30 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un indicador para el seguimiento de los niveles de inundación en humedales Mediterráneos

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    Los humedales representan ecosistemas sensibles que son objeto de amenazas antropogénicas. En las últimas décadas, los humedales costeros en el Mediterráneo han sufrido presiones considerables por el crecimiento urbano y la intensificación de prácticas agrícolas. Las técnicas de teledetección y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) son herramientas eficientes que pueden apoyar el seguimiento de humedales costeros del Mediterráneo. Estas técnicas han sido utilizadas para desarrollar un indicador de inundación para apoyar el seguimiento y control de humedales costeros en el sur de Francia. El indicador se basa en series temporales de imágenes del satélite Landsat, que cubren los años 2000, 2007 y 2012; y capas de referencia de usos del suelo para identificar y mapear los niveles de inundación anuales. La metodología combina el uso de índices de vegetación con un árbol de decisión para detectar la masa de agua que cubre los humedales en diferentes fechas dentro de un ciclo anual. Un proceso de validación es implementado para comprobar la fiabilidad del indicador comparándolo con los inventarios de humedales. Los resultados indican que el área de estudio presenta un alto nivel de inundación a lo largo de todo el año. Durante el periodo de estudio, el 40% del área se encuentra permanentemente inundada. El nivel de inundación aumenta hasta el 56- 62% cuando las inundaciones estacionales son consideradas. Los niveles más altos son detectados durante el invierno (lluvias) y en primavera (inundación de campos de arroz). Las comparaciones temporales en los niveles de inundación muestran que hay una tendencia decreciente con los años (62% en 2000; 59% en 2007; y 56% en 2012).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Breeding biology of the White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala at Lake Tonga (Algeria)

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    The study of the reproductive phenology of the White-headed Duck was carried out at Lake Tonga, a wetland of international importance for the nesting of this species across the Mediterranean basin. The following breeding parameters have been studied in 2007 and 2008 : dates of laying and hatching, clutch size and breeding success. The breeding population was estimated at 78 males and 26 females in 2007 and at 71 males and 22 females in 2008. Laying is recorded during a period of 9 to 11 weeks from late April to mid-July. A brood size of 3.2 ± 1.6 young (n = 17) was recorded in the first year of study and another of 3.9 ± 1.4 young (n = 37) in the second one. Young fledged between late June and early September. The data obtained in this study suggest that the White-headed Duck may be considered as a bird almost constant in terms of life-history traits in AlgeriaLa phénologie de la reproduction de l'Érismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala a été étudiée au lac Tonga, Parc national d'El Kala (Algérie), une zone humide d'importance internationale pour la nidification de l'espèce à l'échelle du bassin Méditerranéen. Les paramètres de la reproduction étudiés durant les années 2007 et 2008 furent les dates et périodes de ponte, la grandeur des nichées, le succès de reproduction et l'envol des jeunes. La population reproductrice a été estimée à 78 mâles et 26 femelles en 2007 et à 71 mâles et 22 femelles en 2008. La ponte s'étale de fin avril à la mi-juillet, sur une période allant de 9 à 11 semaines. La taille des nichées enregistrées fut de 3,2 ± 1,6 canetons (n = l7) pour la première année d'étude et de 3,9 ± 1,4 (n = 37) pour la seconde. L'envol des jeunes a lieu entre fin juin et début septembre. Les données obtenues au cours de cette étude suggèrent que l'Érismature à tête blanche est un oiseau relativement constant en termes de caractéristiques liées à la reproduction en Algérie

    A More Effective Ramsar Convention for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands

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    The Ramsar Convention is the multilateral agreement aimed at protecting wetlands globally. Wetlands are particularly recognized for their role in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot by providing key habitats for endemic and migratory species, directly contributing benefits to the lives of people and being an integral part of their culture. In response to this importance, the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory publishes Mediterranean Wetland Outlooks (MWOs) on the state and trends of Mediterranean wetlands; the first edition in 2012 (MWO1) and the second edition in 2018 (MWO2). In this paper, we used the results of the two Mediterranean Wetland Outlooks to highlight ways to increase the impact of the Ramsar Convention by identifying the spatial dimensions of detected biodiversity trends as well as the societal developments and estimated impacts of global change and protection status

