988 research outputs found

    A historical study of four famous Western gunfighters

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    In any argument that might arise concerning the question of who were the greatest gunfighters of all time, the qualifications of four men to this hallowed position will never be questioned. Indeed, the names of Billy the Kid (Henry McCarty), Wyatt Earp, John Henry Doc Holliday, and William Barclay Bat Masterson, have become symbols for the turbulent and lawless days of the 1870\u27s and 1880\u27s in the South­west. In addition each man has been raised to a position alongside Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill in the evolution of the great American legend. What were those men really like? Is their story actually as colorful and mythical as it has been made to appear? The very nature of the West with its tendency to exaggerate an actual happening and to give its inhabitants a somewhat glorified position must in part shut the door to the answers to the above questions In addition to the problem of validity of the sources writers of\u27 western history must plow through the enormous amount or material written on the West. The writings and writers, themselves, for the most part, can be classified into three categories. One school has sought to portray only the finer points or a gunfighter\u27s life. The subject is seen not as a superman but rather as one who was justified in every action that he undertook. A second group or writers takes the exact opposite approach, that of emphasizing only the evil deeds and maliciousness which surrounded tho life of the gunfighter. Still a third class has concerned itself not merely with sticking to actual situations as far as they are known but rather to make the subject under consideration into a western legend. With few exceptions the treatment of Messrs. McCarty, Earp, Holliday, and Masterson has fallen into one and not more than two or these classifications. The true picture of these men or the frontier seems to defy historical writing. For this reason this study is undertaken. The full and complete biographies of these four men are beyond the scope of this work. The study seeks rather to evaluate what has been written about these four controversial figures in the hope that a more complete man will emerge. The combining of the three categories aforementioned will be used in attempting to set down the rourth considera­tion -- the real gunfighter. The biography of each man is comprehensive only in that it seeks to introduce human being to the western scene. This study in treating these men will be primarily interested in the life of each man during the 1870\u27s and 1880\u27s when the West was in its turbulent, lawless, and transitory stage. Early life and subsequent death will be considered only in so far as it may throw some light on the nature of the gunfighter, and in order to give the biography a unity

    Evaporation of Primordial Black Holes in the Early Universe: Mass and Spin Distributions

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    Many cosmological phenomena lead to the production of primordial black holes in the early Universe. These phenomena often create a population of black holes with extended mass and spin distributions. As these black holes evaporate via Hawking radiation, they can modify various cosmological observables, lead to the production of dark matter, modify the number of effective relativistic degrees of freedom, NeffN_{\rm eff}, source a stochastic gravitational wave background and alter the dynamics of baryogenesis. We consider the Hawking evaporation of primordial black holes that feature non-trivial mass and spin distributions in the early Universe. We demonstrate that the shape of such a distribution can strongly affect most of the aforementioned cosmological observables. We outline the numerical machinery we use to undertake this task. We also release a new version of FRISBHEE that handles the evaporation of primordial black holes with an arbitrary mass and spin distribution throughout cosmic history.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Numerical codes released in https://github.com/yfperezg/frisbhe

    Radiotherapy optimAl Design: An Academic Radiotherapy Treatment Design System

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    Optimally designing radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments to increase the likelihood of a successful recovery from cancer is an important application of operations research. Researchers have been hindered by the lack of academic software that supports head-to-head comparisons of different techniques, and this article addresses the inherent difficulties of designing and implementing an academic treatment planning system. In particular, this article details the algorithms and the software design of Radiotherapy optimAl Design (RAD)

    Antihypertensive treatment decreases arterial stiffness at night but not during the day. Results from the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial

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    The main Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET) demonstrated a very marked reduction in cardiovascular events by treating hypertensive participants 80 years or older with a low dose, sustained release prescription of indapamide (indapamide SR, 1.5 mg) to which was added a low dose of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in two-thirds of cases (perindopril 2–4 mg). This report from the ambulatory blood pressure sub-study investigates whether changes in arterial stiffness and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) could both explain the benefits observed in the main trial. A total of 139 participants were randomized to placebo [67] and to active treatment [72] and had both day and night observations of BP and arterial stiffness as determined from the Q wave Korotkoff diastolic (QKD) interval. The QKD interval was 5.6 ms longer (p = 0.017) in the actively treated group at night than in the placebo group. This was not true for the more numerous daytime readings so that 24-h results were similar in the two groups. The QKD interval remained longer at night in the actively treated group even when adjusted for systolic pressure, heart rate and height. The reduced arterial stiffness at night may partly explain the marked benefits observed in the main trial

    Station report on the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) 1.2 meter telescope facility

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    The 1.2 meter telescope system was built for the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in 1973-74 by the Kollmorgen Corporation as a highly accurate tracking telescope. The telescope is an azimuth-elevation mounted six mirror Coude system. The facility has been used for a wide range of experimentation including helioseismology, two color refractometry, lunar laser ranging, satellite laser ranging, visual tracking of rocket launches, and most recently satellite and aircraft streak camera work. The telescope is a multi-user facility housed in a two story dome with the telescope located on the second floor above the experimenter's area. Up to six experiments can be accommodated at a given time, with actual use of the telescope being determined by the location of the final Coude mirror. The telescope facility is currently one of the primary test sites for the Crustal Dynamics Network's new UNIX based telescope controller software, and is also the site of the joint Crustal Dynamics Project / Photonics Branch two color research into atmospheric refraction

