356 research outputs found

    An analysis of the Okun´s law for the Spanish provinces

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    The inverse relationship between unemployment and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, commonly known as Okun’s law, has been traditionally analysed in the economic literature. Its application for Spain has been carried out at the national level or for the autonomous communities but it has not been analysed for provinces, the territorial level closer to local labour markets. This study analyses this relationship during the period spanning from 1985 to 2011. After testing the time series properties of provincial GDP and unemployment, we specify statiic and dynamic versions of the Okun’s law using VAR and PVAR techniques. Both static and dynamic analyses lead us to determine that provinces show large differences in their unemployment sensitivity to GDP shocks. In particular, provinces where economic activity is concentrated and Southern provinces are those suffering from higher cyclical variations in unemployment rates

    What drives migration moves across urban areas in Spain? Evidence from the Great Recession [WP]

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    In Spain, economic disparities between regions have traditionally played a relevant role in migration. Nevertheless, during the previous high-instability period, analyses provided conflicting results about the effect of these variables. In this work, we aim to determine the role that labour market factors play in internal migration during the Great Recession, paying special attention to the migration response of the heterogeneous population groups. To do so, we resort to an extended gravity model and we consider as a territorial unit the 45 Spanish Functional Urban Areas. Our results point to real wages as having a significant influence on migration motivations

    Direct and Interactive Effects of Brokerage Roles on Innovation in Clustered Firms

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    Social network analysis has generated a great number of research findings in the organizational and management literature, in which the so-called territorial clusters have often been represented through the network metaphor. However, while scholars primarily examine the network structure and the internal heterogeneity, we have specifically analyzed the diverse types or roles of informational brokers which firms can perform. We also posit that innovation generated by these firms is moderated by their own capabilities and, more particularly, we analyze how innovation is affected by brokerage roles and the moderating effect of R&D in the Spanish ceramic tile cluster. Our results show that different brokerage roles played by clustered firms have different implications in terms of innovation. Another relevant and related result refers to the interactive effect of brokerage roles and absorptive capacity, which becomes more or less significant depending on the role being played in each case.Financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project number ECO2015-67122-R) and Universitat Jaume I (Project Number P1·1B2013-05) is gratefully acknowledged


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    Flamenco as oral tradition music, has developed its formal structures based on folkloric and cultural foundations typical of tradition. Since its inception, the symbolic values, essential in popular culture, have converged in flamenco music together with harmonic, melodic, rhythmic and instrumental elements. The recognition of the symbol as a cultural component and its relationship with musical materials, provides new channels of information to the meaning of the configuration of the different flamenco styles. In this study, a series of musical and symbolic aspects related to numbers are analyzed, which suggest different relationships with rhythmic concepts of the bulerías rhythm.El flamenco, estilo musical de tradición oral, ha elaborado sus bases formales a partir de fundamentos folclóricos y culturales propios de la música tradicional. Desde sus inicios, los valores simbólicos, esenciales en la cultura popular, han confluido en la música flamenca junto a elementos armónicos, melódicos, rítmicos e instrumentales, con un papel fundamental desde el punto de vista de la comunicación musical. El reconocimiento del símbolo como componente cultural y su relación con los materiales musicales, aporta nuevos cauces de información al significado de la configuración de los distintos palos flamencos. En este estudio, se analizan una serie de aspectos musicales y simbólicos vinculados con los números, que sugieren diferentes relaciones con conceptos rítmicos del compás de bulerías


