447 research outputs found

    Impact of high frequency waves on the ocean altimeter range bias

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    New aircraft observations are presented on the range determination error in satellite altimetry associated with ocean waves. Laser-based measurements of the cross correlation between the gravity wave slope and elevation are reported for the first time. These observations provide direct access to a long, O(10 m), gravity wave statistic central to nonlinear wave theory prediction of the altimeter sea state bias. Coincident Ka-band radar scattering data are used to estimate an electromagnetic (EM) range bias analogous to that in satellite altimetry. These data, along with ancillary wind and wave slope variance estimates, are used alongside existing theory to evaluate the extent of long- versus short-wave, O(cm), control of the bias. The longer wave bias contribution to the total EM bias is shown to range from 25 to as much as 100%. Moreover, on average the term is linearly related to wind speed and to the gravity wave slope variance, consistent with WNL theory. The EM bias associated with interactions between long and short waves is obtained assuming the effect is additive to the independently observed long-wave factor. This second component is also a substantial contributor, is observed to be quadratic in wind speed or wave slope, and dominates at moderate wind speeds. The behavior is shown to be consistent with EM bias prediction based in hydrodynamic modulation theory. Study implications for improved correction of the on-orbit satellite sea state bias are discussed

    Deep endometriosis infiltrating the recto-sigmoid: critical factors to consider before management

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    Mauricio Simoes Abrao1,, Felice Petraglia2, Tommaso Falcone3, Joerg Keckstein4, Yutaka Osuga5, and Charles Chapron6,7,8 Endometriosis Division, Obstetrics and Gynecological Department – Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Obstetrics, Gynecology andWomen's Health Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Endometriosis, Villach Hospital, Villach, Austria Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan Universite Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cite, Faculte de Medecine, Assistance Publique – Hopitaux de Paris (APHP), Groupe Hospitalier Universitaire (GHU) Ouest, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Cochin, Department of Gynecology Obstetrics II and Reproductive Medicine, 75679 Paris, France Institut Cochin, Universite Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cite CNRS (UMR 8104), Paris, France Inserm, Universite Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cite, Unite de recherche U1016, Paris, Franc

    Remote Inspection, Measurement and Handling for LHC

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    Personnel access to the LHC tunnel will be restricted to varying extents during the life of the machine due to radiation, cryogenic and pressure hazards. The ability to carry out visual inspection, measurement and handling activities remotely during periods when the LHC tunnel is potentially hazardous offers advantages in terms of safety, accelerator down time, and costs. The first applications identified were remote measurement of radiation levels at the start of shut-down, remote geometrical survey measurements in the collimation regions, and remote visual inspection during pressure testing and initial machine cool-down. In addition, for remote handling operations, it will be necessary to be able to transmit several real-time video images from the tunnel to the control room. The paper describes the design, development and use of a remotely controlled vehicle to demonstrate the feasibility of meeting the above requirements in the LHC tunnel. Design choices are explained along with operating experience to-date and future development plans

    Archives lacustres de l'évolution du climat et des activités humaines récentes dans les Pyrénées ariégeoises au cours de l'HolocÚne (étang majeur, vallée du Haut-Vicdessos, Pyrénées, France)

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    International audienceDans le cadre de l'Observatoire Hommes Milieux Haut-Vicdessos, des archives lacustres sont utilisĂ©es pour distin-guer les impacts de l'Homme ou du climat dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es (AriĂšge, 42°N). AssociĂ©e Ă  la cartographie acoustique de l'Étang Majeur, les analyses des sols et des sĂ©di-ments lacustres mettent en Ă©vidence une sĂ©dimentation Tardiglaciaire riche en ti-tane, qui contraste avec une sĂ©dimentation HolocĂšne de type dy rĂ©sultant de l'Ă©rosion diffuse des tourbes prĂ©sentes en amont du lac. L'enregistrement indique des pĂ©riodes plus humides, datĂ©es en 1200, 1950, 3400 et 4550 cal BP et associĂ©es aux apports d'un canyon drainant les zones d'altitude. Depuis 1907, le niveau d'eau du lac est rĂ©-gulĂ© par deux barrages hydroĂ©lectriques. Il en rĂ©sulte un marnage de 10 m affec-tant jusqu'Ă  37 % du bassin. Ceci a pour consĂ©quences de remobiliser le matĂ©riel issu des berges, et d'augmenter la produc-tivitĂ© algaire et les taux d'accumulation

    Comparison of earthquake-triggered turbidites from the Saguenay (Eastern Canada) and Reloncavi (Chilean margin) Fjords: implications for paleoseismicity and sedimentology

