232 research outputs found

    Vivencias de un grupo de personas adultas mayores con consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas: una realidad invisibilizada desde una perspectiva gerontológica

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    Introducción. El número de personas adultas mayores a nivel internacional y en el territorio costarricense va incrementando, según menciona el I Informe de la situación de las personas adultas mayores de Costa Rica (ESPAM) (2008) ―De acuerdo con las proyecciones de población vigentes en el país, aumenta el número de personas que cada año cumplen 65 años. En consecuencia, en el 2025 aproximadamente el número de personas adultas mayores se proyecta a 600 mil y en el 2050 es algo más de un millón 200 mil‖ (Cap. 2; p.11). Lo anteriormente citado, unido a los datos reportados, según Bermúdez (2016) por la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL) en ese mismo año: ―Costa Rica lidera la carrera de la esperanza de vida en América Latina. Es el país con la mayor cantidad de años en la región (79,6) y es el primero en sobrepasar la barrera de los 80 años, en el período entre el 2015 y el 2020‖ (Recuperado el 13 de junio, 2016 en: gobierno.cr/costa-rica-lidera-carrera-por-esperanza-de-vida-de-80-años-en-america-latina/), forja un llamado de urgencia ante esta realidad y es uno de los motivos para realizar la presente investigación. Actualmente las drogas ilícitas, están siendo consumidas por las personas adultas mayores y su prevalencia está aumentando. Luego, por el consumo, aparecen las complicaciones clínicas y sociales que se constituyen en un problema de salud pública. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de sus respuestas al tratamiento para la dependencia de estas sustancias. Además, la medición de resultados y su gravedad en esta población no se ha abordado, lo que conlleva a no conocer los efectos interactivos del consumo de drogas y la edad, el envejecimiento y la interacción con el sistema de salud, lo que llama a dar una respuesta a la relación entre envejecimiento, adicción a las drogas, género y salud. Objetivo general: Comprender las vivencias de las personas adultas mayores a lo largo de la vida en relación con el consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas. Objetivos específicos: 1. Conocer el significado de las vivencias en relación con el consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas de las personas adultas mayores participantes. 2. Identificar los pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones que se generan de las vivencias de las personas adultas mayores en relación con el consumo problemático de sustancias psicoactivas. 3. Construir lineamientos con perspectiva gerontológica para el abordaje del consumo problemático de sustancias en la persona adulta mayor. El referente metodológico utilizado corresponde al paradigma naturalista-humanista, con un abordaje cualitativo y un diseño hermenéutico interpretativo. Consideraciones finales: Dentro de los factores de riesgo encontrados se encuentran las vivencias bajo condiciones precarias de existencia, entre ellas: la pobreza desde edades tempranas, relaciones familiares inestables y conflictivas, el desempleo, el maltrato familiar y social. Con relación al significado, este no es verbalizado explícitamente. El cual se logra extraer desde la discusión del mundo vivido; confiriéndoles tres grandes significados: como hábito aprendido, carrera y conducta adictiva. Este significado determinó sus pensares y sus sentires. Prevalecen los pensamientos de introspección. Y la edad (ser adulto mayor) parece ser un factor que determina o les favorece para mantenerse en sobriedad y en el camino de su recuperación.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Interdisciplinarias::Maestría Académica en Gerontologí

    Quality and antioxidant properties of whole and fresh cut 'Cherry' peppers during storage at 10 °C

