64 research outputs found

    Ufficio: una lunga evoluzione/The Office: a long evolution

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    Da ambienti monotoni e ripetitivi il mondo dell’ufficio si è trasformato radicalmente. Gli spazi del lavoro sono diventati luoghi di scambio, di collaborazione informale, sorta di spazi pubblici vocati alla contaminazione delle idee e della parola. Imprenditori e progettisti raccontati attraverso i momenti decisivi della storia del design dell’ambiente di lavoro

    Il Centro Progetti Tecno. Dal clima partecipativo degli anni sessanta al design globale del nuovo millennio

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    “L’eleganza discreta della tecnica” è l’espressione che Giampiero Bosoni (2011) dedica alla storica azienda Tecno fondata da Osvaldo e Fulgenzio Borsani nel 1953 a Varedo (MI). L’innesto della componente tecnologica nel processo di definizione estetica e tipologica dell’elemento d’arredo diventa il principio fondante dell’azienda, che vede la figura di Osvaldo Borsani come deus ex machina della visione progettuale. Se pur sin dalla fondazione furono intrapresi importanti tentativi d’incontro con contributi progettuali esterni, i Borsani interpretavano il rapporto con il progettista ancora come una figura interna alla “bottega” creativa ereditato dall’esperienza svolta con l’ABV (Arredamenti Borsani Varedo.) Nella seconda metà degli anni sessanta gli architetti Valeria Borsani e Marco Fantoni propongono a Osvaldo Borsani di chiudere il ciclo delle firme personali nell’ambito dei contributi interni all’azienda e di attivare quello che era già, di fatto, un Centro Progetti Tecno (CPT), il quale viene “ufficialmente” istituito a partire dal 1970. L’articolo propone un approfondimento dedicato specificamente al CPT, lasciando la già ben documentata storia della Tecno alla ricca letteratura a essa dedicata (Gramigna & Irace, 1992; Colonetti, 1996; Bosoni, 2011), nel tentativo di ricostruire una storia lunga trent’anni e descriverne il sistema d’interrelazioni professionali attraverso documenti bibliografici, materiali d’archivio e interviste.“The discreet elegance of technique” is the expression dedicated by Giampiero Bosoni (2011) to the historic Tecno Company, founded by Osvaldo and Fulgenzio Borsani in 1953 in Varedo (MI). The introduction of the technological factor into the aesthetic and typological development of furniture became the founding principle of the company, where the deus ex machina of the design vision was Osvaldo Borsani. Though since they first founded the company, the Borsani brothers made significant efforts to work with independent designers, they still viewed the designer as an in-house member of the creative “workshop”, a legacy of their experience with ABV (Arredamenti Borsani Varedo). In the late sixties, architects Valeria Borsani and Marco Fantoni suggested that Osvaldo Borsani end the cycle of designer names on pieces developed within the company and to formalize what was already de facto the Tecno Design Center (CTP), which was officially instituted in 1970. This article presents a study devoted specifically to the CPT, leaving the well-documented history of Tecno to the wealth of dedicated literature (Gramigna & Irace, 1992; Colonetti, 1996; Bosoni, 2011), in an attempt to reconstruct its thirty-year history and to describe the system of professional interrelationships relying on bibliographical documents, materials from the archives and interviews

    MADEC: Exploring new methodologies to transfer material knowledge into design disciplines

