139 research outputs found

    Property of Kelley for the Cartesian Products and Hyperspaces

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    A continuum X having the property of Kelley is constructed such that neither X × [0, 1], nor the hyperspace C(X), nor small Whitney levels in C(X) have the property of Kelley. This answers several questions asked in the literature

    A Degree of Nonlocal Connectedness

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    To any continuum X weassign an ordinal number (or the symbol ∞) s(X), called the degree of nonlocal connectedness of X. We show that (1) the degree cannot be increased under continuous surjections; (2) for hereditarily unicoherent continua X, the degree of a subcontinuum of X is less than or equal to s(X); (3) s(C(X)) ≤ s(X), where C(X) denotes the hyperspace of subcontinua of a continuum X. We also investigate the degrees of Cartesian products and inverse limits. As an application weconstruct an uncountable family of metric continua X homeomorphic to C(X)

    Generalized Homogeneity of Finite and of Countable Topological Spaces

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    Finite and countable topological spaces are investigated which are homogeneous, homogeneous with respect to open mappings or with respect to continuous ones. It is shown that for finite spaces all three concepts of homogeneity coincide, while for countable or for uncountable ones they are distinct. Some characterization of countable spaces that are homogeneous in either sense are found for the metric setting

    Arc Approximation Property and Confluence of Induced Mappings

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    We say that a continuum X has the arc approximation property if every subcontinuum K of X is the limit of a sequence of arcwise connected subcontinua of X all containing a fixed point of K. This property is applied to exhibit a class of continua Y such that confluence of a mapping f : X - Y implies confluence of the induced mappings 2^f : 2^x - @^y and C(f) : C(x) - C(y). The converse implications are studied and similar interrelations are considered for some other classes of mappings, related to confluent ones

    Confluent Mappings and Arc Kelley Continua

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    A Kelley continuum X, also called a continuum with the property of Kelley, such that, for each p X, each subcontinuum K containing p is approximated by arc-wise connected continua containing p, is called an arc Kelley continuum. A continuum homeomorphic to the inverse limit of locally connected continua with confluent bonding maps is said to be confluently LC-representable. The main subject of the paper is a study of deep connections between the arc Kelley continua and confluent mappings. It is shown that if a continuum X admits, for each ε \u3e 0, a confluent ε-mapping onto a(n) (arc) Kelley continuum, then X itself is a(n) (arc) Kelley continuum. In particular each confluently LC-representable continuum is arc Kelley. It is also proved that if continua X and Y are confluently LC-representable, then also are their product X x Y and the hyperspaces 2^x and C(X)

    Hereditarily Unicoherent Continua and Their Absolute Retracts

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    We investigate absolute retracts for classes of hereditarily unicoherent continua, tree-like continua, λ- dendroids, dendroids and some other related ones. The main results are: (1) the inverse limits of trees with confluent bonding mappings are absolute retracts of hereditarily unicoherent continua; (2) each tree-like continuum is embeddable in a special way in a tree-like absolute retract for the class of hereditarily unicoherent continua; (3) a dendroid is an absolute retract for hereditarily unicoherent continua if and only if it can be embedded as a retract into the Mohler-Nikiel universal smooth dendroid

    Absolute Differentiation in Metric Spaces

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    In this article, we introduce a new notion of (strong) absolute derivative, for functions derived between metric spaces, and we investigate various properties and uses of this concept, especially regarding the geometry of abstract metric spaces carrying no other structure

    On Size Mappings

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    A real-valued mapping r from the hyperspace of all compact subsets of a givenmetric space X is called a size mapping if r({x}) = 0 for x ∈ X and r(A) ≤ r(B) if a ⊂ B. We investigate what continua admit an open or a monotone size mapping. Special attention is paid to the diameter mappings

    Planarity of Whitney Levels

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    First, we characterize all locally connected continua whose all Whitney levels are planar. Second, we show by example that planarity is not a (strong) Whitney reversible property. This answers a question from Illanes-Nadler book [2]

    Effective representation of RT-LOTOS terms by finite time petri nets

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    The paper describes a transformational approach for the specification and formal verification of concurrent and real-time systems. At upper level, one system is specified using the timed process algebra RT-LOTOS. The output of the proposed transformation is a Time Petri net (TPN). The paper particularly shows how a TPN can be automatically constructed from an RT-LOTOS specification using a compositionally defined mapping. The proof of the translation consistency is sketched in the paper and developed in [1]. The RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns formalized in the paper are being implemented. in a prototype tool. This enables reusing TPNs verification techniques and tools for the profit of RT-LOTOS
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