25 research outputs found

    Ommatius: Synonyms, new record, redescription of Ommatius erythropus and description of the female of Ommatius trifidus (Diptera: Asilidae: Ommatiinae)

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    Ommatius erythropus Schiner, 1867 is redescribed and a lectotype is established. The female of Ommatius trifidus Vieira, Bravo & Rafael, 2010 is described and a new record is provided. Ommatius ruficaudus Curran, 1928 is established as a new synonym of Ommatius pulcher (Engel, 1885). An identification key is presented to the Ommatius costatus species group. A map with the geographic records is provided. © 2017, Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia. All rights reserved

    Moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) collected in colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis virulens (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with description of two new species

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    Three species of Psychodidae were collected in colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis virulens (Smith, 1858) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in an area of atlantic forest on the south of Bahia State, Brazil. Two of them are new to science, herein described: Trichomyia myrmecophila sp. nov. and Quatiella truncata sp. nov., the last one  also occuring in other states of Northeastern Brazil (Paraíba and Ceará) and in the Amazonian Region. A new record of Trichomyia annae Bravo 2001 is given

    Revitalização da biblioteca de uma escola municipal: possibilidade de usos de resíduos descartáveis como ferramentas pedagógicas

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    Dentre os problemas ambientais que afetam a população está o não gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos. No Brasil, em 2022, 39% destes não receberam destinação adequada. Dar uma finalidade econômica, correta e sustentável para os resíduos ainda é um desafio. O objetivo deste projeto foi identificar a potencialidade didática da utilização de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) na revitalização da biblioteca de uma escola de educação básica do município de Canoinhas-SC, para fomentar a consciência sustentável por meio de uma ação de extensão do protagonismo discente ofertada pelo Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina campus Canoinhas. A ação mostra a importância da curricularização da extensão e foi dividida em cinco etapas: levantamento bibliográfico acerca do tema, levantamento das necessidades da biblioteca a ser revitalizada, elaboração do projeto de revitalização, produção dos mobiliários utilizando RSU e revitalização do espaço

    Neurobehavioral and Antioxidant Effects of Ethanolic Extract of Yellow Propolis

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    Propolis is a resin produced by bees from raw material collected from plants, salivary secretions, and beeswax. New therapeutic properties for the Central Nervous System have emerged. We explored the neurobehavioral and antioxidant effects of an ethanolic extract of yellow propolis (EEYP) rich in triterpenoids, primarily lupeol and β-amyrin. Male Wistar rats, 3 months old, were intraperitoneally treated with Tween 5% (control), EEYP (1, 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg), or diazepam, fluoxetine, and caffeine (positive controls) 30 min before the assays. Animals were submitted to open field, elevated plus maze, forced swimming, and inhibitory avoidance tests. After behavioral tasks, blood samples were collected through intracardiac pathway, to evaluate the oxidative balance. The results obtained in the open field and in the elevated plus maze assay showed spontaneous locomotion preserved and anxiolytic-like activity. In the forced swimming test, EEYP demonstrated antidepressant-like activity. In the inhibitory avoidance test, EEYP showed mnemonic activity at 30 mg/kg. In the evaluation of oxidative biochemistry, the extract reduced the production of nitric oxide and malondialdehyde without changing level of total antioxidant, catalase, and superoxide dismutase, induced by behavioral stress. Our results highlight that EEYP emerges as a promising anxiolytic, antidepressant, mnemonic, and antioxidant natural product