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    Due to the increased complexity of materials and production processes, the responsibility of the development of a design is often left in the hands of technicians and production personnel. This lack of knowledge about materials thus effectively creates a barrier between the designer and the product. Bridging this gap represents a challenge to designers and especially to the design schools. (Bak-Andersen 2013, p.69) Designers cannot know everything but they can open their minds and develop a more conscious understanding of this new field of design practice starting from a cultural point of view. MADEC is a research group based in the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano in 2014 with the initial support provided by FARB founding (Fondi di Ateneo per la Riceca di Base), which deals with the relation between design and materials in design history and actuality. The center carries out researches on the “Italian Culture of Materials Design”, intended as the capacity of the Italian design to “interpret” materials and technologies to generate products and environments innovation. The main goal of MADEC is to develop vocational students’ and apprentices’ design-related competencies, integrating design into materials’ research and development, to better support commercial and societal applications benefiting from a cultural and multidisciplinary knowledge. This paper will report in particular two significant experiences carried on during the first year of MADEC: the e-journal issue “Italian Material Design: learning from history” and the open lectures cycle “The Ideas and the Matter”. The general project has been basically divided in four main activities: creating a open source on-line platform and a research and co-design network; enhancing academic papers and publications both concerning design history studies and contemporary topics; organizing transdisciplinary symposiums, workshops and seminars; participating to European projects seeking for collaboration between researches, designers and material suppliers and manufacturers. To the conclusion the paper will try to figure out the points of force and weakness of the research project and to trace future guidelines to improve its research and educational methodology

    Abet Laminati: il design delle superfici

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    Nel quadro di riferimento di questo numero, dedicato al rapporto tra la cultura dei materiali italiana e il mondo del design, una storia emblematica è quella della Abet Laminati. Una storia, soprattutto tra la fine degli anni settanta e gli anni ottanta, ampiamente descritta in relazione ai fenomeni del design italiano di quegli anni, su tutte quella del gruppo Memphis guidato da Ettore Sottsass. Quello che qui si vuole tracciare è un discorso più approfondito e completo di come, quando e attraverso quali personaggi, un’industria produttrice di materiali semilavorati come i laminati plastici, si sia evoluta fino a diventare un fenomeno così particolare e importante nella storia del design italiano. Analizzare come la modernità intrinseca di questo materiale sintetico, per il quale proprio la scelta di dirigenti lungimiranti, di voler evidenziarne l’identità di prodotto artificiale, ha condotto l’azienda alla collaborazione con artisti, designers e architetti, noti e meno noti, provocando una delle più vaste palestre di sperimentazione di design primario[1] degli ultimi sessant’anni. Questo è stato possibile attraverso il reperimento di materiali d’archivio inediti, interviste, e un corposo numero di fonti bibliografiche messe a confronto

    Detection of a novel bacterium of the genus Midichloria (family Midichloriaceae) in avian-borne Hyalomma marginatum ticks and their trans-Saharan migratory hosts

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    Introduction: Ticks are haematophagous ectoparasites of vertebrates habitually parasitizing avian species, which may contribute to tick dispersal across continents during migrations (Hasle 2013; Altizer et al., 2011). Midichloria bacteria can be transmitted to the vertebrate host during the tick bite (Bazzocchi et al., 2013; Serra et al., 2018). Although many avian species are common hosts of ticks harbouring Midichloria (e.g. Ixodes, Hyalomma), the circulation of this bacterium in birds has never been investigated. The aims of this study are: 1) evaluate the presence of Midichloria DNA in H. marginatum ticks and blood collected from trans-Saharan migratory birds; 2) quantify Midichloria bacteria in ticks through a novel quantitative PCR (qPCR).Material and methods: A total of 256 H. marginatum ticks and 97 blood samples were collected from three different migratory species (Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Saxicola rubetra and Sylvia communis) on Ventotene Island (Central Italy) and DNAs were extracted. A nested-PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Midichloria was used to detect bacterial presence. Subsequently, primers targeting the gyrB gene of Midichloria and the cal gene of H. marginatum were designed and used in a qPCR for Midichloria quantification. Results were expressed as gyrB/cal copy numbers ratio.Results and discussion: 94% of Hyalomma ticks harbored DNA of Midichloria belonging to the monophylum associated with ticks, while the bacterial DNA was detected in 44.3% of blood samples. Furthermore, engorged ticks showed significantly higher bacteria load than unengorged ticks (Table 1; Wilcoxon sum-rank test: z=3.14; p=0.0017), similarly to what has been observed for M. mitochondrii in I. ricinus ticks.Conclusions: This work provides evidence for the presence of circulating Midichloria DNA in long-distance migratory birds, suggesting an enhanced worldwide spread of these bacteria across haematophagous ectoparasite populations. Future studies are necessary to increase the knowledge of Midichloria role in the biology of this tick species

