7,908 research outputs found

    Analysis and implementation of gasification processes in combined cycle

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    Throughout this paper the synthesis of gas from coal as feedstock for combined cycle is explained from different points of view. A complete and detailed explanation of the reactions involving gasification and further implementation of the process into combined cycle is given along the document. In between, an analysis about the state-of-art in which the technology is enclosed at this moment is shown to describe the characteristics of IGCC all around the world. To continue, an exhaustive breakdown of Puertollano’s IGCC power plant is done to clarify concepts into a practical framework. An idea emerges from this power station due to the closure to which has been forced. This premise is to recycle some of the devices concerning gasification that operated at Puertollano in order to hybridize them into another combined cycle, reducing investment and fuel costs. To see if this process is suitable, thermal and economic viability analyses are performed. Finally some possible improvements are stated with the results obtained.Ingeniería Mecánic

    Integración de la educación ambiental en el currículo a nivel de aula. El caso de la experiencia ecocentros

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    Trece centros educativos de infantil y primaria de la región extremeña participaron en un proyecto de investigación educativa (Ecocentros) basado en las experiencias conocidas como ecoauditorías escolares. En esta investigación se pretende conocer cómo se desarrolló la integración de la educación ambiental en el aula teniendo en cuenta para ello las acciones que se llevaron a cabo, y que figuraban en la memoria interna elaborada por el profesorado de los centros participantes a lo largo de dos cursos consecutivos. El qué se incorpora al currículo y cómo se hace, es esencial para comprender en qué medida esta experiencia contribuye a llevar a cabo los objetivos de la educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible

    Una mirada geométrica a la transformación de Box-Cox

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    En el análisis de los datos, cuando la normalidad no es un supuesto viable, una alternativa es ignorar los resultados del chequeo de normalidad y proceder como si los datos estuvieran normalmente distribuidos. Este procedimiento no es recomendable puesto que, en la mayoría de los casos, lleva a conclusiones incorrectas. Una segunda alternativa consiste en convertir los datos no normales en unos que tengan más apariencia de normales considerando transformaciones de los datos. Estas transformaciones son simplemente reexpresiones de los datos en diferentes unidades, frecuentemente sucede que las nuevas unidades proporcionan expresiones más naturales a las características que se están estudiando. Para datos normalmente distribuidos, las transformaciones lineales de los datos son comúnmente usadas para crear una variable con distribución normal estándar

    Efecto de la fase fenológica de verano sobre algunas características del ensamble de Diptera registrado en una vega altoandina del desierto transicional de Chile

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    Diptera are one of the dominant taxonomic groups of animal invertebrates to be found in the highland wet pastures of the transitional desert of Chile. In wetlands, these insects play important roles as pollinators, decomposers and trophic resources for aquatic vertebrates. Additionally, Diptera are recognized to have the potentiality to be used as indicators of the health condition of wet terrestrial environments, important attribute in the case of Andean highland wet pastures given the water stress under which they are presently subjected. By using Barber and Malaise traps, the Diptera-assemblage associated to a highland wet pasture located in a transitional desert basin was investigated. This study was conducted during the growing season for the area. Its aims were to a) document the taxonomic structure of the assemblage in terms of the composition of Diptera-families and the relative abundance of its members, and b) evaluate the effect of the summer phenological phase on F-richness, relative abundance relationships, F-diversity and evenness. The PERMANOVA and t-pairwise tests were used to evaluate the effect of the summer phenological phase on the numerical relationships among families. The Simpsons D, Brillouin D, Berger-Parker dominance, and Fisher indices were used to estimate the F-diversity; in turn, the Simpson E, Camargo, Smith-Wilson B, and NHC indices estimated the F-evenness. Similarity between assemblages was compared by ANOSIM. The percent contribution by family to the observed differences between assemblages was computed by the SIMPER-routine. All analyses were done on the log-transformed data (x+1; log 10). 44524 Diptera-representatives were collected throughout the study, with a record of 27 families. The tests and the indices support the idea that the middle-summer phase provided the best environmental conditions for the diptero-fauna of the wet pasture. Apparently, this effect would be more related to the thermal pattern of the area than to the micro-habitat availabilityEsta publicación fue financiada por la Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de La Seren

    Caracteres preimaginales y aspectos bionómicos de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