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Psychoda Latreille

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    Genus Psychoda Latreille Psychoda Latreille, 1796: 152. Type species: Tipula phalaenoides Linnaeus, 1758 by subsequent designation Diagnosis. Species with short vertex; eye bridge with 4, or rarely 3 or 5 facet rows; labellum flattened with 3, 4, 5, or occasionally 6 “teeth” at apex; antenna with 12–14 flagellomeres, those beyond 11 th always reduced and showing different types of fusion; flagellomeres flask shaped; last 3 flagellomeres usually without necks; ascoids usually Yshaped; upper part of anepimeron (= pteropleurite of Ježek 1983, 1984) entirely delimited by suture; additional anterior sclerite of anepimeron missing; wing pointed, with R 5 ending at tip; radial fork distal to medial; aedeagus asymmetrical, simple paramere usually present; cercus with 1 tenaculum at tip; genital digit present in female. Comments. The diagnosis presented above delimits a particular group of species of Psychodinae. The name given to this group varies according to the author, but refers to the same group of species. Quate (1959 a, 1996, 1999) believes that this group of species could be considered as representing the genus Psychoda. Vaillant (1990) considered this group a tribe, Psychodini, and included only two genera in it: Copropsychoda and Psychoda. Finally, Ježek (1984) and Ježek & Harten (1996, 2005) also considered this group a tribe, but included 12 genera in it: Psychoda, Copropsychoda, Falsologima, Psychodula, Psychomora, Psychana, Logima, Tinearia, Chodopsycha, Ypsydocha, Psychodocha, and Psycha. The delimitation of the tribe Psychodini is controversial within the systematics of Psychodidae (Quate 1959 a, Ježek 1984, Vaillant 1990, Duckhouse 1985). The classificatory proposals of Quate (1959 a) and Vaillant (1990) do not comprise the morphological diversity observed in Psychoda s. l. (= Psychodini). The proposal of Ježek (1984) and Ježek & Harten (1996, 2005) was an advance in the taxonomy of this taxon, as it became possible to identify and name morphological groups of Psychoda s. l. Future studies with other morphological characters in addition to the antenna should be undertaken to corroborate the 12 taxa (genera) proposed by Ježek (1984) and by Ježek & Harten (1996, 2005). Three problems can be detected in applying the classificatory proposal of Ježek (1984) and Ježek & Harten (1996, 2005): a) some species originally described for Psychoda cannot be assigned to any of the 12 genera proposed because they may have lost their apical flagellomeres, making it difficult to determine the genera of these described species; b) some Neotropical species of Psychoda s. l. do not correspond to any of the 12 proposed genera and their description will increase the number of monospecific genera (Ibáñez­ Bernal 1993); c) some museum specimens loose the apical flagellomeres of the antenna, making their generic identification difficult using the classificatory system proposed by Ježek, and creating the same problem described in point “a” above. A fourth problem is related to the lack of nomenclatural stability; in some cases, a single species can be cited in the literature under two different names: Tinearia alternata (Say) (e.g., Wagner & Joost 1994) and Psychoda alternata Say (e.g., Quate 1996). To solve these four problems, an alternative classification is presented for the species of Psychoda s. l., namely that the following 12 genera considered by Ježek (1984) and Ježek & Harten (1996, 2005) be considered as subgenera of the genus Psychoda: subgenus Psychoda Latreille; subgenus Copropsychoda Vaillant; subgenus Falsologima Ježek & Harten; subgenus Psychodula Ježek; subgenus Psychomora Ježek; subgenus Psychana Ježek & Harten; subgenus Logima Eaton, subgenus Tinearia Schellenberg, 1803; subgenus Chodopsycha Ježek; subgenus Ypsydocha Ježek; subgenus Psychodocha Ježek; subgenus Psycha Ježek. Monophyly of Psychoda. Two putative apomorphies previously were proposed for the monophyly of Psychoda (as proposed in this paper): additional anterior sclerite of the anepimeron (= pteropleurite of Ježek 1983) not developed on the thorax of the adult (Ježek 1983), and larval antenna with two mushroom­shaped elements flanking sensory rod or secondarily reduced from this condition (Duckhouse 1985). Another two apomorphies are proposed for this taxon in the present paper: a) asymmetrical aedeagus with a simple paramere; a similar pattern of the aedeagus is observed in Threticus Eaton, another genus of Psychodinae, and b) the presence of a genital digit in the subgenital plate of the female, a character observed only in the species of Psychoda (Quate 1959 a); in some species, this structure has been secondarily lost.Published as part of Bravo, Freddy, Cordeiro, Danilo & Chagas, Cinthia, 2006, Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1298 on pages 3-4, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17359

    Psychoda (Tinearia) alternata Say

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    Psychoda (Tinearia) alternata Say Psychoda alternata Say, 1824: 358 Material examined. BRAZIL, Bahia, Salvador (13 º 25 ’ S, 38 º 30 ’ W), 4 females, 18.XII. 2005, F. Bravo (MZUEFS); Salvador, 2 females and 2 males, 15.IV. 2006, F. Bravo (MZUEFS). Diagnosis. Psychoda alternata can be recognized by the following combination of characters: labellum with 5 teeth, 1 short and 4 long; presence of brown spots at tips of veins; antenna with 13 flagellomeres, 11 th– 13 th fused; flagellomere 13 very small; ascoids Y­shaped with very short branches; cercus twice as long as ninth tergite with single tenaculum; aedeagus with lower shaft as large as distal half of main shaft (Quate 1955); subgenital plate V­shaped. Collection. All specimens were collected inside a house, in the bathroom. Distribuition. Cosmopolitan; Brazil (Salvador, new record).Published as part of Bravo, Freddy, Cordeiro, Danilo & Chagas, Cinthia, 2006, Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1298 on page 5, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17359

