112 research outputs found

    Convivencia y violencia en educación primaria: percepción del alumnado y sus familias

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    The family plays a basic and essential role in the children’s optimal development, although it is a well-known fact that schools also influence this process greatly. Behind the implications that the coexistence at school may have for children beyond academia underlies the relevance and concern of parents about the school climate during coexistence; for otherwise, it may lead to violent situations with several negative consequences for students. For these reasons, this research aims to know the perception of the Primary School students of witnessed or suffered violent behaviors, the type of actions carried out in both cases, and also the point of view of their families about this issue. To this end, 200 students (52% girls and 48% boys) studying 4º , 5º , and 6º grade of Primary School and 92 parents (73.9% mothers and 26.1% fathers) took part in this study. Overall results are generally positive, given that both witnessing and suffering these violent experiences or the passivity in the face of violence are low among students, and families rely on the school and teachers to manage these situations. Nevertheless, it must be highlighted that there is still a proportion of the population, albeit reduced, that makes a more negative assessment. Regarding this issue, the positive parenting programs and those focused on enhancing familyschool communication may be potential, useful tools.La familia es el contexto que por excelencia cumple un rol básico en torno al óptimo desarrollo del niño, si bien es sabido que la escuela contribuye sobremanera en este sentido. De la repercusión que, más allá de lo académico, puede tener la estancia de sus hijos en los centros educativos, subyace la relevancia y preocupación que padres y madres le dan al clima escolar de convivencia, pues de no ser el adecuado puede derivar en situaciones de violencia con múltiples consecuencias negativas para el alumnado. Por una y otra razón, este trabajo persigue conocer la percepción que el alumnado, en concreto de Educación Primaria, tiene sobre conductas violentas presenciadas y sufridas y el tipo de acciones que lleva a cabo en ambos casos, así como también la visión de sus familias acerca de este clima. Para ello, han participado 200 alumnos (52% niñas y 48% niños) de 4º , 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria y 92 madres y padres (73.9% mujeres y 26.1% hombres). Generalmente, lo recabado es positivo, pues tanto la presencia y la vivencia como la pasividad ante este tipo de episodios es baja por parte del alumnado y la familia no duda del buen hacer del centro y de sus docentes al respecto. Aun así, no debe olvidarse la parte de la población que, aunque reducida, hace una valoración más negativa. En cuanto a este tema, los programas de parentalidad positiva y aquellos destinados a incrementar la comunicación familia-centro y la participación familiar pueden ser una herramienta de gran utilidad

    Motivación y relevancia del docente desde la percepción de las familias y los alumnos

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    The transition from primary education to high school is a critical period for the students’ development that is a cause for concern among families, a time when the teachers acquire a remarkable relevance. Specifically, some of the factors affecting the well-being and performance of students and their educational development are the motivation and  the importance attached to the teacher. Account taken of the above, this research aims to analyze whether there are differences between the perception of students and their families of different aspects related to these factors. To this end, a questionnaire was used on a sample of 158 participants (103 students and 55 parents), analyzing statistically significant differences using the Mann-Whitney U. Results show discrepancies in the perception of aspects such as whether the teacher helps the student, cares about their personal problems, or encourage them to improve their marks. These data prove a diversity of points of view among the students and their families, which may result from a lack of communication or information about the activities performed in the educational institution. Therefore, it is advisable to improve these aspects to establish a shared vision that would allow students to move forward in the same direction as the families and the educational institution.El periodo de transición entre la educación primaria y la educación secundaria es una fase crítica en la evolución de los estudiantes que preocupa especialmente a las familias, momento en el que la figura del docente adquiere una notable relevancia. Concretamente, entre los factores que influyen en el bienestar y rendimiento del alumnado y su desarrollo educativo se encuentran la motivación y la importancia concedida a la figura del docente. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el presente trabajo pretende analizar si existen diferencias significativas entre la percepción de los alumnos y sus familias sobre diferentes aspectos relativos a dichos factores. Para ello, se ha aplicado un cuestionario a una muestra de 158 sujetos (103 alumnos y 55 padres), observando si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas a través de la U de Mann-Whitney. Los resultados muestran algunas discrepancias en la percepción de aspectos tales como si el tutor ayuda al alumno, se preocupa por sus problemas personales o le anima a mejorar sus notas. Estos datos evidencian una disparidad de criterios o puntos de vista entre los alumnos y sus familias que podrían deberse a una falta de comunicación o de conocimiento sobre lo realizado en la institución escolar, por lo que sería necesario mejorar estos aspectos de cara a establecer una visión conjunta que permita a los alumnos avanzar en la misma dirección que la familia y la institución educativa

