11 research outputs found

    The Lichens and Bryophytes of the Clariana stream (Catalonia). New records for the Iberian Peninsula of two cryptic species of epiphytic microlichens

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    S’han identificat un total de 105 taxons: 81 líquens, 2 fongs liquenícoles i 22 briòfits (19 molses i 3 epàtiques). Tota aquesta diversitat es distribueix de forma desigual segons el substrat estudiat i les localitats prospectades. Segons el substrat, tenim 41 epífits, 33 saxícoles i 29 terrícoles. La localitat de les Guixeres, que té 57 tàxons, és la que presenta una major riquesa específica. Destaquem la presència dels líquens epífits Blastenia xerothermica Vondrák subsp. xerothermica i Lecanora sinuosa Van Herk & Aptroot, perquè representen noves per a la península Ibèrica.We have identified a total of 105 taxa: 81 lichens, 2 lichenicolous fungi and 22 bryophytes (19 mosses and 3 liverworts). All this diversity is distributed unevenly depending on the substrate and the localities prospected. According to the type of substrate, there are 41 epiphytes, 33 saxicolous and 29 terricolous. The locality of les Guixeres is the one with the highest specific richness with 57 taxa. We highlight the presence of two epiphytic lichens: Blastenia xerothermica Vondrák subsp. xerothermica and Lecanora sinuosa Van Herk & Aptroot, which represent new citations for the Iberian Peninsula

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Serranía de Ronda (Málaga-Cádiz),southern Spain

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    As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spain, a catalogue of 360 taxa is presented (336 lichens, 24 lichenicolous fungi). The list includes three new records for the Iberian Peninsula: Arthonia paretinaria, Micarea myriocarpa and Niesslia keissleri, 51new ones for the Autonomous Andalusian Community, and three and 81 new ones for the province of Cádiz and of Málaga, respectively. After these results, the total updated number of the province of Málaga rises to 556 lichens and lichenicolous fungi. The best represented lichen genus is Cladonia (18) with the most species, unlike Lecanora (15), Pertusaria (12), Physconia (12) and Collema (9). As regard habitat, most lichen species are mainly corticolous (55%), as opposed to saxicolous (24%), terricolous (14%) as the species growing on other lichens as lichenicolous fungi (7%). The percentages of lichen growth forms are mainly foliose (50%) and crustose (31%), while fruticose (7%), crustose squamulose (6%) and dimorphic (6%) are less represented. The lichen with a green photobiont (Chlorophyta 84%) predominates, while the cyanobacteria photobiont (15%) is less represented

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Serranía de Ronda (Málaga-Cádiz), southern Spain

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    As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spain, a catalogue of 360 taxa is presented (336 lichens, 24 lichenicolous fungi). The list includes three new records for the Iberian Peninsula: Arthonia paretinaria, Micarea myriocarpa and Niesslia keissleri, 51new ones for the Autonomous Andalusian Community, and three and 81 new ones for the province of Cádiz and of Málaga, respectively. After these results, the total updated number of the province of Málaga rises to 556 lichens and lichenicolous fungi. The best represented lichen genus is Cladonia (18) with the most species, unlike Lecanora (15), Pertusaria (12), Physconia (12) and Collema (9). As regard habitat, most lichen species are mainly corticolous (55%), as opposed to saxicolous (24%), terricolous (14%) as the species growing on other lichens as lichenicolous fungi (7%). The percentages of lichen growth forms are mainly foliose (50%) and crustose (31%), while fruticose (7%), crustose squamulose (6%) and dimorphic (6%) are less represented. The lichen with a green photobiont (Chlorophyta 84%) predominates, while the cyanobacteria photobiont (15%) is less represented

    Malformations of the craniocervical junction (chiari type I and syringomyelia: classification, diagnosis and treatment)

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    Chiari disease (or malformation) is in general a congenital condition characterized by an anatomic defect of the base of the skull, in which the cerebellum and brain stem herniate through the foramen magnum into the cervical spinal canal. The onset of Chiari syndrome symptoms usually occurs in the second or third decade (age 25 to 45 years). Symptoms may vary between periods of exacerbation and remission. The diagnosis of Chiari type I malformation in patients with or without symptoms is established with neuroimaging techniques. The most effective therapy for patients with Chiari type I malformation/syringomyelia is surgical decompression of the foramen magnum, however there are non-surgical therapy to relieve neurophatic pain: either pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Pharmacological therapy use drugs that act on different components of pain. Non-pharmacological therapies are primarly based on spinal or peripheral electrical stimulation

    BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera 2021: desenvolupament i espècies presents

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    En aquest article es fa la descripció de la tasca duta a terme durant el BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera dels dies 21 i 22 de maig de 2021 i es presenta el llistat despècies observades amb lobjectiu de facilitar que aquestes observacions es puguin integrar en les bases de dades públiques de biodiversitat.This paper lists the work carried out during the BioBlitz Serra Llarga-Secans de la Noguera on 21-22 May 2021. We present the list of observed species with the aim of facilitating that these observation could be integrated into public biodiversity databases

    ASSET project: assessing sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) efficiency to reduce urban runoff water contamination

