9,846 research outputs found

    Mechanisms underlying costs of reproduction

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    Asthma and Lung Mechanics.

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    This article will discuss in detail the pathophysiology of asthma from the point of view of lung mechanics. In particular, we will explain how asthma is more than just airflow limitation resulting from airway narrowing but in fact involves multiple consequences of airway narrowing, including ventilation heterogeneity, airway closure, and airway hyperresponsiveness. In addition, the relationship between the airway and surrounding lung parenchyma is thought to be critically important in asthma, especially as related to the response to deep inspiration. Furthermore, dynamic changes in lung mechanics over time may yield important information about asthma stability, as well as potentially provide a window into future disease control. All of these features of mechanical properties of the lung in asthma will be explained by providing evidence from multiple investigative methods, including not only traditional pulmonary function testing but also more sophisticated techniques such as forced oscillation, multiple breath nitrogen washout, and different imaging modalities. Throughout the article, we will link the lung mechanical features of asthma to clinical manifestations of asthma symptoms, severity, and control. © 2020 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 10:975-1007, 2020

    Spatial variability in the diversity and structure of faunal assemblages associated with kelp holdfasts (<i>Laminaria hyperborea</i>) in the northeast Atlantic

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    <p>Map indicating the locations of the four study regions in the UK, northeast Atlantic: (A) northern Scotland, (B) western Scotland, (C) southwest Wales and (D) southwest England. Smaller panels show the positions of the 3 study sites within each region.</p

    Coupled measurements of δ<sup>18</sup>O and δD of hydration water and salinity of fluid inclusions in gypsum from the Messinian Yesares Member, Sorbas Basin (SE Spain)

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    We studied one cycle (Cycle 6) of gypsum-marl deposition from the Messinian Yesares Member in Sorbas Basin, Spain. The objective was to reconstruct the changing environment of deposition and its relation to astronomically-forced climate change. The δ1818O and δD of gypsum hydration water (CaSO4•2H2O) and salinity of fluid inclusions were measured in the same samples to test if they record the composition of the mother fluid from which gypsum was precipitated. Water isotopes are highly correlated with fluid inclusion salinity suggesting the hydration water has not exchanged after formation. The relatively low water isotope values and fluid inclusion salinities indicate a significant influence of meteoric water, whereas δ34S, δ18OSO4 26 and 87Sr/86Sr support a dominant marine origin for the gypsum deposits. The discrepancy between water and elemental isotope signatures can be reconciled if meteoric water dissolved previously deposited marine sulfates supplying calcium and sulfate ions to the basin which maintained gypsum saturation. This recycling process accounts for the marine δ34S, δ18OSO4 and 87Sr/86Sr signatures, whereas the low δ18O and δD values of gypsum hydration water and fluid inclusion salinities reflect the influence of freshwater. The cyclic deposition of gypsum and marl in the Yesares Member has previously been interpreted to reflect changing climate related to Earth’s precession cycle. We demonstrate that the δ18O, δD and salinity of the parent brine increased from low values at the base of Cycle 6 to a maximum in the massive gypsum palisade, and decreased again to lower values in the supercones at the top of the cycle. This pattern, together with changes in mineralogy (calcite-dolomite-gypsum), is consistent with a precession-driven change in climate with wettest conditions (summer insolation maxima) associated with the base of the calcium carbonate marls and driest conditions (summer insolation minima) during formation of the gypsum palisade.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement n. 339694 (Water Isotopes of Hydrated Minerals) to D. A. Hodell.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.07

    A Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic survey of the faint M31 satellites And IX, And XI, And XII, and And XIII

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    We present the first spectroscopic analysis of the faint M31 satellite galaxies, AndXI and AndXIII, and a reanalysis of existing spectroscopic data for two further faint companions, And IX and AndXII. By combining data obtained using the DEIMOS spectrograph mounted on the Keck II telescope with deep photometry from the Suprime-Cam instrument on Subaru, we have calculated global properties for the dwarfs, such as systemic velocities, metallicites and half-light radii.We find each dwarf to be very metal poor ([Fe/H] -2 both photometrically and spectroscopically, from their stacked spectrum), and as such, they continue to follow the luminosity-metallicity relationship established with brighter dwarfs. We are unable to resolve a dispersion for And XI due to small sample size and low S/N, but we set a one sigma upper limit of sigma-v <5 km/s. For And IX, And XII and And XIII we resolve velocity dispersions of v=4.5 (+3.4,-3.2), 2.6(+5.1,-2.6) and 9.7(+8.9,-4.5) km/s, and derive masses within the half light radii of 6.2(+5.3,-5.1)x10^6 Msun, 2.4 (+6.5,-2.4)x10^6 Msun and 1.1(+1.4,-0.7)x10^7 Msun respectively. We discuss each satellite in the context of the Mateo relations for dwarf spheroidal galaxies, and the Universal halo profiles established for Milky Way dwarfs (Walker et al. 2009). For both galaxies, this sees them fall below the Universal halo profiles of Walker et al. (2009). When combined with the findings of McConnachie & Irwin (2006a), which reveal that the M31 satellites are twice as extended (in terms of both half-light and tidal radii) as their Milky Way counterparts, these results suggest that the satellite population of the Andromeda system could inhabit halos that are significantly different from those of the Milky Way in terms of their central densities (abridged).Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS submitte