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    Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile.Preimaginal characters and bionomical aspects of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) We describe the morphology and microstructure of the egg chorion, and the morphology of the first instar larva of Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). Bionomical and distributional data on this species are also provided. To obtain eggs and larvae, couples were collected in the field and kept in rearing cages until oviposture and ecclosion. The structure and adornment of the egg exochorion, and the exterior morphological features of larvae were examined with electron scanning microscopy. The eggs of G. luczotii showed a rounded micropyle and a smooth exochorion, composed of hexagonal cells without aeropyles. The larvae of G. luczotii showed morphological characteristics suited for an edaphic life similar to that of Pedobionta: digging prothoracic legs, cephalic capsule with abundant sensilla, and well–developed pygopodium. We analysed the importance of larval morphology as an element for specific diagnosis and found that interspecific differences regarding frontal sensilla, clypeus shape, and anterior part of labrum, had a taxonomic value and possibly a phylogenetic value. Key words: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morphology, Preimaginal stages, Coastal desert, Chile.Se describe la morfología y microestructura coriónica del huevo y la morfología del primer estadio larvario de Gyriosomus luczotii Laporte, 1840 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Nycteliini). También se exponen antecedentes bionómicos y distribucionales de la especie. Para la obtención de huevos y larvas, se recolectaron parejas en el terreno que fueron mantenidas en cajas de cria hasta la ovoposición y posterior eclosión. La estructura y ornamentación del exocorion del huevo y características morfológicas externas de la larva fueron analizadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los resultados muestran que los huevos de G. luczotii presentan un micropilo redondeado y exocorion liso, con células hexagonales sin aeropilos. Las larvas de G. luczotii presentan características morfológicas adaptativas para la vida edáfica del tipo Pedobionta: cápsula cefálica con gran cantidad de sensillas, patas protorácicas de función cavadora, y pigopodio bien desarrollado. Se analiza la importancia de algunos caracteres morfológicos de la larva de primer estadio como criterio de diagnóstico específico y se establece que las diferencias interespecíficas referidas a las sensillas frontales, la forma del clípeo y el margen anterior del labro tienen valor taxonómico y probablemente filogenético. Palabras clave: Tenebrionidae, Gyriosomus, Morfología, Estadios preimaginales, Desierto costero, Chile

    Study of the traditional tabique constructions in the Alto Tâmega region

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    Tabique constructions can be found almost everywhere in Portugal. In fact, it is one of the most used traditional building techniques using raw materials, such as earth and wood, particularly for interior partition walls. A tabique constructive element can be described as a timber structure, more or less complex and robust, filled and plastered in both sides by a composite earth based material. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region is the northeast region of Portugal where the tabique heritage is very vast/the most significant. Tabique can be found in any kind of constructions, from the very simple rural dwellings to more important buildings and constructions, such as castles, villas, etc. Many of the existing tabique constructions present an advanced stage of deterioration, partially justified by the maintenance knowledge and practice that has been lost over time about these techniques and their rehabilitation procedures, due to the fast introduction of new materials in the construction. Considering this, research work has been developed with the main objectives of studying the building process of tabique construction elements, typifying dimensions of tabique walls and its components, and characterizing constitutive materials. Within this research project, it was intended to create a knowledge basis that can guide and stimulate future rehabilitation actions in this field. At the first stage, this study was developed at one of the six council associations of the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region, namely the Alto Tâmega. A selected group of constructions, representative of the existing heritage in the region, were detailed studied. The results of their characterization can help to recuperate/recover the practice knowledge concerning this traditional eco-construction technique, supporting the rehabilitation of the existing construction heritage, but also its eventual application in new construction

    Temperature-Staged Thermal Energy Storage Enabling Low Thermal Exergy Loss Reflux Boiling in Full Spectrum Solar Energy Systems

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    The efficiency of solar power collection is increased by adding a thermal energy storage stage to a sunlight concentrator and thermodynamic power generator system. The thermal energy storage includes tubes or capsules made of a phase change material that stores thermal energy in different temperature stages through a working fluid. The stored thermal energy is directed to the thermodynamic generator during off-sun periods

    Article title: Analysis of the evolution in the idea of sustainability of future teachers after an intervention in the classroom

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    Hemos llevado a cabo una intervención con futuros maestros de Educación Primaria con la intención de trabajar el concepto de sostenibilidad. La secuencia desarrollada incluye la elaboración de un proyecto y una unidad didáctica por investigación escolar. A través de un portafolio los alumnos expresaron sus reflexiones sobre su idea de sostenibilidad. Para analizarlas se diseñó una tabla de niveles con indicadores. Más de la mitad del alumnado ha tenido una evolución significativa progresando desde ideas ligadas a aspectos físico-naturales exclusivamente, hacia un modelo emergente que incluye aspectos más sociales, complejos e interconectados.We have carried out an intervention with future teachers of Primary Education with the intention of working on the concept of sustainability. The sequence includes the elaboration of a project and a didactic unit by school research. Through a portfolio the students expressed their thoughts on their idea of sustainability. To analyze them, a table of levels with indicators was designed. More than half of the students have had a significant evolution progressing from ideas linked to natural physical aspects exclusively, towards an emerging model that includes more social, complex and interconnected aspects