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    In recent times, the international competitive panorama has undergone intense rapid change, due especially to the presence of new competitors, new technology and new markets. These changes and their repercussions have had a significant impact on many industrial districts, which has left many of these agglomerations in critical condition. When facing these new circumstances, the function of local institutions takes on a much greater importance in how these districts adapt to the new competitive context, connecting companies with external networks which give access to new sources of information and knowledge. Furthermore, the role of local institutions will always be conditioned by the context in which they are found. For instance, there are significant differences between traditional or low-tech districts and high-tech districts which offer technologically more advanced products and services. Thus, while for the second category there is a great deal of theoretical and academic evidence that supports the idea that institutions act as leader actors in processes of innovation and improvement, in districts which operate in traditional sectors there is a shortage of research that analyzes the role played by institutions in these low-tech districts. To fill this gap in the literature, we aim with this work to analyze the links established by the companies of two industrial districts, with different levels of innovation activity, with local institutions. We especially analyze the intermediary and pollinating function that these institutions can have within these districts. We have applied Social Network Analysis techniques, analyzing the structure and properties of networks in the district as well as the role played by institutions. Our aim is to contribute to the debate by establishing a way to measure the flows of information and knowledge between companies and local institutions in two different districts through a social network analysis. The results obtained are of particular interest and are in contrast with the more traditional view that assumes a positive association between the companies' opportunities for learning and the cohesion of the network

    Diseño de procedimiento Point-In-Sapce LPV para el helipuerto de airbus helicopters (Albacete, españa) basado en tecnología GNSS y utilizando EGNOS como sistema de satélites de aumentación europeo

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    [ES] objetivo principal de este proyecto es el diseño de un procedimiento de aproximación Pointin- Space LPV para el helipuerto de superficie de la compañía Airbus Helicopters en Albacete, basado en tecnología GNSS y usando EGNOS (con su certificación de servicio SoL) como Sistema de Aumentación basado en Satélite (SBAS). La meta final es proveer a los usuarios del helipuerto de un procedimiento de aproximación instrumental que permita el vuelo incluso en IMC a los helicópteros, así como fomentar la confianza de los clientes de la compañía Airbus Helicopters e incrementar las ventas de nuevos modelos con capacidad de vuelo de procedimientos basados en GNSS o la instalación en los modelos antiguos del sistema de navegación GNSS, haciendo posible la operación de este tipo de procedimientos muy comunes a nivel civil en el resto de Europa y USA.Senchermés Cháfer, L. (2016). Diseño de procedimiento Point-In-Sapce LPV para el helipuerto de airbus helicopters (Albacete, españa) basado en tecnología GNSS y utilizando EGNOS como sistema de satélites de aumentación europeo. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/76562TFG

    On the drivers of successful crowdfunding: The case of the platform Verkami

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    This article analyzes the determinants of successful crowdfunding initiatives using a sample of 5,251 projects from the reward-based Spanish platform Verkami. In contrast to most of the literature that has measured success with a dichotomous variable, we approach success with a continuous one, namely the ratio of achievement, which is measured as the obtained resources over the total amount requested by the promoter. We consider a set of potential determinants of success, which are theoretically well-grounded and cover a variety of spheres related to project features. Results suggest that factors related to the signaling theories such as partnership, having previous experience and interaction with backers are positively associated with the achievement ratio, whereas no significant impact is found for the number of rewards. In addition, we find uneven effects for low and high ratios of achievement, identifying the key determinants in different project stages

    Acoplamiento microextracción en fase sólida-cromatografía.

