159 research outputs found

    Rediseño de un carro de barrendero separador de residuos

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    [ES] En el presente proyecto se realizará el estudio de un rediseño del carro derecolectade residuos empleado por los operarios de la limpieza viaria. La idea es crear unvehículo mejor planteado a la hora de trabajar. Mejorando aspectos como unaumento de la capacidad de residuosy una reducción de peso. Estamos ante un carrode barrendero innovador, que pretende amenizar el esfuerzode los trabajadores, y con ello conseguir un considerable ahorro de tiempo yesfuerzos. Es un producto creado para satisfacer las necesidades de losoperarios delimpieza pública y está planteado por y para ellos. Optimizando el carrito debarrendero, se consigue que el operario o peón, transporte una cantidad mayor deresiduos. Además de conseguir ser respetuoso con el medioambiente. Ya que, porprimera vez se crean compartimentos para la separación de los residuos con el fin deser reciclados. Desde hace mucho tiempo se viene usando el mismo estilo de producto, pero es horade adaptarse a los tiempos que corren. El futuro son las ciudades inteligentes,conocidas como SmartCities.Por ello cabe crear un producto que satisface lanecesidad de tener estas ciudades ecológicas, lo más limpias posibles. Ya que lahumanidad tiende a ser cada día más consciente y respetuoso con el medioambiente.[EN] In the present project, a study will be carried out to redesign the waste collection trolley used by the street cleaning operators. The concept is to create a better vehicle for work. Improving aspects: such as an Increase in waste capacity and a reduction in weight. This is an innovative sweeper trolley, to make the AIMS which workers'; Efforts more enjoyable, and THUS to Achieve substantial savings in time and effort. It is a product created to meet the needs of public cleaning workers and is designed by and for them. by optimizing the sweeper cart, the operator is able to pawn or transport a larger amount of waste. In Addition to being environmentally friendly. Because, for the first time, compartments are created for the separation of waste in order to be recycled. The same style of product has been used for a long time, but it is time to adapt to the times. The future is smart cities, Known as Smartcities. This is why we need to create a product satisfies the need to That Have These ecological cities, as clean as possible. Tends to be humanity since more conscious and respectful of the environment every day.[VAL] En el present projecte es realitzarà l'estudi d'un redissenye del carret de recol·lecta de residus emprat pels operaris de la neteja viària. La idea és crear un vehicle més ben plantejat a l'hora de treballar. Millorant aspectes com un augment de la capacitat de residus i una reducció de pes. Estem davant un carret d'escombrariaire innovador, que pretén amenitzar l'esforç dels treballadors, i amb això aconseguir un considerable estalvi de temps i esforços. És un producte creat per a satisfer les necessitats dels operaris de neteja pública i està plantejat per i per a ells. Optimitzant el carret d'escombrariaire, s'aconsegueix que l'operari o peó, transporte una quantitat major de residus. A més d'aconseguir ser respectuós amb el medi ambient. Ja que, per primera vegada es creen compartiments per a la separació dels residus amb la finalitat de ser reciclats. Des de fa molt temps es ve usant el mateix estil de producte, però és hora d'adaptar-se als temps que corren. El futur són les ciutats intel·ligents, conegudes com SmartCities. Per això cal crear un producte que satisfà la necessitat de tindre aquestes ciutats ecològiques, el més netes possibles. Ja que la humanitat tendeix a ser cada dia més conscient i respectuós amb el medi ambient.Cerrato Wic, JC. (2020). Rediseño de un carro de barrendero separador de residuos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/159117TFG

    Interfaz gráfica de usuario para la detección de microcalcificaciones mediante análisis de mamografía digitalizada

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    The graphical user interface (GUI) are all graphic elements that help to communicate with a system. The design of a GUI allow to land the central idea of a draft information technology. Today technology has become one of the largest and most useful tools to automate and facilitate processes for that reason fit into any kind of productive sectors, for example, in the health sector. The CAD systems (Systems Computer Aided Diagnosis) are the type of technology used in the health sector, in order to automate online modular learning environment with a fast placed in service. In the present paper the use of a Learning Management Systems (LMS) as continuous education tool is proposed

    Morfología de las actuaciones públicas de remodelación en Madrid

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    López de Lucio, Ramón: “Morfología de las actuaciones públicas de remodelación en Madrid”. ALFOZ, núm. 39, Madrid, 1987

    Aprovechamiento de recursos ecosistémicos en Verapaz, San Vicente, con la "Ruta de la Panela".