    The Design-driven Material Innovation Methodology

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    [EN] A new materials research scenario emerges from design field, where scientists, enterprises, inventors, creative communities, and material industries are becoming deeply engaged in the creative challenge to achieve material functionality and meanings ideas for disruptive innovation. Considering and integrating design methods, technological approaches and studies on innovation, the Material Design Culture Research Center (MADEC) of Politecnico di Milano developed in the last years a specific methodology able to manage the whole design process from tailor-made material to product systems, integrating different actors of innovation, enhancing capabilities of open explorations, and reducing the time-to-market for materials and products. This paper presents the DdMIM (Designdriven Material Innovation Methodology) as a systematic approach and strategic tool for research centers, design schools, practitioners and SMEs. A specific material could be a starting point of the process, but not only. What the method really tries to do is to let understand how to use technologies (and advanced materials) contextualizing them within a wider socio-cultural and economic scenario. After a brief forward of the method theoretical premises, this paper will analyzes the seven steps suggested by the methodology: Data collection, Sensing, Sensemaking, Envisioning, Specifying, Setting up, Placing. These phases are associated with a selection of case studies to help its comprehension. Actually the DdMIM is part of the “Design for Enterprises” the European training program for SMEs, started this year and operating for the next two years in order to help SMEs to enhance the capabilities for Design-Driven. In the “Design for Enterprises” training program the DdMIM is part of the module “Design for Materials”, and help enterprises to manage a design process for product and services innovation where different actors like materials scientists, suppliers, creative communities and consumers are getting engaged.Lecce, C.; Ferrara, M. (2016). The Design-driven Material Innovation Methodology. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 431-448. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3243OCS43144

    Effectiveness of the mechanical excitation applied to the olive paste: possible improving of the oil yield, in malaxation phase, by vibration systems

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    The mechanical vibrations characterized by a frequency lower than 200 Hz could promote the cells breakage and improve the oil extraction process by avoiding, at the same time, the negative effects on the commercial qualitative parameters due to the use of the heating during malaxation. Vibration tests were conducted by means of an electrodynamic shaker in order to find the optimal frequency levels of excitation, able to put in a resonant condition the olive paste. Sinusoidal accelerations at constant acceleration (120 m/s2), in a range between 5 and 200 Hz were explored. The 50 Hz and 80 Hz frequencies were able to put in resonant condition the olive paste. In the vibrated samples at 50 Hz (15 min of treatment), the maximum increment of the extraction efficiency (about 53% in comparison with the control), was observed. Further studies could be conducted in order to assess the synergic effect of the mechanical vibrations and the malaxation on the oil extraction efficiency, with the aim of reducing the time of the whole phase and avoiding changes in the oil quality traits

    Scalable software framework for real-time data processing in the railway environment

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    Background: Ticks are obligate haematophagous ectoparasites of vertebrates and frequently parasitize avian species that can carry them across continents during their long-distance migrations. Ticks may have detrimental effects on the health state of their avian hosts, which can be either directly caused by blood-draining or mediated by microbial pathogens transmitted during the blood meal. Indeed, ticks host complex microbial communities, including bacterial pathogens and symbionts. Midichloria bacteria (Rickettsiales) are widespread tick endosymbionts that can be transmitted to vertebrate hosts during the tick bite, inducing an antibody response. Their actual role as infectious/pathogenic agents is, however, unclear. Methods: We screened for Midichloria DNA African ticks and blood samples collected from trans-Saharan migratory songbirds at their arrival in Europe during spring migration. Results: Tick infestation rate was 5.7%, with most ticks belonging to the Hyalomma marginatum species complex. Over 90% of Hyalomma ticks harboured DNA of Midichloria bacteria belonging to the monophylum associated with ticks. Midichloria DNA was detected in 43% of blood samples of avian hosts. Tick-infested adult birds were significantly more likely to test positive to the presence of Midichloria DNA than non-infested adults and second-year individuals, suggesting a long-term persistence of these bacteria within avian hosts. Tick parasitism was associated with a significantly delayed timing of spring migration of avian hosts but had no significant effects on body condition, whereas blood Midichloria DNA presence negatively affected fat deposits of tick-infested avian hosts. Conclusions: Our results show that ticks effectively transfer Midichloria bacteria to avian hosts, supporting the hypothesis that they are infectious to vertebrates. Bird infection likely enhances the horizontal spread of these bacteria across haematophagous ectoparasite populations. Moreover, we showed that Midichloria and tick parasitism have detrimental non-independent effects on avian host health during migration, highlighting the complexity of interactions involving ticks, their vertebrate hosts, and tick-borne bacteria