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    RESUMEN Esta tesis va dirigida al estudio del acoplamiento microextracción en fase sólida (SPME)-cromatografía. Abarca aspectos poco tratados en la bibliografía como el acoplamiento SPME-cromatografía líquida (CL) convencional y la formación de derivados en la fibra. El primer objetivo específico consiste en el estudio de la configuración SPME sobre fibras y CL convencional, los analitos elegidos fueron aminas alifáticas y anfetaminas. Se demostró la utilidad del reactivo FMOC para su determinación en matrices acuosas y de aire, así como en muestras de orina. Se estudiaron diferentes opciones de acoplamiento SPME-derivatización. En la determinación de anfetaminas, se dedicó una parte a la determinación enantiomérica empleando el reactivo quiral OPA-NAC. El segundo objetivo específico consiste en el acoplamiento SPME-cromatografía de gases (CG) para la determinación de los principales compuestos orgánicos volátiles legislados en materia de aguas. El procedimiento de muestreo se realizó mediante SPME en espacio de cabeza de la muestra como alternativa a la inyección directa, con el fin de evitar las principales dificultades asociadas a la técnica de extracción líquido-líquido, como son las bajas sensibilidad y selectividad. El tercer objetivo específico que se planteó es el acoplamiento SPME en tubo-CL capilar. En el primer apartado se comparan las ventajas y desventajas de este acoplamiento con columna abierta y con columna empaquetada, con la configuración de la SPME sobre fibras-CL convencional para la determinación de triazinas. En el segundo apartado se propone un procedimiento basado en la configuración de SPME en tubo con columna abierta probando dos capilares con distinto diámetro interno y espesor de fase, para llevar a cabo el screening de triazinas y pesticidas organofosforados. Resumiendo, esta tesis contribuye a la reducción de la manipulación de la muestra durante las etapas de extracción y derivatización. Los trabajos desarrollados han supuesto una contribución importante al aplicar la derivatización con distintas metodologías a distintos analitos y muestras. También contribuye a la miniaturización de sistemas, al desarrollo de los acoplamientos SPME-CL, al conocimiento de los métodos de screening de muestras y a la mejora de la sensibilidad para la determinación de triazinas y pesticidas organofosforados mediante SPME en tubo y CL capilar. __________________________________________________________________________________________________The Thesis is about the study of three different couplings between solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and chromatography. The first objective consists of the configuration SPME-on-fibre and conventional liquid chromatography (LC). The analytes selected were aliphatic amines and amphetamines. The utility of the FMOC reagent was successful in water and air determinations. As regards the amphetamines determination, it was studied an enantiomeric analysis using the chiral reagent OPA-NAC. The second objective consists of the configuration SPME-gas chromatography for the determination of the main volatile organic compounds in water legislation. The sampling procedure was carried out in the sample headspace in order to avoid some problems related to the liquid-liquid extraction methodology, such as, poor sensitivity and selectivity. The third objective consists of the coupling in-tube-SPME and capillary liquid chromatography. In the first place, the advantages and disadvantages of this configuration, with an open column and with a packed column, were compared with the configuration of SPME-on-fibre and conventional LC for the determination of triazines. In the second place, the organophosphorous pesticides were determined by means the in-tube-SPME with an open column configuration. To sum up, this thesis is an important contribution to the reduction of the sample preparation

    What to expect when you're expecting. Causes and consequences of incentive policies for organic agribusiness in Comunitat Valenciana

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    Ponencia presentada en : XLVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales. Ciudades llenas, territorios vacíos. International Conference on Regional Science.Madrid, 24 al 26 de noviembre de 2021this paper aims to analyse the sustainable AFS in the Comunitat Valenciana, adopting the existing regulation on organic production. It is relevant to point out that, the existing regulations in the sector are mainly based on environmental regulations, although it is true that they have been created in such a way that respect for these rules leads to compliance with the other aspects of sustainability, or at least encourages them. In any case, the sustainability dealt with in this research will be understood following the United Nations sustainability definition. To achieve our objective, we intend to analyse the sector through the case study of the Comité d'Agricultura Ecológica de la Comunitat Valenciana (CAECV), the regional certifier of organic production in this particular Spanish region

    Liquid–Liquid Equilibria of Water + Ethanol + 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide Ternary System: Measurements and Correlation at Different Temperatures

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    In this work authors present the experimental liquid–liquid equilibria (LLE) data of water + ethanol + 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([bmim][Tf2N]) system at different temperatures. The LLE of the system was obtained in the temperature range from 283.2 to 323.2 K. The nonrandom two liquid (NRTL) and universal quasichemical (UNIQUAC) models were used to correlate ternary systems. The equilibrium compositions were successfully correlated by the interaction parameters from both models, however UNIQUAC gave a more accurate correlation. Finally, a study about the solvent capability of ionic liquid was made in order to evaluate the possibility of separating the mixture formed by ethanol and water using that ionic liquid.Financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, through Project No. CTQ2010-18848/PPQ and the FEDER European Program are gratefully acknowledged