15 research outputs found

    Ancylostoma ceylanicum

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    Although hookworm is highly prevalent in the Solomon Islands, the species involved are unknown. We initiated this study in response to finding Ancylostoma ceylanicum hookworm in a peacekeeper in Australia who had returned from the Solomon Islands. Kato-Katz fecal surveys performed in 2013 and 2014 in 2 village groups in East Malaita, Solomon Islands, identified hookworm-positive samples. These specimens were tested by cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox-1) gene multiplex PCR and sequenced. Of 66 positive specimens, 54 (81.8%) contained only Necator americanus, 11 (16.7%) contained only A. ceylanicum, and 1 (1.5%) contained both species. A. duodenale was not found. Haplotype analysis of cox-1 sequences placed all human isolates (99% bootstrap support) of A. ceylanicum within the zoonotic clade rather than the human-specific clade. This study confirms that A. ceylanicum is endemic in the East Malaita region of this Pacific Island nation. The strain of the A. ceylanicum in this region can be shared among humans, dogs, and cats

    Вплив стилю "мод" на формоутворення одягу водіїв скутерів у 1950-1970-х роках

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    The historical prerequisites of forming a ‘The Mods’ style in clothing are considered. The characteristic features and basic principles of forming the range of drivers' clothing are defined. Designers' collections have been considered and the main directions of development of ‘The Mods’ dress code highlighted. The results of a study of the transformation of the form of protective clothing for scooter drivers in the mid-twentieth century under the influence of ‘The Mods’ style, which first emerged in the United Kingdom, and subsequently spread to many countries around the world.Розглянуто історичні передумови формування стилю мод в одязі. Визначено характерні риси та основні принципи формування асортименту одягу водіїв. Розглянуто колекції дизайнерів та виділено основні напрямки розвитку стилю мод в одязі. Надано результати дослідження трансформації форми захисного одягу для водіїв скутерів у середині ХХ сторіччя під впливом стилю "мод", який вперше виник у Великій Британії, та згодом поширився у багатьох країнах світу

    Neuroendocrine differentiation in male breast carcinomas

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    The presence of neuroendocrine differentiation, as expressed by cellular chromogranin immunoreactivity, was investigated in paraffin‐embedded tissue material from 51 consecutive cases of male breast carcinoma. From six of these cases electron microscopic studies were included. Chromogranin‐immunoreactive cells were present in solid cords and delineated tubular structures. Ultrastructurally, dense core secretory granules could be detected. The expression of neuroendocrine differentiation was 45%, which is between two and eight times higher than reported for female breast carcinomas by other investigators. The present findings suggest that male breast carcinoma is an exclusive tumour disease showing both similarities and discrepancies when compared to its female counterpart