    Prolonged higher dose methylprednisolone vs. conventional dexamethasone in COVID-19 pneumonia: a randomised controlled trial (MEDEAS)

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    Dysregulated systemic inflammation is the primary driver of mortality in severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Current guidelines favor a 7-10-day course of any glucocorticoid equivalent to dexamethasone 6 mg·day-1. A comparative RCT with a higher dose and a longer duration of intervention was lacking

    Defining Kawasaki disease and pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome-temporally associated to SARS-CoV-2 infection during SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy: results from a national, multicenter survey

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    Background: There is mounting evidence on the existence of a Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome-temporally associated to SARS-CoV-2 infection (PIMS-TS), sharing similarities with Kawasaki Disease (KD). The main outcome of the study were to better characterize the clinical features and the treatment response of PIMS-TS and to explore its relationship with KD determining whether KD and PIMS are two distinct entities. Methods: The Rheumatology Study Group of the Italian Pediatric Society launched a survey to enroll patients diagnosed with KD (Kawasaki Disease Group - KDG) or KD-like (Kawacovid Group - KCG) disease between February 1st 2020, and May 31st 2020. Demographic, clinical, laboratory data, treatment information, and patients' outcome were collected in an online anonymized database (RedCAPÂŽ). Relationship between clinical presentation and SARS-CoV-2 infection was also taken into account. Moreover, clinical characteristics of KDG during SARS-CoV-2 epidemic (KDG-CoV2) were compared to Kawasaki Disease patients (KDG-Historical) seen in three different Italian tertiary pediatric hospitals (Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS "Burlo Garofolo", Trieste; AOU Meyer, Florence; IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa) from January 1st 2000 to December 31st 2019. Chi square test or exact Fisher test and non-parametric Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test were used to study differences between two groups. Results: One-hundred-forty-nine cases were enrolled, (96 KDG and 53 KCG). KCG children were significantly older and presented more frequently from gastrointestinal and respiratory involvement. Cardiac involvement was more common in KCG, with 60,4% of patients with myocarditis. 37,8% of patients among KCG presented hypotension/non-cardiogenic shock. Coronary artery abnormalities (CAA) were more common in the KDG. The risk of ICU admission were higher in KCG. Lymphopenia, higher CRP levels, elevated ferritin and troponin-T characterized KCG. KDG received more frequently immunoglobulins (IVIG) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) (81,3% vs 66%; p = 0.04 and 71,9% vs 43,4%; p = 0.001 respectively) as KCG more often received glucocorticoids (56,6% vs 14,6%; p < 0.0001). SARS-CoV-2 assay more often resulted positive in KCG than in KDG (75,5% vs 20%; p < 0.0001). Short-term follow data showed minor complications. Comparing KDG with a KD-Historical Italian cohort (598 patients), no statistical difference was found in terms of clinical manifestations and laboratory data. Conclusion: Our study suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection might determine two distinct inflammatory diseases in children: KD and PIMS-TS. Older age at onset and clinical peculiarities like the occurrence of myocarditis characterize this multi-inflammatory syndrome. Our patients had an optimal response to treatments and a good outcome, with few complications and no deaths
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