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    El proyecto de la "Ruta de la Panela" inicio en 2009, por iniciativa del comité turístico municipal, con el propósito de aprovechar sostenible los recursos naturales y atractivos culturales de Verapaz, San Vicente. Esta ruta consiste en recorrer varias moliendas de caña de azúcar (trapiches), donde se extrae y procesa el jugo de la caña de azúcar al igual se visitan lugares ecológicos de este departamento

    Microbial desalination cell with sulfonated sodium (poly(ether ether ketone) as cation exchange membranes for enhancing power generation and salt reduction

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    © 2018 Microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a bioelectrochemical system capable of oxidizing organics, generating electricity, while reducing the salinity content of brine streams. As it is designed, anion and cation exchange membranes play an important role on the selective removal of ions from the desalination chamber. In this work, sulfonated sodium (Na+) poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) cation exchange membranes (CEM) were tested in combination with quaternary ammonium chloride poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene oxide) (QAPPO) anion exchange membrane (AEM). Non-patterned and patterned (varying topographical features) CEMs were investigated and assessed in this work. The results were contrasted against a commercially available CEM. This work used real seawater from the Pacific Ocean in the desalination chamber. The results displayed a high desalination rate and power generation for all the membranes, with a maximum of 78.6 ± 2.0% in salinity reduction and 235 ± 7 mW m−2 in power generation for the MDCs with the SPEEK CEM. Desalination rate and power generation achieved are higher with synthesized SPEEK membranes when compared with an available commercial CEM. An optimized combination of these types of membranes substantially improves the performances of MDC, making the system more suitable for real applications

    Investigation of patterned and non-patterned poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene) oxide based anion exchange membranes for enhanced desalination and power generation in a microbial desalination cell

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    © 2017 The Authors Quaternary ammonium poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4-phenylene oxide) (QAPPO) anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with topographically patterned surfaces were assessed in a microbial desalination cell (MDC) system. The MDC results with these QAPPO AEMs were benchmarked against a commercially available AEM. The MDC with the non-patterned QAPPO AEM (Q1) displayed the best desalination rate (a reduction of salinity by 53 ± 2.7%) and power generation (189 ± 5 mW m− 2) when compared against the commercially available AEM and the patterned AEMs. The enhanced performance with the Q1 AEM was attributed to its higher ionic conductivity and smaller thickness leading to a reduced area specific resistance. It is important to note that Real Pacific Ocean seawater and activated sludge were used into the desalination chamber and anode chamber respectively for the MDC – which mimicked realistic conditions. Although the non-patterned QAPPO AEM displayed better performance over the patterned QAPPO AEMs, it was observed that the anodic overpotential was smaller when the MDCs featured QAPPO AEMs with larger lateral feature sizes. The results from this study have important implications for the continuous improvements necessary for developing cheaper and better performing membranes in order to optimize the MDC

    An International Survey on Taking Up a Career in Cardiovascular Research: Opportunities and Biases toward Would-Be Physician-Scientists

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    Background Cardiovascular research is the main shaper of clinical evidence underpinning decision making, with its cyclic progression of junior researchers to mature faculty members. Despite efforts at improving cardiovascular research training, several unmet needs persist. We aimed to appraise current perceptions on cardiovascular research training with an international survey. Methods and Results We administered a 20-closed-question survey to mentors and mentees belonging to different international institutions. A total of 247 (12%) surveys were available (out of 2,000 invitations). Overall, mentees and mentors were reasonably satisfied with the educational and research resources. Significant differences were found analyzing results according to gender, geographic area, training and full-time researcher status. Specifically, women proved significantly less satisfied than men, disclosed access to fewer resources and less support from mentors (all P Conclusions Several potential biases appear to be present in the way training in cardiovascular research is provided worldwide, including one against women. If confirmed, these data require proactive measures to decrease discriminations and improve the cardiovascular research training quality

    Pathological Study of Facial Eczema (Pithomycotoxicosis) in Sheep

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    [EN] Facial eczema (FE) is a secondary photosensitization disease of farm ruminants caused by the sporidesmin A, produced in the spores of the saprophytic fungus Pithomyces chartarum. This study communicates an outbreak of ovine FE in Asturias (Spain) and characterizes the serum biochemical pattern and the immune response that may contribute to liver damage, favoring cholestasis and the progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Animals showed clinical signs of photosensitivity, with decrease of daily weight gain and loss of wool and crusting for at least 6 months after the FE outbreak. Serum activity of γ-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase were significantly increased in sheep with skin lesions. In the acute phase, edematous skin lesions in the head, hepatocytic and canalicular cholestasis in centrilobular regions, presence of neutrophils in small clumps surrounding deposits of bile pigment, ductular proliferation, as well as cholemic nephrosis, were observed. Macrophages, stained positively for MAC387, were found in areas of canalicular cholestasis. In the chronic phase, areas of alopecia and crusting were seen in the head, and the liver was atrophic with large regeneration nodules and gallstones. Fibrosis around dilated bile ducts, “typical” and “atypical” ductular reaction and an inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and pigmented macrophages, with iron deposits and lipofuscin, were found. The surviving parenchyma persisted with a jigsaw pattern characteristic of biliary cirrhosis. Concentric and eccentric myointimal proliferation was found in arteries near damaged bile ducts. In cirrhotic livers, stellated cells, ductular reaction, ectatic bile ducts and presence of M2 macrophages and lymphocytes, were observed in areas of bile ductular reactionSIThis work was supported by the research funds of the Ruminant Health and Pathology research group of the University of Leó