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    Changes on quality and antioxidant properties of whole and fresh cut (without the core) peppers (Capsicum annuum, L. cv. ‘Cherry’), stored for 10 days at 10ºC in PET trays covered with PVC film were studied. During the storage their general appearance, fungal decay, color, respiration rate, sugar content and firmness were evaluated. Changes on carotenoids, total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity were also studied. Immediately after cutting and throughout the storage, an increase in respiration rate was found. No differences in color evolution were observed during storage between whole and fresh cut fruits. There were no differences in firmness, total sugars and carotenoids between whole and cut fruits either. Total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity did not change largely in both intact and without core peppers during the experiences. However at the end of the storage period (10 days), whole pepper fruit displayed good general appearance and overall higher quality than de-cored fruit. Results suggest that Cherry peppers could be marketed as fresh-cut peppers in the type of without core fruits, although they would be only stored for 6-7 days at 10ºC.Changes on quality and antioxidant properties of whole and fresh cut (without the core) pep- pers (Capsicum annuum, L. cv. ‘Cherry’), stored for 10 days at 10ºC in PET trays covered with PVC film were studied. During the storage their general appearance, fungal decay, color, respiration rate, sugar content and firmness were evaluated. Changes on carotenoids, total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity were also studied. Immediately after cutting and throughout the storage, an in- crease in respiration rate was found. No differences in color evolution were observed during storage between whole and fresh cut fruits. There were no differences in firmness, total sugars and carotenoids between whole and cut fruits either. Total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity did not change largely in both intact and without core peppers during the experiences. However at the end of the storage period (10 days), whole pepper fruit displayed good general appearance and overall higher quality than de-cored fruit. Results suggest that Cherry peppers could be marketed as fresh-cut peppers in the type of without core fruits, although they would be only stored for 6-7 days at 10ºC

    Quality and antioxidant properties of whole and fresh cut 'Cherry' peppers during storage at 10 °C

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    Changes on quality and antioxidant properties of whole and fresh cut (without the core) peppers (Capsicum annuum, L. cv. ‘Cherry’), stored for 10 days at 10ºC in PET trays covered with PVC film were studied. During the storage their general appearance, fungal decay, color, respiration rate,sugar content and firmness were evaluated. Changes on carotenoids, total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity were also studied. Immediately after cutting and throughout the storage, an increase in respiration rate was found. No differences in color evolution were observed during storage between whole and fresh cut fruits. There were no differences in firmness, total sugars and carotenoids between whole and cut fruits either. Total phenols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity did not change largely in both intact and without core peppers during the experiences. However at the end of the storage period (10 days), whole pepper fruit displayed good general appearance and overall higher quality than de-cored fruit. Results suggest that Cherry peppers could be marketed as fresh-cut peppers in the type of without core fruits, although they would be only stored for 6-7 days at 10ºC.Se estudiaron los cambios de calidad y propiedades antioxidantes de pimientos (Capsicum annuum, L. cv ‘Cherry’) enteros y descorazonados, conservados a 10ºC durante 10 días en bandejas PET cubiertas con film de PVC. Durante ese periodo se evaluó la apariencia general, color, actividad respiratoria, contenido de azúcares totales y firmeza de los frutos, así como también las modificaciones en el contenido de carotenoides y fenoles totales, ácido ascórbico y capacidad antioxidante. Inmediatamente después del corte y a lo largo del almacenamiento, se notó un incremento de la actividad respiratoria. El color superficial prácticamente no varió y no se observaron diferencias significativas entre frutos enteros y descorazonados en la firmeza, contenido de azúcares totales y carotenoides. En pimientos enteros y descorazonados los contenidos de fenoles totales, ácido ascórbico y capacidad antioxidante, no variaron notoriamente durante el almacenamiento. Sin embargo, al finalizar la experiencia (10 días), los frutos enteros presentaron una apariencia general buena y mayor calidad global que los pimientos descorazonados. Los resultados sugieren que el pimiento Cherry podría comercializarse como pimiento fresco cortado en la forma descorazonada, aunque debería almacenarse por sólo 6-7 días a 10ºC.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Pequi-flavored yogurt and kefir: development, characterization and sensory evaluation

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    In Brazil, the consumption of milk derivatives, especially fermented milks, have shown steady growth in the last decade, with an increase that can be associated with its high nutritional value and good acceptance by the population in general. This study aimed to develop, characterize, and assess the acceptability and purchase intention of yogurt and Kefir with pequi jam. We characterized the products and the pequi jam regarding the composition and microbiological quality according to the Brazilian legislation. The post-acidification was determined at 1, 7, 14, 28, and 35 days of refrigerated storage. The acceptability and purchase intention of the products were assessed on a structured 9-point hedonic scale and a five-point mixed scale, respectively. Both products met the physicochemical and microbiological standards established by the legislation, except for the viability of BAL, with yogurt counts lower than 107 CFU/g at 35 days of refrigerated storage. The total dry extract content of the Kefir and the yogurt were significantly different, while the other physicochemical characteristics did not differ. The pequi jam showed to preserve the characteristics of the fruit compared with the fruit in natura and met the microbiological standards, thus being harmless to health. During the refrigerated storage, the Kefir differed significantly from the yogurt, presenting lower pH and higher acidity. Over the 35-day refrigerated storage, the acidity of the yogurt did not vary significantly, with an average value of 0.77% of lactic acid, while Kefir tended to a higher acidity, with an increase of 0.29% of lactic acid. The pH of the products did not differ throughout the storage time, with an average value independent of the products of 4.25 pH units. The sensory evaluation pointed out that the products differed significantly concerning the attributes of appearance, flavor, texture, and purchase intention. The pequi candy proved to be an option for flavor diversification of fermented milks, and the pequi fruit can be used to value the Cerrado biome, with products that met the standards established by the Brazilian legislation and showed good acceptability and purchase intention