    Key criteria for developing ecosystem service indicators to inform decision making

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    Decision makers are increasingly interested in information from ecosystem services (ES) assessments. Scientists have for long recognised the importance of selecting appropriate indicators. Yet, while the amount and variety of indicators developed by scientists seems to increase continuously, the extent to which the indicators truly inform decision makers is often unknown and questioned. In this viewpoint paper, we reflect and provide guidance on how to develop appropriate ES indicators for informing decision making, building on scientific literature and practical experience collected from researchers involved in seven case studies. We synthesized 16 criteria for ES indicator selection and organized them according to the widely used categories of credibility, salience, legitimacy (CSL). We propose to consider additional criteria related to feasibility (F), as CSL criteria alone often seem to produce indicators which are unachievable in practice. Considering CSL & F together requires a combination of scientific knowledge, communication skills, policy and governance insights and on-field experience. We present a checklist to evaluate CSL & F of your ES indicators. This checklist helps to detect and mitigate critical shortcomings in an early phase of the development process, and aids the development of effective indicators to inform actual policy decisions

    The LIFE Project “Conservation of Mediterranean temporary pools”

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    Perennou Christian. The LIFE Project “Conservation of Mediterranean temporary pools”. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 29 n°1, 2003. p. 112

    Assessment of the Pressure Level over Lentic Waterbodies through the Estimation of Land Uses in the Catchment and Hydro-Morphological Alterations: The LUPLES Method

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    The features of lentic waterbodies largely depend on the surrounding environment. Mediterranean coastal lagoons have been historically altered, with their catchment being highly modified for agricultural, livestock, or urban uses. Changes in land uses induce pressures that impact the waterbodies and alter their ecological status. The objectives of this paper were: to develop a methodological approach (LUPLES: Land Uses for estimating Pressure Levels to approach the Ecological Status), to quantify the main pressures on the waterbodies and to forecast the possible impacts of these pressures on their ecological status. Corine-Land Cover maps and Geographic Information System technics were used to delineate and identify land uses in the catchments. Specific algorithms were created to quantify the main pressures from land uses in the catchment and hydro-morphological alterations in the immediate basin. The values of the estimated pressure levels were correlated with ecological status indicators using metrics developed for the European Water Framework Directive. Data were obtained from European and River Basin Authorities databases. Results showed statistically significant correlations between the pressure levels quantified by the LUPLES method and the impact level detected by biological, physical and chemical metrics. This method provides a useful approach to estimate the pressure levels affecting lentic waterbodies and could be applied to approach how they could affect their ecological status

    Biologie de la reproduction de l’Érismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala au lac Tonga (Algérie)

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    Breeding biology of the White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala at Lake Tonga (Algeria). The study of the reproductive phenology of the White-headed Duck was carried out at Lake Tonga, a wetland of international importance for the nesting of this species across the Mediterranean basin. The following breeding parameters have been studied in 2007 and 2008 : dates of laying and hatching, clutch size and breeding success. The breeding population was estimated at 78 males and 26 females in 2007 and at 71 males and 22 females in 2008. Laying is recorded during a period of 9 to 11 weeks from late April to mid-July. A brood size of 3.2 ± 1.6 young (n = 17) was recorded in the first year of study and another of 3.9 ± 1.4 young (n = 37) in the second one. Young fledged between late June and early September. The data obtained in this study suggest that the White-headed Duck may be considered as a bird almost constant in terms of life-history traits in Algeria.La phénologie de la reproduction de l’Érismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala a été étudiée au lac Tonga, Parc national d’El Kala (Algérie), une zone humide d’importance internationale pour la nidification de l’espèce à l’échelle du bassin Méditerranéen. Les paramètres de la reproduction étudiés durant les années 2007 et 2008 furent les dates et périodes de ponte, la grandeur des nichées, le succès de reproduction et l’envol des jeunes. La population reproductrice a été estimée à 78 mâles et 26 femelles en 2007 et à 71 mâles et 22 femelles en 2008. La ponte s’étale de fin avril à la mi-juillet, sur une période allant de 9 à 11 semaines. La taille des nichées enregistrées fut de 3,2 ± 1,6 canetons (n = 17) pour la première année d’étude et de 3,9 ± 1,4 (n = 37) pour la seconde. L’envol des jeunes a lieu entre fin juin et début septembre. Les données obtenues au cours de cette étude suggèrent que l’Érismature à tête blanche est un oiseau relativement constant en termes de caractéristiques liées à la reproduction en Algérie.Lazli Amel, Boumezbeur Ammar, Perennou Christian, Moali Aissa. Biologie de la reproduction de l’Érismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala au lac Tonga (Algérie). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 66, n°3, 2011. pp. 255-265

