113 research outputs found

    L’image du coureur entre mythe et religion au XXIe siècle

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    La littérature sportive connait son essor au XXIe siècle, avec la publication de nombreux romans qui célèbrent les exploits sportifs et dévoilent un héros moderne qui rivalise avec les héros mythologiques. Dans cet article nous proposons de découvrir la place qu’occupe le sport dans la littérature du XXIème siècle en explorant le roman Courir, d’Echenoz (2008) et les écrits de Cécile Coulon intitulés Le cœur du Pélican (2015) et Petit éloge du running(2018). L’objectif de cette étude est de montrer le rapport qu’entretiennent le sport et la littérature au XXIe siècle et les diverses représentations des sportifs. Pour analyser ce corpus nous ferons appel à une approche mythocritique pour révéler les associations des images des sportifs contemporains aux figures mythiques antiques et bibliques

    Towards Conditions of philosophical innovation

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    يمثل الإبداع إنتاج بشري متواصل يبتغي تغيير الواقع في راهنه ومطارحات رهاناته،انطلاقا من المترسب والمتاح وصولا إلى المبتغى بتراكمات من التصحيحات والتصويبات المتسلسلة عبر التاريخ لثنايا ما يمكن للكائن العاقل أن يقدمه تجسيدا يفعل درجات الوعي مراحل إلى الأمام .ولئن ارتبطت العملية الإبداعية بالمستوى النفسي في منحاه العام  تبعا لشروط ودوافع ومرامي محددة بالواقع المادي؛فإن المعطى الفكري المجرد الذي يحوزه ويتطلبه التفلسف و تداعيات  أبعاده  النهائية التي ترتبط لا محالة بالوضع الحضاري ككل  و"الحاجة الحضارية الشاملة" التي تقتضي تعدد ميادين الإبداع والاستناد على المحرك العقلاني  لتوليد تقاطعات نظرية تلتقي الواقع  لتضبط مساره بناءا على مدى استجابتها المتعاطية مع مشكلاته ومتطلباته بحقبة معينة وبيئة خاصة.Innovation is a process of a continuous human production which aims at changing the reality, its in-time notions, its hypotheses as well as the challenges it should rise. It starts from the accumulated and accessible notions to reach its goal by use of many rectifications across history. Those rectifications deal with the depth of what the thinking being could produce to concretize a high level of awareness to make the humanity move forward. Since the process of innovation is tightly linked to the psychological side in its general tendency according to the conditions, motivations and goals defined by the physical world, the existed abstract thinking, which the philosophical thinking, its motivations as well as its final dimensions, own and require, and which is tightly linked to the whole civilizational reality and the global civilizational need that involve the innovation in multiple fields on the basis of the mind use to generate a theory that brings together the different sides of the reality so that it defines its path on the basis of the extent of the response to the problems and requirements of innovation in a particular period of time and in a precise environment

    Les défis de l’ouverture économique du Maroc sur le continent africain

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    Today, openness through trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) appears to be a catalyst for economic growth in emerging countries as well as in developed countries. Morocco, like other North African countries, has long chosen a liberal model of openness to African countries. This openness has been confirmed by the many free trade agreements signed with the African continent over the past decade. However, despite Morocco's efforts and progress in relations with the countries of our continent, Morocco's economic and financial relations with Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, are still relatively weak compared to the potential that can be mobilized. Improving these relations is one of the important levers for developing Morocco's economic competitiveness and strengthening its position at the international level, and requires the implementation of new strategies that meet the requirements of the international environment. In order to strengthen its presence on the African continent and improve its competitiveness, a set of strategies must be put in place to live up to expectations. Among the proposals to be considered, the following elements should be mentioned: The creation of joint-ventures with foreign companies having an investment strategy in Africa, developing transport infrastructures connecting Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa, Strengthening Moroccan industrial strategy, and finally consolidate Casablanca as a financial center and as a hub for Africa. In this article, we try to highlight the main challenges that hinder Morocco's openness to Africa, as well as Morocco's strategy to strengthen its position on the continent.     Jel classification : F 21 Paper type : Theoretical researchAujourd'hui, l'ouverture par le commerce et les investissements directs étrangers (IDE) apparaît comme un catalyseur de la croissance économique dans les pays émergents comme dans les pays développés. Le Maroc, comme d'autres pays d'Afrique du Nord, a depuis longtemps choisi un modèle libéral d'ouverture aux pays africains. Cette ouverture a été confirmée par les nombreux accords de libre-échange signés avec le continent africain au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, malgré les efforts et les progrès du Maroc dans les relations avec les pays de notre continent, les relations économiques et financières du Maroc avec l'Afrique, notamment l'Afrique sub-saharienne, sont encore relativement faibles par rapport au potentiel mobilisable. L'amélioration de ces relations est l'un des leviers importants pour développer la compétitivité économique du Maroc et renforcer sa position au niveau international, et nécessite la mise en œuvre de nouvelles stratégies répondant aux exigences de l'environnement international. Dans le but de renforcer sa présence sur le continent africain et améliorer sa compétitivité, un ensemble de stratégies doivent être mise en place pour être à la hauteur des attentes. Parmi les propositions à considérer, il y a lieu de citer les éléments suivants : La création des joints ventures avec les entreprises étrangères ayant une stratégie d’investissement en Afrique, développer les infrastructures de transport connectant le Maroc et l’Afrique subsaharienne, Le renforcement de la stratégie industrielle marocaine, et enfin consolider Casablanca comme place financière et comme hub pour l’Afrique. Dans cet article, nous tentons de mettre en lumière les principaux défis qui entravent l'ouverture du Maroc à l'Afrique, ainsi la stratégie du Maroc pour renforcer sa position sur le continent.     Classification JEL : F 21 Type d’article : Article théoriqu

