228 research outputs found

    Genomic organization of the KTX2 gene, encoding a `short' scorpion toxin active on K+ channels

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    AbstractA single intron of 87 bp, close to the region encoding the C-terminal part of the signal peptide, was found in the gene of the `short' scorpion toxin kaliotoxin 2 of Androctonus australis acting on various types of K+ channels. Its A+T content was particularly high (up to 86%). By walking and ligation-mediated PCR, the promoter sequences of the kaliotoxin 2 gene of Androctonus australis were studied. The transcription unit of the gene is 390 bp long. Consensus sequences were identified. The genes of `short' scorpion toxins active on K+ channels are organized similarly to those of the `long' scorpion toxins active on Na+ channels and not like those of structurally related insect defensins, which are intronless

    Synthesis and characterization of polymers for nonlinear optical applications

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    International audienceA difunctional NLO Azo-Dye chromophore has been synthesized and polymerization has been performed with a comonomer bearing a side-chain epoxy group. Deposition of the polymer on glass substrates was performed by spin-coating, resulting in uniform films up to 2 µm thickness. The orientation of the chromophore was performed under a " pin-to-plane " positive corona discharge followed by a heat-treatment in order to obtain reticulation of the films. Molecular orientation has been investigated using UV-Vis. and Raman spectroscopy. Poling of the films results in a decay of absorbency as well as in a blue shift of the spectrum. At the same time, the 1600 cm-1 band disappears from the Raman spectra, indicating orientation of the chromophores. Cross-linking has been studied by FTIR and all-optical poling and showed an improved stability of the electro-optic thin films

    Large-scale Spacecraft Fire Safety Tests

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    An international collaborative program is underway to address open issues in spacecraft fire safety. Because of limited access to long-term low-gravity conditions and the small volume generally allotted for these experiments, there have been relatively few experiments that directly study spacecraft fire safety under low-gravity conditions. Furthermore, none of these experiments have studied sample sizes and environment conditions typical of those expected in a spacecraft fire. The major constraint has been the size of the sample, with prior experiments limited to samples of the order of 10 cm in length and width or smaller. This lack of experimental data forces spacecraft designers to base their designs and safety precautions on 1-g understanding of flame spread, fire detection, and suppression. However, low-gravity combustion research has demonstrated substantial differences in flame behavior in low-gravity. This, combined with the differences caused by the confined spacecraft environment, necessitates practical scale spacecraft fire safety research to mitigate risks for future space missions. To address this issue, a large-scale spacecraft fire experiment is under development by NASA and an international team of investigators. This poster presents the objectives, status, and concept of this collaborative international project (Saffire). The project plan is to conduct fire safety experiments on three sequential flights of an unmanned ISS re-supply spacecraft (the Orbital Cygnus vehicle) after they have completed their delivery of cargo to the ISS and have begun their return journeys to earth. On two flights (Saffire-1 and Saffire-3), the experiment will consist of a flame spread test involving a meter-scale sample ignited in the pressurized volume of the spacecraft and allowed to burn to completion while measurements are made. On one of the flights (Saffire-2), 9 smaller (5 x 30 cm) samples will be tested to evaluate NASAs material flammability screening tests. The first flight (Saffire-1) is scheduled for July 2015 with the other two following at six-month intervals. A computer modeling effort will complement the experimental effort. Although the experiment will need to meet rigorous safety requirements to ensure the carrier vehicle does not sustain damage, the absence of a crew removes the need for strict containment of combustion products. This will facilitate the first examination of fire behavior on a scale that is relevant to spacecraft fire safety and will provide unique data for fire model validation