    Psychoda zetoscota Quate 1959

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    Psychoda zetoscota Quate, 1959 (Figs. 9–18) Psychoda zetoscota Quate, 1959 b: 214 –215 Material examided. BRAZIL, Bahia, Cachoeira (Fzda Villa Rial, 15 °09´S 39 ° 32´W), 2 males, 14.V. 2004, F. Bravo (MZUEFS); 2 females same locality and collector, 24.V. 2004 (MZUEFS); 3 females, same locality and collector 20.VII. 2004 (MZUEFS); 3 females, Senhor do Bonfim, Serra da Maravilha (Fzda Zumbi, 12 ° 23´S 40 ° 12´W), 05.VII. 2005, R. Vieira & E. Souza (PPBIO 201010201 # 1123, 1124) (MZUEFS). Diagnosis. Antenna with 13 flagellomeres, 12 and 13 fused; wing with R 3 and M 2 incomplete, gonostylus curved inward; subgenital plate rectangular with moderate apical concavity. Male description. Eye bridge with 4 facet rows (Fig. 9); eyes separated by 1.0 facet diameter (Fig. 9); antenna with 13 flagellomeres, 1 st– 10 th nodiform (Figs. 9–11), 11 th– 13 th reduced, 12 th– 13 th fused (Fig. 11); scape cylindrical, 1.2X length of pedicel (Fig. 9); pedicel spherical (Fig. 9); ascoids lost in preparation. Palpus formula = 1.0:1.1:1.2:1.5 (Fig. 10). Labellum with 4 apical teeth (Fig. 12). Wing with short Sc; radial fork apical to medial fork; radial and medial forks incomplete (Fig. 13). Male terminalia (Figs. 14–17). Gonostylus with pointed and curved apex. Tergite 9 rectangular, with pseudospiracular opening (Fig. 17). Cercus long, 1.5X length of gonostylus, with 1 apical tenaculum paramere curved basally, ending before apex of aedeagus; aedeagal apodeme 1.5X length of aedeagus, slender. Female (Fig. 18). Described by Quate (1959 b). Subgenital plate (S 8) rectangular with moderate apical concavity. Genital digit present. Comments. In this paper, a male of P. z e t o s c o t a is described for the first time. The description of the female of P. z e t o s c o t a by Quate (1959 b) allows the identification of the female specimens of this species from Brazil. The males of P. zetoscota could be associated with the females of this species because they have the same pattern of wing venation and a similar format for the apical flagellomeres, labellum, and eye bridge. This species has a wide distribution in the Neotropics, with records from Panama to northeastern Brazil, as well as a collection from the Lesser Antilles, near Venezuela. This species was collected in the tropical rain forest of Bahia, near the Atlantic Ocean (Cachoeira), and in the inner tropical semi­deciduous forest of Bahia (Senhor do Bonfim). This species is probably present in the Amazon region. Collection. All the specimens were collected with a light trap. Distribution. Panama, Trinidad, Brazil (Cachoeira, Senhor do Bonfím, new records).Published as part of Bravo, Freddy, Cordeiro, Danilo & Chagas, Cinthia, 2006, Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1298 on pages 7-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17359

    Psychoda serraorobonensis Bravo, Cordeiro & Chagas, sp. n.

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    Psychoda serraorobonensis Bravo, Cordeiro & Chagas, sp. n. (Figs. 28–34) Type material. BRAZIL, Bahia, Serra do Orobó (12 ° 18´S 40 ° 29´W), female holotype, 29.XII. 2004, F. Bravo (MZUEFS). Etymology. The species name serraorobonensis is based on the type locality. Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other species of Psychoda by the following combination of characteristics: eyes separated by 1.5 facet rows; labellum with 3 apical teeth; 14 th flagellomere spherical, not drop shaped; ascoids Y­shaped, inferior branch 0.5X superior branch; M 2 not reaching M 1. Description. Female. Eye bridge with 4 facet rows (Fig. 28); eyes separated by 1.5 facet diameters (Fig. 28); antenna with 14 flagellomeres, 1 st– 10 th nodiform (Figs. 28–30), 12 th– 14 th reduced, 11 th– 12 th fused (Fig. 31), 12 th with short neck (Fig. 31); ascoids Yshaped (Fig. 30); scape cylindrical, 1.5X length of pedicel (Figs. 28, 30); pedicel spherical (Figs. 28, 30). Palpus formula = 1.0:1.2:1.1:1.3 (Fig. 29). Labellum with 3 apical teeth (Fig. 32). Wing (Fig. 33) with short Sc; radial fork apical to medial fork; radial fork complete and M 2 incomplete. Subgenital plate (S 8) with anterior margin curved, with moderately apical concavity (Fig. 34). Genital digit present. Male. Unknown. Comments. Psychoda serraorobonensis Bravo, Cordeiro & Chagas, sp. nov. is morphologically similar to species of the subgenus Psycha, principally in the number of flagellomeres and the type of fusion of the last flagellomeres (11 th– 12 th fused), but different from Psycha by the cylindrical format of the last flagellomere, which in all species of Psycha is drop shaped, and by the number of teeth on the labellum, being 3 in the new species and 4 in the species of Psycha. Distribution. Brazil: Bahia (Serra do Orobó).Published as part of Bravo, Freddy, Cordeiro, Danilo & Chagas, Cinthia, 2006, Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1298 on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17359