    Enjeux de l’ouverture économique du Maroc dans la perspective du nouveau modèle de développement

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       Le modèle de développement adopté par le Maroc depuis les années 80, caractérisé parl’ouverture et la conduite de réformes structurelles, à la faveur de la conclusion de nombreuxaccords de libre-échange, a eu un impact important à la fois sur la profondeur stratégique dupays et sur l’attitude économique qui prévalait jusqu’alors. Cependant, malgré les bonnesperformances économiques réalisées, l’examen de la dynamique poursuivie par le Maroc faitressortir de manière claire des résultats très contrastés en termes de croissance et d’équilibresmacroéconomiques. Toutefois, cette ouverture devra de plus en plus être basée sur ladiversification à la fois de ses exportations et de ses débouchés. Dans ce présent article, on vaessayer de montrer le rôle majeur que peut jouer l’ouverture économique du Maroc,notamment sur le continent africain, pour remédier aux insuffisances du modèle dedéveloppement marocain

    Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by using Fusarium oxysporum and their therapeutic applications

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    Biological method has evolved to become an important field of nano-biotechnology due to its harmless nature, to be fast and cost-effective. Silver nanoparticles (SNPs) have been the research topic for their unique properties such as diagnosing, treating, and preventing various diseases in all aspects of human life. This work aimed to establish an extracellular and intracellular synthesis of SNPs from Fusarium oxysporum, focusing on evaluating their technological potential. The SNPs thus synthesized were visually characterized by the change of colour then confirmed by Ultra-violet (UV) Visible spectroscopy. The evaluation of the antimicrobial activity against Proteus mirabilis; Streptococcus bovis; Staphylococcus epidermidis; S. aureus; Salmonella typhi; Escherichia. coli and Candida albicans showed a very effective inhibitory with 18±0.66mm as a highest value. The antioxidant activity was tested using the DPPH method, and the synthesized nanoparticles recorded a remarkable percentage of free radical scavenges at 82,12 ± 0,42%, 70,46 ± 1,53% and 72,65 ± 1,33% for aqueous fungal extract, cell filtrate and biomass, respectively. The ability of the SNPs to detect hydrogen peroxide was illustrated by discoloration of the synthetic mixture, then confirmed by decreasing towards the disappearance of the characteristic peak. Finally, the photocatalytic performance was studied by the degradation of methylene blue. This activity showed a very interesting decrease in the peak intensity characteristic of this dye. In conclusion, synthesizing SNPs using F. oxysporium has proved their important technological property for the biological activities investigated

    Enumeration and identification of lactic microflora in Algerian goats’ milk

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    A total of 153 strains of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from Algerian goats’ milk. The strains were identified according to morphological, biochemical and physiological criteria, as well as the use of theAPI system and SDS-PAGE technique. Identification of the isolates revealed the presence of six genera: Enterococcus (41.82%), Lactobacillus (29.40), Lactococcus (19.60%), Leuconostoc (4.57%),Streptococcus thermophilus (3.26%) and Pediococcus (1.30%). The predominant strains belong to Enterococcus faecium (24 isolates), Enterococcus durans (22 isolates), Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis(25 isolates), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (9 isolates) and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (7 isolates)

    Fairness-Aware Inter-Slice Scheduler for IoT Services over Satellite

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    peer reviewedThis paper addresses the problem of scheduling the uplink bandwidth of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites among multiple Internet of Things (IoT) slices with diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The scheduling process involves twofold decisions the amount of bandwidth allocated and the allocation duration. Resource scheduling for satellite IoT services is challenging because of limited bandwidth availability during a satellite pass, especially for LEO satellites. Another challenge is to compute a fair allocation schedule for IoT services with different latency demands, packet transmission frequency, required data volume, and the number of IoT devices. To address these challenges, we propose a fairness-aware inter-slice scheduler for satellite IoT services in this work. The proposed scheduler computes service priority based on respective traffic demands. We propose two algorithms for the scheduler based on weighted greedy and Simulated Annealing (SA), respectively. The weighted greedy algorithm schedules the services greedily based on the priority order. The SA algorithm enhances the greedy solution by ensuring the allocated bandwidth is proportional to the respective priority values. The simulation results show that the proposed SA algorithm achieves up to 21.11% more proportional fairness than the Simulated Annealing and Monte Carlo (SA-MC) benchmark scheme

    Efficient Preamble Detection and Time-of-Arrival Estimation for Single-Tone Frequency Hopping Random Access in NB-IoT

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    The narrowband internet of things (NB-IoT) standard is a new cellular wireless technology, which has been introduced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) with the goal to connect massive low-cost, low-complexity and long-life IoT devices with extended coverage. In order to improve power efficiency, 3GPP proposed a new Random Access (RA) waveform for NB-IoT based on a single-tone frequencyhopping scheme. RA handles the first connection between user equipments (UEs) and the base station (BS). Through this, UEs can be identified and synchronized with the BS. In this context, receiver methods for the detection of the new waveform should satisfy the requirements on the successful user detection as well as the timing synchronization accuracy. This is not a trivial task, especially in the presence of radio impairments like carrier frequency offset (CFO) which constitutes one of the main radio impairments besides the noise. In order to tackle this problem, we propose a new receiver method for NB-IoT Physical Random Access Channel (NPRACH). The method is designed to eliminate perfectly the CFO without any additional computational complexity and supports all NPRACH preamble formats. The associated performance has been evaluated under 3GPP conditions. We observe a very high performance compared both to 3GPP requirements and to the existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of detection accuracy and complexity