    Use of Vibrio cholerae Vaccine in an Outbreak in Guinea

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    Producción CientíficaThe use of vaccines to prevent and control cholera is currently under debate. Shanchol is one of the two oral cholera vaccines prequalified by the World Health Organization; however, its effectiveness under field conditions and the protection it confers in the first months after administration remain unknown. The main objective of this study was to estimate the short-term effectiveness of two doses of Shanchol used as a part of the integrated response to a cholera outbreak in Africa. METHODS We conducted a matched case-control study in Guinea between May 20 and October 19, 2012. Suspected cholera cases were confirmed by means of a rapid test, and controls were selected among neighbors of the same age and sex as the case patients. The odds of vaccination were compared between case patients and controls in bivariate and adjusted conditional logistic-regression models. Vaccine effectiveness was calculated as (1-odds ratio) × 100. RESULTS Between June 8 and October 19, 2012, we enrolled 40 case patients and 160 controls in the study for the primary analysis. After adjustment for potentially confounding variables, vaccination with two complete doses was associated with significant protection against cholera (effectiveness, 86.6%; 95% confidence interval, 56.7 to 95.8; P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS In this study, Shanchol was effective when used in response to a cholera outbreak in Guinea. This study provides evidence supporting the addition of vaccination as part of the response to an outbreak. It also supports the ongoing efforts to establish a cholera vaccine stockpile for emergency use, which would enhance outbreak prevention and control strategies

    A new class of scorpion toxin binding sites related to an A-type K+ channel: pharmacological characterization and localization in rat brain

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    AbstractA new scorpion toxin (3751.8 Da) was isolated from the Buthus martensi venom, sequenced and chemically synthesized (sBmTX3). The A-type current of striatum neurons in culture completely disappeared when 1 μM sBmTX3 was applied (Kd=54 nM), whereas the sustained K+ current was unaffected. 125I-sBmTX3 specifically bound to rat brain synaptosomes (maximum binding=14 fmol mg−1 of protein, Kd=0.21 nM). A panel of toxins yet described as specific ligands for K+ channels were unable to compete with 125I-sBmTX3. A high density of 125I-sBmTX3 binding sites was found in the striatum, hippocampus, superior colliculus, and cerebellum in the adult rat brain

    A comparison of the physical and chemical differences between cancellous and cortical bovine bone mineral at two ages

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    To assess possible differences between the mineral phases of cortical and cancellous bone, the structure and composition of isolated bovine mineral crystals from young (1–3 months) and old (4–5 years) postnatal bovine animals were analyzed by a variety of complementary techniques: chemical analyses, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and 31P solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). This combination of methods represents the most complete physicochemical characterization of cancellous and cortical bone mineral completed thus far. Spectra obtained from XRD, FTIR, and 31P NMR all confirmed that the mineral was calcium phosphate in the form of carbonated apatite; however, a crystal maturation process was evident between the young and old and between cancellous and cortical mineral crystals. Two-way analyses of variance showed larger increases of crystal size and Ca/P ratio for the cortical vs. cancellous bone of 1–3 month than the 4–5 year animals. The Ca/(P + CO3) remained nearly constant within a given bone type and in both bone types at 4–5 years. The carbonate and phosphate FTIR band ratios revealed a decrease of labile ions with age and in cortical, relative to cancellous, bone. Overall, the same aging or maturation trends were observed for young vs. old and cancellous vs. cortical. Based on the larger proportion of newly formed bone in cancellous bone relative to cortical bone, the major differences between the cancellous and cortical mineral crystals must be ascribed to differences in average age of the crystals

    The effect of aluminium on twinning in binary alpha-titanium

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    The deformation mechanisms of binary Ti–Al model alloys (0–13.1 at.% Aluminium) have been investigated with respect to the twinning activity using in-situ loading in combination with neutron diffraction as well as detailed post mortem electron backscatter diffraction analysis. A consistent starting grain size and texture was generated for all alloys promoting tensile twinning during compression testing. Long-wavelength neutron diffraction and selected area diffraction transmission electron microscopy analysis were carried out to detect evidence of Aluminium ordering and Ti3Al formation.It was found that raising the Aluminium content in Titanium does first slightly enhance twinning, with {10View the MathML source2} tensile twinning being by far the dominant type, while the critical residual intergranular strains for twin initiation decreases. This suggests that either the lowering of stacking fault energy by Aluminium or its solute solution strengthening effect are important factors. At around 7 at.% Aluminium a turning point in twinning activity was noticed and a further increase in Aluminium did result in a dramatic loss of twinning activity particularly when the material had been exposed to an additional low temperature age. The dramatic decrease of twinning activity is strongly correlated with increasing evidence of short range ordering and also early signs of Ti3Al-formation in case of the highest Aluminium content. In addition, electron backscatter diffraction analysis revealed that the formation of Aluminium ordered zones do severely hinder growth of twin boundaries
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