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    Increase of population in the current climate change scenario requires to ensure the quality of groundwater available as well as to control possible incomes of pollution into the subsurface system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the current quality of groundwater and the risk of infiltration of surface contaminants into the aquifers customizing the DRASTIC method including potential flood areas and areas with high risk of surface pollution. Hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic data compiled and measured show the aquifer behavior and the main attenuation and degradation of contaminants. The vulnerability to contamination of Barcelona aquifers by direct surface contaminants is relatively low considering flood areas and traffic. However, there is a relevant area where this risk is relatively high. Nevertheless, it is required further analyses considering the drainage network of the city including as well the geometry of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) already installed. The knowledge of the aquifer hydrogeological characteristics and its quality together with the identification of vulnerable to contamination areas may lead to improve the installation of SUDS, reducing the input of contaminants through these infrastructures. The implementation of this methodology aims to facilitate water users and urban managers to control their potential negative effects on the receiving water body. In addition, the outcomes of its application may be used to optimize the groundwater management in the city.The authors thank the support from the Barcelona city council through the Award for Scientific Research into Urban Challenges in the City of Barcelona 2020 (reference codes: 21S04651, 21S04652 and 21S04653). The authors would like to thank the European Commission, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) for funding in the frame of the collaborative international consortium (URBANWAT) financed under the 2018 Joint call of the WaterWorks2017 ERA-NET Cofund. This ERA-NET is an integral part of the activities developed by the Water JPI. Additionally authors would also thank the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, for funding the project UNBIASED (Ref: RTI2018-097346-B-I00) under the 2018 call of the “Proyectos de I+D Retos Investigación”.Peer reviewe

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 22 Número 3-4

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    Ha fallecido el Prof. Dr . . D. Manuel Muñoz Taboadela.-- Ensayos con urea en cereales, por V. Hernando, L. Jimeno, A. Guerra, J. Rodríguez y C. Cadahía.-- Resultado comparativo de los análisis realizados por el Departamento de Bromatología y Nutrición Animal del C. S. I. C. como integrante de la cadena organizada por la Federación Europea de Zootecnia para la normalización de los métodos de análisis de los alimentos del ganado, por Gaspar González y Carlos Cosin.-- Acción del ácido clorhídrico sobre los minerales de la arcilla, por T. Fernández Alvares, J. García Vicente y A. Hernández Chesa.-- Estudio electroforético de la cloroplastina, por Angel Ortuño Martínez y Simón Navarro Blay.--Experiencias con fertilizantes en suelos gallegos (III), por María Ameijeiras, Benito Sánchez y Ramón Dios.-- El papel de la vegetación en la evolución de los suelos (III), por Ph. Duchaufour .—Notas. Audiencia de S. E. el Jefe del Estado al Comité Ejecutivo del C. S. I. C..-- D. Tomás Allende García-Baxter, presidente de la Hermandad Nacional de Labradores y Ganaderos.-- Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo.-- Conferencia del Pro f. Pochon.-- Cambio de nombre del Instituto de Edafología de Madrid y reorganización del Centro.-- Seminario sobre fertilización racional del suelo.-- Conferencia del Prof. W. Laatsch.-- Visita del Ministro de Educación Nacional al Centro de Edafología del Segura. 162 Conferencia del Dr. Boulaine.-- Conferencia del Dr. Monserrat Recoder .-- Conferencia sobre mejora genética de las plantas.-- Instituto de Orientación y Asistencia Técnica del OestePeer reviewe

    Checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sierra Nevada (Spain)

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    A checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sierra Nevada (Granada, southeast Spain) is presented, fruit of the collecting field trip carried out by the Spanish Lichen Society (SEL), complemented with literature references. The authors identified 194 taxa (171 lichens and 23 lichenicolous fungi). As a result of these identifications, 46 lichens and nine lichenicolous fungi are reported for the first time in Sierra Nevada. To date, the catalogue includes 551 taxa (528 lichens and 23 lichenicolous fungi). We confirm both the scarce presence of terricolous lichens in the cryoromediterranean belt and the absence of alpine belt terricolous lichens

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Serranía de Ronda (Málaga-Cádiz), southern Spain

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    As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spain, a catalogue of 360 taxa is presented (336 lichens, 24 lichenicolous fungi). The list includes three new records for the Iberian Peninsula: Arthonia paretinaria, Micarea myriocarpa and Niesslia keissleri, 51new ones for the Autonomous Andalusian Community, and three and 81 new ones for the province of Cádiz and of Málaga, respectively. After these results, the total updated number of the province of Málaga rises to 556 lichens and lichenicolous fungi. The best represented lichen genus is Cladonia (18) with the most species, unlike Lecanora (15), Pertusaria (12), Physconia (12) and Collema (9). As regard habitat, most lichen species are mainly corticolous (55%), as opposed to saxicolous (24%), terricolous (14%) as the species growing on other lichens as lichenicolous fungi (7%). The percentages of lichen growth forms are mainly foliose (50%) and crustose (31%), while fruticose (7%), crustose squamulose (6%) and dimorphic (6%) are less represented. The lichen with a green photobiont (Chlorophyta 84%) predominates, while the cyanobacteria photobiont (15%) is less represented