    How do scoliotic women shrink throughout life?

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    International audienceSTUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study among a population of scoliotic and nonscoliotic women aged 40 years or more with low back pain from a spine rehabilitation unit. OBJECTIVES: (1) To test the hypothesis that scoliotic (SW) women shrink faster than nonscoliotic women (NSW) in adulthood. (2) To investigate the effects of age and curve progression in the scoliotic group, and to develop a model to assess the natural history of scoliosis and shrinkage. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Little is known about the decrease in body height in adult scoliotic patients. A simple method to help predict the future course of the curvature in patients without radiograph follow-up could help clinicians make treatment decisions. METHODS: Sixty SW and 40 NSW women matched for age, with no history of vertebral fracture or osteoporosis, were questioned about their peak body height and measured. Total spine radiographs were performed, and compared with previous images if available. Correlations between self-reported peak body height and current height, shrinkage, age, time since menopause, and the Cobb angle were searched for. In women with documented radiograph follow-up, correlations between shrinkage and progression of the Cobb angle were sought to develop a predictive model of curve progression. RESULTS: Average shrinkage in the SW was twice that in the NSW (5.1 +/- 3.5 vs. 2.3 +/- 0.7 cm, P < 0.001), had begun early in adulthood, was due to the combined effect of age and scoliosis, and was strongly associated with rotatory olisthesis. In the 17 women with radiograph follow-up (19.7 +/- 7.3 years), curve progression was closely related to shrinkage (r = 0.74; P < 0.001; y = 0.7 + 2.7x; SE = 0.42). This allowed us to generate prediction limits of the scoliosis for a given individual. CONCLUSION: Determination of shrinkage could provide a simple, noninvasive, and cheap method to monitor the natural history of scoliosis in adults. It could therefore be used in routine clinical practice to help make treatment decisions for patients with no documented radiograph follow-up

    Existing areas and past changes of wetland extent in the Mediterranean region: an overview

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    We quantified the amount of existing wetlands in the Mediterranean region as well as their losses in the past century. An estimated 18.5 ± 3.5 million ha of wetlands existed in c. 2000, one quarter of them consisting of artificial wetlands, including primarily reservoirs and ricefields. Past losses were estimated to represent c. 50% over the 20th century. Land-cover maps derived from the CORINE Land-Cover system were also used to test whether they could monitor total surface areas, surfaces by wetland types, or wetland losses, at the required scale.Nous avons quantifié la surface de zones humides existant en Méditerranée, ainsi que leurs pertes au cours du siècle passé. Environ 18,5 millions d’hectares (± 3,5 millions) existaient vers l’an 2000, dont environ un quart de zones humides artificielles, principalement des réservoirs et des rizières. Les pertes sont estimées à environ 50 % au cours du XXe siècle. Les cartes d’occupation du sol tirées de CORINE Land-Cover ont aussi été utilisées, afin de tester si elles permettraient de suivre, à l’échelle requise, la surface totale, la surface par type de zones humides, et la perte de ces milieux.Perennou Christian, Beltrame Coralie, Guelmami Anis, Tomàs Vives Pere, Caessteker Pierre. Existing areas and past changes of wetland extent in the Mediterranean region: an overview. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 38 n°2, 2012. pp. 53-66

    Map of wetlands of the PACA region.

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    <p>To the left, surface detected by the wetland indicator; to the right, inventory of wetlands.</p