    Psychoda divaricata Duckhouse 1968

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    Psychoda divaricata Duckhouse, 1968 (Figs. 1–8) Psychoda divaricata Duckhouse, 1968: 37 Material examined. BRAZIL, Bahia, Senhor do Bonfim, Serra da Maravilha (Fzda Zumbi, 12 ° 23´S 40 ° 12´W), 2 males, 05.VII. 2005, R. Vieira & E. Souza (PPBIO 201010201 # 1125, MZUEFS # 1226) (MZUEFS); Jussarí, Serra do Teimoso (15 °09´S 41 °00´W), 1 female, 27.IV. 2001, F. Bravo (MZUEFS); Cachoeira (Fzda. Villa Rial, 15 °09´S 39 ° 32´W), 1 female, 24.V. 2004, F. Bravo (MZUEFS); Feira de Santana (Campus Universitário, 12 ° 11´S 38 ° 58´W), 3 males, 1 female, 28.VI. 2006, E. Alvim; Pará, Serra do Cachorro, 1 male, 21.V. 1998, TVB/RQ/FLS (INPA); Espírito Santo, Pancas, Fzda Juliberto Stur, Área I (19 ° 13´S 40 ° 46´W), 1 female, 31.I–07.II. 2003, M. Tavarez & C. Azevedo (MZUEFS). Diagnosis. According Duckhouse (1968), the male of this species can be recognized by the following characteristics: eyes separated by 1 facet diameter (Fig. 1); labellum with 4 terminal teeth (Fig. 2); antenna with 14 flagellomeres, 1 st– 10 th nodiform (flask shaped) (Figs. 3, 4), 12 th– 13 th partially fused (no suture), 11 th with 1 spine (Fig. 4); R 5 ending at wing tip (Fig. 5), aedeagus with intromittent region short, in 3 parts, the dorsal most inflated distally and divided at its tip into unequal pair of divergent, pointed arms (Fig. 7); cercus with 1 tenaculum (Fig. 6). The female can be recognized by the following features: eyes separated by 1.5 facet diameters; subgenital plate (S 8) with distal lobes separated by deep rounded concavity (Fig. 8); genital digit 0.4X length of subgenital plate (Duckhouse 1968: fig. 43). Comments. Psychoda divaricata has been recorded from southern Brazil to eastern Amazon (Pará State) along the Brazilian Atlantic Coastal Rain Forest between Santa Catarina and Bahia States, with one record from the inner semi­deciduous forest in Bahia State (Senhor do Bonfím). This species is possibly present in the tropical forests north of Bahia state and links the Bahia populations with those of Pará. The number and the form of the apical flagellomeres observed in Psychoda divaricata – 14 flagellomeres, 12 th– 13 th partially fused, and 14 th smallest and spherical – is present in other Neotropical species of Psychoda: P. s c o t i n a Quate, P. pitilla Quate, P. quiniversa Quate, and P. varablanca Quate. No additional subgenera will be proposed for this morphological group of Psychoda before phylogenetic studies are undertaken. Collection. Specimens from Senhor do Bonfim, Cachoeira, Jussarí, and Serra do Cachorro were collected with a light trap; specimens from Feira de Santana and Pancas were collected with a Malaise trap. Distribution. Brazil: Santa Catarina (Nova Teutônia); Espírito Santo (Pancas, new record); Bahia (Senhor do Bonfim, Feira de Santana, Cachoeira, Jussarí, new records); Pará (Serra do Cachorro, new record).Published as part of Bravo, Freddy, Cordeiro, Danilo & Chagas, Cinthia, 2006, Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 1298 on pages 5-6, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17359