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    International audienceHigh-resolution seismic profiles along with physical and sedimentological properties of sediment cores from the Saguenay (Eastern Canada) and Reloncavi (Chile) Fjords allowed the identification of several decimeter to meter-thick turbidites. In both fjords, the turbidites were associated with large magnitude historic and pre-historic earthquakes including the 1663 AD (M > 7) earthquake in the Saguenay Fjord, and the 1960 (M 9.5), 1837 (M ~ 8) and 1575 AD major Chilean subduction earthquakes in the Reloncavi Fjord. In addition, a sand layer with exoscopic characteristics typical of a tsunami deposit was observed immediately above the turbidite associated with the 1575 AD earthquake in the Reloncavi Fjord and supports both the chronology and the large magnitude of that historic earthquake. In the Saguenay Fjord, the earthquake-triggered turbidites are sometimes underlying a hyperpycnite associated with the rapid breaching and draining of a natural dam formed by earthquake-triggered landslides. Similar hyperpycnal floods were also recorded in historical and continental geological archives for the 1960 and 1575 AD Chilean subduction earthquakes, highlighting the risk of such flood events several weeks or months after main earthquake. In both fjords, as well as in other recently recognized earthquake-triggered turbidites, the decimeter-to meter-thick normally-graded turbidites are characterized by a homogeneous, but slightly fining upward tail. Finally, this paper also emphasizes the sensitivity of fjords to record historic and pre-historic seismicity

    Spectrocolorimetric interpretation of sedimentary dynamics: The new "Q7/4 diagram"

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    International audienceColour is a fundamental property of sediment and is often used for lithographic description to determine sedimentological structures, facies etc. However, the sedimentary information contained in this parameter is difficult to extract because it is difficult to quantify. Colour can be quantified by spectrocolorimetry which provides very high resolution data quickly and non-destructively. When adapted to sedimentology, spectrocolorimeters prove to be powerful tools due to their low purchase and maintenance costs, and some are portable and easily used in-the-field. Several methods have been used to extract sedimentological data from colorimetric spectra (first derivatives, factorial analysis, etc.). In the present study, we first provide a review of the sedimentological application of spectrophotometers and, after having described these methods, their advantages and disadvantages, we then describe a new tool called the Q7/4 diagram (abscissa L*; Ordinates 700/400 ratio). This new technique permits sedimentological units to be defined, allows the identification of different sediment components and provides 5 distinct poles: Clayey deposits, organic rich deposits (chlorophyll a and by products), altered organic matter deposits, iron rich deposits, carbonated deposits. Coupled with the analysis of first derivative spectra, it is possible to distinguish different pigments linked to the degradation and/or nature of the organic material (Chlorophyll a, melanoidin, etc.), the state of iron oxidation (for example, hematite and goethite-like signatures) and the nature of clays. The Q7/4 diagram permits rapid acquisition of high resolution data on changes of sediment dynamics in geosystems that have been subjected to highly varied climatic/environmental conditions. The instrument is non destructive, easy to use and maintain, portable for use in the field, fast to implement, is capable of high resolution, and has a vast range of possible applications. Spectrocolorimetry appears to provide many advantages and could become an essential and robust tool for preliminary sedimentological studies

    Global observations of fine-scale ocean surface topography with the surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) mission

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in [citation], doi:[doi]. Morrow, R., Fu, L., Ardhuin, F., Benkiran, M., Chapron, B., Cosme, E., d'Ovidio, F., Farrar, J. T., Gille, S. T., Lapeyre, G., Le Traon, P., Pascual, A., Ponte, A., Qiu, B., Rascle, N., Ubelmann, C., Wang, J., & Zaron, E. D. Global observations of fine-scale ocean surface topography with the surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) mission. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(232),(2019), doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00232.The future international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission, planned for launch in 2021, will make high-resolution 2D observations of sea-surface height using SAR radar interferometric techniques. SWOT will map the global and coastal oceans up to 77.6∘ latitude every 21 days over a swath of 120 km (20 km nadir gap). Today’s 2D mapped altimeter data can resolve ocean scales of 150 km wavelength whereas the SWOT measurement will extend our 2D observations down to 15–30 km, depending on sea state. SWOT will offer new opportunities to observe the oceanic dynamic processes at scales that are important in the generation and dissipation of kinetic energy in the ocean, and that facilitate the exchange of energy between the ocean interior and the upper layer. The active vertical exchanges linked to these scales have impacts on the local and global budgets of heat and carbon, and on nutrients for biogeochemical cycles. This review paper highlights the issues being addressed by the SWOT science community to understand SWOT’s very precise sea surface height (SSH)/surface pressure observations, and it explores how SWOT data will be combined with other satellite and in situ data and models to better understand the upper ocean 4D circulation (x, y, z, t) over the next decade. SWOT will provide unprecedented 2D ocean SSH observations down to 15–30 km in wavelength, which encompasses the scales of “balanced” geostrophic eddy motions, high-frequency internal tides and internal waves. This presents both a challenge in reconstructing the 4D upper ocean circulation, or in the assimilation of SSH in models, but also an opportunity to have global observations of the 2D structure of these phenomena, and to learn more about their interactions. At these small scales, ocean dynamics evolve rapidly, and combining SWOT 2D SSH data with other satellite or in situ data with different space-time coverage is also a challenge. SWOT’s new technology will be a forerunner for the future altimetric observing system, and so advancing on these issues today will pave the way for our future.The authors were mostly funded through the NASA Physical Oceanography Program and the CNES/TOSCA programs for the SWOT and OSTST Science teams. AnP acknowledges support from the Spanish Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund (Award No. CTM2016-78607-P). AuP acknowledges support from the ANR EQUINOx (ANR-17-CE01-0006-01)