    A knowledge based framework to support active aging at home based environments

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    Information and Communication Technologies can support Active Aging strategies in a scenario like the Smart Home. This paper details a person centered distributed framework, called TALISMAN+, whose aim is to promote personal autonomy by taking advantage of knowledge based technologies, sensors networks, mobile devices and internet. The proposed solution can support an elderly person to keep living alone at his house without being obliged to move to a residential center. The framework is composed by five subsystems: a reasoning module that is able to take local decisions at home in order to support active aging, a biomedical variables telemonitorisation platform running on a mobile device, a hybrid reasoning middleware aimed to assess cardiovascular risk in a remote way, a private vision based sensor subsystem, and a secure telematics solution that guarantees confidentiality for personal information. TALISMAN+ framework deployment is being evaluated at a real environment like the Accessible Digital Home

    Book Reviews

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    Book reviews of: William F. Winter and the New Mississippi: A Biography. By Charles C. Bolton Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. Pp. vii, 368. Illustrations, map, acknowledgements, notes, index. 35.00cloth.ISBN:9781617037870.BornofConviction:WhiteMethodistsandMississippisClosedSociety.ByJosephT.Reiff.(NewYork:OxfordUniversityPress,2016.Acknowledgements,illustrations,map,notes,index.Pp.xxi,384.35.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781617037870. Born of Conviction: White Methodists and Mississippi’s Closed Society. By Joseph T. Reiff. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Acknowledgements, illustrations, map, notes, index. Pp. xxi, 384. 35 Hardcover. ISBN: 9780190246815). In Katrina’s Wake: The U.S. Coast Guard and the Gulf Coast Hurricanes of 2005. By Donald L. Canney. (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2010. Foreword, notes, index. Pp. xv, 228. 27.50cloth.)Slavery,RaceandConquestintheTropic:Lincoln,DouglasandtheFutureofAmerica.ByRobertE.May.(NewYork:CambridgeUniversityPress,2013.Acknowledgements,illustrations,maps,notes,index.Pp.xi,296.27.50 cloth.) Slavery, Race and Conquest in the Tropic: Lincoln, Douglas and the Future of America. By Robert E. May. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Acknowledgements, illustrations, maps, notes, index. Pp. xi, 296. 80 cloth, 26.99paper,26.99 paper, 22 e-book. ISBN: 9780521132527.) Rivers of Sand: Creek Indian Emigration, Relocation, and Ethnic Cleansing in the American South. By Christopher D. Haveman. (Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2016. Illustrations, preface, acknowledgments, notes on terminology, index. Pp. ix, 414. Trouble in Goshen: Plain Folk, Roosevelt, Jesus, and Marx in the Great Depression. By Fred C. Smith (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Acknowledgements, illustrations, map notes, index. Pp. xi, 214. 60.00cloth.ISBN:9781617039560.)BuildersofaNewSouth:Merchants,Capital,andtheRemakingofNatchez,18651914.ByAaronD.Anderson(Jackson:UniversityPressofMississippi,2013.Acknowledgments,illustrations,photographs,notes,graphics,index.Pp.279.60.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781617039560.) Builders of a New South: Merchants, Capital, and the Remaking of Natchez, 1865-1914. By Aaron D. Anderson (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. Acknowledgments, illustrations, photographs, notes, graphics, index. Pp. 279. 40 cloth. ISBN: 978-1- 61703-667-5.) Adventurism and Empire: The Struggle for Mastery in the Louisiana- Florida Borderlands 1762-1803. By David Narrett. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Acknowledgements, illustrations, notes, index. Pp. xi, 365. 45cloth,45 cloth, 44.99 e-book. ISBN: 978-1-4696-1833-3.) Empty Sleeves: Amputation in the Civil War South. By Brian Craig Miller. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015. Illustrations, acknowledgments, appendix, notes, index. Pp. xvi, 257. 79.95cloth,79.95 cloth, 29.95 paper. ISBN: 0820343327.) Signposts: New Directions in Southern Legal History. By Sally E. Hadden and Patricia Hagler Minter, eds. (Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 2013. Acknowledgements, illustrations, index. Pp. xi, 480. 69.95cloth,69.95 cloth, 26.95 paper, 26.95ebook.ISBN:9780820344997.)TheColorofChrist:TheSonofGodandtheSagaofRaceinAmerica.ByEdwardJ.BlumandPaulHarvey.(ChapelHill:UniversityofNorthCarolinaPress,2012.Pp.325.26.95 ebook. ISBN: 978-0-8203-4499-7.) The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America. By Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012. Pp. 325. 32.50 Cloth. ISBN: 9780807835722.