    Técnicas de reforma del pensamiento en los grupos de persuasión coercitiva desde una perspectiva psicosocial

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    Belonging to coercive persuasion groups, previously called sectarian dynamic groups or merely sects, is a serious sociopolitical and personal problem, whichaffects around 1% of the population, both Spanish and European. The difficulties in approaching this field of study are, moreover, extensive, since the complexity of the phenomenon include not only the lack of consensus on the main terms under analysis, but also the different perspective, generally biased, from which its study can be faced: psychological, sociological, religious, legal, etc. In the present work, the main concepts are delimited and a psychologicalperspective is adopted, starting from the established models, both general and specific to the study of this type of group, to enumerate and describe in detail the different techniques of thought reform that culminate in a conversion process whose goal to adopt a new social identity that prevails over their own.El fenómeno de pertenencia a los grupos de persuasión coercitiva, también denominados grupos de dinámica sectaria o sencillamente sectas, es un serio problema socio-político y personal, que afecta a alrededor del 0,9% de la población tanto española como europea. Las dificultades a la hora de abordar este campo de estudio son, además, amplias, pues a la complejidad del fenómeno habría que añadir tanto la falta de consenso en los principales términos objeto de análisis, como la diferente perspectiva, generalmente parcializada, desde la cual se puede afrontar su estudio: psicológica, sociológica, religiosa, jurídica,etc. En el presente trabajo se delimitan los principales conceptos y se adopta una perspectiva psicológica para, partiendo de los modelos establecidos tanto generales como propios del estudio de este tipo de grupos, enumerar y describir detalladamente las diferentes técnicas de reforma del pensamiento que culminan con un proceso de conversión cuya meta es que el sujeto adopte una nueva identidad social que predomine sobre la propia

    Fault location in low-voltage distribution networks based on reflectometry - a case study

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    Fault location can help transport and distribution system operators in their effort of minimizing supply interruption times. Nowadays, fault location devices are widely extended in the transport grid. However, the application of these solutions to distribution networks is not a feasible option due to the high cost of this equipment. Therefore, current research is focussed on costeffective fault location techniques which are adapted to electrical distribution networks. This paper presents results of a case study, conducted with detailed simulation models of two actual low-voltage (LV) distribution grids, using PSCAD software. One is a typical rural grid with long aerial lines, while the other is a typical urban grid with shorter line lengths which are mostly installed underground. The analysis is focussed on fault location based on travelling wave theory and reflectometry methods. The simulations include distributed parameter line models and a signal injector, in order to analyse the singular effects in the waveform which are caused by the special features of the LV network. It is shown that LV networks have some unique features which are not present in medium and highvoltage grids, which makes effective fault location more challenging. Observed issues are discussed and future work is proposed in order to overcome some of them.This research was funded by the “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación” grant number “RTC-2017-6782-3” and the European Union FEDER funds with name “LOcalización de averías, monitorización de estado y Control en redes de bAja TEnsión—LOCATE”

    A comparative between IEEE and EN in the transformer derating when supplying nonsinusoidal load current. A practical case

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    Nowadays, power quality is a challenge for the distribution companies since the new energy policies are directed to a distributed generation system with power electronic based technologies. The reduction of distribution transformers capability when supplying nonsinusoidal load currents has a major impact within capacity reduction in distribution networks produced by technical losses. IEEE Std C57.110-2018, EN- 50464-3 and EN-50541-2 define procedures to derate transformers when supplying nonsinusoidal load currents. The aim of this paper is to compare these procedures through a real case distribution transformer that suffers problems due to high levels of current distortion.This research was funded by the “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación” grant number “RTC-2017-6782-3”, the European Union FEDER funds with name “LOcalización de averías, monitorización de estado y Control en redes de bAja TEnsión—LOCATE” and the Horizon 2020 Program by the European Comision with project reference No 864579, H2020-LC-SC3-2019-ES-SCC


