for the timing and mode of permafrost aggradation in other fjord valleys in northeast Greenland

    Heterogeneity Mapping of Protein Expression in Tumors using Quantitative Immunofluorescence

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    Morphologic heterogeneity within an individual tumor is well-recognized by histopathologists in surgical practice. While this often takes the form of areas of distinct differentiation into recognized histological subtypes, or different pathological grade, often there are more subtle differences in phenotype which defy accurate classification (Figure 1). Ultimately, since morphology is dictated by the underlying molecular phenotype, areas with visible differences are likely to be accompanied by differences in the expression of proteins which orchestrate cellular function and behavior, and therefore, appearance. The significance of visible and invisible (molecular) heterogeneity for prognosis is unknown, but recent evidence suggests that, at least at the genetic level, heterogeneity exists in the primary tumor1,2, and some of these sub-clones give rise to metastatic (and therefore lethal) disease

    Hur AI-verktyget ChatGPT klarar en hemtentamen i palliativ vård

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    Dataprogrammet ChatGPT är en bott som utför automatiska uppgifter. Denna chattbott skapade rubriker under hösten på grund av dess förmåga att med artificiell intelligens (AI) skapa svar på riktade frågor och texter utifrån ett beskrivet syfte. I slutet av december 2022 lades 16 frågor från en hemtentamen i palliativ vård vid sjuksköterskeprogrammet in i AI-botten för att få dem besvarade och testa bottens förmåga att besvara frågorna korrekt. Vi ville även testa om man kunde se någon skillnad på svaren i rättningsmallen och på studenternas svar och på de svar som genererats från AI-botten. En bedömning av bottens svar visade på att den hade klarat examinationen. Somliga svar var mycket bra och resonerande till sin natur, något gav reducerade poäng pga. bristande innehåll och ett par svar felaktiga. Ett svar stack ut då det var på engelska. Svaren hade ibland smärre grammatiska fel, men var främst betydligt längre och bättre strukturerade än studerandes. Möjligheten att upptäcka försök till vilseledande i examination hade varit liten. Det finns skillnad i svarens diskurs, där svaren från botten har en mer amerikansk stil i sin formulering.  ENGLSIH ABSTRACT How the AI tool ChatGPT passes a home exam in palliative care The ChatGPT computer program is a bot that performs automatic tasks. This chatbot made headlines during the fall due to its ability to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create answers to targeted questions and texts based on a described purpose. At the end of December 2022, 16 questions from a home exam in palliative care at the nursing program were put into the AI bot to get them answered and test its ability to answer the questions correctly but also an assessment of whether the answers could be detected. An evaluation of the bot’s answers showed it had passed the examination. Some answers were excellent and reasoned, some gave reduced points due to lack of content, and some were incorrect. One answer stood out as it was in English. The answers sometimes had minor grammatical errors but were significantly more prolonged and better structured than the students’ answers. The possibility of detecting attempts at deception in the examination had been limited. There is a difference in discourse in the answers, with the answers from the bot having a more American style

    Current Knowledge and Implications From a European Perspective

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most serious health and economic crises of the 21st century. From a psychological point of view, the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences can be conceptualized as a multidimensional and potentially toxic stressor for mental health in the general population. This selective literature review provides an overview of longitudinal studies published until June 2021 that have investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the European population. Risk and protective factors identified in the studies are summarized. Forty-two studies that met inclusion and search criteria (COVID-19, mental health, longitudinal, and Europe) in PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science databases indicate differential effects of the pandemic on mental distress, depression, and anxiety, depending on samples and methods used. Age-specific (e.g., young age), social (e.g., female, ethnical minority, loneliness), as well as physical and mental health-related factors (e.g., pre-pandemic illness) were identified as risk factors for poor mental health. The studies point to several protective factors such as social support, higher cognitive ability, resilience, and self-efficacy. Increasing evidence supports the assumption of the pandemic being a multidimensional stressor on mental health, with some populations appearing more vulnerable than others, although inconsistencies arise. Whether the pandemic will lead to an increase in the prevalence of mental disorders is an open question. Further high-quality longitudinal and multi-national studies and meta-analyses are needed to draw the complete picture of the consequences of the pandemic on mental health

    Mental Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most serious health and economic crises of the 21st century. From a psychological point of view, the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences can be conceptualized as a multidimensional and potentially toxic stressor for mental health in the general population. This selective literature review provides an overview of longitudinal studies published until June 2021 that have investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the European population. Risk and protective factors identified in the studies are summarized. Forty-two studies that met inclusion and search criteria ( COVID-19, mental health, longitudinal, and Europe) in PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science databases indicate differential effects of the pandemic on mental distress, depression, and anxiety, depending on samples and methods used. Age-specific (e.g., young age), social (e.g., female, ethnical minority, loneliness), as well as physical and mental health-related factors (e.g., pre-pandemic illness) were identified as risk factors for poor mental health. The studies point to several protective factors such as social support, higher cognitive ability, resilience, and self-efficacy. Increasing evidence supports the assumption of the pandemic being a multidimensional stressor on mental health, with some populations appearing more vulnerable than others, although inconsistencies arise. Whether the pandemic will lead to an increase in the prevalence of mental disorders is an open question. Further high-quality longitudinal and multi-national studies and meta-analyses are needed to draw the complete picture of the consequences of the pandemic on mental health.Peer Reviewe
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