    Estrategia pedagógica de formación docente desde una perspectiva desarrolladora

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    Training from a developmental perspective allows the use of the potential of an individual to generate transformations in their learning, giving it a conception that breaks obstacles and generates positive changes in the processes. Very important approach to achieve the improvement of teaching. In this article we present partial results of an investigation on a pedagogical strategy of teacher training oriented to developer learning. The structural and functional components of the strategy and their interrelations are presented from a holistic vision and were collectively built in the dialectic between theory and practice, with emphasis on participatory action research. It is the result of a teacher education from the Vigotskian cultural historical approach and the significant learning of Ausubel.Una formación desde una perspectiva desarrolladora permite utilizar las potencialidades de un individuo para generar transformaciones en su aprendizaje, dotándolo de una concepción que rompa obstáculos y genere cambios positivos en los procesos. Enfoque muy importante para lograr el perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza. En el presente artículo se exponen resultados parciales de una investigación sobre una estrategia pedagógica de formación docente orientada al aprendizaje desarrollador. Los componentes estructurales y funcionales de la estrategia y sus interrelaciones se presentan, desde una visión holística y fueron construidos colectivamente en la dialéctica entre teoría y práctica, con énfasis en la investigación de acción participativa. Es el resultado de una formación docente desde el enfoque histórico cultural vigotskiano y el aprendizaje significativo de Ausubel


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    O presente artigo tem como propósito apresentar a evolução histórica do papel da mulher no mercado de trabalho. Para compreender como se chegou ao quadro que se tem hoje, faz-se mister analisar o que se entendia por igualdade na antiguidade e como este conceito reforçou o modelo androcêntrico de sociedade. Em seguida, busca-se entender a importância do feminismo na luta contra o patriarcado para que seja atingida a igualdade de gênero em vários aspectos, inclusive o trabalhista. Assim, apresentar-se-á a forma como as mulheres vêm sendo tratadas nas relações de trabalho, observando se a discriminação perdura ou se foi suprimida

    Caracterización de la línea del semillero de investigación “inclusión-discapacidad”: la experiencia del Centro de Gestión de Mercados, Logística y TI

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    Este documento presenta la caracterización de la línea de investigación del semillero de inclusión-discapacidad y las Sublíneas del Centro de Gestión de Mercados, Logística y TI del SENA relacionada con áreas transversales. Esta caracterización proyecta enlazar e implementar las actividades, acciones y proyectos de investigación que puedan comunicar los productos y resultados de acciones de investigación. A su vez poder ofrecer alternativas a problemáticas de la población y necesidades empresariales de los diferentes sectores y contar con referentes para la toma de decisiones frente a la discapacidad. Esta caracterización se presenta como artículo de reflexión desde una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa, se utiliza una metodología descriptiva iniciando con un reconocimiento teórico de la importancia de la investigación educativa, la discapacidad y dificultades para acceder a oportunidades de formación y educación. En segundo lugar, se describe la relación de la línea con el Sistema de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico del SENA- SENNOVA, las necesidades actuales del sector empresarial y casos exitoso, identificando posibles enfoques y temas importantes de investigación para la inclusión y la discapacidad. Por último, una descripción de experiencia exitosa del centro de formación que generaron la necesidad e importancia de realizar investigación, finalmente se identifican las Sublíneas que permitirán dar soluciones a necesidades en la Formación Profesional Integral-FPI que generen impacto a la población con discapacidad y a su vez permita construir conocimientos y aportar a la inclusión en la formación y vinculación laboral