    An inductive force sensor for in-shoe plantar normal and shear load measurement

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a severe global public health issue. Plantar normal and shear load are believed to play an important role in the development of foot ulcers and could be a valuable indicator to improve assessment of DFUs. However, despite their promise, plantar load measurements currently have limited clinical application, primarily due to the lack of reliable measurement techniques particularly for shear load measurements. In this paper we report on the design and evaluation of a novel tri-axis force sensor to measure both normal and shear load on the foot’s plantar surface simultaneously. The sensor consists of a group of inductive sensing coils above which a conductive target is placed on a hyperelastic elastomer. Movement of the target under load affects the coil inductances which are measured and digitized by an embedded system. Using a computational finite element model, we investigated the influence of sensing coil form and configuration on sensor performance. A sensor configured with four-square coils and maximal turns provided the best performance for plantar load measurements. A prototype was fabricated and calibrated using a neural network to map the non-linear relationship between the sensor output and the applied tri-axis load. Experimental evaluation indicates that the tri-axis sensor can effectively detect shear load of �16 N and normal load up to 105 N (RMS errors: 1.05 N and 1.73 N respectively) with a high performance. Overall, this sensor provides a promising basis for plantar normal and shear load measurement which are crucial for improved assessment of DFU

    A Review of Wearable Sensor Systems to Monitor Plantar Loading in the Assessment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Diabetes is highly prevalent throughout the world and imposes a high economic cost on countries at all income levels. Foot ulceration is one devastating consequence of diabetes, which can lead to amputation and mortality. Clinical assessment of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is currently subjective and limited, impeding effective diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Studies have shown that pressure and shear stress at the plantar surface of the foot plays an important role in the development of DFUs. Quantification of these could provide an improved means of assessment of the risk of developing DFUs. However, commercially-available sensing technology can only measure plantar pressures, neglecting shear stresses and thus limiting their clinical utility. Research into new sensor systems which can measure both plantar pressure and shear stresses are thus critical. Our aim in this paper is to provide the reader with an overview of recent advances in plantar pressure and stress sensing and offer insights into future needs in this critical area of healthcare. Firstly, we use current clinical understanding as the basis to define requirements for wearable sensor systems capable of assessing DFU. Secondly, we review the fundamental sensing technologies employed in this field and investigate the capabilities of the resultant wearable systems, including both commercial and research-grade equipment. Finally, we discuss research trends, ongoing challenges and future opportunities for improved sensing technologies to monitor plantar loading in the diabetic foot

    An ALMA survey of Sub-millimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Physical properties derived from ultraviolet-to-radio modelling

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    [abridged] The ALESS survey has followed-up a sample of 122 sub-millimeter sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South at 870um with ALMA, allowing to pinpoint the positions of sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) to 0.3'' and to find their precise counterparts at different wavelengths. This enabled the first compilation of the multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a statistically reliable survey of SMGs. In this paper, we present a new calibration of the MAGPHYS modelling code that is optimized to fit these UV-to-radio SEDs of z>1 star-forming galaxies using an energy balance technique to connect the emission from stellar populations, dust attenuation and dust emission in a physically consistent way. We derive statistically and physically robust estimates of the photometric redshifts and physical parameters for the ALESS SMGs. We find that they have a median stellar mass M∗=(8.9±0.1)×1010M⊙M_\ast=(8.9\pm0.1)\times10^{10} M_\odot, SFR=280±70M⊙=280\pm70 M_\odot/yr, overall V-band dust attenuation AV=1.9±0.2A_V=1.9\pm0.2 mag, dust mass M_\rm{dust}=(5.6\pm1.0)\times10^8 M_\odot, and average dust temperature Tdust~40 K. The average intrinsic SED of the ALESS SMGs resembles that of local ULIRGs in the IR range, but the stellar emission of our average SMG is brighter and bluer, indicating lower dust attenuation, possibly because they are more extended. We explore how the average SEDs vary with different parameters, and we provide a new set of SMG templates. To put the ALESS SMGs into context, we compare their stellar masses and SFRs with those of less actively star-forming galaxies at the same redshifts. At z~2, about half of the SMGs lie above the star-forming main sequence, while half are at the high-mass end of the sequence. At higher redshifts (z~3.5), the SMGs tend to have higher SFR and Mstar, but the fraction of SMGs that lie significantly above the main sequence decreases to less than a third.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. The new MAGPHYS model libraries used in this paper will appear in www.iap.fr/magphys. The SMG SED templates shown in Section 6.1 are available at http://astronomy.swinburne.edu.au/~ecunha/ecunha/SED_Templates.htm
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