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    Introduction. At present, among the aspects that are of the greatest interest in the educational field are the causes that lead students to drop out of their university studies. The common aim is to try to develop preventive measures and stop this process. However, despite the existing work on this, there are few national studies that have tried to determine the variables that present the most weight for students to develop the idea of drop-out and the decision-making processes of its later consolidation. In order to shed more light on this, we have studied the case of students in universities in north Spain in depth. Method. For this, an ex-post-facto research of descriptive and inferential study was developed. The sample was formed by 1,055 students belonging to different areas of knowledge, who began their careers in the 2010/2011 academic year at the university. For the collection of data, an ad hoc questionnaire with 36 items was developed. Results. The analysis of the cohort of new income show that a high percentage of students (31.5%) has considered dropping out of their university career, with over half of these consolidating their idea (17.0%). The results of this study also respond to the main objective. Thus, the most relevant variables in the approach and consolidation of abandonment, respectively, and in order of importance, are: the student’s early performance, their non-academic working hours (domestic and/or paid), the relationship with the professors, the expectations generatedon the content, use of study techniques and guidance received. Discussion.These results are consistent with those obtained in previous studies anddemonstrate the need for global action on the part of the educationalinstitutions that should already start in Secondary Education.Introducción. Actualmente entre los aspectos que más interés suscitan en el ámbito educativo se encuentra conocer las causas que llevan al alumnado a abandonar sus estudios universitarios. El fin común no es otro que tratar de desarrollar medidas preventivas para corregir tal proceso. Sin embargo, pese a los trabajos existentes sobre ello, son escasos los estudios nacionales que han tratado de determinar las variables que mayores correlaciones presentan con el planteamiento de abandono y los procesos decisorios de su consolidación posterior. Con el objetivo de arrojar más luz sobre esto, se ha estudiado en profundidad el caso de los alumnos de una universidad del norte de España.Método. Para ello se desarrolló una investigación ex-post-facto de estudio descriptivo e inferencial. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.055  estudiantes, pertenecientes a distintas áreas de conocimiento, que comenzaron sus carreras en el curso 2010/2011 en dicha universidad. Para la recogida de datos fue elaborado un cuestionario ad hoc con 36 ítem. Resultados. Los análisis de la cohorte de nuevo ingreso refieren que un porcentaje alto del alumnado de la muestra (31.5%) se ha planteado abandonar la carrera universitaria, consolidando su idea más de la mitad de los alumnos de dicha muestra (17.0%). Los resultados de este estudio también permiten dar respuesta al objetivo principal. Así, se destacan como las variables más relevantes en el planteamiento y consolidación del abandono, respectivamente y en orden de importancia: el rendimiento temprano del alumno, su tiempo de trabajo no académico (doméstico y/o remunerado), la vinculación mantenida con los docentes, las expectativas generadas sobre los contenidos, el uso de técnicas de estudio y la orientación recibida. Discusión. Estos resultados son congruentes con los obtenidos en estudios previos y hacen patente la necesidad de llevar a cabo una actuación global por parte de las instituciones educativas que debería dar comienzo en Educación Secundaria

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout // Acoso y ciberacoso: Variables de influencia en el abandono universitario

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    The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropout

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout // Acoso y ciberacoso: Variables de influencia en el abandono universitario

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    The increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropout

    Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout

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    El aumento del abandono en los estudios superiores es un fenómeno que suscita un gran interés por la necesidad de paliar los efectos económicos, personales y sociales que genera; y por su nivel de prevalencia, que informes recientes cifran en España en torno a un 30%. Algo semejante ocurre con los comportamientos violentos en las aulas universitarias, cuyo incremento se ha constatado en los últimos tiempos. Teniendo esto en cuenta, y dado que tal y como pone de manifiesto la investigación científica son las variables personales las que parecen ejercer un mayor peso en el abandono de los estudios superiores, el objetivo que este trabajo persigue es investigar si aquellos universitarios que están siendo víctimas de acoso (acoso tradicional y ciberacoso) pueden tener un mayor planteamiento de abandono de la titulación. Para ello, se implementó un cuestionario a 1.653 estudiantes de primer curso de varias titulaciones de una universidad del norte de España. Los resultados del análisis bayesiano realizado muestran que aquellos estudiantes que son víctimas de acoso, en comparación con aquellos que no lo son, se plantean abandonar sus estudios en mayor medida, teniendo además las variables relacionadas con la integración social (apoyo de amigos y profesores) un efecto moderador. Estos hallazgos plantean la urgente necesidad de incluir estrategias de intervención sobre el acoso en los planes de prevención del abandono universitarioThe increase in dropout rates in higher education is a phenomenon that has generated a lot of interest because of the need to deal with its economic, personal, and social consequences, and because of its prevalence, estimated around 30% in Spain. There is a similar interest in violent behavior in university classrooms, which has also been seen to have increased in recent years. Given that, and the fact that research has shown personal variables to be more influential in dropout from higher education, the aim of this study is to explore whether those students who are the victims of bullying (both traditional and cyberbullying) are closer to dropping out from their degree courses. To that end, 1,653 first-year students doing various degree courses in the north of Spain were asked to complete a questionnaire. The results of a Bayesian analysis showed that students who were victims of bullying were more likely to consider dropping out than students who were not victims of bullying. In addition, variables related to social integration (support from friends and teachers) exhibited a moderating effect. These findings raise the urgent need to include intervention strategies in relation to bullying in university plans to prevent dropou