    Correlates of sedentary time in children: a multilevel modelling approach

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    BACKGROUND: Sedentary behaviour (SB) has been implicated as a potential risk factor for chronic disease. Since children spend most of their awake time in schools, this study aimed to identify individual- and school-level correlates of sedentary time using a multilevel approach, and to determine if these correlates have a similar effect in normal weight (NW) and overweight/obese (O/O) children. METHODS: Sample comprised 686 Portuguese children aged 9-10 years from 23 schools that took part in the ISCOLE project. Actigraph GT3X + accelerometers were used 24 hours/day for 7 days to assess sedentary time (daily minutes <100 counts/min); BMI was computed and WHO cut-points were used to classify subjects as NW or O/O. Sex, BMI, number of siblings, family income, computer use on school days, and sleep time on school days were used as individual-level correlates. At the school level, school size (number of students), percentage of students involved in sports or physical activity (PA) clubs, school promotion of active transportation, and students’ access to equipment outside school hours were used. All multilevel modelling analysis was done in SPSS, WINPEPI, and HLM. RESULTS: School-level correlates explain ≈ 6.0% of the total variance in sedentary time. Results (β ± SE) showed that boys (-30.85 ± 5.23), children with more siblings (-8.56 ± 2.71) and those who sleep more (-17.78 ± 3.06) were less sedentary, while children with higher family income were more sedentary (4.32 ± 1.68). At the school level, no variable was significantly correlated with sedentary time. Among weight groups, variables related to sedentary time in NW were sex, sleep time and family income, while in O/O sex, number of siblings and sleep time were significant correlates. No school-level predictors were significantly associated in either of the weight groups. CONCLUSION: Notwithstanding the relevance of the school environment in the reduction of children’s sedentary time, individual and family characteristics played a more relevant role than the school context in this study

    Intimate partner violence identified through routine antenatal screening and maternal and perinatal health outcomes

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    Background: This study investigated the association between intimate partner violence (IPV) identified on routine prenatal screening and perinatal outcomes for mother and infant. Methods: Routinely collected perinatal data for a cohort of all women and their infants born in public health facilities in Sydney (Australia) over the period 2014-2016 (N = 52,509) were analysed to investigate the risk of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with a history of IPV. The association between an affirmative response on prenatal IPV screening and low birth weight (LBW) < 2.5 kg, preterm birth < 37 weeks, breastfeeding indicators and postnatal depressive symptoms (PND) was investigated in a series of logistic regression models. Results: IPV was associated with an increased risk of PND (OR = 2.53, 95% CI 1.76-3.63), not breastfeeding at birth (OR = 1.65, 95% CI 1.30-2.09), non-exclusive breastfeeding at discharge (OR = 1.66, 95% CI 1.33-2.07) and first post-natal visit (OR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.24-1.91). Self-reported fear of a partner was strongly associated with an increased risk of PND (OR = 3.53, 95% CI 2.50-5.00), and also LBW (OR = 1.58, 95% CI 1.12-2.22), preterm birth (OR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.08-1.76), lack of early initiation of breastfeeding (OR = 1.67, 95% CI 1.28-2.17), non-exclusive breastfeeding at discharge from hospital (OR = 1.60, 95% CI 1.24-2.06) and at the first post-natal visit (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 0.99-3.04). Conclusions: IPV reported at the time of pregnancy was associated with adverse infant and maternal health outcomes. Although women may be disinclined to report IPV during pregnancy, universal, routine antenatal assessment for IPV is essential for early identification and appropriate management to improve maternal and newborn health

    Quanto o produtor rural gasta com suas máquinas agrícolas?

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O projeto pretende levantar os gastos que os agricultores têm com a realização das operações mecanizadas durante o processo de produção agropecuária. As ações serão desenvolvidas no Departamento de Agronomia/UEL, Sociedade Rural do Paraná/Londrina e pesquisas de campo, com os produtores rurais, no município de Londrina e região. Durante a sua execução serão levantadas informações e elaboradas planilhas que serão disponibilizadas aos produtores na etapa final de execução do projeto. Com essas informações os produtores poderão conhecer em detalhes seus custos de produção e tomar decisões. O desenvolvimento das atividades do projeto possibilitará formação específica e aprofundada aos estudantes participantes